
Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

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Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

If you're running a business or just a website you will need to have a good content marketing plan in place if you really want to be successful.  Many companies out there will make money online, but they never dabble in content marketing, so they never really know their online potential and that's a sad thing if you really think about it.  They're leaving a ton of money on the table because they're not optimizing for specific keywords, they're not giving their readers something to engage with, and they're not repurposing their own content to pull people in from 3rd party websites and platforms.

When you start your content marketing campaign you need to know it's a long process and you won't be done in a week or even a month.  I have a detailed marketing plan in place and there's no end date to it lol.  I just write 3 to 5 articles a day, publish them on my blogs, repurpose the content, and analyze everything that comes in as well as my rankings and sales.  The more I do, the more I profit, and the happier I am at the end of the month lol.  So, if you're still reading, here are a few things you need to think about when building up your own content marketing plan.

Plan for 10 articles or blog posts each week
If you're running your website or blog like a well-oiled machine, you're already adding content to your pages, but are you adding enough to please the search engines?  A minimum for you should be 10 quality posts each week, which averages to around 1 1/2 articles or posts each day and we all know that's not something difficult to do. 

You can sit down for a day and write them all up, then schedule each post to go out at specific times throughout the week, and you'll be able to focus on the rest of your work for the week.  The more content you post to your websites or blogs, the more likely you'll rank better in the search engines when you DA increases, and we all know that a higher ranking in the SERPs means more traffic and sales coming in Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

Post blog snippets to social media
A thing I like to do is take little snippets from my blog posts or articles and post them on my social media profiles as well as a link to the post I'm talking about.  Doing this allows people to get enticed by my snippets, click through to my website or blog, read the entire article, and hopefully make a purchase or sign up for my newsletter Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

I don't rely on social media to funnel in traffic, but I treat each of my profiles like a key component in my social media PBN lol.  I build quality content, or snippets, on each of my profiles and after a year of work I have tons of content pulling people to my pages and then to my websites Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

Run actual press releases with unique content
People all over the internet will say they're selling a press release service for a few dollars, which just tells me they aren't sending content through the best channels possible, so I try to avoid them at all costs.  Instead, I'll use $400+ services to push my press releases that will actually show up on news related websites, then I'll use those things to boost my tier 1 links, and I'll even build some high-quality links at them in order to get the best effect when it comes to increased rankings.

If you can afford to run an actual press release and not one that's a few dollars with spun content being sent out, you'll be glad you did.  I wouldn't do this until you can afford to lose the money, because the results won't be instant and you might not see anything big happen for a few months.

Advertise your articles and blog posts that are successful
I've told people this a 1,000 times and I've even written discussions about it, you need to advertise your successful content!  The more successful your content is, the more likely people will gravitate towards it when you advertise it, and that's not a bad thing at all.  If it's already successful you don't have to worry about any sort of split testing, just run an ad on Facebook and see what happens Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

In conclusion
A good content marketing strategy will boost your credibility, branding, authority, sales, and traffic because people are now finding you more than they were before.  Content marketing takes a while before it starts to take effect, so don't worry if you're not making more money after your first article that goes out.  Take your time, write great content, publish it to your website or blog, and always repurpose your content for more success later on Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I like having a set number of blog posts to aim for. I find myself to be quite target-based so knowing a number to shoot for is helpful. It's also a good reminder that content needs to be constantly coming!

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When you own a blog or forum, always remember this saying that content is king in all form of online business especially when it's connected to Google ranking. Make sure to deliver new high quality content on daily basis and see Google rank your site higher.

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High quality content is the common objective of a blogger. But with the SEO industry that is growing, I guess there is paradigm shift for bloggers that some of them and probably most of them in the future would be focusing on the SEO capability of their site when writing their blog. What may happen will be a blog for the SEO and not for the reader anymore. I hope I am wrong in my prediction.

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haha yeah Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

I try to write up at least 10 a week as a basic goal and I usually hit it, but I usually go over and write up more than I intend. Consistently putting new content on your websites is what everyone needs if they want to be successful online, because Content Is King Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

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When you make a plan, it's very important to stick with your plan because it's the only way to get the best out of such plans. It's true that at times, deviating from plans is allowed but it shouldn't be too much. Make a plan and stick to it and see your success flow in.

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Thanks for the article, it's a good step by step plan on how to make a content marketing plan that every blogger can benefit from.
It's a very good guide to those who want to boost their businesses using content marketing as well as those who wants to learn how to monetize their Blogsite.

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You must always focus on your plan and do it daily without fail. Doing this, you would eventually reap the rewards. It's easy if you can writ, if not then get a service that can do it for you. Just endure that your site has new posts daily. You must always write, post, share good content daily.

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That's true as making sure that we focus on the plans that we have with our writing job is one of the ways that we can move ahead with things. It is not always the best when we plan and fail to follow it up with actions.

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I like the way you clearly lay out your points. It really helps my thought process and aids me in developing a methodical approach to my online tasks.

  • With my current home biz workload planning for 10 articles or blog posts each week is more than I can handle. But you are right when you say Google loves consistency.
  • Posting a blog snippet is not that hard to do. Takes about 2 or 3 minutes and will definitely pay off in the long run. Using Google Plus collections or Pinterest pinboards to further organize those snippets is a bonus!
  • I'm sure press releases are helpful. I joined a business community that offers free press releases as a membership benefit. I saw it working for others, however, it didn't work for me.
  • I found that there are many reputable sites that will accept your republished content. I sometimes republish my successful blog posts or articles and it redirects traffic back to the original site where the content was first published. These sites use something called a “canonical URL” and in that way, Google doesn't count your work as “duplicate content” which could result in a penalty. My question to you is: As far as advertising your successful articles and blog posts, what is your opinion of republishing content?

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10 is pretty difficult to do if you're plate is already full of other work, and that's why you should think about outsourcing it to a credible writer to do the work. You can always pay someone for 500 words and then add your own content within the articles so they become longer.

I like to write 2,000+ word posts every single time, but it doesn't always happen because writing up 20,000+ words a week is sort of difficult if you're running a business full time. I to type 85 words per minute, but hitting 20k words a week is still pretty difficult for me since I'm doing many other things. I will usually outsource a bit of work to some writers I trust, but I'll only do a maximum of 5 articles a week with them because I can usually do 10k by myself with ease Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

You have to be cautious with press releases, because a lot of people will claim they work wonders while they're selling the service to you, but in fact the press release is complete garbage lol. A good press release will usually cost you $400+ and it will get on actual news related websites. You will never see a .co or .news website with your content after paying a bunch of money for a release, because these tend to be genuine and not run by some sort of software from a persons couch haha Build a content marketing plan, stick with it, and Google will love you

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Basically if you're doing that then your optimizing your site, you're doing SEO and you'll reap the benefits of having more traffic and conversions.

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I have found 10 to be lot harder. I usually go for 1 post a week. And have developed 52 articles which are strong and pillar. Usually 1000 words or more. Very few times I have decided to go for the 500 words or more. But these days bigger articles are going to rank lot better. I have also found out that content marketing takes time if you are not properly planning it out. So have to start with more of concrete sources. That should give you an idea on how to work ahead.

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Good idea. Thanks for sharing this. Having unique and quality content on your blog/article is the way to get attention. People will start looking for your articles/blogs if they liked the content of first blog/article they have read that you published. So, make each blog/article reliable,fun and not boring.

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I think that’s a very tall order to write 10 articles in a week. Even for a professional blogger, I don’t think it is comfortable to be writing more than 1 article in a day. As some writers would say, you may dry up the well of ideas. This is not to argue but I dispute the numbers. However, if you have a group of writers willing to submit articles for you then perhaps you can post 10 articles per week.

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So an old adage goes, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." It's always best to have a plan and the same thing applies to running a business or website. Posting blog snippets to social media is a great idea in promoting your contents. I can see that you maximize all the opportunity there is.
Writing 10 posts a week does sound like a tedious job but that's what you find necessary for consistency which can rank you better in Google. Again, it really doesn't mean writing everyday, but to prepare contents as much as you can probably within a day and just post it according to plan. That's a good way to go about it. Thanks for sharing your best practices.

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It's important to understand that you also need to eventually review your content after a while and repurpose them depending on the current trends and what your target audience wants so that your success will continue. Not all topics will draw the same number of viewers every time.

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To anyone who would like to be a v
blogger or content creator, it is indeed to stick to the marketing plan you build. You must create a niche and a brand so you could focus on it. Even in any other business, focusing and sticking to one goal is very beneficial. Because it would be very cluttery if you wont focus on one plan and kept on changing your mind. It doesn't promote inprovement and growth. What i love in this article is the emphasize on having unique content because if you to stick to what are others are already doing it is harder to be on top.

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You'r right because consistency is the key to increase the authority and credibility of a content market site. At first as you said it is normal to recieve nothing in the first, second article and so on, we must patiently wait for the people to see and realize that your article is very unique. In making your content market based site grow more larger or gets its name in the market faster you can advertise it to make more people that will going go read and give a feedback in your work. Persevere in making good articles and just wait for your time to be noticed by the public.

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Yeah its true to read from time to time your notes, list of things you have so it will remind you of things you have in mind and it there is something you need to add up on your article. Its vey helpful to read this kind of important tips because it really helps me a lot to stay and aline to what is my real idea in mind.

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This post does give a step by step roadmap for anyone who is aspiring to start there own website in future. Well starting from scratch and building your own website will certainly require a lot of efforts and patience. I guess you will have to invest a lot of your time when you are starting afresh. Once you have gone through all the initial phases of building the website coming up with 10 articles every week wont be a big problem. However attracting more traffic to your website would be the biggest challenge. I think that the tip of giving out snippets of your content on the Social Media Platforms can be very effective for attracting more traffic to your work.

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