
8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

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8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

When it comes to websites and your business, you could actually be hurting your own image online and not even know you're doing it.  A lot of times, a business will go online and talk about what they're doing, but they won't be clear and understand exactly who they're targeting, which will actually hurt them in the long run because no one will gravitate towards their products or services.

If you're running a business, you want the best branding possible so your online image is taken in a positive way and no one is thinking "Oh, there's THAT company trying to get into the spotlight again!" because if you get to this point then you should just close up shop. 

In this discussion, I'll briefly be going over 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it, and those 8 reasons are:

Your purpose isn't clear
It doesn't matter if you're posting on social media or your own website, if your purpose isn't clear as the sky on a nice summer evening, you won't notice a lot of users gravitating towards you.  We all need people to come to us for products or services, so be sure your purpose is clear and you'll see more people deciding to work with you for what they need.

You self-promote too much
I would say that over 95% of websites are doing this every single day, and it needs to stop because it's killing your businesses image.  You may think you're increasing the chances of making a sale, but in reality, you're just hurting your image because everyone sees you as promoting something they might not need or want.

Your company blends in too much
If you can't get your company to stand out from your competitors, you're dead in the water, and that's because no one will be able to know if you're better or not.  If you want to be chosen from the crowd, be sure to have a better website design as well as branding, and you will notice that people start to flock to you more than they ever did 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

You avoid using normal channels
A lot of people and businesses think they're too good for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. but that's never the case.  You can't think you're better than everyone, even if you own Google, because people will avoid you like the plague.  You will also need to get on these big social platforms in order to get noticed more often than your competitors, taking all the sales possible 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

You have not separation from personal and business life
Many times people will get too personal when it comes to business and they will begin to blend the two of them.  If you're blending your personal and business life, there will be absolutely no separation, and you will notice that people won't know where to contact you as well as them going to your competitors who run solely a business and not a personal company.

You consistently under-deliver on services
One of the biggest ways to hurt your image online is to always under-deliver on purchases.  It doesn't matter if you're doing SEO or if you're selling physical products, if they are low quality, it will carry over to your business name and people will see you as something to avoid.  To be sure people want to come back to you, you need to over-deliver on everything and people will likely come back to order time and time again 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

You're bad at participating on social media
Not being active on social media is a killer when you're trying to be as profitable as possible.  Not only does it hurt your profits, your online image isn't seen as often, and that means your branding is not being done right.  All you have to do is post regularly to your own pages as well as guest post to niche related pages and you will get noticed more often 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

You're extremely inconsistent
No one likes inconsistency because it's simply annoying, so don't do it with your business and you will see your brand being taken seriously.  People will actually unfollow you, unsubscribe, or just avoid you at all costs if they see you're inconsistent.  They do this because it's easier to follow a business that is consistent with what they do and what they're posting, so whey would they follow you who is inconsistent?

In conclusion
It's not difficult to have a good image online, but it is actually pretty easy to screw it up, so if you're doing any of the above actions then you should go over your work process and start doing more with less self-promotion in every post 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it  If you can run a business that offers good content, is consistent, and doesn't always try to sell to your visitors then you'll likely be one of the good ones and people will gradually find you over time 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Being active on social media is such a big thing these days - I’m always skeptical if I encounter a business who doesn’t get involved in different social media channels! Great points and all of them are definitely valid in my experience!

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Yeah, social media is only getting bigger and more companies can benefit than ever before now that it's extremely user-friendly and easy to access with the advancement of smartphones. Just a few years ago not as many people had smartphones, but now everyone and their grandmothers do, which means everyone can access your posts on facebook or even twitter.

Companies that aren't on social media are just reducing the amount of success they can achieve. I find myself not getting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. for a week or two and then thinking "SH*T! It's been a while since my last post!" and I'll jump on all of my social media profiles and share a blog post I've written in the last week that seems to be getting the most attention lol 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it The sad thing is that most companies don't think like this, which means they're likely less successful online, and that's sad because all they have to do is open up an app on their phone and write a quick post linking to their website :'(

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Yeah you will always interact more with companies that are easy to find on social media. The positive vibes on social media are always encouraging for one.

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'You consistently under-deliver on services', no matter how big or famous the company is, if the products are in low quality, the delivery is delayed, and the customer service is not that good and active, this absolutely will hurt the business. People will always look for good quality products, on-time delivery and good customer service.

'You're bad at participating on social media,' nowadays people are into using social media. Social media platforms are becoming the center of business and customers look into it. Having said that you have a social media account and basically you do not engage with the concerns being raised on your social media account, you may lose your potential and current customers.

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Bigger companies delivering bad products are starting to see their sales dwindle because smaller companies that offer better products are taking over. Not as many people today are worried about purchasing from a random website online due to all the security features that protect them, making it easier for the smaller guy to have great products at an affordable price and also not worry about competing with stores or online marketplaces.

Think about it, if a smaller company focused on just one thing and made it the absolute best they could, they would likely be deemed amazing and get more sales than the big corporations who spread themselves thin and push out lower quality products for the same price or in some cases a higher price. The smaller companies out there that are turning into specialists are the ones that will take over in time, but they will get bigger and bigger and start losing sales to the new small companies focusing on a single thing. It's a circle of life in business, but it can be overtaken if you just focus on high quality instead of reducing your costs by producing lesser quality 8 reasons you could be hurting your businesses image and not knowing it

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True a lot of customers will judge you according to the product or results that you have. It therefore goes without saying that the most profitable companies consistently improve on the value they offer. You need to too.

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With a retailing business that I had before, I have learned that it is not only the product that should concern you. Especially for fast-selling products that are in fashion, the delivery is very important. Take the cue from the fast food outlets that give free food when the delivery is delayed. We actually had availed of free pizza twice from Pizza Hut for their late delivery. For a retail business it is the product and the service that matter.

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"You're extremely inconsistent,' this one is too important. Personal and business life should always be separated. Customers will have a hard time reaching out to you if you only have one account for your personal and business interest. Moreover, it is going to be easier for the customers to look for their needs if these two were separated.

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It's not just in business that being extremely inconsistent would affect such project in a very bad manner. In fact, no body enjoys having anything to do with anything that is inconsistent. So, if your business is handed by bunch of inconsistent staff, it's definitely going to cripple the business.

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Absolutely! I, myself when shopping online just find what I need and if something caught my interest then I will take a look at it, check for the reviews and if the reviews are good, then I will definitely go for it. Meanwhile, there are cases that I need to contact the customer support team and sometimes, it takes a couple of days before I can get a response. With this, I am losing my confidence with the company and probably will not go for it.

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With regard to your statement about people and businesses thinking they're too good for social media. I remember when I first started trying to work online I came across a blog published by a young man and it was and still is, in my mind, the best blog ever! His blog was popular. He had lots of subscribers. Yet I remember him saying that he decided that he needed to create a social media presence. One would think because of his success he would not need to. But clearly, he didn't think that. Other successful people should follow his example.

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I do believe that not participating in social media can and will hurt your site. Because visibility in social media is a norm nowadays and it's greatly helping businesses. If your too proud to go mainstream then you're losing a lot.

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I wouldn't say that not participating with your business in the social media would hurt your business but it will affect it in a negative way by cutting off its reach to higher number of people who might be interested in patronizing your business product and services. Yes, the business image might not be damaged but it wouldn't have increased sales.

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I agree with you. There's a huge market in the social media and you're missing out an opportunity for sales in your business if you're not utilizing it. You're not getting the promotion and exposure that could have been possible thru social media.

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Yup, I always wonder what the deal is if I'm looking up a particular company or organization and they don't have social media platforms. It's almost like it's a red flag telling me not to trust them or do business with them.

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A lot of companies that establiah themselves positively on social media build credibility and a great image. They are viewed at a positive light by the consumers. It will also assist if the sites are managed and handled well.

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The reach that Social media has is immense. I cannot also fathom the thought of a company having that is not participating in on social media. There are fewer companies that succeed nowadays without the power of various social media sites.

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'You avoid using normal channels,' some online businesses tend to avoid this because they can't engage well on social media. A lot of customers are accessing social media from time to time and some of them are purchasing goods online. Having said that avoiding it will definitely lose a lot on your business deals.

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The points that you have just mentioned and discussed in the article above are all spot on in highlighting the ways businessman ruins their business image without realizing it on time until it's too late. Although I know about some of these points mentioned above but I'm going to take the ones I haven't heard about before very seriously.

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Sometimes we are careless and do not focus on some small details which we think not that worth thinking of. However, while we are getting focused on the other things, we are losing time to something that needs our bigger attention.

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It is the small things which accumulate to later cost us a lot in future. If you ask me the small issues should be given as much attention as the huge ones. Neglecting anything will always leave a loophole that keeps enlarging.

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Absolutely. Smallest things when not noticed, it will become bigger than unexpected. In business, all angles should be noticed and worth focusing.

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Have you ever noticed that many people actually do value the minor issues more than what a majority of people consider as large and pertinent issues. Someone may be looking to have their minor isdue solved and then they become a customer for life.

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I think there are lot of image selling companies out there. Most of the busiiness makes use of the unsplash and few other sites. And that is good enough if you ask me. I think on that note though, you can definitely find the value with the many business sites out there. But the thing is that paid for some of the really good images is a good idea. I think on that note you can definitely see many benefits like for branding as well.

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You're right, promoting too much is not really good idea, specially if it's not clear for you what you really want. I saw a lot of sites and they are everywhere, so, it's looks like a scam for me who just waiting for victims to click their site.

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Yeah, promoting is good if you have a integrated strategy. It's annoying when you see something redundant on your social media wall. It's not how many times you tried posting your product, it's how you integrate your product to make it visible on different platforms.

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When I see something way too much, it's one of those things that makes me think "are they just super desperate for business/customers?"

Often, less really is more. Posting enough to maintain a good presence, but not so much that it seems like you're in dire need of customers is important!

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If this is their only strategy to advertise and recognize their business or products I think better to stop it, it's not helping, they will get more bad feedback by doing this.

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I think promotion has to be done in moderation. But promotion can't be neglected because that would not be the wise thing to do. And people don't understand how to handle the cases with the business and they promote like spam. So things we have to watch out for like these.

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This is the reason why the social medias like Facebook marked their advertisement as spam sometimes, because its really annoying, and on the other topic mentioned the pop up ads, I really hate this kind of advertisement, it's not really helpful I think.

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Yes. Lot of times facebook ads or even say posts can be a good amount of spam. The reason being some of the time we become so obvious. And we have to understand that there are always going to be harder things in the due process where we have to actually communicate with others.

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I saluted the Facebook by doing this. They should be really vigilant about the business, and as long as they can, they should not allowed this without any proper documents to avoid the scam also.

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Yes and the way they blocked the cryptocurrency. That is also reasonable. Because crypto opened the scam box. Like say cyclers and the HYIP you can find a lot of those things in the crypto world too. I think on that note it was expected to have business being banned. So glad that facebook and google banned it.

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Yeah, the cryptocurrency. Specially last December. The HYIP, investment, fishing sites, and fake identity was everywhere in Facebook. There are still a lot of scam, but right now, they use the word "PM" to give more info.

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I'm one of those people who really hate businesses that self-promote too much, especially when their ads aren't even good and just pop up everywhere regardless of whether the content I'm viewing is relevant to their product or not.

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Ahhh, yes! Pop up ads or other annoying 'banner' or side bar ads drive me nuts, especially when like you said the ads aren't even good. They just get in the way!

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Yeah, I hate it especially when they are placed close to the menu bar or navigation panel for example that you have a high chance of accidentally clicking those ads.

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I really hate this pop up advertisement, it's really annoying. I thought it was a virus before, because this kind of advertisement did the same thing like a virus. Better for them to advertise at the right place and not something like that.

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Yeah, good thing most browsers now have built-in pop-up blockers so that websites can't take advantage of it. it really is very annoying and I don't know if these sites are aware that those pop-up ads are just driving away their potential customers.

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You're extremely inconsistent, this one will be the start of the end for your business. Inconsistency means you lack managing and procedure. In business planning and management works together, if your methods and processes are unreliable it really means you don't know what are you doing.

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Building a business name with a good reputation on the Internet is easy if you have do business in good faith, meanwhile a good business name can easily be ruined by word of mouth and negative reviews and feedback from your customers. Following the noted points on this article can help you maintain what you have established as an online seller.

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That's a good point, it is really how you handle your costumers to satisfy them. A business status visible online is susceptible to reviews and comments that is why it's best to have good management skills and excellent social behavior.

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Right. Engaging with your customer's concerns, big or small, consistently will give a positive feedback from your current customers and visitors. Online sellers should know the importance of this since it's one of the factors for a successful online business.

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Earning a bad reputation is almost irreversible. You will have to think of innovative ways to gain the respect and the trust again if ever this is possible. Hence, we really have to start right and maintain our business in principled and ethical way and deliver the service expected.

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Earning a good reputation is not that difficult if the business started right. Through word of mouth, positive feedback and reviews can make this possible. Nevertheless, earning a bad reputation is too easy if the services and products were not delivered in a timely and acceptable manner. Trust is hard to regain but is possible in some ways.

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Well it's a fact that a site with worthless content won't get any legitimate traffic or conversions. Why would someone patronize a site that doesn't really help? One thing I noticed is there's a lot of articles in sites scattered on the net which has lengthy articles but reading the articles one can analyze that it was done poorly.

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Your right about that, i have read some articles that are really good and very enticing but there are articles that are poorly made. I had also experienced reading a content because the title or topic is enticing, but unfortunately the content is just a clear rush.

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It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but it takes only a minute to destroy it. Image is really important for any person or types of business. People nowadays, focus on the image or brand of a company or product. They wouldn't bother to know about a product who has a bad image. Also, I think it is not good to self-promote most of the time. Personally, I hate this kind of sites and I think most people feel the same way.

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I like both your points about having a clear purpose and being consistent with your work.

I have a particular fascination with YouTube and its content creators, and both of these are factors which I’ve seen influence the rise or fall of many channels. The channels which make their purpose clear and are consistent with their work are the ones that always grow the fastest. The ones that have no particular direction and are constantly experimenting rarely ever make it anywhere.

I suppose that both these points can be applied to many fields, whether it’s business, writing, content creation or just life in general.

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You can gain people's trust and lose it instantly as well if you consistently under-deliver on services. Who would not be disappointed if they will not receive the service they expected. Reputation is one important thing and will be hard to regain if it was tainted. You can't get old customers to stay and new ones to come in. Promotion on the other hand must be done in moderation or decently.Most customers will feel that you are a shady company if you are in the extremes.

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Yeah, pushing somebody to view or see your ads is really not a good idea. Unfortunately its part of brain washing, I've read about a study that when you see something over and over again it is some how implanted on your perception. I don't know if its true but it's kinda scary...

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Most people look at owning their own business as a way to freedom. You think you don't have to work as hard . I would argue that you have to be on your A game and work ten times as hard to succeed. One thing I am guilty of is not being active on my social media. It takes a lot of work you need a lot of time, also considering the niche I have chosen, it takes a lot of time to keep my posts updated.

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That's a good reminder for everyone and I think that there will be some who can fall in that misconception including myself. When you own the business, you have a greater responsibility and should not be too complacent. I'll keep this in mind.

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I think that a company's image to the public is something even millennial look into when they are buying products. More and more people want to buy into something that has a story more than the price or quality of the product. Products with proceeds going to charity is one example of this. 100% environmentally safe products are another. A brand's reputation is something hard to keep but easy to destroy. Businesses shouldn't get complacent.

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I agree that you need to have an active account in social media and use it to connect to people. You lose opportunities in connecting to people when being inactive in social media. It is good if you have your own page in Facebook that you can use to further the business interest in your agenda. At least you have the full control of that network when you are the one who created the Facebook Page.

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I have to agree of the effectiveness of social media in connecting people because it was made precisely to do that. Facebook is the biggest social media platform and is the best place to harness and connect people relative to your targeted niche.

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I like how you put it. Practically everyone uses it nowadays. It's what promotes businesses. And they don't even have to pay most of the time.

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Since most of the people have access to the internet and social media nowadays, it is a great instrument to promote and create a good image of your business. But you should make a good impression of it. Stated above are good points to consider to create a good impression for your customers. It could help you reach your target but of course, make a good use of it.

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Yes, that's the thing. Even with the advantage of the internet, you still need to work hard. Exposure is not easy when you're competing with thousands of other businesses.

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I agree with you that exposure won't come to you in just one night, you have to strive hard to achieve it. Competition with other businesses will always be there, that's what I call the challenging part. It should inspire you to push more of what you can do, and one day you'll be surprised to know that you've been able to beat all those competitors that once made you second think your capability.

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I like how you put it. I guess we're a little scared of being outdone by others. But it's part of the process. That's how we become better entrepreneurs. And it shows through our gained experience.

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With the help of internet we can easily promote our business without paying anything. This article really a good help for current and future business owner. All of your reasons are clearly point out. It will really hurt the business if we will not be careful and clearly stating business purpose.

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Gone are the days that you have to spend tons of money to promote your business. Since the advent of Social media, you can definitely promote for free. There will definitely greater income if we utilize it because of reaching greater audience or prospects.

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You're right. I've seen lots of new businesses grow exponentially in a short period of time. And that's with the power of social media. Because everything can practically be seen nowadays.

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That's true. The internet plays a huge role in the progress of modern businesses. They have to be clear with their intended purpose and operations.

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That's a very good tips. It is really helpful for those people whose business are not doing good. A lot of business owners will find this helpful.

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I think so too. Too many businesses are focusing on how to improve their functions. They forget to also check what might be holding them back.

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There are some strategies that we can add to our business so people will get interested to visit your website. But if you are trying to get everyones attention, whatever the class are, my father told me never involved your business with personal life or your religion to your business matter. Not all people are the same, they have different beliefs and it will only give contrary to each of your customer if you don't to each of your customer. When its business - just business and be neutral to all.

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