
How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

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How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

We all know that there are bots out there, but we never really think about how they could be draining out advertising budgets through fraudulent clicks or fake traffic numbers.  There is always someone out there that seems like the crazy person who says "They are selling fake traffic!" and they're talking about a big platform like Adwords or Facebook, but I'm not convinced that these big platforms would do that.  Now, if you see something online where someone is talking about how a smaller platform is falsifying clicks and inflating their numbers, they're probably correct because the more clicks and traffic sent to a website means the more money they make.

I've run into a few platforms that send me "quality traffic" but my analytics doesn't line up with the clicks I'm getting, which makes me think their numbers are inflated to keep me there and always purchasing more ads.

Many platforms run bots and claim it's real traffic
There are a bunch of ad networks out there that have bots for crawling purposes, but do we really know if those bots are also being counted as visitors or clicks?  We don't, but these big companies are saying we aren't being charged for them, and we are supposed to just trust them I guess lol.

An advertising platform doesn't go from 0 to 1,000,000 users overnight unless they're linked through a bigger corporation like Google or Facebook.  So all of these smaller networks people talk about can't actually be telling the whole truth about what they're doing.  They might have 100,000+ members, but only 3,000 of those members are active, and you sign up thinking you're going to have a ton of traffic but it turns out to be bot traffic, wasting your money.

BuySellAds has been said to inflate their numbers
I have a few ads on a subscription basis through BSA, and I do see inflated numbers, because I'm not getting 100 to 500 clicks a day from my ads like they say lol How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.  My analytics say I am getting around 2,500 clicks a month through my ads there, but my BSA dashboard claims I'm getting much more than that, around 4,500 clicks a month.

This shows me that they have something wrong with their tracking, or somehow I'm getting 2,000 clicks that instantly lose connection before my Analytics can track them lol.

No one raises much concern
One of the main problems with this is that no one really raises a concern because they're afraid of being banned on the platforms they talk about.  Yes, my clicks aren't accurate on BSA, likely to keep me subscribed, but I still pay for my ads because I'm profitable from them.  I don't understand why I'm losing all those clicks, and I'll openly tell people about it, but I'm not really afraid about losing my accounts there since it's not the end of my career if I do How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

Besides, I can just contact those websites directly and pay them their full asking price for an ad spot instead of them getting 80% of the transaction How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

Understand your client acquisition costs
Even though you might be getting increased numbers through your ads, which are not actually accurate, you need to know the price of your client acquisitions.  If it takes you $10 to bring a new client on, then a $100 ad on BSA needs to bring in 10 clients a month to help you break even.  This is why I don't track my clicks on there as much as I track my conversions because my profits are whats keeping me buying the ads, not the number of clicks.

I can get 1,000,000 clicks on an ad, but if I'm not getting any sales from it, do you think I'll keep that ad around?  NOPE! 

In conclusion
Big ad platforms like Facebook and AdWords don't really falsify their traffic numbers, mainly because they don't need to please you in order for you to be successful, so I don't worry about them too much.  The smaller ones like BSA and others definitely do boost their numbers to keep you interested and spending more, and that's why you need to track your ads and make sure you know what is converting and what isn't.  Delete the ad spots that don't convert and keep the ones that are profitable.  Do this over and over and you will see yourself profitable even though your ad dashboards have increased numbers How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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One of the reasons why I am marketing my business myself because I do not trust marketers. I have tried marketing my business by hiring freelancer and when I analyzed the traffic, it was just a number. Lesson learned. I am no longer trusting these marketers. The best marketing method is PPC campaign on facebook, twitter or Agdords. You can still trust these platforms because they are big companies with a lot of users.

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is this real or just another bot service.

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You did not clarify the issue of the freelancers who worked on your site for the marketing activity. Why did you say the traffic is just mere numbers? I don’t suppose they used robots for the chore because that is not a good idea and I don’t think it has logic. I am a freelancer and I am concerned with your experience because that is a black eye to freelancers if they had done something wrong on your site.

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why should they really do that? Why inflate the numbers? Why use bots either? They want to raise a false alarm that they do a good job? Shame on them.

I believe honesty is the good policy. Practicing honesty and integrity will save the day. I hope they do so.

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People have turned to be very fraudulent in recent days especially due to thw hunger for more money. People have many characters and when you encounter those who rarely mind the people they serve then such behaviours are always prevalent.

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That's right. People are hungry for money and they are doing unethical things to make money. This is more evident in the virtual world than in the real world. If you hire a marketer in the real world, you can at least see what he is doing and what is the result. However, in the virtual work, you do not see exactly what they are doing. These marketers try to fake the result. You ask a marketer to build backlinks, he will be using bots to build backlinks. You ask a marketer to bring traffic, he will be sending bot traffic. Therefore, instead of trusting individual marketers, you need to go with bigh companies and set your own marketing campaigns.

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If you happen to be a publisher with Google Adsense, there's a reason why Google is strict about the quality of traffic that your site receives. According to Google's terms of service, quality traffic is that which comes through the search engines. Anything other than that is considered to be low-quality traffic. In fact, Google indirectly mentions that traffic from social media sites is of low quality too.

Some of these marketers that promise you traffic have Facebook and Telegram groups with thousands of members. All they do is post a link on their groups and solicit members to click on the links in exchange for a few cents. As a result, you get the traffic but in the real sense, that traffic you receive is not interested in your site.

At the end of the day, Google AdWords will give you higher conversions than any other source of traffic. In order to maximize your earnings, you're better off investing in SEO as opposed to using relying on ADS. Paying for ADS is a one-time or repetitive affair that is expensive but paying for SEO will boost your site's ranking on Google search for months if not years.

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Buying service actually worries me. I could be band from Adsense. The problem is people do not tell the truth. Many out there are greed.
I am looking at $1 service and $395 service.. How can I compare bots or not. You are right.

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Have you ever heard the expression "To err is human. But to really screw things up, use a computer."
That's what comes to my mind when I think of bots. How bots are draining your advertising budget and no one raises concern.

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This is just a funny and witty comment. ???? Bots really screw things up. O believe they are also one form of virus. Some just don't feel the big effect of these bots but collectively they are the parasites of the internet. People use bots to take advantage of others. Some use it to cause nuisance. Some use it to gain money or gain advantage to their favor. Though bots can be useful. Bots are like a two edged sword. It is up to if you could use it in your advantage or screw things up.

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"... the parasites of the internet"?? I was never very good at science but I do remember learning about parasites in my biology class. The way my teacher described those "nasty little buggers", it really stuck with me. Now that you've described bots in those terms, I'm never going to forget!

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This is the reason I never buy the hosting of the sites who say they count the bandwidth by traffic. Because most of the time the bots are the one scraping the cotnent. And we lose the money on the traffic counting websites. So hosting like wp engine etc are not the right option for anyone to get hosted when the traffic is from the bots.

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This is one reason I don't trust the wpengine type of the hosts who charge you based on the views. Here you can see that bot views are counted too. And you end up paying a lot. You should never pay for hosting for the view based count. And instead you should be paying for proper real human views. Same goes for the ad budget and the ad manager issues. Here you have to adjust the views such that only human views are counted. That's what I have learned from the experience there.

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This is why comments are a better method of gauging the outreach that your page has vs views. I mean there really is no sure way of knowing whether the views you get are all hundrend percent organic. With comments however, the evaluation is pretty simple.

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I think some of the time landing pages itself can show how the conversion happens. But those pages don't have the comments. Also commenting or critic on those pages requires you to do some AB testing options. Some of the time it may not work around that way. So we have to work with what we can in that case.

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Oooh okay good to know. It is always incredible to learn something fresh each day.

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You really have to calculate the cost and the profit it brings even though they were able to deliver the service, such as bringing in clicks. It's not the number of clicks but the benefit or the conversion you get from it. Often, it really pays to avail of services from well-known and bigger companies rather than the small companies.

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Advertising is hard that people running business is finding some ways to improve their traffic. They often thought that they really earn much when partnering with some websites company. But it is now hard to trust anyone because all people is capable of taking advantage the other people's needs that's why people in business should pay more attention to their real traffic. It is true that some are just afraid to raise up a concern because they thought they need that to help them grow their business but they don't need that. As you said, there are other platform in which could give them better and real traffic rather than bots that are just getting their funds without them earning.

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I don't understand the need for bots. Part of a successful website is growing your customer base. The people who'll be invested into reading and providing traffic to your site. Bots are just there to raise numbers and not people who'll invest.

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It is just the result of people interested in cutting shortcuts rather than going the full mile. It is so dissapointing and annoying to those who do everything by the book.

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I have been reading a lot of discussions about bots in another forum. It looks like the use of bots is getting to be in fashion and it is polluting the internet. Employing bots to get likes and clicks is like cheating and it is considered not only illegal but also immoral. However, some people are so smart in doing bad things that’s why I am hoping that some wise guys can make some codes to permanently block the bots.

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It is the trend and a majority of sites seem to have really integrated them into their operations. I do not get how people just crave for social media ratings in such a manner that they reach the levels of duping those who have trusted them and their content.

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It is a really alarming problem bit onlu few cares, what a disgrace in the global community; We must take an action about this because it may worsen and surely will affect not only the said sites but also others. It is endemic in this society, we must make a vaccine and that vaccine is integrity, excellence, discipline and honesty. We must make them practice the said components of how to be a productive citizen.

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Bots can't buy our products, They are just using it to make mans task easier and at the same time earning money too. Because bots can like your product but they can't buy it.

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Since we are on this subject. Can a moderator check this post link out for me. If, this story is true I am scared to be a buyer in online marketplace for freelance services. I hope Seoclerks do not allow this kind of activity.


And by the way is this gig really legitimate or is this another bot service.
Source gig:

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Jesus. That sucks. Buying fake reviews for your service. I guess that's business for you. If you're really that desperate that you'd resort to fake reviews.

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I totally agree with you guys. Better trust something the real people are the one who are managing with their accounts like in social media - is what we can trust because true people are the one who is using the account. To be sure its easy to communicate with them like creating a group page or you try to send messages with them using messenger.

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I suppose then one should track their ads and the performance of those ads if they are using one of the smaller ad networks. That way if you notice that what you expect and what you are actually getting don't align you are better off spending a little more money but get quality traffic from the bigger ad networks. It's a shame that they should try to cheat their customers.

Certainly not the best way to retain customers.

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