
Embrace your flaws and be more successful online

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Embrace your flaws and be more successful online

If you can embrace your flaws, you can be more successful online due to the fact you know what needs to be fixed within yourself.  People with huge egos never know what their flaws are, and that means they likely won't be as successful as a person who knows more about themselves than they do, so once you embrace your flaws you can see the profits increase no matter what job you have.

It doesn't matter if you're lazy if you don't understand a niche fully, if you're not smart enough to get the job done, or if people told you that your idea is dumb and won't work.  I've made plenty of money online and I've always been told something wouldn't work out, but did I listen to the people who couldn't understand what I was doing in the first place?  Nope!  I did what I wanted, figured out what needed to be done, got all the coding and scripting finished even though I don't know how to do them, and then profited from my websites!

You can embrace your flaws, learn from yourself, and be more successful online.

You're lazy, so what?
By nature, all humans are lazy, so you're not a rare person at all.  You just need to get some motivation and push yourself to get the job done.  Set some small goals, hit those goals, and boost your confidence which will make you less lazy. 

If you don't like that option, hire the people who aren't lazy, and manage them to get the job done.  There are thousands of business owners out there who can't do 90% of the work that their company revolves around.  They hire the less lazy people to do the job and they profit from it Embrace your flaws and be more successful online

You don't understand your niche fully, ok?
Start reading some books or get on forums that are about your specific niche.  It isn't difficult to learn, everyone has the ability to do it, but you're the only one that can hold yourself back.  I hate it when people say "I'm dumb" because it just means they haven't learned something.  So, get out there and read about the niche you're trying to crack into, then dominate it by adding plenty of great content to your website and then running the best marketing campaign possible for your website in a niche you were unfamiliar with in the past but know extensively now.

You're not intelligent, but that shouldn't stop you!
I don't care if your IQ is 60 or if it's 160, you can be successful online just by reading forum and blogs, then practicing on buffer websites and figuring out what doesn't work.  I didn't know what I was doing when I started off, now I have an SEO company and I work for myself each day I wake up.  I'm not rich by any means, but I taught myself everything I know, and you can too as long as you just put in the work and read everything you can.

People told you something wouldn't work.  Screw them lol
When I started off I was told I wouldn't make more than $400 a year with my SEO service, then I made $80,000 in my first year and $120,000 my second year.  The people who told me I couldn't do something were the ones who pushed me to be the best I could be by myself, and now they ask me how I did it. 

If someone tells you something won't work because they couldn't make it profitable, it's likely because they did it wrong, and you never know if you can do it right unless you've tried Embrace your flaws and be more successful online

In conclusion
If you can embrace your flaws, large or small, you can become successful online in a short amount of time compared to offline where you have to climb a corporate ladder.  If you're dumb, read a book.  If you're lazy, push yourself or pay someone to do the work.  If you don't understand the niche fully, start reading about it and learn.  If someone told you it couldn't be done, use that as motivation.  Nothing should be holding you back, especially yourself, so get out there and be successful Embrace your flaws and be more successful online

Remember to follow me!

Thank You!

Tommy Carey


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Thank you so much for this motivating commentary. I really really needed this. I am a fashion affiliate marketer. Truth be told I don't know what I'm doing and I don't have the money to join a course, right now. I have earned a bit of money, but i still have a long long way to go.Most days I feel like giving up and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. There is a lot information out there, actually I have information overload. I'm encouraged by reading this and I will continue trying to make this work.

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Acknowledging your flaws is the first step in healing them. Positivity is the only thing that will make you make it in life.

Did you know that those who feel helpless are the ones who are strong and make it in life. If Richard of York will be alive then he will tell you. There many others like ',The Ugly Duckling,' if you know whom I talk about.

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I agree with you, this is really a great motivation and nice advice.

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I also had that feeling of giving up my freelancing work but I pushed myself to learn more. Although there is no tangible improvement in my earnings but I’m still quite happy because I am learning SEO methods which can make me earn more in the future. I am not really aiming to be an SEO specialist or a consultant. My objective is to use SEO methods on my site that I can earn decent money from the traffic.

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I love the articulation of everything that you have discussed. A lot of the pointers are very useful to my business at the moment.

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I can actually say that this 'motivational' article is all true. Having said that, 'Embrace your flaws and be more successful' is applicable in all aspects neither it is for personal nor for business. Embracing and loving our own flaws can definitely bring out something that can boost every aspect that needs improvement. I love these pointers, 'You're not intelligent, but that shouldn't stop you! and You don't understand your niche fully, ok?' Many new and upcoming entrepreneurs can relate into these. Everyone can be intelligent because learning is a process. Things can be learn easily because sources are all there and well provided. However, having a lazy attitude will never be of any help. There is saying, 'Success is 80 percent attitude and 20 percent skill and intelligence.'

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When you are lazy success will always be elusive. As the old folks here say, work every day to earn your keep and you will have a fulfilling life. When my retailing business was flourishing, I did not stop pushing and I continued working hard as if everything depended on me. With learning, it is a continuing process.

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Yes. Everyday is indeed a learning experience. A person never stops from learning until we say goodbye to this world. My grandmother would always say, " Success is not our destination. It is only the beginning". This is explained in this, when you succeed it is not the end. There is still more in the future. Work hard and harder. You find that you can still enhance your craft everyday.

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I do agree that persistency, hardwork and focus can lead one to success and timidity and laziness will bring you failure.

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I agree with you, you need hard work and patience to succeed in life.

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So often we're told to hide or forget about our flaws, but there's a lot that can be learned and gained from actually accepting them for what they are, understanding them, and working on them. I definitely related to this article myself - I'm someone who can struggle with motivation so the attitude of just getting it done is one that I often have to remind myself of!

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Totally true many people were raised being told not to be weak and hide your imperfections. Growing up many people and even your family will told you that you will not be successful. It is really important the acceptance to yourself that you are not perfect there are things that you should improve. After accepting yourself you can now move forward.

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Yeah, it's really a learning point and an improvement item to consider but any flaws or problems shouldn't stop anyone to go for their goals in life.

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I really believe that sometimes we are our own worst enemy. If only we can overcome all the negative self-talk and brush off those who weigh us down, we can do greater things. Thanks for this motivational article. Nothins is really impossible and we'll never know what's in store for us unless we try. Nothing should hold us back. We can do something with our limitations and flaws. I agree that we should embrace our flaws and stop giving excuses.

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Negative self talk is definitely something I've had to learn how to manage and overcome. I do think what you said is true - we're often our own worst enemy and criticize our work, when we'd never do that to someone else! Sometimes we have to tone back our expectations and be gentler to ourselves!

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I definitely agree with you. Fighting to your negative thoughts is really hard because it is all in your mind. You need to have strong mind and will to fight this thoughts. Surrounding yourself a good and positive support group may help to block this things. Meditating everyday may help you too.

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Not everyone can do the same things as the other. Sometimes we just have to accept that there are things we can't do that others can. No matter how hard to try to learn and practice, there are just things you can't do. And this realization sometimes causes negative self-thinking which doesn't help with the problem. People should just focus on their strengths rather than there weaknesses.

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This should also encourage us to seek and give training. I mean its not like its every time that you will be required to know something to do it well but being trained can make a huge difference. Also helping out people with stuff that you know really goes a long way.

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Focusing and enhancing your strength is a good plan. Learning and practicing the things you can not do will be really hard and you will really not see that you are getting better. But, do not give up if the result is not that big but always remember that you are getting better. Getting better on your weakness is better than staying worst on it.

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One of the things I try to think when I'm having these kind of negative thoughts is that: It's better to improve a little at something you suck at than try to do nothing and still suck at it. It's a play on the whole dilemma of why exercise when you're just going to eat and make the exercise obsolete. It's better to lose some weight than lose nothing.

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That's right. We have our own ability and strength, we should just find it and improve it and we never find unless we started to focus on our own abilities and not looking for someone strength.

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This is a form of motivation to me as I have come to notice that we should always thrive to be the best of who we are. I have decided that I should set out small plans of what I desire to achieve and try as much as I can to make those come to pass. The people that we have in the world who are rich are doing that with the assistance of those that are ready to make those dreams come true.

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You have a very good point about our always trying to get the best out of ourselves and who we are and our business. There is no way two different people are going to be exactly the same way in behavior, attitude, thinking and reasoning. So, instead of looking down on yourself, look up to your own distinct qualities and work on making it better than it is on daily basis.

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Yes, it is really important to make some plans and goal in your life. I still do it every year making a list of the things I want to achieve in the coming year. Some of my goals may be like losing some weight or to travel this places. It is good to have plans because you have the direction in your life. You have an inspiration to continue moving on in life.

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There are really some flaws that we cannot overcome but simply embrace. We can't change completely but we can be the best version of ourselves. We can find assistance elsewhere or pay for them if we can afford to do so. What the article is telling us I believe is that our flaws should not hinder us from being successful but instead we must persevere and be strategic.

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If you overcome those fears you will be able to succeed as you will make those negative talks into inspiration. It may hurt your feelings but all painful things is a gain so just served it as positive outcome. We may have flaws and failures but this will served us our motivation to stand up to succeed in our goals. It may be hard especially at first but we choose this path so we better continue the things we have begun for us to succeed. Like in online business people might have negative feedbacks about your product or store or channel but think of it as a helpful one. Even those people around you.You can still fix or resolve the problem. We must accept criticisms because that's how people used to leave and criticism can make our work gain because sometimes we cannot see our own mistakes but others do. Just let them throw harsh words at you, at the end of the day, you will still be grateful because you have done a lot from your business online. Thank you sir for inspiration. Actually when I am reading your article, I can see myself from you that others trying to mock and weigh me down but I know what I am doing. I am still working, even if its different from theirs, we can still called this work. I just can't imagine how people are so naive to think that I am just at home sleeping,eating and not earning money when the truth is I am earning online. They don't even have any idea how to earn online and yet they are just throwing some insulting words at me. I just let them throw those words but I want to show them that I will succeed in the near future no matter what happen. I really love your article. Thank you a lot sir!

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Maybe people are too quick to judge especially with things they don't understand. One of them is the possibility of being successful online. Most would think that it's some phenomenal thing and only happens to exceptional few people. They are inclined to think that investing your time, money and effort is just a waste and will lead you nowhere. There will always be detractors. It's our option to allow them to pull us down or to channel it through motivation to do better.

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Haha I accept the challenge of giving motivation. I am not always great at some of the things I participate in online but I always find a way. I therefore think that anyone else can.

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All you have to do is to listen but ignore their insults. Prove to them that they are all wrong. Yes that's right! don't allow yourself to pull down by others, instead prove them that you can still stand up even in the hardest part. Without failures and hardships we cannot succeed.

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I agree embracing our flaws is one key of becoming successful. This means that we know what we are capable and what we can't. If we know our flaw then it's not hard for us to coop with it. There lot's of use full articles here keep it up.

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We all have flaws no matter how much we try to hide and not accept it probably because of the embeassment that comes with accepting the flaws. But it's better to accept them and work on improving and accepting them. In fact, when it comes to business if everything looks too good, it looks suspicious and I'm skeptical to joining such projects.

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I used to be much more embarrassed of my flaws, especially when I was a teenager. I think as I've gotten older I've come to realize that we all have flaws, even the people that present themselves as perfect and flaw-free. I think it's hard these days because so many people seem to live life on social media where it's easy to construct the image that a person is perfect.

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The things we do and think when we were still kids and teenagers are so funny when we seat and look back on our past. Well, it's just the way it seems to be for almost everyone. We tend to be embrassed of our flaws but as we grow older, we will come to understand that our flaws are part of us, they are what makes us human and we can only work on getting better from them and not be ashamed of it.

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Do you find it easier to trust people that are used to dealing with problems than those who have a flawless record. I mean with those that expose their mistakes you can clearly see where they went wrong and how they recovered while the mistake free ones you cannot really know what they hide to maintain their record.

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One is that we don't want to feel embarrass so we just hide from the corner overthinking how will you please them not to insult you. I think all of us experience this problem but the only difference is that there are some who knows how to control their emotions towards a person o people and there are some who easily give up cause of embarrassment.

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i usually see first my flaws more than I see my good side. I have a low self esteem but I am really work on it. That is why I really appreciate the people who are true to me and accepts me for who I am. I just say to my self that every one is unique from another and we just have to embrace our self for our flaws and good side. This article is an eye opener because it encourages it's reader that imperfections should not stop you from moving forward to your dream. you don't have to be perfect in order to succeed you just have to be persistent and determined.

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I've also had times in life where I've struggled with low self esteem, and I tend to be quite self critical, but I do think it's almost like you have to train yourself to see the good in yourself. I was bullied as a teenager and my mom was sadly not a great emotional support so I always felt like I wasn't "good enough". It's taken some work as an adult to try and get out of that mindset but I do think it can be done!

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I do agree that you must embrace your flaws and accept your mistakes first before you can be successful. Doing so would let you realign and tweak your business processes to the right direction.

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You are so right. It is better to be truthful to yourself first. Accept your weakness to know the things you should improve. Knowing yourself fully will make you to work more efficiently. Do not really pretend to know it all. There are no perfect person. Every person has its strengths and weaknesses.

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Pretending that you know everything not really makes a person smart, they're closed minded and not accepting any ideas except their own. It's really hard to talk with this kind of person and the false information coming from them is much more dangerous.

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That's right and I think that people who pretend to know everything will be hindered from learning because they are not open and they don't have the right attitude. Self-learning is okay but there's a lot of benefita as well if we are open to other people's teachings and suggestions especially from the experts or the experienced. You have to accept yourself to come up with a truthful assessment and hence be able to address them specifically your weaknesses.

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Let me share Steve Jobs quote. "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."
Embracing our flaws will push us to persevere or innovate and strategize, whichever is applicable. If you're not good, there are a plethora of learning opportunities to make you better. If you can't do it yourself, you can hire someone to do the job for you instead of completely giving up. We just have to acknowledge and embrace our flaws and weaknesses and work our way around.

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Definitely if you are never persistent then your chances of success in business in general are limited. You need to learn how to cope with various scenarios as well as determining how to respond to all types of problems. Let me add another quote "If it does not kill you then it only makes you stronger".

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Your article is such a strong motivation for us. I can actually relate to the circumstances that you mentioned. Embracing our flaws might be hard for others but this is what we need to get where we want to be. It is a learning process and if we will give it a chance, we will be able to improve ourselves for a better person.

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That's right and much better to forget the others and do our things. let us slap them with our success and eat their words. We are the only responsible for our success, and not the people who keep pulling us back.

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I can relate to the things you said. As I am just a beginner, people around me would say that what I am doing is just scam. They would say I would not earn anything from it. But now, I am earning money. Not that big amount but enough to pay and buy what I need. They eventually shut up.People like these are always around. They plant negative thoughts in our heads to stop us from fulfilling our dreams and goals. This article of yours is a good motivational specially for those who are still starting.

Our flaws are source of our beauty. It is what makes us who we are. So what if you or me is lacking in some areas? It's not the end of the world. Everyday is a learning experience and failure is not an option. The options are to succeed and to learn.

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Great motivational article to encourages people and boost the personality. Yeah, sometimes our ego is the reason why we stay at the same mindset, our ego pulling us back. One step at a time, and focus on the small things, always open our mind to the big possibilities of the small thing we have.

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Exactly! You are absolutely correct with that assertion on ego being like a cancer in ruining one's personality and business in general. Ego affect your attitude, your desire and zeal to work. If you are feeling too big to do something, there is no way of getting the best out of yourself and your business. Being humble is very important when you are dealing with customers, but when you are filled with ego, attending to customers will be aggregating to your ego.

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Yeah, like cancer inside your mind. There's nothing wrong if you accept the other mindset or ideas specially if it will help you to grow particularly in business. One of my drunk friends once said before, Ego is just a 3 letter word, and E stands for Evil, leave the Evil inside your mind and just go.

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This is absolutely an inspiring article every hopeless people need to read and know about.
Thank you so much for your untiring tips and encouragement. You don't know how much it would actually help a person.
Most of the people can relate to.

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I agree too. This article has assisted me to learn to have a different approach to each task which I partake. Flaws are natural and without them then the passion and grit to improve would never be harnessed.

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I'm notoriously lazy, in part because I look at the big picture and see a lot of things I need to do and get overwhelmed by it to the point that I just delay until my mind kicks into panic mode. It really helps taking it one task at a time and celebrating small wins like accomplishing a minor task before moving to the next.

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Haha! It's funny when we look at ourselves in some aspects of what we do and realize how lazy we are sometimes. Personally, my point of laziness is only associated with getting involved in any agricultural work. Even though I will eventually carry out the job or work, but I will be so lazy to get the job done.

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I have to agree with your "screw people and their opinion about you" part. I have tried to do that too. Some of them said freelancing would never work out for me. And for years I am proving them wrong. And also learned in the due process that being successful is a bit harder. And not a lot can be done in that case to be successful in life. It may be noted that if you are serious about online business then just prove people wrong. That's what would work in the long term.

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Good for you my friend. Starting in this kind of career will really be risky and unstable. It takes confidence, focus and more than one hundred percent commitment. You will really be hearing a lot of negative opinions from people most especially from your family and friend. Do not make that opinion let you down make that as an inspiration and you my friend is a good example of that.

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I think the risk factor can't be ignored. Because we are taking risk against time and money. And things don't hold much water in that. Sooner or later you have to adapt to the risk. And from there onwards you have to move ahead. That's what most of the people do when it comes to online business. Plus risk exists in everything.

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You have hit it square. Know your flaws.

It matters less what people say or if you are lazy or not. Know your inner self and that will work for you.

Avoiding being haughty and proud. That is it. I love that.

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I think that I came across an article where one asked what to do or how you react to getting bad reviews. It's just a way of knowing your flaws in business because the bad reviews are targeted to exposing the bad or poor aspect of your business especially where your clients are not pleased or satisfied with. So, it's left for you to look up and investigate such flaws and correct them.

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This is what I am talking about you can be more successful in business or life if you have a goal no matter what flaws you have. The worst people will let you down and stomp you down but no matter what they said be more motivate of what goal you want to achieve and just to tell them that they are wrong. I just remembered the person who told me this once before "Believe in yourself even when everyone else doesn't" that is the reason why I still moving forward. Ask the most person you really trust to tell you the great things they think you've done it can really help you to be more successful in life.

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Nobody or anything is perfect, and the sooner you realize that and accept your flaws, then work towards correcting the flaws, the better it is for you and your business. The problem most people and business have is that they poise themselves and their business to be perfect when it's not. Thanks for writing such a great article, and I'm sure it's very helpful for anyone who is looking at improving his business.

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I infact think that the biggest discovery one can ever make about themselves is regarding their flaws. By knowing them one would be better placed to dealing with them in a way that they are not hindrances to success but stepping stones. The journey to accepting the flaws begins with acknowledging them first always.

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Well accepting my mistakes and doing what needs to be done is always a good thing. In business and life in general, experience is always the best teacher. It's quite okay to commit mistakes once in a while as long as you learn and grow from it.

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If people told you something won't work, the greatest revenge is to prove them wrong. You shouldn't be confined within your limitations. It's a great challenge that we need to take on. It would be very fulfilling if we overcome. It's easier said than done though. But it's not impossible. Show them what you're made of.

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You're lazy, so what?, this one is me... I have lots in my mind and in planning but there are days that i find it hard to move. Your right that motivation is the key. I have a portrait on my office that reminds of of people that does't believe in my vision, this one is a motivator for me. Every time i see this portrait my adrenaline just go up and my mind just start working.

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People told you something wouldn't work. Screw them... this one has really set my dream and goal. I never let anybody control my future because i know my capabilities. Its just a matter of time and perseverance everything will work out as planned.

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~ You're lazy, so what?
LOL. I think it was Bill Gates who said if he wanted something done fast he'd ask a lazy person how to do it. I'm not sure if it was him but I do remember my big sister saying that lazy people can usually find the easiest way to get something done.

~ If you don't like that option, hire the people who aren't lazy, and manage them to get the job done.
It was my big brother who said if you don't like doing a particular thing but you know it has to be done make friends with somebody who likes to do those things. LOL.

~ You don't understand your niche fully, ok?
Who knows all there is to know anyway? At my old jobs, my supervisors used to say develop a “working knowledge”. In other words, know enough so you can get the job done!

~ You're not intelligent, but that shouldn't stop you!
Many millionaires are self-taught. The IQ test only measures what you were tested on. Suppose you need to learn something that's not on the test?

~ People told you something wouldn't work. Screw them lol
Like they say: If they tell you it can't be done, do it and prove them wrong!

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I also wanted to ADD ON that if you are a person that feels "socially awkward" (that's how one of my kids describes themselves), the online environment might even help you overcome that.

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I really agree with this article because some people now a days don't know how to accept thier flaws since they are just only giving much importance on thier egos which should not really be the case. Some people are being rude on things because of thinking that they are already very intelligent and doesn't accept thier weakness whenever some people would tell it to them. This article is really great and informative especially for those neophytes in business just like me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful ideas, I would surely take note of this.

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People told you something it wouldn't work, is the great motivation to keep going and do your things. I really love to slap their face with your success, and it's a great feeling to prove them wrong.

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I think it is important to know yourself. However, even if you hit those small goals,,continuing to push when you don't get results as fast as you had hoped to is what gets a lot of people bogged down. It is sad but true.

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Recently, I watched a biopic where a man who did not even pass high school invented the machine and revolutionized the society. He was even invited by the United Nations to speak.
If this man had never stepped up because of lack of education, he would have never succeeded. Therefore, you should never be afraid of your flaws, instead, you should convert your flaws into strength.

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This is very inspiring! I also believe on the same thing, of you really want it, you can do it no matter what other people say negative things about you. Instead, you should use it as an inspiration to work harder. Also, being not smart enough should not hinder you from reaching out your goals, you can learn and study about the field you want to learn. You just have to take courage and continue working hard for your goal and believe it will be worth it.

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In order to achieve success we must first evaluate ourselves so that we can analyze our strength and weakness, we must admit that each one of us has a downside that we need to improve in order to go further. If we don't accept our flaws we can't excel in pur fullest potential and because of that we will be in close in a barrier that will restrict us in doing our best.

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The context of title of this article may seem a little common already, but I always love to read how articles or people always remind that you need to embrace your flaws and learn from it to improve your self. In that way, you will gain more positiveness in life and you will not get easily tired and give up on something. Based on my experience before, I can't move on my mistakes and I always blame other for my failure but I realized and I learned that you need to take responsibility to your mistakes and I always see it as my flaw then I get some lessons from it that I can use to improve my self especially in thinking and eventually I became mature enough.

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I really believe that we should really accept our flaws since it can help us to be a better person. We all know that we are distinct and unique from each other and there is no perfect. We are born to have our own flaws, but the good thing here is that it can develop and avoided in anyways.

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I totally agree with you and that will surely motivate anybody that have bad experience in doing business online. It's normal to be demotivated or emotionally stressed when you fail. You should just always think positive. Don't make any problems affect or stop you from what you are doing. Just think of it as a lesson for you and it will help you to be a better person and to do better when it comes in doing business online. I'm really new in this kind of stuffs online and sometimes I fail, but it did not stop me from doing what I like. Once you embrace yourself from your flaws, you'll know how to correct it once you encounter any problems again in the future, you know how to deal with it and how to handle your stress.

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Thanks for all your encouragements! I want to be successful in online business too. You're tips could really help me a lot.

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I agree with you because if you accept your mistake, You will know what are the things that you need to improve and to be more successful,

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Your content is very encouraging. Embracing your flaws is a great way to work on them. And by improving yourself, you will be able to get more opportunities. As they say, there is room for improvement. So, if you are not good at something, then learn how to be good at it. As long as you have the willingness and patience, you can make things possible.

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This is my second opinion on this thread. And I agree with this because if you know your flaws, you will know the things or skills that you needed to enhance. By that, you can be more successful.

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Yes, exactly. You will definitely be able to identify the things that you need to improve using your flaws. That will only happen if the person knows how to accept his/her failure and then learn from it. No one has ever get into the highest peak of success without struggling from their failures and misfortunes. It's true that it's really hard to overcome such unwanted failures but we are just human being who can make wrong decisions sometimes.

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I love your article. This is really me! So what if my lazy right? As long I know and how I can earn with my strategy, that's already none of their business. I don't know why there are still people that are close minded and stuck to what they only get used to know. Right - as long you know how to get along with your flaws, then you go for it. Don't let anyone stop you by doing it or something you are good at. Must believe in our skills - believe in ourselves.

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I got many flows that I have to work out with. This article teaches me to embrace them and outlines what must be done with my flaws. I really need to start learning and nothing should hold me back if I want to be successful in this business. Thanks to this post.

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From personal experience, people who told me that I can't ever make it are the ones who truly never wanted me to succeed. They have huge egos and believed that they are only the ones who have the skills to be successful in life. I am now on a quest on proving them wrong and see me in a different light. Thanks again for the excellent advice, highly appreciated! All the best!

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Your post is very motivating and I do agree completely with whatever you have said. The most successful persons in any field are those who are able to constantly change and make themselves better every day and in every way. Of course, this is very easier said than done. the biggest hurdle one faces is the inflated sense of ego and the attitude that says that whatever I do is always right. this is the something which everyone needs to overcome as early as possible otherwise it will limit our growth. Once you are able to accept your mistakes and improve upon them then you start rapidly progressing on the path to success. if you are stubborn and averse to change then you are left behind in the race even if you are more deserving or more talented than your competitors.

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I think if someone or people you know think you are not smart enough to succeed (at anything), this should be used as motivation to prove them wrong. Sometimes in order to get something done, you need someone to say something negative because now you'll have a strong desire to prove them wrong.

It all begins with being brutally honest with yourself. Working on fixing one's flaws is a good way to succeed at anything. When one learns to work harder (and stop procrastinating) which is something that holds back many people there is not much they can't achieve.

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Embrace your flaws and be more successful: Yes, you have to. Everyone of us has our own flaws and weaknesses. Just don't hide or run from it. Face it, accept and embrace it and you will see, whatever path you've chosen to take you will be a successful one.

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