
Affiliate marketing isn't difficult it just takes time and dedication to be successful

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Affiliate marketing isn't difficult it just takes time and dedication to be successful

When you start your online journey to make money, you likely will get pushed into affiliate marketing because it's one of the well-known methods to make money in this industry since you don't need your own products or websites.  Affiliate marketing isn't the most difficult thing to do, because the tools and links are given to you, but at the same time, it isn't the easiest thing to achieve success in because it takes time and dedication to see a lot of profits rolling in.

I've gone in and out of affiliate marketing over the years, most of the time I don't even see it as getting a commission for the sale, and that's how you should view your new business.  Yes, you'll be running your own business of sending traffic and quality leads to another company in order to get a sale.  You could consider yourself a freelance affiliate marketer, but you're still running everything yourself, and that means you're a business owner.

In this discussion I'll be going over why affiliate marketing isn't difficult, it just takes time and dedication if you want to be successful.

Everyone tries, but few succeed
A ton of people give themselves the title "Affiliate Marketer" even if they're just spamming links all over the place and making $5 a month.  It's a rampant term, and that's why people get so attached to it, and everyone gets pumped up to make millions through this type of marketing.

For every single successful affiliate marketer, there is likey 1,000 or even 5,000 people who failed at it.  They failed because they didn't dedicate themselves to the work and they thought "I can just post a few links on Facebook and make money all the time!" and they quickly realize it takes a lot of work and that's not something they want to do.

Read - Try - Tweak
You need to read everything you can about affiliate marketing, understand what you should believe and what should be forgotten, then you need to try everything on your own and tweak it to perfection until you have a system that consistently brings in commissions.

This takes a lot of time, you'll likely go crazy over it, but at the end of the day, you will see your progression and that first commission will be extremely sweet because you built the system that brought that one lead to the company and now you get paid for it. 

Think outside of the box a little bit
If you're reading all of these ebooks or hardcover books that are telling you how to be successful with affiliate marketing, do you think you're the only one reading them?  Usually, the ebooks about affiliate marketing are written solely to make money from the people who are following the step by step guides within them.  These ebooks tend to be given away for free and covered in affiliate links for the people who are gullible enough to believe everything within them.

Instead, read through some forums or blogs and understand what they are trying to tell you and then think outside of the box a little bit and test things of your own.  There are a few affiliate marketing books out there that don't cover themselves in links, that actually open your eyes to the marketing world, but you'll still need to see this as a basic template that needs to be edited in your own way if you want to make money.

If you follow guides step by step, you'll likely spend a lot of money on the recommendations, and you will be doing the same as the 1,000 people before you.  Think outside of the box a little bit and dominate a different niche that you know a ton about Affiliate marketing isn

In conclusion
Affiliate marketing takes time and dedication if you want to actually be successful with it.  You can't just read an ebook and think you're going to be a millionaire, even though they're written in a way to amp you up to think that way, you need to alter their approach to go in a different path and make money where others aren't targeting yet.  You need to constantly test, tweak, and alter your websites and marketing methods in order to bring in quality leads that will actually result in a commission.  If you can think outside of the box a little bit you will be able to make some cash with affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing isn

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Affiliate marketing is easy, but in other hand can be very complicated. Affiliate marketer need to know what they doing, but it's hard to learn from any eBook. As you said most of eBooks are filed with other affiliate links, or they are made to make money by selling them.

There is very very few things that you can combine in GENERAL affiliate marketing knowledge. Each affiliate system need different approach and marketing tactics. And targeting different age groups or geotargeting, need different approach....

Perhaps i am doing very well as Seoclerks affiliate, but at the same time i am on low level with Clickbank affiliate revenues even with all my influence and reputation. Because it's both affiliate programs, but not the same thing. So i am trying to combine them sometime and mix affiliate links by finding similarities in some products and services and it works.

I was writing about some affiliate marketing ides even here. But... Best way to do it is to think as a reader of your posts which include your affiliate links. Start from your self! What would make YOU to click affiliate link and potentially buy that product?!!! Then you will be having better ideas how to create your affiliate marketing strategy. That's the best way to do, even if you didn't read any eBook ;)

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Affiliate marketing may not work for everyone. This is what my experience tells me. I started with Amazon than moved to commission junction and linkshare. I had to stop commission junction and linkshare because I did not earn a single penny in a year. I am continuing with amazon despite I am earning a small amount, In order to earn from affiliate marketing you should know about the products that people actually buy. Then you should also receive a large traffic on your site.

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I have so many discussions about affiliate marketing and the majority of them are with positive outlook on affiliate marketing. That is the main reason why I am not pointing to that direction that sooner or later it will be affiliate marketing for me because my present work as a freelancer is not really earning a decent amount that it cannot even buy me free lunch at my present workload.

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Great tips and techniques. Its true- Every one try- a few get in success. I have been trying to become successful on affiliate marketing system for the last few years but I am not fit 100% every time for the affiliate marketing from any company offer. After a hard and hard try I get a few success. Only marketplace- Outsourcing- freelancing- white hat SEO- target based opportunity- works with me. Still now I have been trying with a zon and recently I had been lost the API key facilities. This article will help me for the next try again.


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You are half way across the line of becoming a successful affiliate marketer, but all you need is someone or something to guide you through the process and reach your business goals. I would recommend taking up a program on affiliate marketing that will help you get the best guidance to meeting your objectives as an affiliate marketer. I would recommend trying out wealthy affiliate programs.

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I have seen a lot of successful people using affiliate marketing to earn a fortune. They will always tell me that it's not as easy as it seems now they are reaping the benefits of their efforts, hard work, determination, dedication, persistence and commitment on the job. The beginning is always the most difficult phase in the life of an affiliate marketer but if you are determined to succeed in the online business, you will.

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I've been interested in affiliating and honestly I tried, but sad to say, nothing happened. LOL. and you're right, this one really needs effort and hard work to promote your products and I don't have any commitment during that time, all I did is, share the links. Maybe I will continue this if I have enough time and focus.

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"efforts, hard work, determination, dedication, persistence and commitment"
Although most successful affiliate marketers tend to discourage someone, it is true that they were amateurs, but the above statement describes their work.

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The honest truth is that no one that is thinking of starting an affiliate marketing program expect profit at the onset of setting out to do this. I mean that you get to that state where you have invested your time and resources with little to show for it. So, taking out time to see what works for you as an affiliate marketer is definitely the best thing to do.

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Exactly. Before jumping into the ship or band wagon of becoming an affiliate marketer, it's very paramount to know exactly who your target audience would be and the kind of products and items that would matter to them. It's only by having such information before promoting another company's products that you would stand a chance of getting possible clients that would be willing to use your affiliate marketing links to purchase products online.

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Yeah, that is the issue as some Affiliate marketers don't even understand how the system work and it is really dangerous to the time and energy that they have spent learning about it. When you know your targeted audience, it is going to ensure that everything works well since you will realize the best way to market the goods to them.

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I wouldn't say I was “pushed”. Let's just say what the guy said sounded really persuasive. LOL. Affiliate marketing isn Honestly, he talked like the money would start flowing almost instantly! Yeah. Uuuuhh … that didn't happen. At least, not for me. He kind of, sort of left out that bit you mentioned about “time and dedication”. Affiliate marketing isn But even though my affiliate marketing efforts were not an overnight success … hey! … the guy had already talked me into it. I'm on the A.M. yellow brick road. I'm going to keep going until I meet the A.M. Wizard and he grants me my A.M. wish!! Affiliate marketing isn

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Affiliate Marketing is a good concept, the problem is to much promises and to much hype. The honest truth about it is that you'll earn but not what you're hoping for. You have spend enormous amounts of time and effort to earn just a small amount. This is because it doesn't work anymore, it's effectivity as a marketing tool isn't what it used to be anymore.

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Affiliate marketing is not difficult, it takes time and dedication to make money through affiliate marketing. I have been reminding myself about this since a long time. I was introduced to affiliate marketing when I joined hubpages in 2010. Since then I have been promoting amazon products. When I managed to sell amazon products from my hubpages articles, I began promoting amazon products when I launched my own sites in 2015. However, mine is a sad story. Having said that I still believe you can make money through affiliate marketing.

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I think affiliate marketing is easy for those people who have huge followers or email subscribers because they have already a list of people where to send their affiliate link. But for those who would just start, just like me, it will really take time, dedication, and money to promote an affiliate link. Successful marketers emphasize the importance of building email list because it could help you in the future like promoting your own product or affiliate links with less money to spend on advertising. Lots of books, videos, and programs are available out there but one will surely teach you great lesson on what will or not is your personal experience as an affiliate marketer.

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Affiliate Marketing in truth is one sided, it's a good cheap marketing tactic for companies and it's a bad income opportunity for Freelancers. Why bad? Because as you said for every thousand affiliate marketers, only about ten would have some success.

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You're quite right that affiliate marketing really takes a lot of time. On the other hand even if you devote your time and effort doing it, I don't think one can be successful in it that easily. It'll take years to earn a decent amount in affiliate marketing that's if you're lucky, it's because of competition and the changing market response to affiliate marketing tactics.

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I think people assume that affiliate marketing is not a business. Like any business you have to plan and strategies you also have to take the time to learn more about your business and your consumers. Most people join an affiliate program and set up a website and think that the products will sell themselves. Wrong, from being in affiliate marketing for a few months, its really really hard. However whenever you put the effort you see the results.

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I saw a lot of post about the affiliating on social media like Facebook, and I think they're doing it wrong and honestly looks like a desperate to get customers, because it's everywhere even not related to topic, they will post their advertisement in the comment section even the post is about the crime, murder something like that.

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The only type of Affiliate Marketing that I’ve ever personally considered was for when I get my personal website up and running. I know you mentioned in the beginning that you don’t need your own site to get into Affiliate Marketing, but from what I read it’s one of the most efficient ways to do it.

For example, you get a blog or other type of website up and running, start gaining a decent amount of traffic (easier said than done, I know) and eventually you monetize your site through an Affiliate program. While this certainly isn’t a guaranteed means of success, I’ve heard it’s one of the more secure ways of making money from Affiliate programs.

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I have been doing a research on affiliate marketing and I will agree that so many have tried and not all succeeded. My take on affiliate marketing is that you will need a lot of patience with the results and perseverance with the promotion so that your marketing will have an effect sooner or later. But I understand that affiliate marketing is for one who is sociable in the internet which means you have a big number of connections in social media that you can tap for your business needs.

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Yeah i also thought of it that way. But there are still successful one's because of good and affordable products. Also i found that people that have started affiliate marketing on the early stage of it's concept is very successful because they have already developed and established a pretty good audience for them selves.

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As you said affiliate marketing does take a lot of time and effort and I tend to agree that it's not that hard to funnel traffic to a site. But the really hard part is getting to convert the traffic into sales and that is why only a few people are successful in doing it. The amount of time and effort is not in anyway fair to whatever income affiliate marketers would be receiving.

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From the stories I have heard from successful affiliate marketers, most of them failed when they started. However, they never gave up, and they have all taken time to earn.

Also, dedication and testing various methods is one thing that all the marketers have highlighted. Basically, affiliate marketing is not that difficult, but it takes time and dedication, as you will have to read and work extra hard to make some returns.

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