
Running a legitimate SEO campaign takes time but is more rewarding

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Running a legitimate SEO campaign takes time but is more rewarding

Everyone wants to rank their websites in the top position within Google, Yahoo, and Bing but they don't want to take the time to do it legitimately.  I've come across thousands of people who say they did their own SEO the right way, but now they've gotten a penalty, and it's because of the SEO.  Well, if you're getting penalized for work you've done, you've likely messed something up and now your website is hurting, so it was you who pushed the throttle and built too many links or dipped into some black hat methods to increase your rankings.

Running a legitimate SEO campaign will yield you top results within the search engines, but not everyone has the time or patience to wait for that.  So many people get tempted by the black hat side of SEO that they start to dabble in it and think they'll be safe forever.  I can tell you from experience, you won't last long if you're doing little tricks to boost your rankings, because Google and the other search engines aren't dumb.  You will get caught, your website will tank, and you will likely lie to yourself and say you did everything right in order to rank your website.

Below are a few things you should think about when you're doing your own SEO campaigns the legitimate way or you're going to outsource the work.

White Hat SEO [vs] Black Hat SEO
When it comes to SEO there are 2 labels you need to think about.  One of them is the white hat label for SEO and that essentially means you're doing everything right in the eyes of the search engines and you're going to gain rankings over time.  The black hat label is for the methods that are used to trick the search engines into boosting your rankings, which will get your website penalized when caught, and you will get caught eventually.

White hat takes a lot of time, longer if it's a difficult niche, but it's much more rewarding when you do rank because you'll see that #1 position being taken over by your website and you'll think "I did this".

Rankings take longer to achieve but are more stable
When you're running a legitimate SEO campaign, you'll quickly realize that your rankings will go up but it takes much longer to do, but in the end, it will be more rewarding because your rankings will be much more stable.  You will be increasing your domain authority, your domain age will always be going up, you'll be adding content to your website and 3rd party platforms, and in the end, you'll be on the first page of Google and the other search engines.

I tell people all of the time to work on SEO but don't focus on it.  Focus on running your business and making it profitable because SEO takes time and if you're just focusing on it, you'll lose money from your other methods that are actually profitable.

You will avoid any sort of penalty
When you're doing SEO the right way, and not trying to trick the search engines to increase your rankings, you will avoid any sort of penalty that might come your way if you were to dabble with black hat SEO.

Penalties are difficult to see coming, and they can kill your website, but it's not the end of the world if you do get one.  Usually, you'll get a penalty for building 1,000,000 backlinks to your homepage overnight or you have black hat methods such as hidden text on your pages, so you'll just need to fix those and the penalty will usually get lifted after a few weeks.

Find the perfect company if you outsource your SEO
If you don't have the knowledge or time to invest into your own SEO campaigns, you should always think about outsourcing it to a credible company who can do the work the right way the first time.  You don't want to pay someone $5 to build you millions of backlinks and hope for the best, you'll just get penalized.  You need to pay a credible company that will do quality work if you want to be competitive in the SERPs with anyone doing or selling the same things you are.

In conclusion
Legitimate white hat SEO is something that takes time and there aren't any shortcuts.  There is no "get rich quick" scheme when it comes to SEO, you can't skip ahead in time and just sit at #1 in the rankings, so you should probably do everything legitimately and be glad you did in 6 months or a year from now.  You can get to the top of the rankings, and stay there, as long as you do everything right and don't get tempted by any black hat methods guaranteeing you top rankings in 1 to 3 weeks.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Some people use black hat tactics to rank higher on Google. They might be able to get a good rank with black hat seo, however, in the long run, they will fall down. Using black hat methods might also result in being pennalized such as being blocked from search results, ad accounts being banned etc.
White hat is moe rewarding. Slow and steady wins the race.

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I actually have a friend who used black hat tactics to rank higher on Google with his website doing well over a short time until he was penalized for using those black hat tactics to rank higher on Google. Till today, he had tried to get his site up and running once more but everything is now difficult for him. He eventually ended up dumping the site.

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I think your friend learned a valuable lesson. Black hat gives you short term benefits, however, in the long run it will make you suffer more. Therefore, we should avoid using unethical tactics to attract search engines. The effort you put to do black hat and white is more or less same, black hat gives you instant result but it will eventually put your website at risk. With white hat, it might take a long time to see
results, however, the reward is worth waiting.

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It is very true. This is a great lesson we have to learn too. It is great it was posted. I agree that the effort used in both techniques is the same.

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I think black hat method tends to work less. And that means you have to some of the times make things easier with the way it goes. You can see that SEO campaign have their own set of the limitations. And we learn how to work around those.I think on that note I'd say any SEO optimization has to be with google guidelines so as to avoid those malicious practices.

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People always get mad at Google for changing their algorithm, etc. But really if it weren't for folks using those black hat tactics, there probably would be no need for making those changes. Only people don't see the "black hatters" so they yell at Google instead, I truly believe Google is just trying to level the playing field and make things fair for all search engine users. Some folks work hard and honestly deserve their ranking; while others CHEAT their way to the top!

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When I started trying to learn (I still have to say “trying”) to search engine optimization (SEO), I heard of this white hat / black hat SEO and sometimes I'm glad that I don't know enough to wear either hat and perform the tricks! LOL. Running a legitimate SEO campaign takes time but is more rewarding But it is good to find out what the techniques are so that you don't accidentally make the mistake of doing something that you shouldn't. You need to stay awake and aware because SEO is everchanging.

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Hahaha. I love the analogy you gave to that story. I myself am still a beginner in this sector and I cannot allocate myself a hat. However I would like to only learn and apply the best and long term tricks.

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I think black hat is just bad on ethics. There are people who make use of it and even big companies use it. Like say doing negative publicity of others. And so on. Those type of the tactics also work but not on grand scale. It's just the thing about the other ways in that case we have to understand how that works around as well.

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I was also confused with the terms that I was avoiding to read discussions that has black hat in the title and then there’s also the white hat and gray hat. People who are into technology have the penchant for coining new words and sometimes it is a cause of confusion especially for newcomers in the technical area like me. But as you said it is better to know what those hats really are.

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I agree with you. Sometimes we do not know the huts we wear. We just write our minds.

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I really like this article. This inspires me to keep on keeping on. Its just like saying slowly but surely.

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Definitely slow and steady but sure. I read somewhere that a great SEO can benefit you for numerous years. The key is all in doing it as properly as possible. The shortcuts will be quick but not durable.

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Exactly! As long as you operate within the confines of the rules and regulations guiding how to pursue your ranking in SEO, even though it's going to take a while before getting the desired ranking that you seek which would help to promote your online business products and services, but once the ranking comes, it's going to last a long time if you keep working in a legitimate way to maintaining your ranking.

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A cheat never gets any good thing on the long run, it may appear that such individual is having success on the short run but over the course of time, those cunning trick will get such person penalized and all those success will be going down the drain.

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Yup, I'd rather put in the hard yards and do it all legitimately than have it backfire on me in the end. Plus, I think there's just more pride involved when you know you've done it properly and it does well!

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Exactly! This is the one thing that I love so much about Google is that no matter how long it takes or how well you think that you have covered your tracks after using black hat tactics to secure ranking, the system will always fish you out and get your website penalized.

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Yup, the old case of justice always prevails! I'm glad about that though, since I feel like it levels out the playing field. If people cheat it's going to catch up with them in the end.

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That's a good thing because it is not the case, those who make use of black hat tactics will carry on unabated while those who play by the rules will be disadvantaged. You can never really get away if you what you're doing is not right.

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Definitely! Cheating is never been good to anything. Basically at first it is rewarding for some however, it is more destroying in the long run. You might lose everything especially when it comes to business when you cheated.

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Of course yes, the rewards for cheating on anything including online business in SEO comes immediately and quickly which makes you feel like you have succeeded but the time or day of punishment isn't far ahead and believe when I tell you that such person would never go free unpunished.

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This is absolutely true like the saying, 'What goes around, comes around.' When you waited and worked hard for something, the result is good. However, when you cheated, wait for the karma, surely it will come.

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I agree. A cheat never prospers. They end up becoming worst from how they started. They might think they are succeeding but in the long run they'll fail. I'd rather work harder with my own effort and be proud to say I made my own accomplishments. I might not rise up fast but at least I'm doing it the right way. You reap what you sow.

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When it comes to SEO running a White Hat campaign is really the best and most effective. Although it takes a longer time to see the results, you can be sure that it's going to be good results. I really don't know why others would do Black Hat, I think they just don't really know what the after effects of it is. I mean it can literally backfire and ruin their ranking and business.

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When it comes to SEO running a White Hat campaign is really the best and most effective. Although it takes a longer time to see the results, you can be sure that it's going to be good results. I really don't know why others would do Black Hat, I think they just don't really know what the after effects of it is. I mean it can literally backfire and ruin their ranking and business.

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I think doing the SEO changes on regular basis is lot better than doing the change once and not doing anything after that. I have found that people who change the SEO on regular basis have more control over their content than anything. That being said, it can be some of the time hard to work around such type of the websites. I think regularly taking the work on the SEO part definitely helps.

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Tommy Carey, I totally agree with you. Shortlived success grow overnight and die as soon as it blossoms. Trickery happens to be shirtterm too.

Definitely, white hat SEO will take it far. Looking fir assistance todo it is ncessary too. Thanks.

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This article is so right. There's a saying 'Patience is a virtue.' No one succeeded in just one snap. Most of the successful people in the world started from rugs and they patient waited and worked hard to reach the success they are currently enjoying now. Same with 'Running a legitimate SEO campaign,' though it takes time but is more satisfying and fulfilling than anything else.

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Just goes to show that doing business legally will still be the best choice and you might take a longer time to reach your goal, but getting there will be a lot sweeter and you don't have to constantly look over your shoulder when the authorities eventually catch up to your illegal activities.

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When you say legitimate SEO campaign that means to me that you are on the up and up with ethics and decency. In other words, if you are not playing tricks with your SEO methods then there is nothing to worry about regarding violations and penalties. It’s always best when you go the full route and be safe than taking a short cut with the procedures but you are exposing your website to risks of suspension and violations.

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Running your business or SEO campaign to be exact through ethics and principle can never go wrong. Playing tricks, on the other hand, may seem favorable but only for a moment. Definitely there will be consequences. What goes around comes around.

I can't wrap my head around how people get satisfaction from their achievements obtained from unacceptable measures.

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This article needs to be shared and be known! It gives good points on being patient and perservering when aiming for higher ranks. Budding business owner can benefit from this article.
Nowadays, people who venture on aiming higher ranks tends to be impatient and is willing to use black hat campaign. Although it can be sometimes FRUSTRATING to see your numbers grow slow, it is still worth it to strive fair and square in the long run.
For me, i prefer doing things safely and by the rules than to be sorry in the future. Also, running a business is already stressful in nature itself so why do illegal activities? It will only add more strain and problem for the business owner than having benefits and growth for the company.

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It really takes patience in waiting to see the results because if you don't have it, you will have the tendency to resort to unethical tactics or Black hat SEO to obtain instant but temporary gains. Success really comes with character. Sometimes, you can be your own worst enemy if you don't overcome this desire to gain things at an instant. And we all know that we can't escape. There will always be consequences just around the corner. On the other hand, if you play it fair, the result is far more rewarding.

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Right. In these kind of industry you really need to think of something on how you can make your rank rise. Though some cheat just to get the rank they want, still wont last and you will get caught in time. Try to work and play fair and positive that you are going to get the rank you want because you deserved it and you are good with it and unique.

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