
Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

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Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

We've all heard of YouTube and we know people are being found every single day to be the next pop star or they're found selling something that now every household uses.  Since people like Justin Bieber are being found online and are now multi-millionaires, there are a lot of us trying to become YouTube famous in order to achieve those same goals.  We may not have the exact same goals, but we want to be the person everyone looks to when they have a question or concern, and that's the real way people can become famous online if they don't have a real skill like playing the guitar or playing the violin.

Not everyone reading this will be posting YouTube videos each day, but they could have posted a few in the past and not been successful with them, but that doesn't mean you should be stopping.  You never know when your next big break will be, you just need to keep working and publishing videos, and you will see your views gaining more and more views each time you post and your channels will gain more subscribers each day. 

Below are a few reasons you should think of trying to become YouTube famous.  If you don't hit millions of views on your videos, don't get mad, just keep working and try to get to that point in a year or in 5 years Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

They become "famous" of course
When a person is publishing videos constantly in order to be seen as an authority within their industry, they're actually trying to become YouTube famous.  There are actually people out there that have gained movie rolls solely from getting found through their YouTube videos.  Now, they aren't in mega box office productions like the Avengers, but they are still making $100,000+ for a lesser known movie that comes out with them in it Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

They gain attention from sponsors
When you're publishing tons of videos each day to YouTube, you may get some views and clicks on your ads, but you're likely going to get contacted by some sponsors wanting you to show their products or services within or at the end of your videos.  You will get paid per post that you do or they might just pay you a monthly subscription in order to get in any video you post over 30 days.

Each sponsor is different and they will likely contact you more when you're getting 100,000+ views on your videos.  If you're in the right niche, getting the right amount of views, and publishing high-quality videos then you'll likely get someone contacting you in order to partner up and send you some money just to mention their products Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

They make more money through AdSense
A person who becomes YouTube famous will always make more money through their videos simply from their AdSense ads.  This is because they will be gaining more views, and that means more clicks, which will end in more profits at the end of the day.  The more someone is making from their videos, the more time they will put into producing great content, and that just means the channel will grow even more over time.

More money comes from more views and that's one reason people are trying to become YouTube famous.

They could get accepted into the YouTube partner program
A lot of people don't really know what this is, because they focus on putting AdSense on their videos, but the YouTube partner program is similar but you don't have to publish ads on your videos anymore.

Getting accepted into the YouTube partner program isn't the easiest thing to do, because you need minimum views per month on your videos and a minimum subscriber count in order to be considered.  After you get 4,000 hours watched in the last 12 months and have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers, you'll be able to apply for the program, but the more you have the better it will be for you to get accepted Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

You will also need to have great videos that aren't too edgy, because if you're going to be in the partner program, YouTube will want you to be the best and also please everyone that is watching.

They can be influencers with authority
A lot of people who are getting to be YouTube famous are influencers within their industry.  If they don't have a specific industry, and just target an age range, they will still influence those viewers into buying something or avoiding a specific product.

Businesses are paying millions into influencer marketing because it works, and if you can get to the point where you're a well know face on YouTube, you'll likely get companies wanting to pay you for posts or pushes of their own products.  This is similar to a sponsor, except this might just be a one-time payment, it's up to you to build this type of relationship to keep getting paid by the biggest companies in the world in order to get even more famous down the road Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

In conclusion
People want to become YouTube famous solely because they want to be seen by the masses.  Most people who do this just want to be known, and it's likely due to some sort of ego driving them towards fame, but others actually post quality videos to just get the word out about something and accidentally get famous.  In the end, it's all about the money, and the more famous you are means the more money you'll make through AdSense clicks, the YouTube partner program, or through sponsors and people paying you as an incluencer.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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We have a YouTube channel that used to earn us about $100 in a year. It is a small channel that when YouTube changed the policy in the sharing of revenue that was reserved only for the big players, our channel is not earning anymore because the required 1,000 subscribers is not met. This is the reason why we want our channel to be popular because popularity in the internet means money.

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That's interesting. I wondered why people kept making videos on Youtube. I guess they earn money once they become popular enough. And it seems to keep growing in terms of revenue as time passes by.

Sorry about the policy changes affecting your channel. I remember something about big Youtubers and their their income stream. They too were affected; they went complaining about all over the internet. And they got paid for it because viewers too were curious. Hahaha!

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You can benefit freom youtube in many ways. You can use youtube for vlogging. This is the most obvious benefit of youtube. You can publish videos and make money from your youtube videos. You can also use youtube to market and promote your products, business, or services. This is another benefit of using youtube. Youtube is a powerful platform for online marketing. Thirdly you can use youtube to drive traffic to your website. After google search, youtube is the second biggest site in terms of traffic. This is the reason why people wnat to become famous on youtube.

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It's really lucrative and promising. I think that's one of the reasons. If they make it big, it's really life changing. I know some friends together with their spouses who quit their regular job to focus on vlogs as influencers on Youtube. This turning point lead to amass earnings from this social media site.

I often think that this is just for some exceptional few people. But this thinking will not lead me anywhere. I agree that it takes patience. If you don't make the cut, it doesn't mean you have to stop. Who can tell that our moment is just around the corner?

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There was a time I tried making these videos but failed miserably. This article has encouraged me to make more videos.

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I love it when one gets inspired by such content. Online platforms are lucrative and if you build your niche well with time you will achieve what you desire. Go get it...

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If I had joined SEOclerks early enough then I will have made a big leap online. Am really learning something here.

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That is nice to hear it is why platforms like these exist. I also have had the opportunity to learn loads of stuff and I can now be more efficient with lots of online portals especially those that present one with an opportunity to earn.

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Am very grateful to you people. Your words of encouragement strengthens us and majes us work hard to be successful. Thank you.

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I wish you all the best! I think it can feel impossible sometimes trying to break into this kind of market, especially since there are a lot of established names on YouTube already. But I do believe with persistence and hard work it's possible!

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Anything is possible online. One has to go where action is and keep up with competition. Where money is entrepreneurs do flock.

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Just try and try. You are not the only person who feels that way. We need more encouragement to fulfill what we need to be done.

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I get why people want to be famous on YouTube. I saw a report on teens and young adults in Asian countries who are like rock stars! They may be kids but I'm sure they're doing it for the money too! It's a great way to pay for your college education. That's if you want to go to college. When you start making money you may think getting a degree from an institution of higher learning is not necessary. But even if you think you don't need the degree, think of possibilities of meeting and making friends. You might make friends with the person who will become next president of the United States. What's even better? You might find a soulmate.

Me? I just want to upload some popular music with a nice slideshow or do a quick tutorial. I've already linked my Ad Sense account. Might as well use it to earn some extra money.

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Oh my gosh, there's also that kid from "Ryan's Toy Review" who is worth like 12 million dollars and he's 6! His parents quit their jobs to focus solely on the YouTube channel, and all they do is post reviews of toys. He gets so many views though...just wish I'd thought of it first!

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Yeah, even kids earn a lot of money from Youtube. I allowed my son to subscribe to EvanTubeHD who initially did reviews for lego. Now, the whole family had their own channel and I can see that that's what they do now for living. This kid who's now 12 has 5M subscribers.

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It can be hard to believe that some of these kids probably already have more money than I'll see in my lifetime! I do think hard work pays off but sometimes being successful is about luck, too - being in the right place at the right time!

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Absolutely. Although for most people, success will only come through hard work, but some had it the easier way around-an opportunity of a lifetime that seemed to land right on their front doors. They just have to strike while the iron is hot.

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I think being famous is kind of bonus IMO. Because earning money is one of the good things with the youtube. And getting people to like you and then follow you for the content would be something every one of us would love to do. I guess we learn from our experience in that case. Youtube seems to get better as time goes ahead.

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Some people are complaining about the changes but overall I agree with you. I think YouTube is getting better as time goes on. Let's face it. It's like a dream for most of us to make an appearance on television. But what were the chances of that happening for the average Joe or Jane? With YouTube, you create your own channel and turn yourself into a Superstar! I'll bet sooner or later they're going to create a YouTube Walk of Fame.

Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

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Yes. And that best part is that you don't have to beg for the audition and role to the directors. You have talent? Go ahead and make videos. And if you get popular. You reach more people and more money in the process. Though the business model of youtube is a bit hit with adblockers. but overall I think I am fine with the youtube doing good these days.

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Youtube walk of fame sounds good. If this will be true in the future then there might have a facebook walk of fame,twitter and instagram too. That would be fantastic.

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I hope when they get famous they remember where the idea came from. They heard it here first! LOL. Why people are trying to become YouTube famous
Why people are trying to become YouTube famous
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I hope so they could. They should give credit to someone who invented that award.

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I totally agree with you. Here in the Philippines, there are a lot of celebrities who are now into vlogging. I guess it's because they have gained popularity and it will be easier for them to gain subscribers and views. A lot of celebrities are now having their own youtube channels. Some of them gained million subscribers after setting up their channel few months ago.

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I like it how some of the celebs are being rich and solving the financial problems with it. I know one thing for sure that some of the people become famous in the process. And also creating the different set of the job opportunities there. And that's what matters at the end. Because most of the things that we do requires money as it is. So this getting famous and rich and creating new industry for earning money is a good thing.

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People are getting famous from youtube because of what they posting in their videos. People would subscribe if they like the content of the video. For instance a product for skin whitening. If the youtuber would make a video on the specific product and she said that it was effective and she would posted a before and after photos of her for sure her subscribers will try it for sure. The youtuber will become a product influencer. The vlogger might have more subscriber if her followers tried and proved the product effective. The vlogger also got more paid thru adsense.

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True. Vlogging is the new source of fame as one can literally be their own studio and producer.

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Here in my country, some of the full time employees were resigning to their respective job and they do full time vlogging. They said that they got more money for making videos and uoploading it in the youtube than working.

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I've also seen some people here in my country get fired from jobs where they were super famous only for them to bounce back on vlogging platforms. Some of them have then gone on to make more money than that they previously did on their formal jobs.

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Internet is indeed a part of our lives and social media is one of its powerful tools. With vlogging, many want to try it because of the benefits it gives however, a lot of questions are popping in my mind and one of them is, does vlogging give a lifetime security financially?

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That was good questions. I think vlogging will not secure financially lifetime. Lifetime is a long period of time and maybe at this moment vlogging is really hitmaker in youtube but this will not be forever.

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That is right and I strongly agree with that. Thinking that some people are resigning because of vlogging should be a big no no. Indeed, vlogging offers bigger earnings for a short period of time and this fact should not be disregarded. A stable job is better, I think.

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Yeah people should not take vlogging as a stable source of financial income. They should know that this is also for extra income only. Having a job is more different that vlogging. Money from work is stable than source from vlogging.

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Absolutely! Making oneself more productive while making money from a stable job is great. Yes, vlogging can offer more and bigger earnings but this is just temporary. Maybe a couple of videos in a month can be a great deal, just an additional monthly income, I guess.

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Very well said. That is the reality. Getting additional income from vlogging is awesome. Still its a good money either small or big.

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That is indeed true. Having said, big or small is still a good money to keep and save. Vlogging can last if the video content is good, neat, trendy, interesting and if the vlogger is interactive with its viewers. Interaction with the viewers is a must because it will give a positive feedback and a good outcome as the vlogger continue to make vlogging as possible means of additional income.

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So you are suggesting that if someone was to go into it to have the mentality of seeking only a supplementary income. To have some other thing in the background that they have put their focus on.

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I do think that if you are wise you can venture into vlogging to make lots of money that you can then invest in other things. Of course the question of how much you can possibly make entirely depends on how good you are.

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If you have the skills and good in camera then you could be a good and instant famous in youtube. You should able to have an interesting channels to subscribe. Being famous in the internet nowadays is really hard. Many competitors there,you have to stand out. Making money there is not as quick as possible. They have a process.

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It’s incredible to think just how much money can be in it - the idea that people can just quit their jobs is so interesting to me. I do wonder how long the money train will last though - does anyone think it’s only temporary or this will just keep getting bigger and bigger?

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This is a good question. Basically, it was also a big question to myself, how long does vlogging last or does it take a lifetime or just a temporary income? Honestly, nobody knows how long it will last or will it continue to grow bigger and bigger since technology is moving fast as days pass by. However, a safer approach is, having a stable job while making some vlogs for extra income.

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I think that's a good approach too. I've heard of vloggers throwing away their full time jobs (and great, stable full time jobs at that!) to stick with YouTube videos, and I guess the skeptical part of me worries about their long term future.

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I am with you on that. Maybe vloggers who are earning really huge amounts have other plans like making a business of their own or investing on something better than having a stable job. Whatever their plans in the future, hopefully they will succeed too as how they became successful vloggers.

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I think if that was me I'd need to be bringing in some pretty massive dollars to quit my day job! I'm curious though to know how much time running a YouTube channel takes. I guess if you're doing all the filming and editing yourself it ends up being quite time consuming and can probably interfere with a regular job.

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It is indeed time consuming and basically if you have a stable job, this will highly affect it. I have known some YouTubers and I was able to ask them how long it takes to prepare and make a video ready. They said considering all the things needed for a great video to appear in 10-20 minute time frame, it takes almost a week. Yes, almost a week. The preparation or the idea of the video content takes the longest time for it than editing and filming.

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Yeah. This is smart idea of getting famous instantly. You would save so many things like the budget on making it,the locations, and the actors as well.It would not be as scripted as in the film but you do multi tasking. It is indeed so tiring but tired is just word to someone who is enjoying it. The good part of it is you enjoying it while earning from it.

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It is human nature. People love power and money. Some shy people tend to be outspoken on Youtube, because it is the only place where they can express themselves freely. Some people use Youtube to make money. It is certain that the more famous Youtuber you are, the more money you will make through AdSense clicks. Everything is possible on Youtube and it depends on how you use it in a way you benefit from it.

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Exactly! I have come across such persons who are very shy in person but once they are behind a camera, they become as free as a bird in expressing themselves on any topic or subject matter. So, in such situations, these people can actually make a good living by being famous behind the scenes of camera. There are lots of successful youtubers and if one learns the tricks to their success, I'm very certain any other person can become what those people are today with their online image.

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I definitely agree. Taking videos of yourself is fun and can lift confidence especially if you have seen how nice looking you are while doing it. Now that technology is everywhere and innovation happens from time to time, making money online is always possible.

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I think it's fantastic if people can become more outgoing and let that side of their personality free through YouTube videos. I'm an introvert too and I can't imagine doing it, but maybe I do just need to try. Perhaps I'll be able to shake my shyness too!

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Believe that you can do it and you will not notice that it is already happening. Embrace your weaknesses and try to work on it more. It will not be easy but, in time you will be able to succeed. Go girl, break a leg!

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That is correct. No need to hesitate. Show them your capabilities and you will see you will succeed.

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@nesmarcos thank you for the encouragement! I love this community because I feel like everyone tries to build each other up rather than shooting anyone down. It's a pleasant spot to be on the internet when you actually feel supported by others! Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

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I have that feeling too. The extroverts have better opportunities in a business like vlogging. It seems like it's a breeze to them. For us introverts, it will be a lot harder and we can't fake it but I think that it's a skill that we can acquire as well. So they say, the beginning is always the hardest and it's just a phase that we can overcome and be comfortable in the long run.

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I find it ironical that people have the guts to make the recordings that they would rarely do in front of people. It is however true that in many times that is how their best comes out and is expressed. Their content therefore gets more outreach.

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That is right. Maybe some people were born having such 'thick faces and have much more confidence' than others, where they can express themselves with no hesitation but I also agree that some introverts can show their best while others are not personally watching.

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I think for many introverts or shy people there's a concern that expressing yourself in a room full of people will lead to judgment or embarrassment. It's not that odd to me that people would feel more comfortable expressing themselves in a room by themselves - it takes some of the stress out of it!

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can anyone help me how to buy subscribe were to add youtube channel.
Because here is just to buy subscribes but i can find where to add youtube channel pls help me.

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I just don't have the personality (in my opinion) for YouTube videos - I'm an introvert and it seems like every Youtuber is a massive extrovert. Sadly there's not the same money in freelance writing that I've found as there could be in Youtube videos, but writing is more my passion!

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I must confess that I understand exactly what you mean about not having the personality of using YouTube and becoming famous as a result of being an introvert. In a situation whereby one is an introvert, there are lots of variables that such individual can't associate with as a result of their personal nature. I used to be an introvert, so I understand how you feel sometimes but I had to work on mine and today, I'm no longer an introvert.

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That is good to know that you are not an introvert anymore. Overcoming it would take time. Socializing and making friends are the huge steps to overcome it.

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Definitely. Though I do not think that anyone should think of themselves as introvertly hence being hindered from being an excellent vlogger. It is all about embracing what you beliwve you can share well with the world.

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I understand where you are coming from. Nonetheless, I know some people who are also introvert like you and basically started their own Youtube channels. At first, the confidence was not there, but as they make more videos, it added greatly to what personality they have now. They gained confidence while earning money from it.

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I think maybe I just need to try! I guess if I record a video and I'm not happy with it I don't necessarily have to upload it, but it could be a way of overcoming some of my shyness, especially if I'm just recording at home with no one watching! Hopefully that would help to calm my nerves a little! Why people are trying to become YouTube famous

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Exactly in fact I think that real introverts have a better shot at achieving real success in this field. If one can manage to channel all that energy they lock within that is.

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Meanwhile, I can also say that having a passion in anything you really want to do will give a better result. Since writing is your passion, I honestly believe that writing will give you a better place to achieve and succeed.

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That's also true - I think if you're recording videos about something you're naturally passionate about and enjoy, it seems less forced. If I had to record a video about something I wasn't truly interested in I'm sure it would be even more nerve wracking and hard to do!

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It is really more nerve wracking and hard to do, a very big challenge as I may say but, when you succeeded in that challenge, that is what you called, success! Not all actors are real actors. Some of them just also tried to act. At first, the videos looked really bad but in the long run, through constant practice, they were able to let the feeling go out. Likewise with making some videos, there is no perfect thing but you can make it almost perfect if you just push and keep practicing. Practice makes not perfect but almost perfect!

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Often with famous YouTubers it's interesting to go back and see their first (or early) videos...and the quality of their content and their recordings goes up so much. I think you're right - it just takes practice!

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"Rome was not built in a day" However it was still built and with all its magnificience it took some while. Only trying, failing and improving can help one to become expertly in this field.

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Passion is a great motivator that should never be underestimated. It has the capability of enabling you to do the things that earn you an income even at the periods that you might be feeling low. A passion will also enhance the creativity that you have.

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Writting when harnessed well is an excellent income earner in the modern day. I believe however that one should identify a specific area that they can excel and put all their efforts in doing the best work.

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Point well taken. Basically passion in something we do is a big factor in motivating us especially when we are feeling so low and feels a bit tired to do it. Meanwhile, identifying a specific area where we can excel is one of the priorities we need to consider so we can give our best shot indeed.

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Hello! Im an introvert too. I also agree to you that youtube has a massive number of extroverts but there is also a good number of introverts in youtube that made it big. Did you know that the currently number 1 youtuber today is an introvert? Anyways, dont worry if you think that youtube is not for you. Just do your passion. Believe me, it is BETTER to do things you love and earn lesser than to force yourself to do things that you are not comfortable with then earning so much. I have seen so many youtubers having mental breakdown, anxiety and depression because they are forced to live their lives by the number of views and subscribers.

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Quite contrary. Actuly if you read a lot of the posts here you will find proof that truly even introverts can do vlogging just as good as the extroverts.

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Yes, I think that YouTube is one of the best ways to be famous. By posting videos you have the chance of getting notice by the masses. But I think in order to be notice you can't just post random videos. You have to post videos that is relevant or unique. It's best if you have talent but if not you have to do a lot of research to know what's in. I think that the most important in a video is to provide enjoyment to the viewers and knowledge as well.

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I think most YouTube channel owners can achieve being influencers on their field as long as they regularly post relevant videos but to become YouTube famous and earn some money, YouTubers must invest money, years of effort, equipment for video production and he / she must have the appeal and charisma to attract audiences.

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I think most YouTube channel owners can achieve being influencers on their field as long as they regularly post relevant videos but to become YouTube famous and earn some money, YouTubers must invest money, years of effort, equipment for video production and he / she must have the appeal and charisma to attract audiences.

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You have made a very good point about how useful YouTube can be in getting the YouTuber to become very popular and famous while earning money online as well through the YouTube channel. But it's very important not to forget that it's not as simple and easy as it sounds because if it's that easy, I'm sure that everyone would be very famous today by owning a YouTube channel. It requires huge work and sacrifice before one get that successful with using YouTube channel.

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This is a good point and totally agree with it especially with your statement, 'they must invest money, years of effort, equipment for video production and must have the appeal and charisma to attract audiences.' There is a saying, 'no pain, no glory.' This is indeed applicable if you want to succeed and earn what you deserve. No one became successful in just a blink of the eye, well known successful people experienced struggles and years of effort before they reached and became what they are now.

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Yeah I agree with you on that and that is very correct. Being famous in Youtube is really a good infuencer also.

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Stated above was really true. Youtube could be a great instrument to get famous and also to earn money. Since most of the people have access to the internet nowadays, gaining attention from them could be one of the ways to earn money. I knew a lot of people who succeeded in doing videos and vlogs, and yeah, they really earn money by making and sharing what they love to do. It is a great platform to start a person's career when he wants to become famous someday.

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Becoming the next YouTube sensation and having millions of views is every YouTubers dream. The fact remains that only .01 percent of all YouTubers really earn good income from their channels. Most earn little money and those who earn a lot are generally famous people in the entertainment, sports, political niches basically these famous personalities just extended their reach to YouTube.

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Exactly! When you have a YouTube channel that gets a minimum of 1 million views on anything that you uploaded by your fans and followers all over the world, it makes you and your YouTube channel a very hot business prospect because most people, business owners and companies would be looking to use your channel for advertising their products and services.

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This is part of what makes it hard for me to want to do it...I think the realistic chances of success are so low. The market is just so saturated already and like you said most of the time the people who have success with it already have some kind of media or entertainment profile. It's hard for the average everyday person to break into it now since there are so many established names.

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Fame is one of the surest ways to becoming very wealthy and influencial in the world today. I can remember when there was a lot of chatters about joining Illuminati to gain fame and riches, some people did joined especially artists and footballers. But those who don't want to get fame using the supernatural power, go with the use of YouTube and it's very effective if you have the expertise to exploit the social media in getting the popularity you seek.

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That was so true. People love to be famous and they find way to be like that. Youtubes is one way to fame as long as you have skills on making interesting videos and gain subscribers. You will not just be instant famous but you will get money from it.

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A lot of benefits, isn't it? Those are the reasons why many people want to be a Youtuber or a social media influencer. There is money and fame in it. But it is not everybody's cup of tea. Some people do it because they want it and some are doing it because they want it.

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I think Youtube attracts a lot of people who want to be famous because they see all these famous Youtubers who are just traveling or playing video games and "have it easy" but still earn a lot, and people also want to earn money while just staying at home. However, they think it's that easy when the reality is it isn't when you don't have the right skills and knowledge.

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YouTube has turned to a place where one can become famous easily as long as the person is ready to do the right things that will bring about this type of success. It is not going to happen overnight, but it is something that is possible since many online users always turn to YouTube for self development.

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In addition, anyone who wants to be big on Youtube needs to set realistic expectations. A lot of people want to have 100,000 or more subscribers or views like their favorite channels but it's just not that simple from the very start. They often give up way too easily when they don't immediately reach their goal rather than try to improve their content.

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I see a lot of Youtubers like that. If they do not immediately reach their goals, they just stop and do not even want to improve it more. It really takes courage being a Youtuber!

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I agree when you focus on building your fan base properly you can be amazed at how much you will actually accomplish. In many instances the people who truly believe in themselves and what they do get to reach the highest income earning potentials via such a platform.

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I do think a lot of people see it as a golden ticket to wealth with minimal "work" but I do still think there's quite a bit that has to go into creating quality content - for instance all the recording and editing to make a video look good!

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Definitely, a 10-minute video can take up to days or even weeks if you really want to produce a high-quality content other than vlogging, and that's only the editing part. There are just no shortcuts to this process just like any work.

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Some videos that last more than 10 minutes are fairly boring for some viewers though the content is trendy. Editing is an important part when making a video and a Youtuber must learn it if aiming for real success.

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Yeah, however, most of the newer Youtubers push out content over 10 minutes long for ad revenue.

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I never knew it could even take weeks - that's crazy! But I guess it shows you that even though you see a clip of 10 minutes "work" there is certainly much more that goes into it. Especially if you're also considering the amount of re-takes they might end up doing!

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That's right. By posting a good content on YouTube your channel will become establish and you don't need to wait for your luck like some of the videos, because some of them is look likes one time big time and this kind of video is easy to forget.

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Point well taken. Social media has a lot to offer since many people are using it from time to time. Most people are techy and can make wonderful and unforgettable videos with their skills and talents.

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LOL. Even the nonsense video, but funny and a lot of humor this one will surely become trending, because this is what the people are looking for and love to watch, something funny and make us smile.

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I think a lot of people also earn from the merchandise. And that can be something to work over. Lot of people are trying to build the brand. Because that always works out. You can see that youtube is easy to get famous with but it's harder to work around with the long term earning. Many people have made money with the youtube. But the way things need to sustain is a bit harder if you ask me.

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People use youtube as a key to popularity and success. Being famous on youtube gives them the opportunity to earn and get an instant celebrity status. However, reaching this rank is not easy. It takes patience, luck, and skills to achieve what you are aiming for. Having an interesting content and personality is a big help to capture the viewer's attention. And being able to know the secrets to become a great and well-known Youtuber will take you to the limelight.

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I have seen some celebrities from my country turn to youtube as their main source of income. This could be by them marketing stuff from the field they have been known in. The cliwnt base is always ready since they have built up their fame already.

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You're right. There're a lot of YouTubers in our country became famous by uploading some funny videos of their own. They become celebrity immediately and now we usually watch them on T.V. YouTube is a really good tool to become famous.

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Those are great ways that anyone that is into a YouTube program can get to become famous as it is always when people are viewing what you are doing that this can get to happen. I have been in series of scenarios where YouTube owners make it simply because they focus on a particular niche and develop better with that. So, everyone can achieve this as well in the long-run.

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Hi New member here! I believe youtube is the fastest way now to get famous. Most people in this generation watched Youtube everyday. You can earn from it when you get a lot of views on your contents. Smart business!

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Welcome to the forum! Making good and trendy content is not a piece of cake nevertheless, it is possible. I agree that Youtube is the fastest way to get famous because even the youngest and the oldest people are using it. As long as you know how to use any gadgets, you can actually access it.

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You're right, YouTube is a great tool to earn and become famous at the same time. It's easy to post and create something for viewers. The only thing you need now is how to advertise your video and how you going to connect with the viewers.

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I agree with you on that. Communication, interaction and video contents are the topmost keys to become a successful Youtuber with the charisma, skills and talents you have, basically things will work well. Earning money while being famous is a great deal!

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No wonder why there're a lot of people wanted to create their video and try their luck in YouTube. It's gonna be a passive income for them, like mining gold inside your home.

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I think one of the reason is to make money online. If your channel or vlogs or videos has a lot of viewers, you can become famous and with that you can earn money on that. It takes a lot of effort and time before you can really gain viewers as well as you should share it on other social media for it to become trend faster.

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Some make videos because they want to be famous, some like making videos because it is their passion and they can express themselves freely in front of the camera and honestly, most of them make videos because they want to earn money. It is right that aside from coming up with a trendy video, it is better to share it in different social media platforms to gain more viewers and to make it viral if possible.

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Yes, social media is important when you want to promote something for your business since most of the folks now a days have social media accounts. Of course you have to be creative for them to entice people to view your videos.

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That is indeed true. Basically, I have never met someone who does not have even one social media account. Well that what technology is. Even you do not want to but you really have to. Moreover, aside from promoting it to social media platforms, interaction with the viewers is also must. The audience is what makes vlogging complete. Without the audience participation, vlogging will never work. So part of being grateful with the audience presence, having an interaction with them is highly recommended.

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Yes,yes! So true. Others used some activities such as contests, give aways and such, for audience to participate and get entice of joining their group page or channel because of prizes and give aways. It's a great advantage to attract more audience in social media. Sometimes trading in promoting products with social media influencers and other famous vloggers or famous folks is also great for enticing viewers and audience.

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That is right! I, myself, also join in some contests and activities in some social media groups and youtube channels not just because of the prizes given but also the fun it brings to me.

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So the key here is communication and interaction not only with the audience but people with ranks or shall we say those folk who are famous or many followers. You should have networks and connections with powerful people. Attitude also is a must here.

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Having a network is advisable. Having connections with powerful people may be a big help nonetheless there are some social media influencers who really started from scratch. They became famous because of the content of the videos they made. Patience is indeed a virtue. The key for communication and interaction is truly a must if one would like vlogging to last.

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That's right, advertise your video is the best way to gain more viewers, however, if it's not interesting and looks boring, it will just a waste of time.

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Yes, a waste of time, waste of energy and effort but if its your passion to become a vlogger, you really need to do some research, survey of what kind of topic you will make and need some helping hands on how will you start an effective vlog for your business or for your channel. Social media is important when it comes to promoting your business.

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And sometimes this nonsense video will get a lot of viewers once you have even one hit video, because the curiosity of the viewers will search for your other videos once you hit the market.

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Yeah you are right. Sometimes the reason why a video has a lot of viewers because of the Title, caption and the thumbnail or icon used t display in a cover of the video. Out of curiosity, you intentionally click the video but find out lately that the video you watch is just a nonsense. Effective way to entice people also is the title and the captions as well as the image use in a cover.

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You're right, and I really hate this one. The tittle and the image are way far from the actual video. I usually report it in Facebook once I saw this one, because most of the time, they advertise their YouTube videos on social media.

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I also hate those kind of tricks. They make their title more exaggerate from the actual video. I don't report videos but if its too disgusting and false information, I will definitely report it.

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I reported it, because I don't want to become a victim again. Better to do that, so, they will learned something avoid that.

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OKay , as what you said, I'll gonna report those kinds of videos nextime. Thanks by the way. They will never learn if anyone don't report those vloggers who creates those videos.

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I feel exactly the way you do. It is not just having connections with powerful people or having a network, it is how the video is made. It should interesting, trendy, sometimes it needs to add up funny stuff, like how the vlogger will make herself/himself a bit funny so the video will not be dull, and lastly, it should be informative.

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Yeah, I usually watch those kinds of videos. I don't easily get bored and I really enjoy watching some funny stuffs. Yeah you are truly right, they should be trendy with a funny side. Sometimes I don't like videos with too much details from their talks. I like videos that are short but delivered and presented it precisely and understandable.

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Yeah, You have to a little bit down to your standard or quality it's not bad to do that and just find the connection first with the viewers. Being funny and serious at the same time while giving informative videos is what most of the viewers want to watch.

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Becoming successful in YouTube is not everyone's cup of tea because it needs a lot of talent and charisma so that people would follow and subscribe to your channel.

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Everything can be learnt and enhanced by constant practice but it definitely takes a long time and a lot of effort before becoming a successful Youtuber. I think if someone will be focused and serious to make his dream a reality, everything is possible.

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I hear you! Personally I don’t really get why people chase fame. Sure there’s money in it, but you’ve also got to deal with so many other things like having your privacy invaded!

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I think people chase fame not because they just like it but because it is a good source of income for some. A big possibility that viewers will visit your profile especially if your videos are interesting however, vloggers can still limit what he/she will share to the audience. It does not necessarily mean that when you become a vlogger, you need to share everything about you. You can still control it.

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I'd love it for the income, for sure, but I think being famous is overrated! Famous people end up getting so much judgment from people and I think if you get too famous you can't go anywhere without being recognized! Not the kind of life I want to live!

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People wants to be fame in YouTube because it is a good way earning source, but that needs deliberate efforts from your side. Following tips will be useful to increase your YouTube revenue

Attracting good profile. It’s definitely an advantage. If somebody like your video, there is high chance of he visiting your profile. In that case an attractive profile may inspire him to spend more time in your videos upload videos at regular intervals. This is clear you can earn more with more views with more videos in place. I will also increase your subscribers if you keep it updated with videos every other day market your videos. This is the key use various channels to populate your videos like forums, blogs, article writing sites etc. You can also try some paid advertising medium too. Comment with your profile link. Always try to put comment on videos of similar niche with your profile link which can attract more viewers to your channel keep your video short as nobody has the time to view a long 10-15 minutes video include a subscribe to link in your video. You may get more subscribers by doing this.

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You are definitely right Tommy. It is all about the money. Some people in YouTube make fake content so that they can earn more money. You need to be more famous to get more views. Being famous or having many follower or likes in social media account is only a plus factor. It makes the person feel loved and it is nice feel that you are loved by many.

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There is sometimes a big misconception that being famous in youtube is easy. It may look easier because if you compare the efforts that you should give if you want to be famous in hollywood, being a youtuber is indeed way easier.
But to be fair and not comparing youtube to hollywood, I think people are trying to be a youtuber to be famous because you need little resources to be one. Just set up a camera, do something you think would trend then post it in youtube. Production cost in youtube can be much cheaper. But once these people will realize that not everyone is for youtube. It is not that easy for everyone. Not everyone is meant to be a youtube star. Its is not bad to use youtube to be famous especially if you are not using it for the wrong reason.

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I agree with this, you tube has many benefits. You tube are use by individuals to gain popularity, to earn money etc. I'm using you tube everyday to watch video and theirs a lot of you tubers doing video about games, any kinds tutorials etc. But I think being a you tuber is difficult unless you are the type that know how to get the attention of your viewers. The only sad about you tubers is sometimes they try to outwit the viewers just to get what they want but I'm not saying that they are all they same. Some you tubers are nice in a way that they help the viewers for providing useful information's.

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You're right, videos about games are very popular right now, You can see a lot of uploaded tutorials on Youtube, but some of them just wasting their time because they even not examined the audio before posting it.

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Trendy video contents count a lot these days since many people are into online gaming like mobile legends. Having checked everything before posting it is a must, I would have to agree with you that they are just wasting their time if the audio and video quality is poor.

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Specially the final game of DOTA, a lot of video on YouTube about that million dollar finals game, but there're just a few videos become trending, because it's clear, even the audio. It's easy to get million views from that game.

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Well YouTube is the second most used social media platform in the world and people always wants fame and if you by any chance jgets YouTube famous then you can he sure that fortune is just around the corner.

It's a whole lot easier for celebrities to cash in their popularity in YouTube. Normal people who became YouTube famous and made lots of money are about 10 in a million. So for me YouTube is not an easy option to earn from.

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As someone who is a huge fan of YouTube, I’ve been keeping up to date with everything that’s been going on since about 2007. The site has had its highs and lows, but there is no denying that it’s become a juggernaut with respect to both the entertainment and marketing industries.

Making it on YouTube can be a life changing event for anyone, but it’s definitely way more difficult than most people assume it is. For example, Let’s Play channels are a popular genre of video, and plenty of people think they’re going to be making piles of cash by just playing video games. That being said, I can’t even begin to start counting the absolutely massive amount of failed Let’s Play channels out there.

It takes so much luck and talent to make it, but if you manage to do so, you’re set probably for life.

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For some people, just being famous is enough for them, it looks like they're eager to get the attention that's why there're a lot of nonsense video on Youtube and sometimes, this is what the viewers want, and the person who wants to earn something and preparing a lot of things to get viewers got nothing. Because they are so serious and their focus is money.

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You will be surprised that a majority of the people who shoot all these numerous videos that are boring may still be evolving in their vlogging journeys. They may end up striking gold in those fields and it is only when they persist that such is possible.

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Yeah, of course, just one hit video and people will surely recognize the old video of the up-loader. The uploader is just waiting for the right time to recognize the video. So, I think just keep upload your video and wait for your moment.

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Being famous and making money out of it are sure great benefits. Who can say no to that? Some had it easy because they already have a great following for being celebrities but there are others who started from scratch. In either case, it also takes great skills and effort to edit those videos and need to constantly learn to do better or hire someone who can do the job. There were exceptionally few people who ordinary yet made it big. And I agree,it started with their belief that they can make it a reality.

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I think many people are posting more videos at the YouTube because of aspiring that someday they will be known and famous for their videos. We cannot deny the fact the YouTube had been a great channel for people who are always online that wants to have some fun and to learn some knowledge about everything. I think that money is just secondary for those people that are not famous or just starting up their career in the YouTube.

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I'm used to watching Youtube videos lately and been following a lot of Youtubers now specifically in the beauty/fashion category. I believe that these people whom I follow joined Youtube and created their own channels because they wanted to inspire other people. Beauty gurus that I follow nowadays have their main goals as inspirations for people who doesn't feel confident about themselves. That's why these people creates tutorials that seems very helpful for less confident people to learn in fixing themselves, be creative amd confident in a good way. Some of them also makes Youtube as thei living because we all know that with enough views and subscriptions, you can earn enough to make a living.

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It's interesting to know that we live in the current age where Youtube has become a source of living. People actually try to make it work. And as time passes by, they eventually succeed. Makes you wonder how much chance you have if you were to try as well. Hahaha!

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Many people are aspiring to become famous at YouTube because for them it is a living and a great sourceof income where all the basic needs and want of their family came from. YouTube has become the home of those people that wants to have some fun or to inspire others that is why many people are posting tutorial videos even those simple videos that they think can help anyone. Another thing here is because for other people, being famous at YouTube is a dream come true or a priceless award for the effort they made.

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I always think it's fantastic if you can make a really great income from something you enjoy doing, so if that's the case for these YouTubers I think that's wonderful. I wish that I could somehow make that kind of money from writing!

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It's true. People have actually made businesses with the help of Youtube. And the most well-known have made it their main source of income. That's how powerful the platform has become over time.

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Actually, Youtube has become the new TV. Practically everyone today can be famous if they play their cards right. You no longer need to star on TV in order to be known by the public. Just make quality content and people will eventually notice you online.

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You tube is only for viewing video but it offer a lot of things depending on how you want to use it. Many people today wan't to seek attention and they use You tube as one of their way of advertising themselves to be known. Some also use this as their way of earning money.

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I guess it's only natural for extroverts to join Youtube. They find joy in being around people. Being recognized is something they actively seek out. And earning money only adds more to their determination.

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People want to be famous on YouTube mainly for economic issues. A very good friend has earn some good money on it, of course it too quite some time, and a lot of effort, to get all the viewers she needed to earn some profit. Another friend on the contrary, wants to be famous to become an influencer, he wants to use the power of moving masses of people, to achieve goals for others. I really like this idea, because we need more people doing benefit, than getting it.

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I think so too. Things have changed drastically in the past few years. I remember back then how camera shy people were. The mere thought of someone filming them and putting it out there scared almost everyone.

But with the motivation of earning money, people have begun to adapt a different mindset. They don't care if they look silly or whatever. As long as they're getting money from it, they think it's worth it.

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You know what is said... money moves the world around. So, let's face it, the first thing people think when it comes to be YouTube famous, is the money they will get. Eventually, they can find out all the other benefits they will get through it. I like to follow those YouTubers that are actually doing something inspiring, motivating people, helping others, connecting masses, more social workers than money makers.

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To become a Youtube famous is one way of becoming a celebrity here in the Philippines. Ms. Maine Mendoza, a famous celebrity today was famous in Youtube, Snapchat, ect. because of her dubsmash videos. Until today she is still famous in her Youtube by having millions of followers.

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Well youtube gives a lot of money specially if your videos are good to watch. People who have subs that are big are the one who benefit most on youtube, try using ads to gain more subs and views so you can get more popular after a while maybe you have a chance also getting the jackpot at youtube.

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It is simply because when an individual became a famous in youtube a lot of future prospects will coke forth. It includes profit, opportunity to be discovered and fame, as you can see it is a life changing perks that we can acquire if we became a youtube sensation. However, it's not an easy task because we must be innovative and make something unique to get the interest of the people to have a lot of viewers.

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We all know that youtube is known all over the world, so If you are famous on youtube, You will also be famous all over the world, There are also a benefits of being famous like for example if you have a lot of subscriber and viewers on your youtube channel, Youtube will pay you depending on how many views or subscriber that you are getting it is monthly, So while enjoying being famous you will also earn a lot of money,

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I always see these siblings and they are very popular of what they do all the time in youtube. Its about new toys in the market are what they show to people and encourage kids as well adults to try the item. What I see to them are okay because they give reviews about the item if its good or not. They are very neutral so its up to the viewers if they are going to buy it or not. And what I love about them, they are very polite with the viewers and we can even noticed that too along with their parents in the video.

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Speaking of YouTube channels popularity, I think most people who are into video blogging or those people who loves making videos out of their interest can be seen on YouTube. There are actually a lot of YouTube channel creators. Their purpose varies to what they want to do, some want a profitable channel and the others are just doing it for fun. The one I admire the most when it comes to YouTube channels is giving the viewers information like giving a tutorial that might help your needs to learn on something and also by giving the viewers information or facts that might can be added to their knowledge or that can be the inspiration to the idea. But I also like channels who do crazy stuffs just to make people laugh where in fact I have a favorite YouTuber for that. Well, YouTube is no doubt that one of the most trending social media site nowadays and I guess the community in YouTube will be growing up more day by day since there are a lot of aspiring YouTuber out there who wants to try their luck in that field or industry.

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The main reason is because the YouTube will pay them if the video that they made has a lot of views. So the more views the more money.

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You got it right. Earning money from for posting a video on YouTube is actually one of the main reasons why some people wanted to become a youtuber. Well, that is also a real talk. But there are still some people who just want to monetize their passion on video blogging.

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Money is the main reason why people want to become famous on Youtube. If you and your videos are famous then you may earn a lot. You may receive daily inquiries from brands and companies hoping to partner with them. There is a lot of career opportunities on Youtube if you are lucky enough.

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YouTube is a social media platform that pays real money to people who can attract viewers. You are practically working for yourself if you can become famous here. Who wouldn't want to be a celebrity and get paid for posting the work you made.

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YouTube is a famous social platform, if you have a huge fanbase their a lot of products wants you to be their endorser and it pays wells.

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Why people are trying to become youtube famous: Maybe for their own self. Its either for the sake of having many followers/ subscribers or it makes them happy to be famous/known in the social media world.

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Some people want to be famous and they are happy to have many followers and viewers but some people want to earn money. In the evening news some nights ago, a Youtuber was featured. He is earning more than $500 in a month just by posting any kind of video of himself. His subscribers that number in thousands would be watching his uploaded video and the views count would make him earn money from the Adsense program.

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For me it simple. Because it is social proof.

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