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Podcasts. What's a podcast? It's basically just an audio file. It contains a recording of someone speaking something. Such as a book or some article. Perhaps a radio interview or some other kind of interview. Just a recording of it in audio format that can be uploaded and or downloaded, shared, emailed, attached, embedded etc. And listened to on the go, on your mobile device, while walking, running, relaxing or even working. That's the beauty of podcasts you see!
SEO Challenge July 2018: Podcasting for Traffic, Conversions and Backlinks
Podcasts for Traffic, Sales, Clients, Customers, Conversions, Subscribers etc etc
Podcasts can be used to pull in traffic to your site and convert them into sales, clients, subscribers etc. All they need to do is download and listen to them whether on their mobile device or computer and then listen to them and follow your CTA's at the end... You just have to make it which can be really easy, and you can get creative! And then post it on your site, either in a new post and or with the original article for it as an optional audio download for it which people love btw! And of course you can share it all over Social Media, in PBN's, on other profiles, pages, groups, communities, boards and more etc etc.
Podcasts for SEO, Authority, Ranking, Growth Hacking etc
Podcasts can be very useful for SEO since they can be embedded virtually anywhere along with a link back to the original site it was uploaded to (your site). More than this, like all media files, you can store META information in them like a website URL etc. More than this, podcasts are viral in nature since if people like it, they will likely share/reshare it (Post/repost, Pin/repin, Tweet/retweet etc etc. Plus you can of course, bump them with signals from here too as well and do many other things with them to put them to good use to get the voice of you and or your business heard verbally in people's ears!
Podcasting Challenge:
Difficulty level: Pretty easy even for most computer noobies.
Time required: 20 minutes tops (more if outsourcing the voiceover part)
Follow the steps step by step to complete the Podcasting Challenge.
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I won't be able to participate in this challenge, but I'm excited to see what people make
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