
Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

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Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

Many people think you need to have a well-established business, with all the right PR out there, the best SEO team doing the work day in and day out, all to make a ton of money online.  I'm here to tell you that if you do the right marketing, people will literally just give you money, and you can use it to push your business to interstellar heights Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

You need to do various things in order to bring people to your website, get interested in what you have on there, then want to give away their hard earned money in order to boost your own success.  Money can come in by many forms such as investors, pre-orders, and even credit lines but it's up to you to figure out which you want to target because all 3 of these need different marketing campaigns.

Investors VS Pre-Orders VS Credit Lines
When you talk about profits, people always talk about customers who bought something from you, but what about Investors just wanting to give you money or people wanting to fund your project in order to get something you're building?  And then there are credit lines from banking establishments, which is another monster that needs a specific set of marketing tactics to entice to come in.

I won't be going into detail about each of these marketing campaigns, because that would be a 100,000 word discussion Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business  But I will tell you that you need to show value to an investor, show a great product or service to a customer, and show current orders as well as purchase orders to be fulfilled if you want to entice a banking establishment to give you a credit line.

Intrigue the investors
You need to show them value in what you are producing, if there is no value, you won't entice someone to hand over 1 million dollars.  Investors can push your business from a small startup to a fortune 500 business in a short amount of time, so you need to focus on your own value before you start to target them.

Pre-Orders can fund your business
Just like on Kickstarter, pre-orders can fund your business in order to keep it going for a long time.  Normally, you would need to have an established business and send out a newsletter in order to get pre-orders, but that's a thing of the past and now you can just set up a campaign on Kickstarter to take a chance at massive pre-orders.

The only downside of Kickstarter is that you don't get any money from a campaign that doesn't meet it's minimum.  If you set your goal at $10,000 and you get $9,999 from backers, you won't get a single penny because you never met your goal.  Now, in some cases people will set $10,000 or $25,000 goals and get $1,000,000+ from backers because the product you're trying to produce is so awesome that it goes viral pretty quick and you even get noticed by the platform, boosting your views and potential backers giving you money Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

Purchase orders can get you business credit
A purchase order usually comes from a big chain store wanting your product and giving you money along with a time frame in order to produce plenty of product that will then be sent to them.  This is similar to Kickstarter where you get backers to give you money in order to make the products, but with PO's you are working with just 1 buyer on a massive production scale, which has its specific benefits like obtaining credit lines Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

Banks will give you credit lines based on your purchase orders because they know you can pay them back when the work is done, and getting paid back is what banks want to hear Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

In conclusion
As long as you do everything right, think outside of the box a little bit, and have determination then you won't have troubles making money online.  Above are just a few ways you can generate $1,000,000+ when just starting up, but they aren't something everyone can achieve so don't expect to be handed checks to fund everything.  Just remember, you miss 100% of the shots you're not taking, so take a chance and try everything you can to bring in Investors, Pre-Orders, Credit Lines, and anything else you can think of Proper marketing can get you $1,000,000 right after launching your business

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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To be honest, I find this topic a dream that can come true, all right, but you need not just the expertise but lots of luck. As some businessmen would say, it’s not wrong to dream but at least make your dream realistic. I am not comfortable with getting credit lines because I had the experience of borrowing money to satisfy the demand of our clients. And in the end, it seemed like the profits were just going to the interest on loans.

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Yes, so true. I also don't like to have credit lines because I think that all the profit ends up as payment for the interest. I want to avoid this as much as possible. I also think that marketing is very important in business. An effective way of building value in the products' name and brand is through marketing.

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Yeah, you don't hear people often doing this because it is very rare for someone to have the expertise and also the knowledge of the business aspect of things, not to mention the luck of everything going exactly your way, especially for bigger ventures like this. It's best to aim for attainable goals than to dream of absurd numbers right away.

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Thanks for the nice article. Now a days some areas are biggest virtual station and they announce before any product opening by online with a discount rate and maximum time they get huge success about to get huge and huge sales before coming on launch. Its a technique. Like I have been looking for a t shirt and certainly I have found one t shirt store which is coming online and currently they are offering huge bonus or discount. This technique is increasing the sales of online store.

This technique is pre-order based and pre-order based technique is great now a day.


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This is something that business minded people should always remember. It is not easy to start up a business especially if you are starting everything from trash. All the noted points are indeed full of sense and will definitely help if someone wants to hit the goal. Having investors that can fund the business is like once in a blue moon opportunity so make sure to show them what they need to see. Also, customers satisfaction and fulfillment should always be our topmost priority so ensure to give the product at its best condition. Achieving a million dollar business isn't impossible as long as you do the right thing!

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I honestly think that the key focus should always be on the customers. It is very important to understand them and the needs that they have. Without such one may create a product which only themselves love and use a lot of money to put it out only to have very limited sales. Investors will also fund you with ease if you can show them that you understand the market well and you are sure the product is a perfect fit. It is important to also acknowledge that without knowing your customers well then a growth strategy will be very shallow.

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In order for a business owner to get a credit line from a financial institution there's a lot of requirements particularly when it comes to the age of your business. in my country a business should be in existence for 2-3 years with good financial standing and complete documentation along with updated permits and licenses. Also purchase orders and or existing profitable contracts are also needed. For businesses below 2 years one can opt for a colateralized loan or could get a line of credit against a bank deposit which in essence doesn't really have sense because if you have the money then why not just spend it right. We also have a Kickstarter program here but it's instigators are big businesses which would fund you through their banks or financial lending companies with ibterest if you have the proper documentation and business credentials so it's like getting a line even if your business is new. One drawback of the Kickstarter program here is they would only give you a line if you have credit cards or if you have collateral.

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Nothing is impossible as long as you have the right strategy good planing and some help like this article. People in business always have the determination and persistent to achieve a goal. Although it's not easy, tools and articles like this are a great help in keeping a business on track. The article is an example that, there is always an option and there are always means of creating a successful business.

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Doing the right type of marketing is one of the ways that you could get to make enough funds when we are starting a new business. The truth is there are a whole lot of investors out there that are always ready to invest in our business when they see that we are bringing a huge value to a particular industry. Getting to market the right way to them will always help to promote it.

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You can only get that kind of money without physical collateral after launching your business only from investors. Now if you have an existing supply contract or purchase order you can convert that into cash less some fees through rediscounting.

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I agree. The problem is that to do this level of marketing where you are really noticed you need a lot of money.In man ways a small business cannot do this. However look at crowdfunding platforms like kick starter. This is an amazing platform to advertise yourself and get some of the benefits you have mentioned. The internet is a major disruptor to the traditional norms of doing business. In fact because of it, you can greatly reduce your marketing budget.

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I feel like this is happening more and more with pre orders in particular - I've seen it on sites like Kickstarter and things like that. I'd be over the moon if I managed to rake in $1m right after launching a business, I think it's all about setting yourself up for success and then the rest takes care of itself.

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You have a great line of products, however, great products do not gurantee you big sales. You marketed you business very well, you used proper maretng techniques and marketed to the potential customers, this can actually gurantee a great sales. A great business is 20 percent products and 80 percent marketing.

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Reminds me of the success that Kylie Jenner has had with her lip kits! I’ve heard so many people say the products themselves aren’t that great, but the hype around the product is what seems to draw customers in.

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Aggressive marketing can help you gain sales. If you feed on people's mind constantly about a certain product, people begin to think that the product is very good or it is a must have product because everyone is buying. Look at the brand Coca-Cola and Pepsi and their wars in the advertising market.

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Nice insights. Agressive marketing is crucial for any start and business that wants to succeed

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Appropriate insight but in my case it’s not working as I haven’t got any order????

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I recently heard something about getting to focus on marketing rather than relying on referrals. Thinking about it I found it to be very true as those companies that brand themselves well rarely fail.

The ones who do not consciously engage their clients are nonetheless relying on chances.

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A very interesting way to get a whooping %1,000,000 at the start of a business. Is it a fantasy or a dream. I cannot beieve this though you give tangible ways to get this. I love the investor wairing to give you money

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The title to get a million right after launching the business is definitely a wild imagination but it may be a test to see how readers like us would react. I have commented in another discussion that the title of my writing is my problem always but now I am seeing that the title of this discussion is a good one to attract attention although when it is too good to be true then you have to assume it is not true.

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