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If you own a business then you likely own a website, and that means you need to understand online marketing, but a lot of website owners out there aren't familiar with the steps you need to take in order to be successful online. Most people see it as too difficult to learn because it's technical and there's a lot of data, but those are just numbers, and you can teach yourself anything if you just try.
You can always hire a company to do your social media marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, branding, etc. but you're not really learning anything and that means you won't know what to do if the people you're paying to do a job simply stop. I get it, you may be busy and don't have time to do it on your own, but that's when you need to sit down and read for an hour on open forums or blogs and learn it little by little. You can implement strategies and methods in order to boost your rankings, bring in sales, brand your business, and pretty much anything else. Sure, you may take longer to learn everything, but I can honestly say I don't know anything and I'm still a specialist in this field, so what's your excuse for not teaching yourself online marketing?
People are too busy to learn new things
Like I mentioned above, people always say they're too busy to learn new things like online marketing, but that's the biggest excuse I've heard in this industry. How often have people come home to just sit on the couch and watch TV or go out to dinner with friends? I would say that they likely do this 3 or 4 times a week, and that's the time when you could be learning about online marketing, which will push your business and website even closer towards success.
People assume it's difficult to learn
One of the biggest misconceptions in the online marketing world is that it's difficult to learn, and it really isn't as long as you put in the time and effort to really learn it. If you treat this as a job, you will learn it, you just have to dedicate yourself to the learning process and you can't think of it like when you were in school. Even though online marketing revolves around your native language, math, and a lot of other things you've learned in school, it's nothing like that and you need to think a little different.
If you can see this as a thing you're learning, that no one around you is talking about, you can likely learn it quickly because you don't think the way that you were taught in school. This isn't a difficult thing to learn, it's difficult to rank for competitive niches in a short amount of time, but in the end, it's not actually difficult. People tie difficulty with time invested, but that's just because the vast majority of us are impatient and don't want to put a ton of time into something that might not show results. If you can get past that you'll be more willing to teach yourself online marketing
People try, then fail, and eventually give up on it
It is true that online marketing can be done wrong, then your website is essentially burned, and people will always give up at that point and move back on with their day job. If you can get past the point of failure, and treat it as a learning experience, you'll likely be one of the people who stick it out for a long time and has a few websites up and running that are making a decent income.
In the beginning, you should have a website or two running, ones you don't really care too much about, and test out all your newly learned skills and methods on them. You can't care too much about these websites because you're just learning and you're likely going to get them penalized, so see these beginner sites as test sites. After you're confident enough with your abilities, that is when you start a real website that you want to make money from, because you will know what to do and what not to do.
People need to be taught and can't usually learn on their own
So many of us have been in school since we were little kids, and were taught the majority of what we know today, and that means we were taught that we are only able to learn when someone else is giving us lessons.
What if I told you that you can actually teach yourself something and know more about it than if you were to take a class on it? The problem with schooling is you're lumped in a room with other people and the lessons are diluted to a point where everyone can learn at the same pace. If you were to take an online marketing course, you'd likely learn a lot of stuff, but at the end of the semester, you will know about 1/4 of what someone else does who were teaching themselves.
You don't need someone to teach you online marketing, it's not a scary journey where you need your hand held, just go learn it by browsing open forums and blogs to see what people are doing and testing. If you don't know something, just ask on those forums or blogs, and people will respond.
In conclusion
The more you put into it, the more rewards you will obtain, and the more successful you will become. Online marketing does take a bit of time to learn most of what is out there right now, but you don't need to be a specialist in everything to be rich, you just need to be good at one thing in one niche to bring in all the sales and cash in. You only need one or two good ideas to become rich, and a lot of online marketers are chasing that dream, and a lot of us have created full-time incomes that need to be nurtured a little bit each week to stay stable
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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