
6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

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6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

Most people aren't doing email marketing, which is a sad thing, because it has one of the best ROIs of any marketing tactics available to us.  Other than being a great way to do online marketing, you need to understand what to look for when it comes to the statistics of those emails, and that's what this discussion is all about!

If you're not doing email marketing right now, you need to start, and then this discussion will start to hold value within your mind.  You can't just wing it with email marketing, you need to know what all the statistics are and which ones to follow closely.  Sure, a great open rate is what you really want but if you're not getting any click-throughs, what's the point?

Below I'll be going over 6 metrics you need to watch if you want to have the best performing email marketing campaign possible.

Your bounce rates
A bounce rate when it comes to website traffic is how often someone lands on your website and doesn't view the second page.  This means they were not interested enough to read through to a second page, and that's never good.

With email marketing, a bounce rate is when your email doesn't get to it's designated target, and this is likely due to the email not existing or something wrong with the server it's going to.  You'll want to clean up your list to get rid of all these types of emails because the lower your bounce rates, the better your list will be in the long run.

The opt-out rates of each email sent out
When you're getting a lot of opt-outs, it's usually because people forgot who you were or you're sending out garbage content and promotions too often.  This is why you'll need to send out one or two newsletters a week that are essentially recaps of what has happened since the last newsletter and they can't always have promotions in them.  People don't like ads, and they really don't like them within an email, so just give them quality content and they will come to your website to decide if they want to make a purchase.

The open rates of your emails
This is pretty obvious, but your open rates are when people actually open your emails and don't just delete them as soon as they land within the inbox.  The better your open rates, the better your titles were, and that means if you have low open rates you need to rework your approach.

Optimize your titles and you will see your open rates increase drastically 6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

The CTR of links within your emails
Now, you've gotten people to open your emails and read what was in them, but are they clicking?  If they aren't clicking, it's likely due to the fact you're loading up your emails with links, and people hate advertisements remember?

Just add in one link into the description/body of the email and one in your signature to increase your CTR.  People will see this as an acceptable amount of links and they might click through to see what you're talking about.

Your conversion rates from email to sales
If you're running the absolute best email campaign possible and getting a high open rate as well as a click-through rate, but you're not getting any sales, you need to rework something in your operations.

You might be misleading people to think something and then they get to your website and see something completely different, which will make them leave right away.  You could also have something going wrong on your website that prevents them from getting to the purchase page or shopping cart, so be sure everything is operational before devaluing email marketing.

Gross and Net revenues from the sales
Your gross revenues from sales are the total amount of money coming in from sales and the Net is what your actual profits are.  Gross profits are important, but if you don't know your Net then you're not actually sure how much you're making with your email marketing campaigns.  So know your profits and you will be able to see if your email marketing is working how it's intended to.

In conclusion
Knowing all of the metrics above will help you decide if you're doing everything right or if you need to work on a few things to make everything work better.  Email marketing isn't the easiest thing to do because it takes time in order to be successful, but you can gradually build it over time and fine tune it along the way.  Boost your traffic, your email captures, and your profits will likely go up as well due to a strategic email marketing campaign 6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

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Tommy Carey


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Nice techniques about eo mail marketing. Now a day this is very very much effective method in this world. But we have to collect the eo mail addresses for specific criteria based. All real profile based. Otherwise the eo mail marketing or campaign will not work perfectly. Secondly we have to make a campaign by any eo mail campaign manager like mail chimp one by one to give them update which are reader and subscriber of my website.


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When you say profile based I guess you need to get the email address from the sites like forums and blogs in order to have a grasp of the profile of the email target. It is not easy to collect email addresses and much harder for the email to get a response that’s why you have to be creative with your opening sentence so that the receiver will continue reading. But other than that the subject of the email should be engaging enough so as to be read.

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Yeah, essentially if you're not collecting emails, you're failing to your competitors 6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

Email marketing gets a bad rap from the vast majority of people out there who spam, then get blacklisted, and eventually they post on forums or blogs saying "I was blacklisted because of email marketing even though I followed the rules!" and what they really did was scrape together millions of emails and send out a blast in 1 day lol 6 email marketing metrics you should be tracking for better performance

When starting your email marketing campaign you'll need to follow all the metrics I listed above and be sure you're doing everything right. If you don't, you'll be complaining that everything is wrong and you shouldn't have been suspended or blacklisted.

Your bounce rates should be watched, if they're high then your lists need to get scrubbed before they start causing more harm than good. If you unsubscribe numbers are higher than expected, you're sending out info that might not be what the subscriber thought they were going to get, and that's why you shouldn't be advertising in your newsletters.

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I believe that email marketing is not that effective anymore. I am basing my opinion on my own experience. I keep on receiving emails regarding products and services. But I seldom open them except when the subject is in my current shopping list. Maybe the email marketing is a big waste of time and effort that can be put into another method of marketing and promotion for the business.

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