
How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

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How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

People post YouTube videos all of the time to make their businesses more successful but they come to the quick realization that you need views and engagement in order to stay on top of the search rankings within the platform.  A lot of YouTubers are drawn to the services that guarantee YouTube views for a penny, but you need to understand that the traffic you're purchasing for a fraction of what you could get through a PPC platform is just going to hurt your channel.

Many times I've come across "100,000 No Drop Guaranteed YouTube Views!" and they sell their service for $10 or $20.  If you could really get legitimate viewers for that price, don't you think everyone would be rich by now?  The traffic you're purchasing is simply a server running some software that imitates a view, and if you think Google or YouTube is dumb, then keep purchasing it lol.  Your views will drop almost immediately after they figure out what you're doing, and your channel will suffer because of it, so I always suggest legitimate ways of boosting your views when I'm talking to customers.

Below are a few ways you can legitimately boost your YouTube views and always be in the good graces of the YouTube admins.

Adwords for your video
Adwords and YouTube videos go together very well because not many people are actually doing this combination.  Sure, they will all optimize their videos in order to rank higher within the SERPs, but not many of those people are actually running pay per click campaigns through Google in order to bring people in to watch what they've produced.

You can simply target the entire world and select some broad keywords that you know will work well, then set your CPC at something around $0.03 and you should get a lot of viewers if your budget is $5 to $10 a day.  Yes, this cost money just like any other PPC platform, but if you want to be successful you'll have to spend some sort of cash in order to get more in return.

Facebook ads for your video
Sending traffic directly to your YouTube video from Facebook isn't all that difficult.  You simply set up an ad campaign through Facebook and enter the URL of your YouTube video.  You can also publish a post to your Facebook page and boost that post in order to bring people to your page, who will like it, and they will also watch your video How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

You can usually get your CPC on Facebook down to $0.01 if you set your bid at $0.05 and only target third world countries, but you never know if a language barrier is going to be a problem so just target everyone who speaks your language and sees how low you can get your CPC after a couple of weeks How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

Optimizing your video for search rankings
I touched on this briefly above, and it's probably not a shocker to anyone who publishes any sort of content online, but you'll need to optimize your videos if you want to get the best return for the time you invested.  If you're not optimizing your videos, you likely won't get any natural or organic views through YouTubes search function.  Instead, you'll see your video get a few views here and there because of deep searches, and the top listings are skyrocketing with views.  Remember, people don't usually search past the first page of results, so you'll want to be where they are searching in order to get them to your videos How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

Interacting with your viewers and commenters
A lot of big YouTubers fall short on this part because they simply can't keep up with the comments, which is understandable, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore all of your followers when they comment and you're just starting out.  If you have 100,000 or less subscribers, you likely can keep up with the comments section on each of your videos.  Sure, you'll probably be talking to complete strangers in the comments for a few hours a day, but it's worth it since you're building relationships with these people and they will be more loyal because you took time to respond to them How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

In conclusion
There are plenty of legitimate ways to boost your YouTube traffic and followers, and above are just a few of the key ones that not many people are doing, so get out there and test them out How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views  You don't have to spend thousands of dollars before you YouTube videos gets seen a million times, you just have to boost it enough so it can start to walk on its own and gain organic views through the search engines as well as the search function within YouTube itself How to legitimately boost your YouTube video views

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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That's a good article. There's really no shortcuts in getting a lot of views. You really got to sweat for it. But don't try to buy your views because it's useless. What you can do is to advertise your site in Google and Facebook, doing this would create legitimate views and or conversions.

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Making use of Facebook and other social media sites are good ways to go about it as you get to see that it is all about what you intend to do. Most of your friends, especially when you are popular, will want to watch your contents on YouTube.

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Facebook is one if not the most popular social media sites. Linking your video through Facebook is a very good way to create views. Promoting to social media sites can be a great help in achieving more views.

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This was one of the things that I was saying as we can get to see that facebook has got a whole lot of members that just by getting people to click your YouTube videos from that social media will get more viewers in a matter of hours of setting up such an ad on facebook.

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These are some of the paid methods from what I have noticed. The unpaid method involves sharing the video links in the forums. And also making the posts or say blog post in some other sites. That always helps get some views for the video. Though it is not going to be any easy. But making one view and growing the youtube channel takes years. It took me a lot of time to get subscribers. It's not easy at all.

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Sharing the link in social media is more like it for me because it is easier than posting the link in forums and blogs. There are forums that are very strict when it comes to posting links or promoting your business interest and there are also blogs in the same vein that forbid spamming. In social media it is not much an issue with spamming because your friends and followers tend to understand when you post a link for promotion.

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I think forums and blogs are more dedicated. And people who write about some content. And they get the things working for the same. They tend to manage the video based information more. So if you prefer to get the views on that using the videos on social media. That may work out as well. But I prefer to do that on forums due to more traffic.

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Interaction with the community is very important, sure some people can get really annoying when they constantly mention in their videos to "like, comment, and subscribe" but some of them really interact with their subscribers which makes it very rewarding for the viewer. This is true not only for videos on Youtube but also on websites and blogs.

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Great points as usual. I've also read somewhere that usually YouTube puts longer videos above the really few minute's ones, is that true or not?

Either way, the keywords/tags are a huge potential boost for your YouTube videos because if you are using the right ones, more people will come across your content.

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Use other social media platforms like facebook, tweeter, and instragram. Let your friends know about your videos. Popularity is also one of the main reason to boost your views. I never tried to post any videos on youtube because I know I won't get views that much. It is kinda difficult to attract people to watch your videos, unless you had an interesting ones.

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The views generated through bots, ptc and traffic exchange are just numbers. They do no help in generating revenue. If there is no revenue there is no point in paying or views. In order to earn, you need engagements on your content. If you are trying to generate views from bots, ptc or traffic exchange, there will be no engagement. In the long run, it will be just a waste of money and time.
Social media is the best platform to boost traffic to your video. If your content has an interesting title and description, people will surely check your video. If the video captivates for the first 10 seconds, people will surely watch the entire video.

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Great information.However I really don't like to use paid ads. I think it needs someone who is experienced. For a newbie like me who is still trying to navigate my way through the online marketing space it could be a very costly mistake. I would be comfortable with free traffic sources for now, so I would go use SEO to get my Youtube video's ranked. However I will store this method and come back to it in future when I have more time.

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We have a Youtube channel that is wanting in viewers and subscribers. As of late, we have been checking on the comment and replying to them in order to engage the viewers. We didn’t know that we should be aware of the comments. Anyway, interacting with the viewers can really make a change for the better. We are now getting some subscribers from what we are doing. And we are also putting in keywords in the videos even if they are published years before.

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I always enjoy when any kind of social media channels engage with their readers/viewers, whether it's YouTubers through to Instagrammers. Engagement always makes me more inclined to keep visiting a website/social media account or video site. It makes the whole process seem more human and more interactive, which I appreciate.

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I think what you can do is join some of the youtube groups or say reddit forums. That way you can get new subscribers. And that also helps you get newer users too. In such case I have realized that getting new views and the subscribers would be easy if you can find ways to collab and share the subs. That's what I have noticed with some creators.

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This is really helpful. I know several people who have YouTube channels and are wondering about how to get more views and build their legitimacy - so I'll have to send them this link! Interaction with viewers and commenters is such a big thing, both on YouTube and other forms of social media too.

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Great source of ideas for a beginner youtuber. Growing your youtube channel really takes time and patience. But if you are smart and have enough strategies, you can attract a lot of viewers and subscribers. Creating a great thumbnail is helpful. This can make anyone click on your video. You can also post about giveaways when you reached a certain number of subscribers. Who does not love giveaways? Having these on your channel will make your viewers interested in subscribing. As long as you are consistent in posting interesting videos, you can achieve the desired number of views and subscribers.

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I totally agree. You can just market your Youtube channel through Facebook or any other sites. Tell your friends about it. If your videos are interesting, it will easily become viral. Some videos will reach a million views just after uploading it in less than 24 hours. It usually depends on how you create a video, how you represent them, how to make people be interested in your videos. The title of your video is also important. You should make your title interesting that people would like to view them.

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Well, it looks like it all boils down to advertising, which of course is the way to go if you have the money. But what about those content creators who don't have a budget for advertising? Is there a good way to boost youtube views without spending money on ads?

What about Twitter posts or Instagram posts? Do they help as well? Or maybe creating a Facebook page, trying to get lots of followers and then posting videos on that page? And maybe making use of Reddit as well? I've heard that Reddit is a great source of traffic...

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Youtube is one of the most widely used online platforms throughout the world. If you are able to post videos on youtube and regularly get good traffic watching them then it can become a really good source of income. The methods and the tips mentioned in this post can be very useful to boost the genuine traffic on your videos. I think that interacting with the people who visit your youtube channel can very definitely help in boosting the traffic on your channel in the long run.

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I always believe that it is best to use good content and a reliable content strategy to gain permanent trust

Of course, advertising on Facebook or in Adwords is a good way to increase your reach. But these are always paid strategies that you want to reduce. I think this article Promote YouTube Channel Like an Expert will help you learn about free promotion methods

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