
Why you should think about going live on YouTube

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Why you should think about going live on YouTube

Everyone is trying to make money online, and a lot of us tend to gravitate towards YouTube, but did you know the benefits of "going live" can drastically boost your sales and make you more successful?  When you go live, you're essentially doing a live broadcast from wherever you're at, and people can see what you're doing or saying to them, and this method of video has been on the rise over the past few years due to all of the big social media platforms implementing this feature to their websites. 

Some people credit going live to their success, and others say it's just a little boost to their overall profits, so it's really up to you to try it out and see what works best for you.  Some industries may not do well when going live while others may pull in a lot of sales, but you'll never know until you try it out for yourself.

Below are a few things you need to think of, as well as the benefits, when going live for everyone to see.

You should prepare for your live videos instead of winging them
If you do go live, you should always have some sort of script ready because you won't want to stutter when talking and everything needs to flow very well to keep people attentive.  If you're just winging it, you will have breaks in your speech patterns and people will likely leave your live video because it's getting boring.  To prevent people from leaving, always have a script on hand and ready, this will always help you out when going live.

The professionals out there have written up scripts or had them written, and go over everything at least a few times prior to going live.  By doing this, they're essentially practicing what they're going to say to everyone watching, and their live videos seem more natural and genuine. 

Interacting with your viewers
Almost all of the live streaming services allow you to interact with anyone who wants to comment or like your live video.  If you want to be as successful as possible with live videos, you need to always be in contact with the people who are commenting and liking your videos, which is a pretty common marketing practice nowadays. 

Think about it, if you were to comment on a live stream and not get any sort of acknowledgment, would you stick around?  Probably not, and that's why you should be talking to your viewers even if they aren't commenting or liking.

You can get sign-ups for future broadcasts
A great thing about going live is you can engage with people in real time and ask them to sign up for future broadcasts.  You can give them a sort of incentive to sign up in order to get notified of your next scheduled live video, and they will likely oblige because it doesn't cost them anything, so try asking and see what happens Why you should think about going live on YouTube

You can give away a free ebook or some other sort of incentive to sign up, which shouldn't cost you much money, so play around with the free incentives and see which gets you the most sign-ups.

In conclusion
Going live on YouTube isn't as popular as doing it on Facebook or even Twitch, but it's on the rise and there are a lot of potential viewers you could tap into, so why aren't you doing it?  YouTube has billions of page views each month, which could make you a millionaire, so get started with live videos and see what you can do with it Why you should think about going live on YouTube

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Thanks for this nice topics. Basically I am highly interested to become popular- for that reason I like to go to You tube live- this is the first reason. The second reason is I like to get interact with my friend circle over all the worldwide- so that they can check me how is my status and how I am now? Thirdly I think the TV-functionality will vanish day by day by the you tube live option. Most of the world politicians or popular will start avoid the TV/Newspaper/Magazine journalist any time and will start to go to all social media live with the sponsor or co sponsor company for getting pay.

Worlds are changing.


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Yeah, YouTube and other platforms offering live services will definitely see more and more people coming to them in order to do videos because it's only getting more mainstream. If you can become familiarized with it now, you'll be better off when people start to gravitate it towards it more than they already are, and you'll profit much more later on Why you should think about going live on YouTube

I can definitely see politicians going live and using these big platforms to push their intentions because not everyone is home when they want to go on TV and make an announcement. Imagine if Presidents and Leaders around the world used YouTube or Facebook live to talk about concerns when they wanted to, they would get a lot more views because people could just open up their phones and see the stream without finding a TV Why you should think about going live on YouTube So I do agree with you, I too think that going live will become more mainstream, but I don't think TVs will ever go away but they could evolve Why you should think about going live on YouTube

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You are right that the world is changing and now some quarters are doing the live video. I think it is Facebook that was first in the live video that you can go on live like a video chat but your video is seen by all your friends. I haven’t seen a live video on Youtube yet but I guess it is practically the same as the Facebook live. Maybe that live video will become the standard in social media communications soon.

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Many great entrepreneurs that I know are actually making it via YouTube and I know that it is a new trend as many people don't realize how good the information that you got from YouTube are going to be. So, I appreciate for the words

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Your advice is definitely sound. When I first started my online efforts years ago, my friend recommended that I make videos on YouTube. As a newbie, I told him I was scared to death! He insisted that YouTube would really help me and not hurt. He said even if I didn't want to do live videos, then do like PowerPoint presentations. Just do something! I have doing YT videos on my “To Do List”. I just can't figure out what my videos should be about. I know I am taking my time about it. But I'd rather wait and do something right than rush and do something that sucks! It doesn't take a genius to figure out if you do something online that sucks that could really hurt!

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I'm familiar with going live in Facebook which is quite effective but going live in YouTube I've only seen several and I think that it's very effective because it gives a chance to the channel subscribers to communicate directly with the channel host.

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Yeah i think Facebook live and YouTube live have the same functions and i have seen some live feeds mostly from Facebook that are really enticing in terms of selling their products. It's a new way of selling in my opinion.

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Preparation for live videos is such an important key step. I feel like you can really tell the difference when watching a video whether or not there has been some prior planning involved, or whether it just sounds like straight up rambling with no direction!

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That's true as those watching the videos will always want to be sure that they are in the right mix when it comes to the type of vidoes that they watch of us. Being prepared while going live is needed in order for the things that we plan to say come out well.

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Live video is getting to be the trend now. I have lots of friends in Facebook who are going live every day. And although the purpose is nothing serious, I can see the positive reactions of their friends. For a business, live video will definitely be of great help in establishing a firmer connection not only to current clients but also to prospective clients.

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If you have a YouTube channel it's always best to do a live broadcast to attract more viewers and so that you can communicate with existing viewers live.

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I saw a lot of this but on Facebook. There're a lot of online sellers on Facebook and doing the live selling, and you're right, this one is effective, it's looks like an online bidding, but on YouTube, never seen yet.

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Having a YouTube channel and going live is a very effective way of gaining followers and getting sales. A friend of mine does this for a living and he's earning a lot of money. Now he even have regular sponsors for tech raffles everytime he goes live.

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Going live on Youtube gives numbers of benefits like having more followers, making yourself famous and if you are in the business you might attract more potential partners and customers and lastly, the more viewers the bigger the chance you could be a millionaire. So, instead of going live on Facebook, why not try on Youtube? I think that will be a lot better! ;)

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I agree that going live on Youtube is not a bad idea. It is also a much better experience then going live on Youtube. The problem for most people is how to get people to watch you live. In my opinion you need to come up with content that people really want. Find solutions to problems, give people ideas oh how to get things done in a better and more efficient way. If you do this when you announce a live event people will attend.

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A welcome idea is going live on You,-tube. I had never thought of this.

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Going live on YouTube is an effective way to connect and interact to your viewers. Giving incentives to them will make the viewer keep coming back. As a viewer, I'm always looking forward for my favorite YouTuber to go live. I love it when I can communicate to them in real time. Lastly, before going live always check that you have a stable connection so it will not be a bother to the viewers.

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I had not thought of preparing the script earlier. I just went bonko and the videos I made did not get much following. Now atleast I know something worthiwhile- to prepare snd practice on the script.

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Yes, Youtube will help you earn money depending on what type of videos you're making and if many people will be interested with it. As you've stated, there are billions of viewers in Youtube. If you have a channel, you can also share it to through Facebook to help you get more viewers. It's just a matter of time and patience. You should know how to persuade people. The topic and content should make people subscribe to your channel.

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My brother in America made a blog in YouTube. Its about coffee making. He said that other Filipinos are into making videos for YouTube and earn large amount of money. I think as time goes by I will soon venture into it also. Like them, I would like to earn large sum of extra money as well.

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There are some successful YouTube channels that don't need to be live on YouTube because their subscribers are already happy with the content of their videos alone. But having live using YouTube isn't a bad idea, in fact it will somehow help you gain more potential clients with your business or for your offered services. But I think you will still put a lot of effort for you to have a decent amount of viewers while you're live on YouTube. Though it is one of the most well-known social media platform, it isn't easy to get popular on YouTube because there are a lot of competitors in that community.

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Yes I agree with that. So many people everyday watching youtube and there's always a chance that they can view your live videos and subscribed though that only an option for some because some just do some recordings of their videos then post it to youtube and still many people view it specially if its a new one. guess as long you are making videos very trending, neutral and very unique and artistic, I would say you have a bright future waiting for you.

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Good points. I agree as long as your videos relates in the trends, you will have the chance to become one of the successful YouTubers nowadays and of course just make it sure that it isn't boring and old school. You're very right with you have to be very artistic as well in order to catch your target viewers' attention and make them subscribe to your channel. You have to be very confident too.

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Because you can earn a lot of money from YouTube.

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