
5 reasons your business is always losing leads

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5 reasons your business is always losing leads

It's no surprise that a lot of companies go out of business within their first 5 years of life. The majority of the time, probably 99% of the time, the companies going out of business are ones that couldn't keep the leads coming in. If you're not generating new leads all the time you're just going to end up closing your doors within a few years of starting up. You can't stay profitable if you're not growing and building up your sales. It doesn't matter if you own a company like Uber who is still losing money but is worth billions, you're going to close up shop if you don't start becoming profitable sooner rather than later. Uber is only "successful" because they're backed by hundreds of investors who have extremely deep pockets. You probably won't be as lucky as them, so you need to focus on bringing in new leads as often as possible.

In this discussion, I'll be covering 5 reasons your business is always losing leads, and those reasons are:

Your customer service is lacking
When it comes to creating a sale, most of the time a potential customer will try to contact you directly if they have a question, and that's where you seal the deal. If you're just sending them to your FAQ without answering them even slightly, you'll likely lose that sale because the person will see you as snobbish and not want to help them out. They can spend their money wherever they want, and the will likely spend it where someone is helping them throughout the entire process.

Stop using 3rd world virtual assistants who don't know proper punctuation and likely don't care if you lose a sale. Do the work and invest your time in the business so people see you as dedicated. I actually have VAs do some work for me, but it's only when I absolutely need them to or when I rarely go on vacation lol.

What you're doing fails to meet expectations
People will instantly have expectations of you, your services, and/or your products. If you're constantly failing to meet peoples expectations, they will gradually leave your business for a competitor of yours. If you say you're the best at something, or you have a specific feature that makes your system better than the rest, you better be damn sure it lives up to the hype and can hold it's own with your competitors. All it takes is one bad review, in the beginning, to really tank great website or business.

You don't have much value in your industry
When I'm referring to "value in your industry" I'm talking about the need for your product or service in your industry. If there is no need for your product or service, there likely won't be any sales coming your way, and that means you won't be as successful as you would like to be. Think about it, how often have you seen a dumb product go up for sale and then it's gone a month or two later, never to be seen again? That's because it had absolutely no value in the industry it was targeting and now it's a dead product lol. Don't be like those dead products, have some value within your industry and you will get some sales rolling in.

You're inconsistent in what your business is doing
One of the biggest business killers is that you're inconsistent with what your goals are and what you're trying to do. No one likes to come to a website and see you're trying to sell shoes and a month later you're trying to sell purses. People want to be loyal to a good business, but they will never stick around if you don't know what you really want to do. We get it, you want to make money, but that's the end result of knowing where you're trying to aim your business ideas.

You're using old-school sales tactics
Don't get me wrong, some old school sales tactics still work, but they're getting more and more difficult to execute if you're not being taught by someone who has been doing them for years already. Sure, you could go on YouTube and see how to do a handshake deal or elevator pitch, but if you haven't been testing these things for years you'll likely fail at them.

You need practice, so get out there and figure out what new ways you can bring in leads 5 reasons your business is always losing leads

In conclusion
Losing leads is a company killer, so you need to understand why you're not bringing in as many as you should be. If you're bleeding money, you'll go broke in no time, and that means you'll have to start looking for a day job and that's not something an entrepreneur wants to do lol. Be the best you can be in your industry and have some sort of value, then people will start to gravitate towards you and your website. Always have top notch customer service because that's what people will judge you on.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Great article mate, the points which were discussed here are very correct in all aspects with how one's business is affected both positively and negatively. I would like to focus on the point of poor support system on one's business. Most people don't find it interesting to transact with anyone who doesn't have a reliable support for immediate response. Personally, I hate it so much when I have to wait more than 10 hours to receive a response from any support I reached out to for one problem.

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Yeah, a great support system that allows you to respond almost instantly will boost your sales exponentially. I like to use as my chat system because I can use the app on my phone to respond to anyone that messages me. I can be out and about at the mall our out to dinner and respond right away and that increases my chances of getting a sale right then and there.

One of the downsides to this support system is I get a lot of tire kickers who want to ask 1,000 questions but never sign up lol. I don't mind talking to them, it actually spurred me into doing free consulting and pushing affiliate links on a different website, so I guess there was some benefit in talking to all of these people who didn't purchase directly from me lol 5 reasons your business is always losing leads

I don't really like talking to people over the phone, even though I'm actually pretty good at it, and that's why I went with the live chat system to talk to people via text message in sorts.

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".... I don't really like talking to people over the phone.... "

We are both fashioned the exact same way with not feeling comfortable making calls even though we are good at it. I tend to feel more bond with my clients when it's in chat or message form.

When it comes to some people who ask tons of questions but never actually purchases any thing, it's just part of the business and they are definitely going to buy one day.

How good is this Tell me more about it.

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Great opinion bro, I think that you are on point with your thoughts. We have to be more innovative. We can't just seat down and relax. We should always think advance than any other competitor.

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I have some experience with the quick response in the online stores. When I was looking for a leg supporter, I was ignorant of what it really is although I got a recommendation that I need that for my leg that has a bulging muscle. Anyway, I went to several online shops and made an inquiry on the specs. From the 5 shops, I only got a reply from 2 shops and expectedly I bought from one of them. The 3 shops have lost a sale in me.

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Good customer service is one of those things that you can never really put a price on. I always feel like if you're good to your customers, and go above and beyond where possible, then a lot of the time their loyalty will stay. It's also just a good model for me, I always want to be a business that is seen as having a great rapport with clients. Word of mouth about that stuff alone is super helpful.

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There is this particular saying in my country that when a road is good, you are definitely going to take it twice. This is just the case with having a top notch customer service in your business. I have never seen any project no matter how good it is that doesn't have clients having the need to contact support and once you fail in offering good support services, the good image of your business is going to take a bad credit.

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I also can't count the number of times I've had a bad customer service experience and then never gone back to that company again! There are always alternatives so if customer service is lacking it's easy for people to walk away.

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I think not meeting the expectations is the big problem. That shows the product or service is failing. So that needs to be properly addressed. Because if one does not keep that in mind then they are not going to get further leads. And that means one has to focus on many small things over a period of time.

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As usual you have excellent information. I think contacting customers who purchased from you and getting feedback on your service or services is also a good way to keep business. Offering an incentive for them to fill out surveys is good as well.

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I think the most important thing in your business is the product or service you are selling. If you do not have high quality product or service, you will never make sales. If your product or services are overpriced, you are not making any sales. In order to capture the leads, you must first reconsider the products and services you are selling.If your products and services have commercial value and you are offering high-quality products/services for a fair price, you will have to focus on other areas such as marketing, customer service etc.

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Thanks for posting this, really good tips on how to keep the leading on your business. I would make a mark on customer service, and that's based on the fact we are all customers too. Honestly, would you do business again with a company that doesn't attend your requests properly? Of course not. I'm more than tired to see companies that literally don't care about the clients, they just focus on doing business and that's it. If a company treats me good, I will go back with them for sure, and I will recommend that business to my colleagues, so you will attract more clients too.

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I tend to agree with you when it comes to good customer service and having a user friendly, optimized FAQ page, this is a major factor in all sites.

When it comes to meeting customers expectations, it could be summed up as don't sell crappy products and or services. Always maintain and sell Quality.

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Focusing on selling a particular item is a good way to show the visitors that you are really ready for business. The best way to go about it is for us to really decide on what you want to do and try as much as we want since it is the best way to go about it.

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One bad review, yeah, that could neutralize your marketing campaign. It is important to be sensitive to the comments of your customers especially those who have slight complaints because just one bad review and your image may crumble. This has happened to some online business that I know. It sells herbal products. When it received one complaint about a fake product, the cookie crumbled just like that. Potential clients are turned off when they see something like that so it should be avoided at all costs.

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I absolutely Agree! Thank you for additional tips. Excellent Customer service should be the first to have a customer to bring them to your product, be sure that your product can meet the customers satisfaction or beyond on its expectation and by this you will gain their loyalty.

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