
Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

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Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

Whenever someone starts working on a website they already have hundreds of things they need to work on in order to get everything finished.  One of those things is a strategic content marketing campaign, but you don't really need to work on that just yet.  Instead, focus on getting your website build and operating well before you get into any sort of content creation for your subpage or blog.

Yes, content is a great thing to have on your website for marketing and SEO purposes, but it's not something you need on day 1 of design.  You need to focus on other things that are more important like understanding what your competitors are doing to make money, bringing on contributors to run your content development, building strategic business relationships, and eventually writing up your content then repurposing it and monitoring everything.

Now then, let's cover those points I just mentioned.

Understand what your competition is doing
When it comes to getting a great website up and running, you need to know what your competitors are doing if you want the people searching through your niche to gravitate towards you and be loyal.  Research your top 10 competitors and see how they're talking to their customers online, see what design techniques their using, see how fast their hosting is, and anything else you can think of that would make your own business better.

Be better than your competitors and you will eventually be the best in your industry.  It's a long road to travel but you can do it if you're patient and stick to your guns at the same time.

Bring contributors on board
Since you're not worrying about your own content marketing strategy just yet, think about bringing on contributors who will gladly write your content for you while you get everything else done.  Sure, this kind of goes against the title of this discussion because it dabbles in the content marketing strategy area, but you're not actually doing the work Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

If you're paying the contributors, make sure you have some that are really good at what they do, you don't want someone just starting out in their writing career taking control of your blog and ruining it from day 1.  Do a sort of online interview and ask hard-hitting questions in order to figure out if the person is legitimate or full of bologna.

Work on your business relationships
Contact other businesses out there that can compliment your own.  You'd be amazed at how often I'll talk to a business owner that is complementary to my own business and we eventually partner up on a different business and become successful.  I've sold a few of these types of partnership businesses in the past, and they sell pretty easily because the partner usually buys you out, which means you have more revenue to push into your main business now and you also have an amazing connection with someone else who is complementary to your own industry and niche Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

This isn't a difficult thing to do, just send out emails and connection requests on LinkedIn to people in industries that are similar to yours but not identical.  After you get a few responses you should always ask if they would be willing to partner up on something in the future.  You need to tell them you don't have anything planned, you are just interested in partnering up if possible later on down the road because they have a skill set that fills a void in your own skill sets. 

Repurpose and monitor
After you get some content up and running on your website from contributors or freelancers you've paid, you now need to repurpose that content in order to get found on 3rd party websites as well as help you out in the SEO department.  If you can repurpose enough content, without making it exactly the same as what is on your own website, you can actually pull in a ton of traffic that will boost your sales over time.

In conclusion
Content is definitely going to help you out in your journey to success, but it's not the first thing you need to worry about if you want to have a great business.  Sure, a good business has a lot of content and is run by one or two people, but a great business is one that has a team of people doing the work and all you have to do is manage it.  Remember everything I touched base on above and get out there to build your next big business Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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True that building notable website require many things to do, and it becomes harder and harder over the time if need to beat some competitors. Also to build online business, it's true that it require more then one person to catch up with everything, specially content writing if you want to be consistent, engaging and interesting... That's why i always recommend to hire quality freelancers, content writers and social media marketers, because one person can't keep up with everything if you are serious about online business.

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It's definitely difficult to build a business on your own, especially when you know how much content you'll need to produce, so focusing more on your business and having freelancers do the writing will alleviate the stress of writing thousands upon thousands of words each day for your website.

Beating your competitors is never an easy thing to do, mainly because they have a head start, but it's definitely possible with a great content strategy in place Build a great website or business then focus on content marketing

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Maybe I have to agree that you cannot keep up with the competition if there is only you who is manning the site. However that is for the big sites particularly the e-commerce site that has a legion of customers. Those customers would be seeing new products that have good description that is easy to understand because take note that description from the product label is not that informative. It is not easy to write product description when you have hundreds of new products every week.

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Thank you great information about successfully make money method

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Yeah, and a key part of focusing on your content is keeping up-to-date with current events and with your competitors, as well as monitoring which works, because the chances of your posts being viral are highly dependent on gaining the attention of viewers while the topic is still hot.

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Ensuring that we watch closely what our competitors are doing in the industry and better that is one of the best ways that we can get to be ahead of them. I have come to realize that it takes some great determination to break into an industry where the big companies are already doing well, but it doesn't mean that it is impossible.

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It certainly is possible to do well when there are established companies already in the industry, but sometimes you see these potential threats before you start a business and you really have to decide if it's worth the risk and if your business will be profitable in the long run. A lot of businesses have failed to try to get into a market where there is already strong competition, rather than finding their own niche.

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I do agree completely on what you've said that building a functional and optimized website at the same time having great content is one of the secret of a successful site.

It is my experience that most website builders focuses on the aesthetics, which in reality, it may look great but if it's not fast loading or optimized, no matter how good it looks and even if it has great content, it'll suffer in the traffic area.

People nowadays like fast loading optimized websites and if they spend 10 seconds on loading, they'll drop the page or visit once but will not visit again. Having great content is always the best thing you can have in your site, this generally creates traffic and conversions better than anything else. It's best always if you have both great content and an optimized site.

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First of all, we need to what exactly is a great website. How do you tell whether the website is great or not? Your website is great when
your design is unique, not copied, uses right colors and layout
you have a good navigating menu, your posts and pages can be easily found.
You have great contents, original contents that are well written and search engine optimized.
When your website pass the quality test, you can go on to market your website through various means. Content marketing is one of the popular ways to market your website.

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Nice article mate, you have done a great job with the tips discussed in the article. If you desire your business to boom and stay actively in business, it's very important to take a good interest in what your business competitors are doing because it's the only way to knowing when they are plotting to move ahead of you in the business, and you can use that against them in staying ahead and on top of the market food chain.

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In my opinion a light fast loading website with simple design and great content is a great site. The most important thing is that you have an optimized FAQ page and of course the CONTENT. The content must be really good, appealing and unique.

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I find the content building part nowadays pretty exhausting, even for a small business website you need somebody to work a full-time job, constantly writing and improving content. You also need someone to promote that content once it is published.

It is hard work, it used to be a lot simpler but as the level of quality content grew around the web, the probability of you beating your competitors with some poorly written piece of content is almost close to zero.
You need very good content and you need to promote it to the right audience, otherwise, you're just wasting your time.

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One way of bringing in contributors is to have a popular blog. Of course you have to invest time and effort at first. You can also tap the people in your circle to lend a hand by commenting on your blog. And later on, legitimate readers will come and comments will be posted. But again, it is not easy for a blog to be popular but once you get the ball rolling then it will be easier from there.

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