
Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

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Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

Everyone is trying to make more money online, but most people online don't do one little thing in or to boost their sales.  It's not difficult at all, you're already doing it, you just need to do more of it in order to be more successful.  What I'm referring to is talking to your clients, and not just talking to more clients, but talking to the current clients more than you already are.

If you were to get an email from a client asking "What is SEO?" you would probably type up a paragraph explaining what it is.  What I like to do is type up a paragraph about SEO, PPC, Basic Marketing tactics, and likely a few other things they might be interested in.  This way I'm answering questions before the person knows they're going to ask them lol.  I always get responses like "Wow, I didn't even know about that technique to boost my sales!  I'm glad I asked you!" and that's a client for life lol Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

Below are a few tweaks you can use for this simple little sales boosting method, and they are:

Give them more answers even if they didn't ask
When someone asks a basic question, give them a detailed answer and also answer anything that may come up from the answer you just gave.  Usually, people will have a comeback question about your response, but if you add plenty of information you will reduce your times and boost your sales. 

Many people don't know what they're supposed to ask, so if you give them a great response filled with additional answers to potential questions, you will open up their minds and they will also see you as an authority within the field and stick around longer.

Give them something for free
Another thing to do for free, besides giving them all the answers they need, is to give them something for free.  It's not surprising that people love free stuff, companies actually build marketing plans around free giveaways and do really well in the long run.

If you can't afford to give away a free product, give away something for free that you can afford to lose.  If the person you're talking to owns a business, look over their website and offer your time to help them optimize it or help set up a PPC campaign.  Anything you can do for free, they will appreciate, and they will remember you when they do have funds to spend Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

Tell them you'll get the best discounts possible
Many people look for the best discounts, and even if you can't beat the biggest discounts in the world, you can pair up your competitive pricing with top-notch support and intelligence of the product or service you're selling them.  Sure, you might have a price tag of $10 more than the cheaper version of your product or service, but you're worth that extra money because you're the best of the best and are always available for questions Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

Lose money if you have to
If you can afford it, plan on losing some money in your marketing plans in order to help people out.  If you're selling a $100 programming service, and someone just needs a little tweak to their script, go in and help them out.  They will remember you later on when they want a bigger project done, but you need to avoid giving away your work for free to the same people because they will expect you to do it every single time they need something.

If you can afford to put a little item in a product packaging, do it because people love little surprises in their new purchases.  I use to purchase stuff from all of the time and I would always get a bunch of stickers in my packages.  It was like Christmas because I never knew what I was going to get Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

In conclusion
Go the extra mile when it comes to customer support and just pleasing your visitors.  Give them more information than they're asking for, help them out if you can, give away something for free and they will likely come back when they can afford your premium products and services just because you were such a great person Improving your sales technique with one little trick.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Nice article, I do agree with it completely. Giving more and something for free are great ways to hook a client. Making them comfortable by pleasing them first is an effective method before pitching.

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I think giving away things, giving discounts, giving free help is a very smart idea. Nonetheless, a person needs to be wise about it. I mean, do you have the funds to afford whatever losses might come up? I mean, the restaurant holding all-you-can-eat buffets specials aren't doing it every day!

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These are great ways to increase sales. People love to receive DISCOUNTS. People love to receive FREE stuff. People love to receive MORE. If we focus on what people love, we can drive sales. Initially, you will make some loss if you are giving free, discounts or more than what they have bought, however, in the long run, they will come back and buy again from you.

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Honestly, that's one of the greatest ways to increase your sales. My sister offered a 5% off while paying, and that was a success. But then, she opened a contest according to the payment amount, with customers who spent $100 or more had the chance to win items, and that was amazing. Definitively, people are really into getting stuff for free or for less, and speaking as a customer, I'm always tempted for those kind of offers.

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Contests are also a great way to drive sales. If you offer contests like the ones you have mentioned, you can drive a lot of sales. You can also make your one time customer a returning customer by offering contests, discounts, and freebies. Another great way to generate sales is by opening a SALE.

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Exactly. My sister has tried all kind of incentives, but nothing compares to when a good sale or contest is offered. Another thing she did, was to ask the customers, which items they considered should be offered as free, or to be put on sale. The feedback was great, hundreds of customers sent their opinion, and based on that, it was easier to select the items on the contest, and also she gain a lot of new followers/clients.

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Yeah, i agree with this. It's a great strategy specially if you include some of the income for a cause. Not only that you are advertising your business, you'll also help lots of people eventually.

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Just the mere mention of free will make people turn their heads. This reminds me of a street vendor in a Manila market that his byword is free that he would be peddling his wares by mouthing the word free. Whatever you buy from him, you get something for free. Even if the freebies are small items like key chains or pens, it is worth the turnaround that buyers make just to sample the freebie from that vendor.

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Great tips. I agree. What I have found that works best is a discount. People love to feel that they are getting things really really cheap. In these bad economic times, everyone is trying to save money.The more discounts that you can provide or point out to the more sales you will make.Its true that sometimes you need to sacrifice your profit margin to keep the client. You never know that client may lead to other clients.

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That's right, give all the information to the simple question as long as it's related to the question. By doing this, the person will know how you really dedicated to your business and know exactly what the customer really want to know.

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Give them more answers even if they didn’t ask – wouldn’t this backfire with some clients? Our boss in the office is meticulous when it comes to answers for his queries and that’s the main reason why some computer vendors were declined with their offers. Our boss would say when a vendor talks too much and gives too much information then that is tantamount to a sales talk. And sales talk means it is persuading the prospect but the persuasion has some lies in it.

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Giving something for free is a good way to keep your client coming specially when you already have good relationship with them. Just remember that if you want to give them something free, make sure it's something good.

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You are correct with that statement that it should be something good that we are offering them as that is one of the ways that we can work towards getting people to know how good we are. Offering for free information that are not okay is a way to kill our good reputation in an industry.

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I believe you on that. Clients love freebies and other promo. They will come again for sure if you give extra free for them. I am a market and it more appreciated from me if I will receive freebies.

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You interpretation on Lose money if you have to is really good. Helping is somehow a social investment which might help you in the future. But like you said it's wise to avoid giving away your work for free to the same people because they will expect you to do it every single time they need something. They might think it's just fine with you or take advantage of your kindness.

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Understanding the essence of giving others a detailed answer when they want to get an information from you is one of the way that we can improve the belief that they have on us as reagrds being one of the best out there. It is always not that easy for a beginner, but it doesn't mean that itnis something we can't make possible especially when we need them for long term purposes.

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Nice article. Selling is very hard for someone who does not have any talent or skills about it. There are some people that are talented and it's their forte that they can easily persuade the customers for them to make a sale. I'm a more technical person so it's hard the first time selling an item. I worked as a customer representative and it's challenging to make a sale. I need to study and check for any tutorials or guides for me to be better in selling. Your article will help me a lot. I'm already practicing some of your tips and hope I will apply all of them. Thank you for sharing this article and I hope you can help more people.

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Of course who doesn't want giveaways sometimes right? I've tested that too, seller build their customer's trust by giving them discounts or freebies to encourage them to come back the next time they need to buy again the product. In that way, they may lose a little but they believe this will come back double in time because their customer will stay and remain loyal to them.

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I definitely agree, going the extra mile for your customers or clients is such a big thing for them. Treating them well and making them feel at ease when dealing with you must be put to mind everyday. Given them freebies is good too, but always plan well to improve your sales in the future.

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