
Payment options for the writers on user-generated content site

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Payment options for the writers on user-generated content site

Recently, I created a user-generated content site. The primary aim of this site is to pay the writers who publish on this site. I have about a dozen writers publishing on my site. I have monetized the website through network ads and affiliate ads. The website is not generating revenue yet. I am offering pay per view, I will be paying x amount for 1000 unique views.  Pay per view is not a stable model. I was once on a site that paid for unique views, however, later switched to revenue sharing. Revenue sharing does not work on a new site because it takes a long time to generate revenue. I was once on a site that shared 80 percent revenue to the users. I earned only $3 in 4 months despite publishing every day.
Another option is points based system where user earns points for activities and these points can be converted for cash. This also does not look stable because you might be en up paying more than you are earning.  My website is called Rational Mind


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Yes. The technique is nice. SEOClerk also have this writing facilities of point based. I have been earning from there also. You can join also as a free member. The service name is Postloop. You can earn from here by unlimited post if your writing skills are good. After join from my link -if you question me I shall try to help you. Payout is minimum 5$ by P P.


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Hello, Centurion. I just recently joined in your Postloop and I am really glad that I got the chance to join in this type of paying site by just posting an article or any reply. I enjoyed this part-time and honestly I'm quite new to this field of work but I'm currently learning a lot in here and I hope I could be able to earn money using those other ways aside from getting paid in writing.

Again, thanks for this opportunity!

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Hello MItan
Have a wonderful day.

Thank you very much for the join. At first you need to start posting on postloop forum and later you will be able to start earning.


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I can't praise Postloop enough. Sure you have to put in some daily work, and have excellent grammar and spelling, but that is to be expected when you're getting paid to do something.

I live in an area with a low cost of living, so depending on how much work there is available, Postloop sometimes meets up to a quarter of my financial needs.

Among all the paid forum posting sites and "work online" scams, Postloop is a diamond among rhinestones.

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I can really relate with your idea, before I was earning a decent income from the the site since I have a lot of forum subscription but lately when the new beta Postloop was introduced all my forum subscription were reduced and I was earning less now for a couple of days already which is really disappointing but I have no choice but to accept the changes that the site had introduced.

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There was a time when was earning aroun $150 every month from postloop. However, these days, I hardly make $1 a day.
I started online writing in 2006. However, I made my first money in 2012. I have been writing regularly since 2010.
I launche dmy blogs in 2015, however, after a couple of months, I discovered that earning from blogs is difficult. Therefore, I continued writing on third party sites and for clients.
I created my writing website back in November and invited friends to write on the site. I launched the site officially earlier this month. I hope you join the site and start publishing.

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Great. Thanks for the compliments.
I have been working on there for the last few months.
But I use only for a specific website.
But also I have already earn $50....


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I have been posting on Postloop since 2015. last time I checked, before the release of beta version, I had made over 10K posts. There was a time when I was making around $150 every month on Postloop, This is a lot of money in a country where one USD translates to 103 rupees.
My thread is basically about user-generated site where you publish articles to make money, something like hubpages.
check to see what I kind of advice I want.

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It all depends on how much work there actually is available. Some months are definitely better than others. I don't really like to disclose the actual amount I make for privacy reasons, but I can honestly say that with minimal effort I have at least a guaranteed extra $50 each month. The rates are obviously higher when there are more forums to post in. Still, it's one of the only sites I've found online where you can instantly get into it and start making some spare money.

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This is a great matter that you have made $150/month. Its a huge money. I have been trying for long time and my total post is as like as maximum 600 and I am making small on there. I use postloop or only for answering a website. There have huge and huge forums.


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I have created more than 10 k posts on postloop. I have been using postloop since 2015. The highest amount I have made on postloop in one day is $7. Sadly, these days not many forums are available and I am making $1 a day in average.

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Thanks for the message and reply. I have been visited your website and has been registered. My username is centurion also on there. I have made a comment. Now is there any way to earn from your website by writing useful content.


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I saw your comment. The site has simple rules. You have a posting limit of one post with at least 400 words every day. You can even include one link in the body of the article (I allow backlinking). The payment is made when the writer reaches at least 1000 views. Currently, I am paying $2 for 1000 page views. Bringing views on your article might not be very difficult if you share and promote your articles on social media. If you have used wordpress in the past, you can easily publish your post.

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I checked out your site from your post on ListingDock, and I don't have much else to say here besides what I did in my comment there.

I think that what you should be working on at the moment is changing the aesthetics, as the site feels very bare bones at the moment. You're probably not generating revenue yet as a result of your site still being fairly fresh, and the design possibly turning away visitors. As I had mentioned, such a "bare bones" aesthetic might make people think that the site isn't worth their time.

The internet can be very harsh and critical with regards to first impressions. It's going to take some investment, of both time and money, to get the ball rolling.

Just don't give up, I'm sure that with time you'll find the winning formula.

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You are right about the "bare bones" aesthetic. I am not even using a premium theme for the website. My primary aim is to keep the operating cost low so that I can pay to the writers. The website is not generating any revenue, yet I have already paid a writer. I am trying to target people who do not have their own blog/website yet want to earn by publishing online. I am targeting writers who don't like hubpages because the withdrawal threshold is high and you need hundreds of thousands of visitors to make money. I am also targeting writers who are frustrated with the sites like virily where they have to write for many months to make a small amount.
Having said that I understand the importance of having a good design.

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Taking the first step in setting up a site and running it is the most difficult aspect but with more effort and dedication to the site, it's definitely going to get the attention it needs to move up the ladder. Just try as much as you can to promote your site and have it crawling with high quality content which would enhance discussion on the site because it would benefit you the more.

Good luck friend.

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I joined a writing site in 2006. It was called gather. However, I began making money from online writing only in 2012. I have written for so many sites, from the ,long running site like hubpages to forgotton site like bubblews. MY experience has taught me a lesson. It is difficult to make money on writing sites. I launched the site for those who want to make money by posting articles even though they are not the best writers. I have set a low withdrawal threshold of $2. I hope you take a look on the site and help the site gown
join here

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I like how the sites work with point system. For example indiastudychannel has point system. They have points for each acitvity. And some are paid activities and some are unpaid. For example making content such as thread in forum has point, making article has a points and collective when points reach 1000 in currency and points, it is qualified for payout.

So don't destroy your website with the view based model. Instead put some points on per article basis. And then pay when it reaches 1000. This way you'd have balance of traffic and points and writers.

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I was once on a site called blogjob. The user could earn points for posting articles 50 per one post, posting comments, one point for one comment. Use could earn 150 points in average, Withdrawal was 10 thousand points for $100. The site collapsed. Point based system is also not very stable because point based system will encourage users to remain active, they will generate a lot of points. There will be a lot of onsite traffic, howevr, on-site traffic does not actually make money.

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Blogjob was highly unstable in terms of revenue. Owner literally burned out hosting worst content that has no value of any type. I have seen that owner paid more than the content was any worth at all. The reason was not the points but assigning the points to activities that don't generate money for the site itself. Never assign points to activity that does not make money.

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Perhaps you are right about blogjob. The site gave points for publishing articles, updating status and leaving comments. Since these activities were on site activities, the traffic generated was onsite. In absence of quality off site traffic, the site failed. Interestingly, I earned my first bitcoins from Blogjob. I earned $400 worth bitcoins until the site closed reward system. Bitcoin was valued $400 back then.

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Hey Vinaya, great site, I just registered and it's really cool. I like the fact that I can write only one article per day and i'll get paid whenever I get 1000 views. I think Rational Minds would be a successful site soon.

Why not include an affiliate program for additional exposure at the same time members could earn additional income from it?

Again, congratulations on your new site, it has a unique earning structure and I like the way it's designed, I would be posting food related articles soon.

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Thank you very much for registering on the site. Hopefully you will soon begin to publish on the site. is a site for people who are frustrated with the site like hubpages that has high withdrawal threshold and the sites like virily where it takes many months to withdraw.
Apart from paying for unique views, I am also thinkin about letting the members use their own affiliate ad codes on the site so that they can earn more. However, I will introduce this option only when the site becomes stable.

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My suggestion is that you should go for points and no doubt in the initial stages you will not earn much and that is what business is all about. Investment is the key.

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I have been on many sites that paid through points. Based on my experience, point based system is not stable. There was a site called Blogjob. It paid for points earned. When you made 10K points you could withdraw $100. However, the site has shut down the revenue system because it was paying more than it was earning. I was also on a site called blogboure that paid through points. I made 10 K points and received only $3.
I hope you join my site and help the site grow. I am thinking about letting the members do affiliate marketing.

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Isn't there a way of cheat the system with "pay per view" pattern? If somebody wants to boost the views up they could quite easily. Unique views would probably make more sense to me.

I still think that some sort of scoring or points system is the best option out there. True that some site did go out of business but that's not the point systems flaw - it's theirs! They've set up the scoring wrongly and obviously didn't calculate things out. If you're paying users more than you're making then there's something wrong. Set it up so that you will always have profit.

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I have installed a plugin the counts unique view. I also recheck the views generated with google analytics. Yes, there are loop holes, however, I am doing my best to patch the loop holes. Since the site is new therea re not many writers writing regularly. I am also not generating a good traffic yet. However, once the user base increases and I began to generate better traffic, I will have to think about alternate system to reward my writers.
I appreciate your views on point system. Cheers

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What makes all of these models unsustainable is the dominance of Google for search and their methods for excluding content farms from search results. That's why almost all of the major content farms have either gone out of business or become shadow of their former selves over the last few years. The only one that is doing even half-okay of HubPages which revenue-shares across multiple platforms, predominantly Adsense and Amazon Affiliates.

The whole content farm model is, in my opinion, pretty much obsolete,

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It is true that Google does not like content farm. However, content farms can have their own advertising system. I am on hubpages since 2010. Since 2012, I have been receiving payment from hubpages every much. IN order to earn from hubpages, you need adsense. However, until now I have not made even a $100 from adsense ads on my hubpages articles, however, I made good money from hubpages advertising program.

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Thanks for sharing this. Being a writer I found this extremely helpful

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It is sometimes tempting to create your own site based on what you have been reading in forums. An example is the site that you created which would generate content from writers who are registered and the site will also generate income. But as you can see it is easier said than done for writers are not that poor to earn $3 in 4 months, by golly, that is a pauper’s wage.

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