
Custom canned responses will always boost sales

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Custom canned responses will always boost sales

When people start out working online or running a business they tend to be pretty robotic when writing up website content or talking to people on the phone.  They think that a canned response is far better than actually talking to someone via email or even over the phone, but I'm here to tell you that having a genuine response will always come across better than something that is quicker just to save you a few seconds. 

Think about it, if you emailed me and I sent back an obvious canned response to your question but it was customized with your name, you might think I'm a little lazy no matter how long my response is.  Now, if I were to type up a custom response and maybe even have a spelling error in there, you might think I took my time to write it up and talk with you 1 on 1 Custom canned responses will always boost sales  Now, I'm not saying to avoid canned responses, I'm saying to make them as real as possible and even edit them for each person you're talking to lol Custom canned responses will always boost sales

I have around 100 canned responses that I edit with each question that comes to me, and yes they usually have one or two easy to look past spelling errors, but they are placed there strategically to show I'm "typing" up a genuine response to their question lol Custom canned responses will always boost sales  The thing with this little trick is that you need to understand grammar well enough to make a small error that is easy to look past, like if you were saying "You will lose some rankings but gain them back in the following week" would come across odd if you exchanged "lose" with "loose" becuase not many people would make that mistake.  Instead, you should type it up like this "You will losesome rankings but gain them back in the following week".  Did you see what I did there?  A single spacing was taking out, pairing up "lose" and "some" which is a pretty common mistake when typing quickly.  

If you want to take it a step further and actually mess up some words, you will need to know what works and what doesn't before you start sending them out.  Type up a few paragraphs of content and see what you screw up on, this will be your main indicator of what you can use as an "error" when typing up your canned responses.  If you use this is multiple canned responses it will look more genuine because a typing error usually follows that specific person throughout their lifetime.  For me, I always screw up the word "entrepreneur", but I've typed it up so much now that I spell it out in my head as I type it and now I rarely screw it up lol Custom canned responses will always boost sales  Add your screw-ups across your canned responses and that person asking the questions will see a common habit when they get an answer back, making them see you as a normal person Custom canned responses will always boost sales

Customizing your canned responses
When you write up a response to a common question, you'll still need to edit it slightly here and there to work just right with every question that comes to your attention.  You do this because you'll quickly notice that your canned responses might not fit well with every question a person has, but a quick edit can usually adjust it to fit just right Custom canned responses will always boost sales

This shouldn't take too long, maybe a few seconds per paragraph, which still saves a massive amount of time if you have a lot of questions coming through your dashboard or email each day.

Be less robotic
You'll need to throw in a "lol" or an emoji here and there when talking to someone to try and break through their defenses.  You'll have your defenses at a high level, even when using "lol", but the potential client will begin to lower their own when they see you're a fun person and actually love what you're doing.  You can type like a happy person that is going to give them the world, but you need to always be professional at the same time and not break ranks Custom canned responses will always boost sales  <-- Emoji lol

No one wants an instant response that is obviously fake, they know it might take a few minutes to hear back from you, but they don't want to wait a week to hear back from you.  You'll need to be quick and genuine while breaking down their defenses and you'll boost your sales guaranteed Custom canned responses will always boost sales

In conclusion
Many people try to be too professional in their industry, but that's getting to be too much for most consumers because they want to talk to an everyday person who is just like them and not a robot.  Be professional, use customized canned responses for each person, and if you really have to you can give them a call to let them know you're a real person Custom canned responses will always boost sales  If you can master this, you will definitely boost your sales in the long run Custom canned responses will always boost sales

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I am not big on canned responses personally, but it does show that a business cares enough to acknowledge you, and I know that I am going to receive a personal experience down the line, so that makes me feel better about them.

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I'm not a huge fan of them either, but I've developed my own strategy to use them and still increase sales while reducing the time it takes to answer 100+ emails a day.

If you're just getting a few emails a day then it's not a big deal and you can answer them all with very detailed responses. When you start dabbling with canned responses it will be because you're getting overwhelmed with questions that you've already answered 6,943 times the day before lol Custom canned responses will always boost sales

Reduce your emails times and increase your marketing efforts to win online Custom canned responses will always boost sales

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"...and yes they usually have one or two easy to look past spelling errors, but they are placed there strategically to show I'm "typing" up a genuine response to their question..."

Oh man, I had to laugh here. You're a sneaky devil, you are!

That being said, as sneaky as it does feel, this is definitely a great strategy for improving relations with customers. As we've pointed out before, a big part of customer satisfaction is making them feel like they're being attended to personally.

Now, it's obviously great if you can genuinely do this, but when your company grows larger it becomes pretty much impossible to address everyone personally. Having a variety of responses prepared that seem unique will most definitely make the customer feel far more special than if they were greeted with something automated and robotic sounding.

Personally, nothing annoys me more than being told "We appreciate you" by a robot. There's a deep level of irony there.

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I don't tell many people about my purposely messed up spelling in a canned response because it is a sneaky little trick to boost authenticity, even though it's a canned response haha Custom canned responses will always boost sales

I get annoyed as well when I message a company and get an obvious robot responding to me. Even the automated "We've received your message" type responses annoy me because I get excited and think "Oh man! They responded super quick!" and it's just a robot telling me they will eventually respond to me lmao Custom canned responses will always boost sales

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That is the problem for a growing company that it cannot provide time for each and every customer in terms of communications. The canned reply to the queries will do the job although it should be explicitly declared that it is an automatic reply because it is not good to be faking it. Once the client would feel that he is being duped by that auto reply then he might be turned off.

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When you fail to invest in your business with your time, it tends to backfire because you would end up offering low quality services which ends up hurting your business. When you value your business, you will, in fact you must make out quality time to invest more effort in offer good quality response to your customers because it would help prove to them that you value them as well as your business.

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That's a really interesting approach to the canned response, by having some "faults" there to make it seem more human. I definitely find that when dealing with businesses myself, I appreciate when they're real and that I am interacting with a human in real time!

Showing those human traits even if it's a canned response would definitely make a customer feel like it was a real level of interaction, in my opinion.

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Be less robotic? It's funny you should say that about the typos. I was at a site that made use that robot captcha thingy and when I finally got my foot in the door and landed on the screen I was trying to get to, it said "Congratulation! You're probably human!" I laughed because the first thought that came to my mind was "Congratulations back at cha! You're probably human too because you left off the letter "s" in the word Congratulations!" LOL. Custom canned responses will always boost sales

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My business is small and I can have time to talk to my customers and client one one one. Until now I have not used canned response. When I receive queries, I take time to reply personally. I also send a personally written thank you note for my customers. However, this might not be possible if I was to receive hundreds of response every 24 hours. If I want to continue to send personally written response I need to have a bunch of people sending a personal response to my clients and customers.

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I would have to agree that customized canned response are a time saver when it comes to questions and queries. Once you have set it up and categorize it, it can be used by anyone to answer any questions by just editing it. Whenever there's a new question that can't be answered by a canned reporr, just answer it and update your canned response by adding your answer to it.

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I think that it is always good to acknowledge people and if this is the way to do so, that is most expedient it is one of the ways that you can maintain a connection with your potential customers. At least they know they are being "heard" by you, which is always a good thing.

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This is really valuable tip. I remember making use of this in the upwork. And that has helped me land few of the client for my freelancing gig. And it seems like people like the response which are properly written and also respects them for the purchase. So you can see that boosting sales with template response is a good idea. Just only thing to do is make a personalized template with few changes per client.

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Yeah, even simple things like personalizing your newsletter by adding "Dear customer's name" rather than just "Dear valued shopper" can make a big difference and can show your commitment to the customers and your willingness to do something extra for them, which is always a positive sign for the buyers.

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I agree with the pitfall of being robotic in your communications. Whenever I would receive a response for my inquiry about anything, I always get annoyed when what I receive is a canned response. One such communication is the store where we buy the hair grower oil. It never fails to send us the canned response whenever we order. But after depositing the payment in advance, I would receive a personalized thank you note. At least that’s a consolation that they are not robots on the other end.

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That is so true, people do tend to lose the personal touch in their responses in order to look more professional and sophisticated. You won't be able to respond to everyone personally and you will have to use the custom responses to reply in most cases. However, this post has shown a very smart way of avoiding looking robotic and distant in your replies. If you intentionally make some simple mistakes then the person reading the message will think that you have invested your time and effort to write the reply and that will definitely create a very good impression on the recipients.

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