
The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

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The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

When people think of a powerful FAQ, they think it's just one that has a lot of questions and answers, but that's not entirely true.  There are FAQ's out there that have a lot of questions and answers but are complete garbage because they have one-word answers and that means you're lacking a lot of golden content that could bring in additional sales.

In this discussion, if you haven't figured it out already, I'll be going over how you can begin to build up your FAQ in order to make it sell for you and even bring in additional search engine traffic due to a few little tricks The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

So, let's get started!

Keywords in your questions
When you think of putting up an FAQ you usually think it's just there to help people who have already landed on your website.  What you might not think of is that your FAQ can actually help you get ranked in the search engines for some specific terms and that will definitely bring in some additional traffic The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think  Think about it, how many times have you searched up a question on Google and landed on some random website to get the answer you were looking for?  I would assume it's pretty often The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

People who optimize their questions with keywords will always bring in more traffic than the ones who aren't, mainly because the search engines will show you some love for helping out others The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

Optimize your Answers
Yes, optimizing your questions is one thing that will help you out, but you will also need to work on your answers and be sure they're optimized as well.  Think of it this way, your questions will be titles and your answers will be descriptions, you can't have one optimized and think you're done. 

Focus on your keyword density as well as the quality of the content and you should be golden The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

Use subpages for your answers, if possible
When someone clicks on your question, you can always have them redirected to a subpage on your website where there will be a paragraph or two of content that answers them.  This way you can optimize the meta tags, titles, descriptions, headers, images, etc. as well as the content on the page that includes the question itself and even the answer The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think  Since you're interlinking, and using the question as the link, your relevancy will be fairly high and Google will love you for that The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

If I'm not using a sort of drop down menu for my FAQ, I will use the subpage method and boost my rankings across the board over time The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

In conclusion:
This isn't a very extensive way to boost your traffic and sales, it's actually pretty easy, and people will love you for it.  Someone will land on your website from the SERPs, they will read through your FAQ, and they will see you as more of an authority on the subject than what they were previously searching.  They will usually stick around for a while, possibly making a purchase, but they will tend to come back every once in a while to see what you've posted since the last time they landed on your page.  The best thing about this is Google will start ranking your FAQ for long-tailed keywords, sending you targeted traffic, and you can capitalize on this pretty easily by offering incentives to anyone that lands on your page The power of an extensive FAQ helps more than you would think

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Quite a good way that one who has a website can use to make the FAQ section of the site to be comprehensive and clear for those that visits the site. One good thing about doing that, just as you pointed out, is the ability of it to help the site rank better in SEO. Moreover, making the FAQ section to be detailed as possible is a first impression that you really know what you are doing on the site as well.

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FAQs are one of the first things I view when visiting a website and it really makes me respect the site developers/business owners when they have a very comprehensive FAQ page that tells me everything that I need. It makes it more convenient for the customer and to the owner as well since they won't have to be bombarded by a lot of repetitive questions.

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Generally speaking, I think FAQ is only read when there is an issue. But for sites where the members can earn it is imperative for new members to read the FAQ otherwise they are exposing themselves to the risk of policy violation. You are right that the FAQ is a convenient way to relieve the admin of the basic inquiries since the answers are all in the FAQ page already. However I know that for an e-commerce the FAQ is not read by the majority of visitors.

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I have only always thought of an FAQ from the perspective of the site user, not the site owner. Just me, the user, trying to find my way around the site. But of course! It makes perfect sense that the FAQ has great SEO value.

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Great information especially for those of us that are always looking for ways to get our websites/ blogs to rank. This looks like a lot of work, and if you think about it, if your blog is helpful, you can get quite a few questions asked. It would take you a while to answer. But I like this idea because you can get SEO without having to force the words in the form of an article, which will also reduce your rank on google. In fact I would in addition tailor my answers to search terms used on Google.

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I almost always find FAQ helpful. It allows you to make sure that you get information about a site. I think an extensive FAQ would help with a variety of questions. The problem is that some FAQ's are not detailed enough in terms of the information that they present.

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I really believe on the power of extensive FAQ especially if it gives great and helpful information for those people who lack knowledge on a certain sites or on how the site works and its rules and procedures. It is really helpful since it guides new users to be aware on the latest trends or policy of a certain sites.

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A good website must always have a detailed and useful FAQ page and I do agree with optimizing your FAQ questions and answers.

It's the first time I've seen an article on FAQ optimization and it's very useful and informative.

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FAQ is a must when visiting to a certain site because it makes the site more legit and trustworthy. I could not imagine if a certain site doesn't have that features then it would likely near to scam as no information or assistance is available for those users that do not know about a certain site.

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The keyword is really important to me when I'm reading FAQ. Sometimes I'm too lazy to read all contents so I just need to find the information that I needed. I just hit the ctrl+f to search the word that I'm looking for so it can save me time to search for it. It's also annoying when the questions and answers are not matched and didn't explain clearly the answers.

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I totally agree with you.It is best to read a websites FAQ section before going any further.That way you get to find out more about the website,its purpose and the content it provides.Sometimes,some sites that aren't really popular don't have a FAQ section but that dosen't mean its a bad website.

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Whenever I go and visit a new site, I would first take a look and go through the FAQ page, and more or less I'll be able to learn a lot about the site. FAQ's is to me a very important part of a site because people normally has no time to search a site for information much so to contact support and ask questions, this would be a waste of time for the visitor. The best solution to this problem is to have an extensive FAQ's page that would answer most if not all valid questions.

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Optimizing the answer to the queries is not clear to me. But maybe what you mean is to make the answer clear, concise and directly related to the question, better yet, an direct answer to the question. But I have read in one discussion that the longer the answer, the better for the SEO. I understand the density of the keywords and they should be directly connected to the topic and the niche.

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About a month ago, I launched a user-generated content site. I have written a clear guidelines for one-site activities. However, there is no FAQ section. I did not write FAQ because I though I had given all the necessary answers in the guideline section. Recently, I doscovered, the guidelines are not enough. I need to answer more questions related to posting and interacting. Having a guideline also helps in search engine ranking because Google will also track the site based on the keywords used in FAQ section.

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I love sites that have great, comprehensive FAQ's - and it's something I try and incorporate into my own work. It saves so much time when a customer can simply look up the answer to a question they've been pondering, and it's nice when they feel like we're being proactive by putting up answers to things that typically get asked.

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