
Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

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Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

We are all looking for the holy grail which is to be at the top spot of Google Search engine. Many of us struggle while trying to compete with our competitors in our chosen niche. If your not link building you are constantly sharing your website or blog on all the social media websites with a glimmer of hope to raise your site and at the same time boosting your social signals. Is there a way we can boost our traffic even more so boost up in the SERPs without using our ladder to climb to the top, there are a few ways and we will look at them together now.

Use The Tools Which Are Offered By Google

You probably heard of "Google search console", which is an awesome tool to add your website and sitemaps too. But also Google is handing out this on a silver platter to you, You know why? Because you can actually use Google search console to your advantage. It really does work, you can easily login anytime to your Google webmaster tools if you are not on it already I suggest you sign up for it. You will find the Google search console in the Google Webmaster Tools.

Once you sign up or on the Google search console you then want to choose your site from the list. Once you have you will then need to click on Search Analytics from here once the page as fully loaded you will see a graph on your screen. If you have only just signed up and added your website you may after waiting about a week for this to start to show. Once you see the graph it will be broken down into sections from clicks, Impressions, CTR, and positions. Put a check in the clicks and impressions box and then scroll down further to see the information on the keywords which have been used.

These are what people have been typing into Google and the impressions show that they have appeared on that certain page of the member's search.  Also, pay attention to the clicks, you may have no clicks and a ton of impressions, but how can you improve this. Well, work on the posts or pages to which these keywords relate to and work on them from there, make your post title more clickable by grabbing the attention of the reader of your blog/website. 

So make a list of those Keywords which have had the most impressions and no clicks or fewer clicks and work on your posts around them. Spruce it up and try playing around with your title, not changing the keyword in the title but try adding to it before the title or even after it. You be surprised how much this will boost the click rate depends on what you put. Here is a title example; "Top SEO tips and tricks to boost your rankings" you could put something like, "The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Top SEO Tips And Tricks To Boost Your Rankings". Yeah maybe a bit long but you get the idea.

Here is a video of a top SEO and marketer on YouTube he as a lot of educational videos on the subject and will help you.

Use Semrush to help Beat Your competition

Semrush is an awesome free tool online, yes they do offer paid subscriptions but forget about that for a moment. You do not after use any paid subscriptions, in fact, I use this site for free on a daily basis.  You can use this site a few ways to your advantage 1) You can type in your competitions domain and search their links and what keywords they are ranking for. 2)  You can do a simple Keyword research but also may I suggest also, user Uber suggests which is also a keyword research tool which is by Neil Patel. 

Writing Content

You can noticed more by Google with the content you are writing. Google love content, the more information on a website the better. Which some do tend to struggle with when writing blog posts and trying to think up content. Before we go little more into this just check this chart below and it shows how well a page or post does in the search engines with the amount of content which has been written.

Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

Has we can see by the graph above of the content which is being used on a website/blog. Position 1 and 2 in the search results have over 2400 words, the more words being used the greater the results with your content. Perhaps you struggle to write this amount of content on your blog, so what can you do to be able to write this amount of words and make your site start to rank. 

Firstly, do the research before you write your post by making notes of anything that enters your mind to do with the topic. A simple easy trick if you can not think of anything to write, turn your laptop or computer off and go for a walk in the fresh air. Once you return then try again. Maybe you know what to write about but not sure you can do it in so many words, you may struggle to write at least 1000 word. Try think of your subheadings first and put them all into your post, then all you have to do is place your content in between each subheading. Starting with your description or introduction first and then moving on to the other subheadings.

Secondly, Again Google is a useful tool and here is a good way to think up subheadings and ideas for your content. You may notice when we are searching Google for something particular we start typing for example; If your blog post will be about "dog training" then when you type in Google "Dog training" you will get a drop down of a list of keywords related to that word like below. 

Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

As you can see soon as you place the dog training keyword you will see a whole other bunch of useful keywords you can utilize and implement them into your content accordingly in the appropriate sections of your posts. You will soon notice you are writing much more than you usually are, with each keyword break them down into different subheadings. Try write 2000 words or even more words if you can to help with your content. 

Another good tip: You may get this first post over 2000 words or more and stuck for writing more future posts. Well, here is another idea with using the similar technique above using the keyword in Google search. You could use each keyword on the list as separate posts on your blog. Ideal if your blog is just focused on the same niche and not different topics all over your blog. We will use the dog training for example again. 

So you may want to create your next post if you didn't use all the keywords in your previous post let us use the "Dog Training tips" Here is an example of your post title on a new post: 

So this will be your Heading H1 "Dog training tips" 

Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

Now you have the dog training tips as your blog post title, you can then make way down the list on your Google search to write about each subheading and place your content between the headings. Now, this is an example and works with any keyword and is an effective way to help boost your rankings if you have the content. Also when on the page of that certain keyword on Google just scroll down the page to the bottom of the Google search results and you will see more ideas for your keywords at the bottom.

Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

Working hard is essential when writing content for your website/blog. But it is also about being smart and using your initiative. Using the tools which are around us online can help us improve our search presence online and utilizing the skills we learn to help improve our content. All the above are such simple techniques which anyone can use to there advantage all it takes is time and effort and you will soon see improvement along the way.


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Whenever I'm talking to a client I will always tell them that there will be an extensive content creation campaign running in order to help their on page as well as off page optimization. They usually try to cut this part out, but after getting into detail and explaining the benefits of top-notch content written by a professional, they tend to come around and love every article we post lol Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

As for the suggested searches when on Google, this is a hotbed for search phrases that can be targeted with SEO as well as a well thought out PPC campaign Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings People tend to pass up this little golden nugget, which could be why a lot of websites aren't profiting like they should, and it's a shame because this only little thing can bring in a massive amount of traffic in a short period of time due to a lot of the related search suggestions tend to be easier to rank for than what you're actually searching Simple Strategies To Improve Search Engine Rankings

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When you say massive traffic my idea is in the tens of thousands at least. I wonder how you can convince your client about that massive traffic when it is said that SEO work has not definite time for the result which means what you do today may have an effect next week or maybe next month or even much later. I don’t think the clients will easily agree to the pitch that there is massive traffic that is coming in.

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Thanks for sharing above article i will use you written tips on my site


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Yes, I think it is very helpful, and it always helps to get information about things that you did not know about previously. I would use this when wanting to increase traffic to a site. I think it is a great method to get traffic in and make sure that it is abundant.

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This article is very helpful, and you're right about the writing content. The more quality content the more you help your self to get on top of rank in google.

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Writing content is one of the more efficient ways of doing this, especially since it provides something for your visitors while at the same time helping you improve your rank, and it's just good practice to provide content for your website regularly, in general.

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I do really think that writing the best content which should be both appealing and engaging is the best and simplest way of ranking. Also writing good content regularly will help your site rank.

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No website, forum or blog can make any positive progress without high quality content. So therefore, content is like goldmine to website growth. This is why it's very important to add fresh high quality content on one's site as often as possible. If you can't write articles more often, you can easily outsource them through so many sites that offer such services like fiverr and hirewrites.

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Yeah, there are a lot of sites where you can hire freelancers to do the writing for you, so it really shouldn't be an issue to regularly produce high-quality content even if you're not personally writing some of the articles.

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SEMrush is turning out to be really good tool. I am sure that in future people are going to just use that tool to understand the other sites before making their own. I know one thing for sure that such tools have option to filter keywords and also see the demand. So such tools are handy while assessing the keywords, traffic and the people. That's what I have learned from the experience.

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The first time I heard about SEMrush tool from Google, I felt like is the tool going to be effective and efficient in monitoring all the activities of one's likely competitors and giving you updates on the possible keywords and links to exploit in getting your own site to rank quicker and higher, it all turned out that SEMrush offers excellent services in doing exactly what it was created for.

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Yes it is effective. But it is paid. And something like this takes time for improving the rankings. I have found that it can be really valuable. If the keywords and the ranking can be good in such case to watch out. I have learned that simple search engine ranking tools are out there for free but often not that reliable.

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This is all really useful information. I liked the part about creating continual content, and the more that you have on your site, the more likely you are to be picked up by Google search results. It makes sense, and it's relatively easy to implement if you've got time on your side.

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I think any free tool to help in Search engine optimization is welcome and Semrush as well as other tools does help. But before you go into it, it's better to concentrate first with content creation and ways of promoting your content.

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There is one more such tool but it is more meant for the keywords. The tool name is That site has some of the really good indexing of the keywords. And you can choose search engines too for the keyword length. So it can be good in free price that we can use.

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These are very good tips which one can easily take advantage of and have it impact on one's Google ranking. I would also love to add something about writing content which is among the most important things needed to rank a site, how to generate content ideas is a very good way to get good articles that are very important. Make use of Google alert and get the best content ideas for your site.

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Another great tool available on the web free, what a great thing! It sounds like something that could be used to really get results flowing in a positive direction. It is just one of the ways you can find the help you need on google without spending a dime! if you know where to look.

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Examining this info would be good and also looking at who is actually ranking at the top. In that case, you can see how the big players are following the right strategy. Anyway, the content thing is interesting, cause me and my biz partner actually have a math forum with a big load of material and it growing daily! Nonetheless, we still haven't ranked - but then again, we haven't tried to get many backlinks.

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Yes I really believe that writing content could be one of the best strategy that we can use to improve search engine rankings since some user or people now a days are focus on this matter because they want to have a more detailed and more precise data for a certain site or company that they want to get some information.

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A lot of things have been said about SEO and Search Engine Ranking, however, every time I see an article on this topic, I stop to read the article in a hope to find something new. This post does not have anything new, yet it is a reminder for people like me who like to do SEO on his own because he does not have the budget to hire experts. Everytime I read about SEO, I feel that there is so much to learn.

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Happy to read this article...Well Explanation

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"Position 1 and 2 in the search results have over 2400 words, the more words being used the greater the results with your content."

It's pretty interesting to see how drastically the recommended number of words has gone up over the years. I remember a couple of years back, the typical recommendation was somewhere around 800-1,200 words. In recent years the number has literally doubled since then. I suppose that it could have a lot to do with the sheer number of people starting their own websites and posting articles. Content writing has definitely become more popular in recent years, so I wouldn't be surprised if the growing numbers are a direct result of that popularity.

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Writing good content is a start but with this you also need to improve your page loading speed. Your page loading speed is very important factor because even if you have good content but your page loading time is very slow or heavy then Google would recognize this and it would affect your rankings in a negative way. Also visitors would be pissed at your site and chances are would just opt to find another fast loading site.

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This is something I understand from a user's point of view - if a website takes too long to load then I'll usually close out of it pretty quickly, and perhaps even find a competitor's site that offers the same product or service. So having a slow loading page is definitely something that can turn away potential clients.

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Start Blogging, Blogging helps in SEO rankings by establishing a number of followers or a large group of readers, you can get a continuous flow of visitors to your site.

Blogs are perfect channels to get noticed by a lot of people, every person who reads your blog are potential visitors to you're site and that helps your site to rank.

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Two months ago I've done these simple strategies on my blog and it increases my visitors in a couple of days. What I really realized is that even if you applied those things but your content is not high quality your website still will not rank high on search engines. People may stumble on your website but if they could not get what they are looking for on your website, they will leave sooner.

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Definitely, while quantity can help in improving a bit of your search engine rankings, it won't matter if you don't get your audience to stay because of the poor content. You need to back up the quantity with good quality so that people actually visit your website willingly, not just stumble upon it then forget your site right after.

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It really boils down to the kind of content you have, if it's good content with regular updates then that's great because even if someone accidentally sees your blog then he can be attracted to it and may go back again to your site. The next step if you already have a good blog is to promote your blog so that people would know and be attracted to your site. So share your content in different social media platforms along with your link, by doing so many people would see it and will be enticed to checkout your site.

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Also if you already have good content, you might want to optimize your loading speed because if it takes too long to load then even though you have good content people would just leave your site without coming back, do optimizing your site to become fast loading or making your site lighter is a must.

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Methods to improve rankings:
Unique and relevant content
Blog submission
Page load speed
Using heading tags and keywords
Image optimization
Guest posting.

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Having strong user engagement Metrics like

Search Visits
Direct Visits
Time on Site
Page Views

If you have a high user engagement then Google will reward your site with a higher page ranking.

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We are launching an ico, what you can help us

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I will always go for writing content particularly high quality content. My understanding is that search engines give priority to fresh contents because it is an indicator that the website is current or active. When the website has no fresh content for a long time, you can guess that it will not be considered to be a candidate for the search list. Of course, some other factors are also affecting the rankings in the search engine and is not confined to contents only.

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To crown it all

Keep it high and never slacken.
Optimize fully that website of yours. It is like your brain child and needs nurturing.
Work smart always.

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I am budding blogger and these tips are very helpful for me to know. I want to pursue my passion as a writer-blogger and if I can make a salary out of it, it will be great. My primary purpose on building my site is to fire up my passion in writing. Now I am in the process of understanding the Google Search Console.
I am a little bit confused and overwhelmed by the new things that I am seeing. But this article is very informative and straightforward. I have seen the clicks, Impressions, CTR, and positions through Google Search Console and I did not know how significant it is for building my site.

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