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Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your business, so take your time with the details and be sure everything is well oiled to reduce problems later on. Now, that's an analogy of an actual machine being oiled so the gears don't jam and so it doesn't rust, which is something bad that could happen if you didn't, and working online is the same as a machine. If you're setting up websites, figuring out your best revenue streams, working on social media pages, hiring influencers, etc. you're working on your machine and I want you to know it will take time.
My first online business didn't profit for 3 years, so get some perspective of how much money you're making now compared to me in the beginning, and that should open your eyes a bit lol. Yes, I did make money from my business, but I didn't really profit because I was doing it part time as I still had a full-time job working 40+ hours a week. I was a part-timer online and eventually pulled the trigger to go full time, then I started putting everything together at a very rapid pace and started to miss things like optimizing certain pages or focusing on the revenue streams that were working instead of trying to fix the bad ones. Fast forward 12 years and I'm still online full time making more money than I did at my day job! I'm not yet successful in my own mind, but in someone elses, I may be, but I'll get there one day and my profit machine will hopefully be 100% automated
You need to come to the realization that the website you're putting up today, tomorrow, or even next week might not be profitable right away and it will take a lot of work to get the sales to start flowing in. Not many people have instant success with their websites, I hope you do, but don't expect to make $100's right off the bat because it doesn't really happen that way.
Websites aren't perfected in a day
Every good entrepreneur or marketer will tell you their website isn't done because they're always thinking of ways to make it better and make more money. If you think you're done with a website, you should probably look at your competitors because they aren't showing any signs of stopping, and you shouldn't either.
A website takes time, it's like a child, it needs to be nurtured in order to grow properly and that can't be rushed. There's no easy button when it comes to websites, so take your time and hope you see success sooner than later.
SEO takes months or years to see success
A lot of new business owners will hear about SEO and understand they need it, but they have unrealistic expectations of how long it actually takes to achieve top rankings, so be patient during this stage because if you're constantly monitoring your rankings you will go crazy when you increase 10 pages and then drop 12 lol
Most entrepreneurs have multiple income streams
Not many entrepreneurs out there have just a single income stream, they have a few or even a dozen to profit off of, which means you shouldn't stop yourself at just one website when you think you're successful. You should definitely push one website at a time, wait for it to be successful, then use those profits to start another project. Eventually, you'll have multiple websites that are making you a pretty profit and hopefully, by then you'll have a team to manage everything
Multiple income streams are a necessity when it comes to online profits, mainly because you never know when one stream is going to dry up and kill your income, so always have multiple streams when possible.
Passive income is difficult to acquire
My ultimate goal is to create multiple passive income streams, these are the ones where I profit without having to do anything at all. I'll obviously have to monitor the advertising of these streams, which is understandable, but I wouldn't have to do any programming or coding or even talk to people lol If you've never had a passive income stream, think of it this way: It's an ATM at your disposal that is loaded with a specific amount of money for you to withdraw each day. Not all passive streams are equal, some could make $10 a day while others could make $1000, it's all up to you how hard you push yourself to build it to become successful
My ideal passive income stream is to invest in a startup that I think has potential and then they go above and beyond my expectations and I get a check each month deposited directly to my bank account I haven't hit the point where I can start investing like this, but that's my goal in the end because it's easy work. Yes, investing like that has a high-risk potential, but it's something I've done in the past and was successful with, and I want to get back into it
Success will come eventually, as long as you keep pushing
There aren't any successful people out there who are saying "I worked 16 hour days in the beginning and now I make millions without doing anything!" because that's simply not true. They probably worked 16 hour days in the beginning and pulled back after everything plateaued, but they still work a few hours a day managing everything.
You can't let a little thing get you down, if it does, you won't see success anytime soon. Yes, you'll lose some sales and screw up an SEO campaign, but that can't keep you down. Get the hell up and keep working! No one is going to hold your hand in the online marketing business, because everyone is likely your competitor, so if you fail it just means they don't have to work as hard lol
In conclusion
Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your online empire! Get to work, strive towards success, put in extra hours, stop complaining about what went wrong and fix it. Eventually, you'll be successful and you can look back on all the things you did to get to the point you're at and laugh. You may see some of your "methods" were complete garbage and should have never been tested, but it was a learning experience and you're better today because at least you tried Stop reading this and get to work lol
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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