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We all know that a business can strive on its own without branding and do even better when it eventually is branded. What if I told you that your branding is more than getting people to notice your logo or remember your name? Branding helps you do so much more than have your logo remembered when it's bundled up within a banner or when it's seen on someone's website. It will help you break through any ceiling that might be holding you back whether it be in sales, traffic, mentions, follows, subscribers, etc.
Many people get intimidated when it comes to branding their website, but I'm here to let you know that it's not as tough as you would think. There's no secret way to help you brand your business, you just need to keep building upwards towards success and you're likely doing everything you need to be, but you might miss something and that's why I'm here writing this discussion
Below are a few things you need to focus on when you're trying to brand your website or business, and they are:
A quality logo goes a long way
Whenever I'm setting up a new website I will always get the logo made as the website is going up. I will choose a few logos I like, ones that I want my own logo to mimic, and I will send them over to my logo guy who is actually here on SEOclerks His name is Sajeewa and he's one of the better logo designers that I've come across in a long time
I'll get a few variations of my logo, which means I'll usually pay for a service a few times to do the logo so I can get these variations, then I'll choose one of them and request slight altercations if needed. Since I gave a few logos as examples of what I already like, Sajeewa will understand what it needs to look like and there usually isn't much to change when the first and usually the final draft is sent over to me.
Don't use MS paint for your logos and think you're going to take on Google or any other billion dollar company. You need to invest some money into your logo because it's one of the first things people will judge you on, other than your websites actual design, so be sure to get this right the first time
Your content shouldn't always pitch a product or service
We all want to boost our sales, but pitching your product or service within every single blog post isn't going to look great because you'll be seen as money hungry and you just want to close a sale.
When you write up your content, try to help people along their journey and they will likely check out what you're selling if there's a "Products" link in the header or a banner in the sidebar advertising your own product or service. This way you won't be advertising to them and they will find your products or services on their own. You will have built credibility through your content and they will now see you as an authority.
Branding goes a long way in the sales department if you can get your business name into the content, but that's not all it does. It will show you as an authority within the field and show people that you're someone to follow if they are interested in learning more about your niche. Eventually, your new reader will come back and possibly make a purchase or simply share your posts for anyone to read
A PPC campaign can help your brand
PPC campaigns are usually used to boost sales, but did you know they can be used as a branding campaign as well? There are actually a bunch of companies out there doing this and they don't even know it lol. How many times have you seen an ad and the title of the advertisement has the businesses name within it? Well, that's branding at play and it's also a tricky way to save a few dollars on clicks because people will look up your business name in Google prior to clicking on your ad, and they will simply click on your natural list which you don't have to pay for
Yes, PPC campaigns are usually used to promote a product or service in return for a sale, but there are more and more companies around the world starting to promote content that is starting to go viral. They will watch all of their posts and wait for a quick increase in traffic, likes, and shares. Once the content spikes, these companies will start a PPC campaign to boost it even more and get the traffic and sales flowing even more. You can pull people from Facebook, Instagram, Adwords/Google, and Bing/Yahoo all at the same time in order to boost your posts, which will increase your brand name
A social presence on most platforms is key
Branding your business on social media platforms is what you should be doing, but it's not only going to boost your sales, it's actually a good thing to do in order to create loyal brand ambassadors.
A brand ambassador is someone that loves your business, products, or services so much that they are willing to share everything of yours for free to the masses. Sometimes you will get dedicated brand ambassadors for a percentage of the profit, which would technically be an affiliate, but they actually like your product, unlike an affiliate who is only in it for the money lol. In the end, you're going to attract people who actually like your product as well as people who will promote it for profits, either way, you're winning
In conclusion
Branding your website and business is something you need to start from day one and needs to keep going until you sell the business or die, whichever comes first. Just like SEO, you need to continually work on your branding in order to keep your company relevant and in the spotlight of potential buyers. As soon as you stop, everything will start to die off and your business will begin to suffer. Now, branding is a great way to help boost your sales, but it also helps in various ways that I've gone over above, which you should try to do if you aren't already
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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