
Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

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Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

We all know that a business can strive on its own without branding and do even better when it eventually is branded.  What if I told you that your branding is more than getting people to notice your logo or remember your name?  Branding helps you do so much more than have your logo remembered when it's bundled up within a banner or when it's seen on someone's website.  It will help you break through any ceiling that might be holding you back whether it be in sales, traffic, mentions, follows, subscribers, etc. 

Many people get intimidated when it comes to branding their website, but I'm here to let you know that it's not as tough as you would think.  There's no secret way to help you brand your business, you just need to keep building upwards towards success and you're likely doing everything you need to be, but you might miss something and that's why I'm here writing this discussion Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

Below are a few things you need to focus on when you're trying to brand your website or business, and they are:

A quality logo goes a long way
Whenever I'm setting up a new website I will always get the logo made as the website is going up.  I will choose a few logos I like, ones that I want my own logo to mimic, and I will send them over to my logo guy who is actually here on SEOclerks Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic  His name is Sajeewa and he's one of the better logo designers that I've come across in a long time Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

I'll get a few variations of my logo, which means I'll usually pay for a service a few times to do the logo so I can get these variations, then I'll choose one of them and request slight altercations if needed.  Since I gave a few logos as examples of what I already like, Sajeewa will understand what it needs to look like and there usually isn't much to change when the first and usually the final draft is sent over to me.

Don't use MS paint for your logos and think you're going to take on Google or any other billion dollar company.  You need to invest some money into your logo because it's one of the first things people will judge you on, other than your websites actual design, so be sure to get this right the first time Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

Your content shouldn't always pitch a product or service
We all want to boost our sales, but pitching your product or service within every single blog post isn't going to look great because you'll be seen as money hungry and you just want to close a sale. 

When you write up your content, try to help people along their journey and they will likely check out what you're selling if there's a "Products" link in the header or a banner in the sidebar advertising your own product or service.  This way you won't be advertising to them and they will find your products or services on their own.  You will have built credibility through your content and they will now see you as an authority.

Branding goes a long way in the sales department if you can get your business name into the content, but that's not all it does.  It will show you as an authority within the field and show people that you're someone to follow if they are interested in learning more about your niche.  Eventually, your new reader will come back and possibly make a purchase or simply share your posts for anyone to read Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

A PPC campaign can help your brand
PPC campaigns are usually used to boost sales, but did you know they can be used as a branding campaign as well?  There are actually a bunch of companies out there doing this and they don't even know it lol.  How many times have you seen an ad and the title of the advertisement has the businesses name within it?  Well, that's branding at play and it's also a tricky way to save a few dollars on clicks because people will look up your business name in Google prior to clicking on your ad, and they will simply click on your natural list which you don't have to pay for Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

Yes, PPC campaigns are usually used to promote a product or service in return for a sale, but there are more and more companies around the world starting to promote content that is starting to go viral.  They will watch all of their posts and wait for a quick increase in traffic, likes, and shares.  Once the content spikes, these companies will start a PPC campaign to boost it even more and get the traffic and sales flowing even more.  You can pull people from Facebook, Instagram, Adwords/Google, and Bing/Yahoo all at the same time in order to boost your posts, which will increase your brand name Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

A social presence on most platforms is key
Branding your business on social media platforms is what you should be doing, but it's not only going to boost your sales, it's actually a good thing to do in order to create loyal brand ambassadors. 

A brand ambassador is someone that loves your business, products, or services so much that they are willing to share everything of yours for free to the masses.  Sometimes you will get dedicated brand ambassadors for a percentage of the profit, which would technically be an affiliate, but they actually like your product, unlike an affiliate who is only in it for the money lol.  In the end, you're going to attract people who actually like your product as well as people who will promote it for profits, either way, you're winning Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

In conclusion
Branding your website and business is something you need to start from day one and needs to keep going until you sell the business or die, whichever comes first.  Just like SEO, you need to continually work on your branding in order to keep your company relevant and in the spotlight of potential buyers.  As soon as you stop, everything will start to die off and your business will begin to suffer.  Now, branding is a great way to help boost your sales, but it also helps in various ways that I've gone over above, which you should try to do if you aren't already Branding your business is more than a marketing tactic

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Are you suggesting that I do not have to create a brand?Everything I do not want in content.And howSo I have to try.I think you should have something to recommend me.

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What he's saying is to brand your business. In a sense, it is a way of identifying your business from the competition. It is how your customers recognize and experience your business.

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Yeeah create some uniqueness around your business. In such a manner only you can be able to benefit from the customers who link to that brand and it is also easier for the custoners to connect with you.

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I guess this only applies if you have a small scale private-label model business. If it's on a large scale like $10M revenue a year, some of the points might differ however the goal is still the same.

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There have a website on the web name: brandyourself. IN this way I have seen huge peoples has been using that website to brand personal or for company. BY PPC campaign huge peoples can get the brand name but it will be costly. There have no other way except white hat SEO to brand a product or to brand a person. White hat SEO- ON page and off page optimization will generate traffic for you for the life time and in this way you shall get brand popularity for the life time.


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I understand that a brand is not built in a day. You have to work for it and it takes a long time before you can establish your brand. The quickest way is to do a relentless information campaign that will entail a big cost in advertising. If your business is small and not intended for the big market then I guess you just have to be content with your little ways of posting in social media even if it takes years for your brand to be built.

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@sajeewa does a good design work for logos. I agree he is the best. I will enroll his services too. SEOclerks has the best freelancers aboard.

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Oooh yeeah all you need you can easily find here. I am also thinking of getting onw done and would love to know the quotes.

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Just go to the market section here in SEOclerks and you will get the quotes. SEOclerks is the best forum.

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I agree. Having a quality brand name and logo makes a difference, specially if your brand isn't that well known at the start. It's like picking the better of two furniture. You don't exactly pick a furniture based on brands like on electronics, but you pick it for their aesthetics. It's like food. We eat with our eyes first.

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Hahhahhaha. I love the analogy you gave over there. We tend to eat with our eyes wide open to spot the unique food even before we taste it to know how sweet it is.

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I definitely agree with you. It is like introducing yourself infront of the class, running for the president position of your class officers. They will not vote for you if they don't know you right? That's how branding works and why it is important. People will not know what or who are you unless you'll step right up to introduce your business.

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I do agree that branding can help a lot in boosting your online business. A good logo is really important in establishing your brand because it will help people remember your services and products. There are two kinds of branding, branding of your products and services and branding of your site in general. Being present in social media platforms is a good way in getting mileage for your brand.

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I agree that creating your logo could really make people remember your business. It is like a profile picture in a social media account that people tend to look at your picture first before adding you to their friend list. That's why you should first do a good logo that will represent your business because that's how people will remember you.

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Content creation is an art, especially when you are using it to market your brand. To really draw an audience you need to genuinely give them information. They will keep coming back for more helpful information. You can then provide recommendations to products that will help them. I agree that to build a brand you need to appear to genuinely want to help people and not just to want to sell them a product.

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Yeah you have to identify an audience that really feels the need for the product you want to offer. After establishing yourself properly in the industry you will carve out your niche.

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Yes, I agree with that because if the brand of your business is very popular, you can earn a lot of money.

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Logo is like the trademark of a certain business. Good quality logo's come handy because it can leave a good impression on the customers which help them to recognize it instantly.

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Have you ever been in a position where even if you do not remember the name of a certain product as you shop you just go looking out for the logo. Once you idenyify the logo then the name can come later. Names can be copied but logos are always dificult for copycats.

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True. Branding a business is really important and a must. I remember one article that talks about almost the same as yours. It emphasizes six reasons why a strong branding is important to a business. Yes, the business's logo is one of the major components and in fact it provides high recognition to your business. Also, if your brand your business, you're actually creating trust. There is actually a saying "People buy from people they trust". When you brand, you're like advertising your business as well. Then if the business become popular and recognize by many people, the employees or you the owner will be inspired to do the jobs for the improvement of the business. Lastly, branding of course generates new customers.

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When you create a brand then people who buy the product will be doing free advertising for you. Remember the last time you spotted someone shopping for something and because you trusted them so much you also looked for a similar brand the next time you went shopping.

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Creating a logo or branding could really boost up your business and might help you to reach your target sales. Especially for businesses that are just starting off their career, they should focus more on advertising their business or brand name and everything will follow. People usually develop trust from businesses who has a well-known brand name than others who are not that known by other people. Also, making people know your brandname could also help their to share and create their own review regarding your business which could also help on the advertising for your business.

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I have seen people offering the branding techniques. And they also have managed to come up with various way to brand the business with packaging and also reaching out to more people. That way the brand recognition and some of the other things have managed to be put forth by many SEO and branding agencies. I have seen that people try to come up with various ways to brand the product and it's interesting to see that.

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Yes..It is really important. You are an owner of business? I think than you need to know about this . This company is the best software developing company! It is useful for all businessmen! The programs developed by this company make doing business more easily and efficiently.

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I am looking to develop a database that works as a customized POS. Can I get such assistance from them?

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If you want to start a blog site, SEOClerk is the perfect place to learn your way. This article made me remember how a logo creates a big impact on your website. My first blog site was a failure. I made it from haste. But now I am wiser. When I started my second website I gave ample time for my logo. I observed that your logo can also be the "personality" of your website. Readers and potential visitors is attracted to logos that are well thought off. Also logos represents your website. A good logo is a good start. By the way, I used canva to create my logo.

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Your brand defines what your business stands for. Having a brand can make a small business seem powerful and it will increase the worth of your business. Customers can be loyal not to the products but to your brand. If you will be able to create a great brand, people are more likely to avail or believe in your products.

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Branding a business is a good idea since it give us an advantage to create more value and attract more customers. It is quite a good strategy since some customers prefer business with brand names and logos in dealing to some product and services since they are already used to it.

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The thing is that you are going to be taken serious as long as you are moving to that angle where you will be getting your business a brand name as well as making use of a quality logo to match it. Another thing is that this can be a way to integrate better value into the business that you are doing as well.

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Branding is meant for exposure. It's not about creating value. Because branding is more of social incentive than product. You can have better brand but low value and vice versa. But the branding part is meant to adjust the product in such way that you don't have to struggle with promotion. That's the role of the branding in the business.

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Most times, the thing about building your business on the social media platform is the need for you to focus on getting to the point where they will always stand by you whether it is in good times or when things are not moving as planned. I always think that trying everything to relate well in the social platforms with your clients will make them feel better about you as well.

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I think getting into the minds of the customer should be the goal. Once you do that rest follows automatically. And a lot of people can manage to get proper understanding of the product or service in question. I have seen some people making decent money by selling known brand products. It works out for most of the brands.

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There's nothing wrong selling branded products under your own brand. For instance, the supermarkets - what they sell are products of different manufacturers but they have an identity of their own. For example, Walmart.

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You should understand the difference between the manufacturer and the seller. Supermarket is a seller, it normally does not manufacture products, it acquires products and sell to the customers. manufacturer produces products. Normally manufacturer does not sell their own products, they sell through supermarkets and other sellers.

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Yes. I agree most of the farm products are not gone through cleaning and the refining stuff. So the manufacturing and branded logistic chains under different brands are going to have difference on that. I have learned from my experience that often the manufacturers have their own set of the issues with the marketing and other things. It may not be easy but something worth doing.

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I am also a farmer. Before my produce reach the consumer, it goes through the hands of different people. I sell to the wholeseller, the wholeseller sells to the retailers and then retailers sell to the consumer. By the time my produce reaches the consumer, the price will be increased by 100 percent. If I could directly sell to the consumer, we both, the producer and consumer will benefit. However, this is almost impossible in the world where everything works in a chain.

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Yes it changes a lot of hands. And that makes the price increase slowly. I think that is one reason walmart used to buy from the farmers. And that is the best approach on the part. Because the farmer is rewarded there. So anyone who is trying to build green business should deal with the consumers directly.

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I don't get your point. I am well aware of the difference between the two. A private label business starts off by sourcing their products from manufacturers. Once they get big enough and have the funds, they usually build a manufacturing plant of their own.

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Yes some of the time that works out too. But after seeing spencers chain going down. I have learned that quality matters. We can't just purchase local and call it a brand by packaging. It takes a lot for the packaging and branding to work out in real life. That's what I have learned from the watching some chains going bankrupt.

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A lot of the time, it's pretty much the branding and logo that attracts the customer even if they are not that knowledgeable in your brand. Would you rather choose a product from a company with a good logo and brand name or a company with a bad logo and brand name? Surely I'd choose Starbucks over Starf**ks. (It's the knockoff version of Starbucks in China)

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I think you logo needs to be futuristic as well. I mean like you ought to have a brand that will still make sense even in the next five years or so. In such a manner, you do not have to keep changing it and confusing customers.

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Nice. You have a good point. I think I understand your thought as we need to make it that will last long. That's fine, but I'm just quite confused of how will it looks like futuristic? On your last sentence, I suddenly remember one popular brand that they have to change a part of their logo design which the character uses an old version (keypad) of mobile phone and now they had to change it into touchscreen one.

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Logos change after a span of time, and it happens to every company. Apple, Microsoft, etc. Every aspect of your business needs to cope up with times and not get outdated.

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Innovate or die is actually a famous quote in business. Without having to adapt to the changing world one would rarely ensure survival for a business.

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True. And if I might add, at first business is about your products and services. Once you become big, it will be about the people in it. A mentor of mine that I highly respect told me that.

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If you are planning to make logos for your business and you still can's decide yet or not really sure about the logo you are going to used to, its better to ask your close friends or an expert about it, they will try to provide you varieties of style for you choose from until you get the design you desire. Its better if you got the right logo you want to so you can promote your business and proud of it.

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What most businesspeople overlook is the power of PPC. I believe that this is the most powerful digital marketing strategy. Imagine having the ability to target customers based on their demographics, age, location, interests, etc. It is a sure fire way to get your brand recognized to individuals who are relevant to your niche.

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Whether you are doing an online business o offline business, branding is very important. You need a physical location for your online business, a place where people can see the business for real. You also need a virtual space for offline business because your can find you customers online. Just like your offline business where you need a logo or trade mark, you also need a logo and trade mark for your online business.

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I do not think that each online business needs an offline site. There are some which must have offices for sure like online shops but others like blogging can be done with ease from home.

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Having a physical location for an online business is not completely necessary unless you'll include the warehouse wherein most of your stocks are stored. To be fair, I guess it depends. I know several e-commerce stores that generate millions of dollars of revenue a year not having a brick-and-mortar site.

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Developing your brand takes time and patience. Reading some guidelines is very helpful while coming up with a brand strategy. You can try to check your competitors' brands that are well known. It does not mean that you are copying their brand but in this way, you can get some ideas or they can give you an inspiration that you may need in creating your own brand.

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Branding is your identity and a personal promise that you give your clients. There are many ways on how you build your brand and establish your identity in the market. Trust thru transparency and being real are the two of the best strategies that we could come up with when we are thinking of branding our business. Establishing an identity is vital to success in any endeavor that we do and the effects of it are long term. So we have think carefully when we are thinkng branding our website or businesses

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When I first started working online I built a website. Thought the money would start flowing in but that didn't happen. Why? Nobody could see it! I was so naive I tried using free classified ads. Then I heard this buzz about s site called Facebook. It was free to create an account so that's what I did. If one were to pick something they could do first as a marketing tactic, although establishing a social presence is last on the list, it should be the first thing you do.

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I do agree that the power of social media and digital marketing itself surpasses way over what traditional and conventional marketing does. The ability to create a page for free, the ability to interact with your customers in real-time with ease, and the ability to target the users that you would want to visit your site are just some of the main advantages social media have. Traditional methods of marketing can't do that.

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There is one discussion I had read about making a good quality logo. I guess it is important for a logo to be descriptive of the business and also to be attractive to the eyes. If necessary to hire a logo maker then it might be worth the cost instead of being frugal and doing the logo yourself. The logo you make may not be that effective.

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You have a point. But maybe you could try to make one first and if you aren't satisfied with it then hire someone to make it for you. It is also best to ask from your family members. Maybe one of them has a good talent on art. You can actually save money from it and if that is me... I will be proud because the logo is made by relative.

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Exactly! Good image is very important in any online business because people would first have to be convinced with the outward look or appearance of the product and services being offered before they will take the next step in patronizing the commodity. It's only through branding that the product image would be well promoted.

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I think branding will go a long way in making your business unique. What we need is for s business or website to be marketable. All activities that will ensure this is done is welcome. I agree PPC will go a long way to assist branding. The more a website is msrketised is the more it becomes popular.

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A decent logo is extremely vital in setting up your image since it will enable individuals to recollect your administrations and items. There are two sorts of marking, marking of your items and administrations and marking of your site all in all. Being available in online networking stages is a decent path in getting mileage for your image. Its better in the event that you got the correct logo you need to so you can advance your business and glad for it.

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Making a logo and branding your product serve as a fundamental to be known. That's why its a big deal of making the thing of what you will be known for. You must make it mark into the hearts of a customer that's why it isn't an easy task because one mistake may lead to bankrupt.

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If you have the desire to get the best out of your online business products and services promotion, you must have to tackle the issue of product branding. This is because when you are marketing a brand that is not well up to the level of expectation of your business clients, that marketing campaign wouldn't be successful. But quality branding on its own markets the product in its own way.

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If your business has a brand, of course, you can attract lots of customers, because once they hear that brand they will think that I can trust this product.

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One thing to remember about logos is that they need to be something people actually want to see. Some can be irritating visually. I am trying to take this concept and market a book and can see a lot in this post to make use of. I am sure it helps to have consistency throughout the advertising for a product. You kind of want to know you are getting what it said on the tin, so to speak.

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For me, logos are really important, especially if you put it around social media. People would get curious about your brand and would somehow try to look at it. The right kind of logos for me are the simple ones because those that are complicated are not really pleasing to my eyes. Anyway, we have varied preferences, and that's mine, it may also be true to some.

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Yes, this is right because if your business has a brand, people will choose it than the other that has no brand because they can assure that the brand that they are using is a good quality.

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Yes, a logo has to be one of the most important priority when you are designing a new Website. If you don't decide a very appropriate and an attractive logo for your website then you may not be able to make a good impression on your clients. a logo must be definitely done by a professional and its always better to hire someone if you are not able to do it professionally. I also agree that for any online business to succeed these days one must be active on all the social platforms. If you are not active on the social platforms then you will be loosing out on a big chunk of your potential clients

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I agree with the author of this thread, specifically the message that branding your business is more than a marketing campaign. Branding is what makes most companies grow. Branding their product is something that a lot of people order. From branded circles to branding packages. I'm in business, too, and I own my own coffee shop. We ordered cup and bag branding from . You may not believe me, but their quality is excellent. I haven't seen art like this in a long time.

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