
Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

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Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

When you run your own business you quickly realize that lead generation takes up a lot of time, and even more, if you're doing it wrong, so you'll likely outsource the work to a credible company or fine-tune your advertising over a few months until you're satisfied with the results.  Now, most companies aren't very tech savvy and most things to do with code and advertising are above the business owners heads, and that's where you come in!

Generating leads for companies isn't actually that difficult, especially for brick and mortar type businesses, and this is because you can be geo-specific when it comes to running ads and getting a businesses name in front of a lot of potential customers.  Every single advertising platform out there allows you to target specific states, countries, regions, and you can even get as specific as a mileage around a specific address or town.  This means you can get super targeted with your lead generation and know for sure the people who are seeing your advertisement are actually within the range of the business you're promoting, and could turn into a customer.

This discussion is more for the people who are actively seeking out clients who need lead generation and now people who are learning how to close a deal.  If you're already generating leads for clients, or you want to start, this discussion will show you some tricks or the trade that I've learned over the years to bring in plenty of potential clients while profiting month to month Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Cold calling
When it comes to generating leads for a company, cold calling is one of the oldest methods you can use.  Basically, you're getting a list of phone numbers and calling them to pitch your product or service.  You'll get shot down almost all of the time, but with this method, you're only going to profit if you can do 300+ calls a day.

The downside of cold calling is that it's very time consuming, and that's where call centers come in handy because you can outsource the work to a company that has people who actually speak English!  You'll need to look up the prices for call centers in the Philippines, but don't worry too much, it's actually much cheaper than anything you'll find in the US.  The bonus is that people in the Philippines actually speak English, so there isn't really a language barrier for the people calling to the US.

Figure out their pricing, then double that amount when pitching to people who are interested in cold calling to generate leads.  If you do this, you'll profit 50% of the sale for just making a phone call Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Using Facebook Ads
Facebook ads have gotten so advanced that you can target people based on their day to day actions.  Do you want to target someone that has a habit of shopping at department stores?  You can do that through your targeting options and interests within the dashboard! 

Facebook is actually a great way to build brand recognition and not just generate leads.  You can work out a contract with a company and throw in "Free Brand Recognition Service" with your service because it can be done simultaneously with lead generation through Facebook ads Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Using Adwords
Adwords is similar to Facebook ads except for the fact that it isn't as personal.  You won't be able to build a brand as well as you can with Facebook ads, but you can still pull in a lot of traffic with the right campaigns running on Google.

Target page 2 when setting up your ads, yes I said page 2 because you will pay less for your clicks and you will likely land on page 1 fairly often.  After a few weeks, you should increase your bids, because your ads should be dropping in CPC anyway, which will save you money and boost your lead generation at the same time.

Handing out flyers and placing door hangers
This method words great for local services like a company that mows lawns, a mobile car detailing service, plumbing services, and anything else you can think of that you'd purchase for yourself and your home. 

This lead generation method does take a bit of time, but it works fairly well if done right, so I advise everyone to at least dabble in this before writing it off.  Yes, it does take a bit of investment up front if you want to look professional, because you'll want to have color flyers and/or door hangers on stocky paper in order to stand apart from the rest.

Think about it, if you land on a website that is poorly designed you'll likely think the service or products aren't that good, right?  The same goes for flyers and door hangers, the better the quality they are, the more likely people will think you're a credible company before looking you up. 

I've actually done the door hanger method for a digital service I had, and I targeted 1,000 local businesses over the course of 2 days and made $3,500 over the course of 2 months.  I paid $250 in total for the design and printing of the door hangers, which means I profited $3,250 for just 2 days of work Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Using the power of SEO
A lot of people don't go this route because it does take some time to build up, but it's definitely worth it and can be used for multiple clients down the road.  You can sell your SEO services to a client or you can set up a few websites and do proper SEO on them in order to rank for keywords that your client would want to get leads from.

Essentially, you'll be setting up a few websites and adding a bunch of content to them in order to rank in the search engines for specific keywords.  Before you start to rank, you'll want to place your client's banners on the website as a sort of advertisement, and be sure they're dofollow so they get a slight boost in the SERPs Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

You're basically setting up a few competitor websites to your client, but funneling all the traffic to them somehow Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation  If your client decides they don't want to pay you anymore, don't worry, because you can sell the same service to anyone in that niche since you already have everything set up and can pick up right where you left off.  You just swap out the banners and your new client is immediately getting leads Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

In conclusion
The methods above aren't too advanced, but good marketing never really is and you don't want to overthink it.  Yes, you'll need to be sure to track absolutely everything so you know what's working and what isn't.  If you're not tracking anything, you won't know where you're losing money and what your golden nuggets are.  Eliminate the things that aren't working and stick with the methods that are, this way you're not losing any money and your clients are also extremely happy with their new sales Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Thanks for the beautiful article. Some days ago I have been used FB PPC section for one of my promotion on Spain country. Out of 100 clicks I didn't got any response. It was costly for me but I have learned the PPC program for me. There is no other alternative way for every time white hat SEO. I want to do white hat SEO program every time.


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I think if it's a local business or even a brick & mortar store then physical advertising is probably the best thing to do for lead generation. Things like handing out flyers or just putting up posters around the local area can help out a lot. I don't think that cold calling would be that great an idea anymore really, while you may get one or two leads, the amount you would have to do to get those one or two leads is just not worth the time and effort really.

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This is true in the sense that cold calling can go wrong when we do it in this generation when crime and fraud can made many to now remain conscious of calls they receive on a daily basis. So, ensuowe shredded flyers to people around is a good way to start this type of project as well.

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Physical advertising is definitely the route a lot of brick and mortar type businesses should take, but online advertising shouldn't be overlooked because the power of getting mobile ads in front of people who are looking for a restaurant, service, etc. are extremely powerful Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

Think about it, if a bar or restaurant had an ad live that only showed to people within a 3 to 5 mile radius of their location, it would likely pull in people who were hungry and were trying to find a new place to go to for food or drinks. You may spend $1.00 on the click, but that one person could spend $30 for their lunch, and not many people go out alone when they are looking for new places to try Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

EDDM is another great way, which I mentioned above because you can get a physical letter or postcard in a potential customers hand that shows all the positive things about your business. They won't look up many reviews about you, probably because you have some shown on your mailing, which will sell them right away and they will bring some people in to try you out Getting local clients to sign up for lead generation

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It is logical for a business owner to focus on the kind of traditional advertising when the market of his business mainly depends on the local prospects. This is true particularly for business like eateries because it can only work with people that are in the vicinity. It is silly to promote your business online when your target market are the people who are just around the corner. Use the offline means of promoting your business with the tarpaulin in the streets or the flyers.

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Facebook ads remains the cheapest way that we can get to develop leads for new generation companies and the good thing about using this type of advertisement is that one get to learn more as the time progresses and getting some social media users to feel interested is really a great and gold move as long as I am concerned.

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You can also do pin point target marketing using social media as your platform by tapping into Facebook Groups relative to your niche. Doing this would greatly augment your visibility and would generate a lot of leads. Tapping into Groups and as you said doing Facebook ads, are good ways to increase lead generation.

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There was a time when you could rank #1 with generic keywords. In the past, all you needed was one or two words keywords to spread over your article and get ranked high. However, these days the competition is so tough that generic keywords or one or two words keywords are no longer working, you need keyphrase or long tail search terms. You need niche based keywords.
For instance, if your website was a travel website, you could have used keywords like holiday tours, package tours and get ranked high in the search engines. However, these days you have to focus on a niche and use keywords like holiday tours in Phuket, Thailand, Package Tours in Tibet etc.

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Facebook ads are still great in targeting your main audience and is very affordable to do so. Even with the recent controversy regarding Facebook, it still remains to be one of the best ways to advertise to your local clients because there is simply no other social media that comes close to the features that Facebook offers right now.

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Maybe I will go for using the power of SEO because I find it the easiest for creating lead generation to your business. But I am amazed that some businesses are still using the traditional flyers that are distributed by couriers. We receive such flyers not frequently but maybe 5 times in a year. Those flyers are often offering services for home appliances and repairs and supplies such as LGP tank for the gas stove. I think that traditional way of promoting business is still effective particularly for offline businesses.

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You can also add free things for your advertisements. Most people from around the world, not just local people, are attracted to free services and stuff. I feel that this can be very effective as a lead generation tool if you add it to the methods above.

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Good day. I started my own business, I take into account many marketing chips. Also, recently, I started to run ads a little, and in order to evaluate the quality of the same ad, I decided to try out call tracking and other chips. I found a service, tried it free demo call realized that such an analysis began to give results. take into account.

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