
6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

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6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

When you get into marketing, you will likely try your hand at YouTube marketing at some point in your journey.  People all over the world will tell you that getting views on your YouTube videos is a great way to boost your brand's awareness, increase your sales, and get traffic to your website that could result in someone sharing your info or products.

As you may know, YouTube is the largest video hosting website/company in the world, and it shows no sign of slowing down.  It's owned by Google, the multi mega-billion dollar company who pushes their successful ventures into the stratosphere so they become the most successful thing in the world, and YouTube is no different. 

Below are 6 ways to help boost your traffic, views, and sales to help you become more successful down the road, and they are:

Add in customer testimonials
If you can squeeze customer testimonials within your videos you will notice they start to produce more sales than the ones you aren't putting them in.  The use of testimonials within a video can boost your sales because if the video is done right the viewers will already be on the verge of signing up for whatever it is you're selling.  They'll then see some testimonials placed within the video and they will more than likely click through to your website and likely sign up or at the very least share your page 6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

Point out your call to actions
You can place call to actions (CTAs) within your videos themselves, which will usually get clicked if they stand out well enough without detracting too much from your videos, but not many people call out their call to actions.  I recently came across a video, one I wish I saved the link to, where the person was pitching a product as they walked through their office and talked to the camera but every once in a while they would acknowledge someone in the office as they were going through it.  Now, that alone is a great way to build a video because it shows you're personable and people like you, but what he did was point out coupon code links in the video where he literally pointed at them on the screen when they popped up and said: "Click that link for a discount".  I was tempted to click the link right then and there because he told me to, but I didn't because I was watching the video for marketing learning purposes only lol 6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales  Now, if someone can get me to impulsively click a link, they've done their homework because I'm a veteran marketer and it takes a sly person to get me off my game lol.

Create fun videos with strategic product placement
One great way to produce a sale is to have strategic product placement.  It's worked for many years and people pay a lot of money for it in their own commercials as well as within movies.  Now, you don't have to pay someone to put your products in their videos because you can do this yourself.  What you'll want to do is produce a video that is funny, emotional, dramatic or any other type of emotion you can think of as long as it pulls people in.  Once you have a good video in mind, you need to think of where you can place your own products which will boost your own sales since you're not actually pushing it in the potential clients face.  They will see the product and think "Hmmm, maybe I should try that" and then they will look it up, or better yet, they will click the link within your video and go right to your website 6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

Create a sort of montage from an event
If you ever run an event or go to one, you will want to take plenty of video and pictures while you're there.  You can then compile a sort of montage and use SEO to get the video ranked for specific keywords related to that event where it will show up for anything related to those keywords. 

Once you have the video produced, you'll want to upload it and optimize all the content as well as the call to actions.  The more people you get to view your video the better it is for your profits 6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

Go Live on YouTube
The term "going live" is pretty common now that you can do it on almost every social platform that is out there today.  You can go live on YouTube as well and pull in plenty of viewers who could actually turn into customers down the road.  Now, going live is more of an instant viewer boost because once you're done you don't have that link up anymore.  The one downside of going live on YouTube is the more subscribers you have, the better it is for your views because people will get notifications on their phone that you're going live and they should come watch. 

Think about it, when someone goes live on facebook you'll get an annoying notification, then you'll either click through to watch or you'll ignore it.  Facebook sends these notifications out to your friends, but YouTube will send it out to potentially millions of people that could be following you.

A good example of this is the professional gamer called Ninja, who is currently making $500,000+ a month because of his social presence and how much fun he's having while playing.  When he goes live, his millions upon millions of followers get a notification and they might click through to watch his current stream.

Use Influencers to boost product awareness
Influencer marketing isn't anything new if you're an active marketer, but if you're just starting out, you're going to want to dive into this and see where you get.  Some people have paid $100 and make thousands where others have paid thousands and made nothing.  The key to success with influencer marketing is knowing what the influencer is worth and not accepting anything more than what you're willing to pay because you should know what type of profits will come from a single post from the influencer in mind.

What you'll do is pay the influencer for a post, dedicated video, or even just a product placement where they're using your product and share a link in the video as well as the description where people will likely click through.  The bigger the influencer, the more money you could potentially make, but that also means the more you might have to pay for the boost.

On the other hand, you can't forget about the micro influencers who will sell you ad spots for much less than their larger competitors.  You might see this as a bad thing, but it's actually awesome because people respond to micro influencers more than big ones because the smaller guy tends to respond more to the followers whereas the big influencer just posts and ignores the comments because they don't have time to respond.

In conclusion
YouTube should never be ignored when you want to make some cash, mainly because it has a massive amount of traffic flowing through it that you can actually tap into if you do it right.  Get your optimization right, have a fun video, have proper product placement, and you could even work with influencers to do all of the above.  If you do it right, you can see the traffic start to flow in from just one video!  So, get some clips together and post them on YouTube to see where you get 6 ways to use your YouTube videos to boost sales

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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"Now, going live is more of an instant viewer boost because once you're done you don't have that link up anymore."

Not necessarily. Several YouTubers who I'm subscribed to do regular live streams, and some choose to upload the content of that live stream after it is done. These are typically extremely long videos--upwards of an hour--so it isn't likely that they're going to bring in new subscribers, but it gives the people already subscribed something to watch, especially if they missed the stream the first time around.

Not all YouTubers do this though. Some live stream and choose to not upload the session, possibly due to them not wanting to mix it with the regular content on their channel.

All-in-all, you've got some really going points here. I love YouTube so I'm always excited to see what advice people have here with regards to it.

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When it comes to Youtube videos, most of the Youtubers who are into live streaming have their captive audience otherwise it is not easy for a stranger to just watch streaming videos unless they are very interested in the niche. As an actual example, I prefer to be reading blogs instead of watching videos because I have no control regarding time when I watch videos. I want to have full control of my time that when I don’t think what I’m watching is good then I have to exit.

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Youtube is the biggest and most popular video sharing platform in there and if you're looking to put out an advertising video, it simply is the best place to make use of to get your content out there.However, being the popular site that it is, you have to put out a quality video for it to be trending and be noticed rather than just be lost in a sea of endless videos, and you have to make the video right so you won't end up in a controversy and ruin your business' reputation.

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I have a channel in youtube and its not working as i expected, this tips will definitely help my channel to boost subscribers and sales. I usually make videos that is straight to the point and some how too serious. Create fun videos with strategic product placement, will be the first thing i would try...

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It's nothing to be sad or disappointed about. Do you mind me asking what your channel is about exactly? If it's solely for business purposes then the fact that it is not working for you as expected is not that much of a surprise really because no one will want to view business videos/advertisements on YouTube.

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I have a DIY channel, and i use my videos to advertise some of my products. My products are crafts that's integrated with electronics like lamps, Table top fountain/falls and designed pots. I put advertisements usually at the end of the video and sometime as a popup window.Its just a startup channel, i think i expect too much out of it. I pulled out most of videos for editing at the moment, i think i'm gonna need a little more quality on the video and spice it a bit.

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Going Live would be difficult for me, i usually run out of words during live feeds. Also i'm not really a conversationalist specially going live. Although i still think its a great way to improve your channel , people that go live have skills and charisma on screen . I think i'm not one of them. So ill just go for creating videos for the meantime...

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It's not at all an easy thing to do. I guess some people are born for things like this whilst others (including me) just aren't cut out for it. I would much prefer to do pre-recorded videos since I would be able to know exactly what I am about to say and I could edit out certain parts where I may have struggled to explain something/messed up in.

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I agree, pre-recorded videos are more precise when it comes to content. Also you can use the same material over and over without hassle. The only down side is , the time consumed in editing a video could take a while and some skills and equipment. That is where a live feed excel, its very raw and authentic.

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People who are serious about their marketing or sales should really utilize Youtube's potential to boost their business. People are shifting from reading blogs to watching video clips, especially YouTube's.

I've read about Ninja's achievements. I'm wondering how he started to get famous by playing Fortnite.

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By mentioning about started getting famous by playing Fortnite, actually, what I really thought about one person's potential to get paid well and be a popular Youtuber is that he/she should make some video clips while playing any popular video games today. Playing video games will always be on top trending activities in today's generation so I think if you are a skilled gamer and can actually communicate well and know how to market your talent as a gamer to eSports community then there's a high possibility that you will become a successful youtube earner.

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Follow the trend, they say. You'll get some easy views if you play what is popular. Many twitch streamers and YouTubers always follow the trend because many people are searching for them. What sets aside good streamers or YouTubers are their characters. If a streamer is fun to watch and entertains his/her viewers well, he could gain many followers even if his/her gaming skills is not that of a professional.

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"Think about it, when someone goes live on facebook you'll get an annoying notification, then you'll either click through to watch or you'll ignore it. Facebook sends these notifications out to your friends, but YouTube will send it out to potentially millions of people that could be following you."

Both Facebook and YouTube sends annoying notifications, in YouTube notifications are sent to channel subscribers and not a lot of people has millions of subscribers. If you only have 10000 subscribers they would be the only one to receive notifications.

"A good example of this is the professional gamer called Ninja, who is currently making $500,000+ a month because of his social presence and how much fun he's having while playing. When he goes live, his millions upon millions of followers get a notification and they might click through to watch his current stream."

There's only a very small percentage of YouTubers who are earning a decent income all the other YouTubers are not earning at all.

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It's actually really hard to make a living off Youtube, we only know about the popular ones, but the ones putting up the big paychecks are only in the hundreds out of the millions of people who try, and some of these channels are owned by big companies or by a large group of individuals who work together.

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I think if you are serious about marketing your product Youtube would defintely be a good thing to check out. It may allow many people to see your content who otherwise would not have access to it.

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Yeah, and basically if you're advertising it helps to use every possible resource you have, and Youtube being free to use is a great way of marketing without spending more on your budget to advertise on TV, for example.

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It's always a great idea to use your Youtube account to advertise your freelancing services or your business overall. It can really boost sales and bring more subscribers to your channel as well.

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It is a general idea that many should be making use of as having a YouTube channel can go a long way in taking the business that you do to the next level. However, one should always make a captivating intro of the video since that is what will make the viewers recommend to friends.

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I have noticed that people are starting to ignore the youtube and other influencer promoter content. And they don't seem to like the fake stuff. I understand this is a big industry. But the profiles created solely for influential content. That is something soon may change. People respond to the promoted and sponsored content. And they do realize if things are going the wrong way. So yes its possible things may change about such youtube promotions in future.

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YouTube is a good social media video sharing platform that can help in redirecting traffic to ones site also it's a good platform for advertising. There's a lot of ways to market your products and services using YouTube , the simplest and most direct is to upload your product videos for people to view and if it's interesting enough then people would subscribed and like your channel and even click your link and buy.

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Posting and add videos on YouTube, for sure will help anyone on marketing. However, it has to be a short, focused, and interesting one, because otherwise people will get annoyed with it. Personally, I just tend to pass those add videos, unless there's one that catches my attention. I think a better way is, to ask any influencer or go live on YouTube.

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Yeah, I especially hate the longer ads which you can't skip and force you to watch the entire ad before you can proceed with the video. I just close the tab sometimes and open another video rather than watch the ad.

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That is so me too. Adds that can't be skipped, get on my nerves really hard. Most of the time, those adds are not related in any way to the video I'm trying to watch, they're even in a foreign language I don't even have a clue about. I tend to close the tab too, but is like having a bad karma, and once again the add comes back. I can stand short adds, like 15-30 seconds, but usually they can take even 3 to 5 long minutes.

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Yeah, thankfully I have adblock on my PC, but I don't have it when I use my tablet and mobile and it really gets on my nerves. I don't actually know how they choose the ads they show, I have no interest in the ads they play and most of them are just the same ad over and over again.

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I used to have an add blocker too, but it was somehow making my laptop acting up, so I had to get rid of it. And yes, just like you I'm wondering how do they choose the adds, because I would accept and add that is related to the video I'm trying to watch, but honestly sometimes I'm watching a video related to technology, and the add is about a t-shirt folder... that's completely out of context.

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Yeah, Youtube ads even have those like or dislike button which pops up when they show the ad, I used to think that clicking on dislike would mean that I don't want to watch the ad, but then it showed up again multiple times on different viewings, it was frustrating lol.

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I know right? I thought that I was getting rid of the add by disliking it, and the thing keep coming out again and again. Not sure if you have to go like premium or something alike to get rid of adds, and if you can, for sure it will take some good money, so not an option for me. Honestly, I would love to know how to have some control over the adds on YouTube, haha.

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Yeah, I've tried everything, I tried watching very different videos than the ones I used to watch, I've tried subscribing to different channels I even tried reporting the ad but it still shows up every time lol.

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Youtube is one of the best platforms. It allows you to directly interact with people via live stream. And you can post edited videos to maximize your potential client's time. It's a simple yet effective means of promoting your products and services.

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The best way in using YouTube is to help people, if you could make videos that could help or give knowledge for free or entertain for free people then you would have a legion of loyal YouTube subscribets. Also don't make complicated videos or boring videos again it's "help and knowledge or entertainment".

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If it's boring, personally I'm never going to spend more than 30 seconds watching it and if it's too long, the same thing goes as well. I might watch but would never finish it which would rule out my taking part in it.

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Feel you. I never can handle more than 15-30 seconds of watching and add, and just skip it as soon as I can. Also, the add is never related to the video I'm watching, so my interest becomes zero about it. The worst part, is when they're in a language I have no freaking idea about, my face is like... what da???

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Often that does not helps. Because lot of people on youtube are nothing but trolls. And makes it harder in your case where the boosting the sales with the youtube is possible. I have seen this to be one of the issues with the youtube. I guess we learn from experience that youtube can be harder to manage if we are not proper with the content.

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I agree that's why DIY and tutorial channels are so popular. The way they help people is entertaining and at the same time informative. I have seen channels like these that have subscribers ranging from 100k. I'm sure that they are monetizing it and i think its a great idea. Helping and entertaining while earning.

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Marketing Gurus have always told the importance of video marketing and how useful is youtube for video marketing. However, I have never created youtube videos and used video marketing.In order to use video marketing, you need to be skilled in video creation. Creating a video requires various skills like shooting video, editing video etc. This requires technical skills. Secondly, you will have to publish videos on youtube as well as other video sharing sites. Then you will also have to promote your videos to gain viewers. If done well, video marketing can boos traffic and sales.

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Making fun videos is one way of getting the interest of viewers and you can even be an influencer yourself. I have seen this in Facebook where a friend regularly posts funny pictures of himself. Where before he would get a handful of likes for his ordinary posts, now he easily gets a hundred likes for his funny posts. Sometimes it’s not the picture but the caption that is funny. People truly love humor and you can never fail if you use humor in the right context.

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I've created an account on YouTube so I could make a comment in different channels. I've been dreaming to have my own Channel in YT but I don't think I have the guts to be in front of the camera and create my own content. I admire those YouTuber and Vloggers who started in small subscribers and now they have millions of viewers all over the world and making a profit from creating their own videos. Though, it's kind of hard to earn from YT now because they have changed their policies. I'm so thankful that we have YouTube in this generation because there are lots of stuff that I've learned from free tutorials, lessons, tips, and free entertainment videos.

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I am planning to be a Youtuber but I don't know how to start with. Maybe this information might help me in starting my video collections easily. I want to be youtuber or vlogger for them to see and I wanted also to share the things that I am currently doing. This will really help other people who wanted to start gaining popularity from you tube.

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Testimonials works like magic with how it convinces people to participate in something. Lots of people have fallen victim to scammers and as a result the only thing that they can believe in is what they have witnessed other users testimony.

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I think Youtube is great and I agree it's one of the best strategies for marketing.However I don't really understand how to use it. You can make videos, but how do you get people to watch them? I think that's where Youtube becomes a bit complicated. Remember they are millions and millions of videos on Youtube. How do you sort out which ones to watch. How do people find yours?

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YouTube is really a well known social media platform, so using YouTube to boost your sales and making an add for it is really a good idea.

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For me using YouTube influencer is the way to increase your sale. Just make sure the influencers fans are grown ups. It is costly, depends on how big the influencer's fanbase is but it is worth it.

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