
How to easily steal your competitor's traffic and gain more clients

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How to easily steal your competitor's traffic and gain more clients

When we start our businesses we never really think about how we can steal our competitors' website traffic and get more clients, but it's definitely a possibility, and thousands of smart marketers are already doing it! Essentially, what you'll be doing is getting your name in front of your competitors' traffic, so they can see you instead of where they actually intended on going, and they will click through to check you out. If you have competitive pricing, and your services or products are better, you will notice a lot of traffic choosing you instead of going to your competitor. Sure, you can't really tell if you're taking sales away from your competitors, but if your sales are getting boosted through the techniques below, you can be sure you're siphoning traffic from them and they likely aren't too happy How to easily steal your competitor

In this discussion, I'll be going over 4 ways you can steal your competitors' traffic and gain more clients along the way.

Target keywords related to your competitors' name
You can always post content about your competitors on your website, and target their business name or domain name, which will eventually get your ranked for their brand name and people will start to notice you. Let us say you target "(competitor name) alternative" or "Cheaper alternative to (competitor name)" you'll likely get people to click when they do a basic search online for your competitors business name. They will see your titles and want to click through because everything we read online is truthful, right? lol How to easily steal your competitor

When you are ranked for your competitors' name, you might actually get a notice from them saying you can't talk about them online and they will sue you. This is just a scare tactic to get you to remove your page, but you have nothing to worry about if everything you're writing is truthful and can be backed by actual facts. If you're a cheaper alternative, make an image that shows your pricing compared to your competitors, and any lawyer your competitor throws at you won't have a case against you because you're telling the truth.

Now, if you're saying "(competitor name) scams their clients!" and you're trying to rank for their business name, you will likely get a cease and desist order because you really don't have anything to back it up. Think about it, if you can research it and write honest content that makes you look better, you'll be good to go and your competitors' potential traffic will begin to go to your website How to easily steal your competitor

Running PPC campaigns and bidding on your competitors' name
I've actually done this in the past and it works extremely well if your competitor has a lot of traffic. Now, if you're in a low competition niche, don't expect to strike it rich by targeting your competitors' domain or business name, because there just isn't enough traffic.

When I was trying this, I was targeting an SEO research company and paying like $0.10 per click, and the results were over 1,000 clicks and 200 sales How to easily steal your competitor So, I paid $100 for 1,000 clicks and got 200 sales that netted me close to $900 and even later on when I upsold them haha How to easily steal your competitor

This is a great way to make some extra cash or a mountain of it, but you have to make sure you're spreading yourself across multiple competitors so you show up wherever your potential clients are searching.

Setting up Google alerts targeting your competitors
This is more of a spammy way, but it still works, because you'll get alerts when someone is talking about your competitors business name. All you do is set up an alert for a keyword, which is your competitors' domain or business name, and go see what people are saying when the notifications do pop up. Again, the more popular your competitor is, the more often you'll get notifications.

When you do get a notification, you'll have to go see what someone is saying and judge if you should drop your own business name or domain to try and capture a sale. If your link is going to seem spammy, don't try and get a sale, but if it seems good to promote then go for it How to easily steal your competitor

Sifting through positive/negative reviews and contacting the reviewers
Finding reviews for your competitors who have been in the business for a while isn't a difficult thing to do. What you'll be looking for is the negative reviews from people who hated the service or product your competitor offered. If there's a way to contact this person, you can offer them a discount to your service or product to show them there is a good company out there that can actually provide what they were looking for.

Sure, they'll understand you're just trying to get a new customer, but they'll usually be interested because you're offering a discount and they might sign up with your service or purchase your product How to easily steal your competitor

In conclusion
Taking customers away from your competitors is nothing new when it comes to marketing, but you'll have to do it legitimately and not start a smear campaign against them. If you can actually beat their prices or offer a better product, you can advertise that and legitimately beat them. You can run a PPC campaign and actually rank above them when someone searches their domain within Google, Yahoo!, and Bing How to easily steal your competitor As long as you're doing everything, and not trying to say something untruthful about your competitors, you're golden How to easily steal your competitor

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Great news Thank you keep it up more latest post

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Thanks How to easily steal your competitor

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I've seen this happen a lot. It's most prevalent in market products and entrepreneurs who sell stuff. The consumers prefer the ones that offer the best value for their money. It's not really about making your stuff so cheap in terms of pricing. You just have to be competitive with how you price your items.

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I'm such a scaredy-cat that just the thought of receiving a strongly worded, legal sounding email makes me worry about getting on the bad side of certain competitors. Just the other day I had watched a video about a video game reviewer who gave an absolutely scalding review of a video game, and the developer ended up trying to sue the man.

Now this guy technically didn't have a case as the reviewer did/said everything that was within his legal right to do so, and yet the reviewer still had to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to prevent the case from going to court.

This is why I'm not 100% confident in the statement "any lawyer your competitor throws at you won't have a case against you because you're telling the truth." They might not have a case, but there is the possibility that it may still end in a long, expensive legal battle depending on how persistent and obnoxious said competitor is.

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Just be sure you're not targeting trademarked keywords and you should be fine. Sniping traffic through search engine optimization and PPC campaigns have been going on for a long time, but it's tricky to do because you have to work around the trademarks. There are systems in place that will actually stop your ads from showing up for trademarked keywords, and you might not notice until you do a deep dive through your keywords to see what is actually performing.

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I am also one of the scaredy-cat that you mentioned. My mentality regarding legality is to avoid any illegal or illegitimate acts because it would be devastating to get arrested and land in jail. In other words, I would abide by the law all the time and even if the term stealing is figurative I will still avoid doing so. Being on the up and up has its reward with the peace of mind.

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I completely agree with your thoughts on this article. When I browse the net and look for certain articles, i am also finding comparisons which stay that they are cheaper or they pay higher. This gets my attention and eventually I get hooked in the site rather than the one I was intending to go.

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That's the reality of life as people always look for that site that is going to give them the better value at the end of the day. This is one reason each business should be using such trick to get more customers.

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It sounds a bit scary to do this. I would not want to receive a scary email or threatening letter either. There should be enough traffic to go around. If I ever did this, it would be on a limited basis I think, not on a grand scale. I don't need any more stress in my life.

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Haha, scared little @Kgord, I believe there is nothing illegal in targeting your competitors traffic and clients because it's what competition calls for. A party is always looking for a means to knock off another from his strategic position and top charts on such base.

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There is a certain dog eat dog mentality in business, but also I think we should treat others as we want to be treated. Bear that in mind when deciding to knock of your competiion.

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Oh this discussion is so brutal, Tommy! Don't teach pople to steal competitor traffic man! LOL How to easily steal your competitor

But on a more serious note, for anyone thinking that perhaps this may be a negative discussion, it is not. Companies are doing this exact same thing on a daily basis. For instance, Coca-cola and Pepsi have been going head to head for the longest time and they do campaigns that basically smear each other but they both get good advertising out of it, so why not? Bad publicity is just as good as good publicity.. well maybe not for websites but it is sorta of the same principal.

What you should do is create campaigns based on competitor keywords. HOWEVER, I actually tried doing this with a competitor of mine via Bing Ad platform, and I could not apparently use their keyword nor business name in my campaign! I was very confused, because I thought you could, free speech and all, but when it comes to intellectual property rights I don't think free speech can touch that.

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If their name or whatever you were targeting was trademarked, you can't really target it How to easily steal your competitor

I've run into that problem plenty of times when targeting my competitors lol How to easily steal your competitor

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@TommyCarey I would start calling you cheat master after reading this your latest article. This is a very good strategic plan and once executed perfectly would yield the needed results. I hope that you don't target my own traffic and clients (LOL).

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Cheat Master? Nope.

Master Marketer? I'll take that lol How to easily steal your competitor

This is a method that multi-million and billion dollar companies have been doing for years, I'm not the person who started it, I just followed what others have done and altered it for my own success How to easily steal your competitor

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If you want to pick off a few of your competitors customers, but still abide by the quote unquote 'gentlemen's agreement,' the best way to do that is produce better and more interesting content than they do.

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True, but gentlemen never win the advertising and sales race How to easily steal your competitor It's a brutal field and some companies out there know you have to get gritty if you want to be successful.

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These are great ideas. However, before we start using our competitor's name as the keywords or using competitor's brand name in our PPC campaign, we need to do a research on our competitors and identify our actual competitors. Whether you are selling locally or internationally, it is very important to identify your competitor. When you identify your competitor, you will know what they are doing and how they are doing. In order to excel in the business, you need to outsmart your competitors.

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The only problem you might run into is if your competitor has a trademarked business name. I've noticed that I won't show up for trademarked business names, which is understandable, but annoying at the same time lol How to easily steal your competitor

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I am amused with the phrase easily steal and to think that you are going to steal the traffic of your competitor, this is like reading a suspense novel. Anyway, targeting the keywords related to your competitor makes sense because it is just like looking up its kind of audience. That’s fine. But to check on the reviews of your competitor’s website, isn’t that outrageous? Pardon me for the word but what I mean is that’s being too nosy on your part already because you are intruding inside the website and even picking the fruits of its labor. But anyway, I may be being so moralistic on the issue.

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With even bigger companies, as I have mentioned before such as Coca-cola and Pepsi, they are constantly at war. They steal each other's keywords and everything but yet it makes sense to do. Also, using them as an example, even though people prefer one over the other there is people who like both beverages. I think competition like this is fine. It helps drives passion to create the next big campaign. It is no coincedence that if one of these companies landed a big campaign (for instance via super bowl or even olympic advertisements) then the other competitor won't place their ad. I believe they basically buy out all the slots so no competitor can advertise their product via the same event. Very strategic, this is basically considered strategic marketing. Now, while it is like a war of sorts it is still very smart for both parties to engange in.

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Hmmm that's some sneaky tips here i have to use How to easily steal your competitor Actually i tried some, but not this way, this is really like sort of "War on competitors" LOL, but business all about it, so i have to try some ;)

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Cool post, We have used most of these in the past with great success, feel free to follow us or visit our Irish SEO company website: SEO Ireland Pro again, great post, keep up the good work Tommy

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