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When we start our businesses we never really think about how we can steal our competitors' website traffic and get more clients, but it's definitely a possibility, and thousands of smart marketers are already doing it! Essentially, what you'll be doing is getting your name in front of your competitors' traffic, so they can see you instead of where they actually intended on going, and they will click through to check you out. If you have competitive pricing, and your services or products are better, you will notice a lot of traffic choosing you instead of going to your competitor. Sure, you can't really tell if you're taking sales away from your competitors, but if your sales are getting boosted through the techniques below, you can be sure you're siphoning traffic from them and they likely aren't too happy
In this discussion, I'll be going over 4 ways you can steal your competitors' traffic and gain more clients along the way.
Target keywords related to your competitors' name
You can always post content about your competitors on your website, and target their business name or domain name, which will eventually get your ranked for their brand name and people will start to notice you. Let us say you target "(competitor name) alternative" or "Cheaper alternative to (competitor name)" you'll likely get people to click when they do a basic search online for your competitors business name. They will see your titles and want to click through because everything we read online is truthful, right? lol
When you are ranked for your competitors' name, you might actually get a notice from them saying you can't talk about them online and they will sue you. This is just a scare tactic to get you to remove your page, but you have nothing to worry about if everything you're writing is truthful and can be backed by actual facts. If you're a cheaper alternative, make an image that shows your pricing compared to your competitors, and any lawyer your competitor throws at you won't have a case against you because you're telling the truth.
Now, if you're saying "(competitor name) scams their clients!" and you're trying to rank for their business name, you will likely get a cease and desist order because you really don't have anything to back it up. Think about it, if you can research it and write honest content that makes you look better, you'll be good to go and your competitors' potential traffic will begin to go to your website
Running PPC campaigns and bidding on your competitors' name
I've actually done this in the past and it works extremely well if your competitor has a lot of traffic. Now, if you're in a low competition niche, don't expect to strike it rich by targeting your competitors' domain or business name, because there just isn't enough traffic.
When I was trying this, I was targeting an SEO research company and paying like $0.10 per click, and the results were over 1,000 clicks and 200 sales So, I paid $100 for 1,000 clicks and got 200 sales that netted me close to $900 and even later on when I upsold them haha
This is a great way to make some extra cash or a mountain of it, but you have to make sure you're spreading yourself across multiple competitors so you show up wherever your potential clients are searching.
Setting up Google alerts targeting your competitors
This is more of a spammy way, but it still works, because you'll get alerts when someone is talking about your competitors business name. All you do is set up an alert for a keyword, which is your competitors' domain or business name, and go see what people are saying when the notifications do pop up. Again, the more popular your competitor is, the more often you'll get notifications.
When you do get a notification, you'll have to go see what someone is saying and judge if you should drop your own business name or domain to try and capture a sale. If your link is going to seem spammy, don't try and get a sale, but if it seems good to promote then go for it
Sifting through positive/negative reviews and contacting the reviewers
Finding reviews for your competitors who have been in the business for a while isn't a difficult thing to do. What you'll be looking for is the negative reviews from people who hated the service or product your competitor offered. If there's a way to contact this person, you can offer them a discount to your service or product to show them there is a good company out there that can actually provide what they were looking for.
Sure, they'll understand you're just trying to get a new customer, but they'll usually be interested because you're offering a discount and they might sign up with your service or purchase your product
In conclusion
Taking customers away from your competitors is nothing new when it comes to marketing, but you'll have to do it legitimately and not start a smear campaign against them. If you can actually beat their prices or offer a better product, you can advertise that and legitimately beat them. You can run a PPC campaign and actually rank above them when someone searches their domain within Google, Yahoo!, and Bing As long as you're doing everything, and not trying to say something untruthful about your competitors, you're golden
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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