
What happened to my Twitter services?

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What happened to my Twitter services?

What happen with twitter service, A lot of service of twitter followers, retweets and favorites was deleted WHY ??  ,So facebook, instagram and twitter  service disappear from this site. TWITTER, FACEBOOK AND instagram it's a principal social media why block??


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When big social networks start to remove negative things from their platforms, they don't usually target the individual seller, they will target the place they're selling. This means that SEOclerks would likely come under fire by Twitter because of all the people selling services to falsify the popularity of a Twitter profile.

If SEOclerks removed the services, they are dodging a bullet that might have hurt them a lot due to a lawsuit. You wouldn't have to worry about it, because you're just a scale on the snake, and to kill a snake you have to cut off the head. So, twitter would cut the head and stop everything in its tracks, which means they would just target the SEOclerks marketplace and not the person selling on the marketplace. Does that make sense?

The same thing happened with Facebook and SEOclerks not too long ago, that's why you can't find many services to boost anything to do with your facebook page. And if you do find them, they won't be live for long.

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Well, Twitter just decided enough is enough when it comes to fake accounts so they just deleted a bunch. In fact, most famous people on Twitter lost some followers today. I don't even want to know about the ordinary people that bought tons of fake followers over the years and now they probably have close to nothing.

Read more about this news here:

I personally have mixed feelings about this. I used to sell fake followers back in the day when this was easy to do. With a simple script and a few proxies, you could create tons and tons of fake accounts which you could control however you wanted too.

I gave up my fake twitter followers business after Twitter started to ban them and made it a lot harder to create accounts.

So the purge you are currently seeing is due to Twitter doing a little house cleaning and I'm sure they deleted a few real accounts in the process. hehe.

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Twitter have upgraded all their services and are user friendly, they delete any tweet that will hurt anyone or spark outrage, there was a time my account got blocked for two days saying my post was inappropriate and it contained some violence propagating contents. Even Donald Trumps tweets gets taking down without mercy if they are racially slurring, Twitter is making a good progress by doing this now you can even pay to get a larger audience on twitter at a fair amount, I don't see it as them trying to control us all but instead it's a level of neutrality and unbiased polices to protect the lives of those who own an account with them.
Your Twitter account is just undergoing the new terms and policies that all Twitter account are meant to adjust to.

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Why not ask twitter? Have you read their policy? I would advise you to do that first. I know if your tweet is offensive, someone can complain and it can be deleted. Are your tweets controversial?Or are you spamming your followers ? I think twitter can delete your tweet for spamming. Read their terms and conditions. Also study the deleted tweets and figure out if there is a pattern , that may be unacceptable to twitter. Remember they deleted Donald Trumps tweets?I don't think they would hesitate to delete yours if they are inappropriate.

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He's talking about his twitter service here on SEOclerks, not something that is actually on twitter lol What happened to my Twitter services?

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While on the subject how to ensure a tweet has been read by the one who it has been sent to. When I tweet I see that it has been posted but when I go to that tweet account I do not see it there. Where can I see that tweet that I have sent and also how do I know whether that tweet has been read.

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Matter is about fiction. Some times every marketplace show a rules about their business benefit. SEOClerk does not allow the main social media platform related business on the marketplace. I got notified about it long time ago. So do not bid on these major social media platform related service. There have enough possibilities to get infraction.


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It could be that Twitter wasn't down with the services being provided here, and in order to prevent legal action, SEOClerks took down your service and other similar services. I don't know what sort of services you were offering, but it could be that what you and others were doing was in violation of Twitter's Terms of Service and requested them to be taken down. A lot of social media websites like YouTube and Twitter have been cracking down in order to clear their names due to recent controversy.

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A lot of the times they receive DMCA takedown notices in the form of copyright infringement I believe. So yes, to steer clear of a legal battle with a social media giant (money for the best lawyers etc) it is just best to remove the content that they are asking for you to remove.

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There have been some recent developments with Twitter lately and I'm not surprised it's getting a bit closer to SEO as well. It's really a frustrating thing to wake up one day and have all your data wiped as if an Electronic Magnetic Pulse bomb was detonated in your account. I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

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As many have said before, and will continue to say as long as there is a social media category: social services get deleted periodically, and some social network services will be banned from listing on the marketplace.

Why? Well for starters social services to increase likes, followers, reshares, etc are essentially LOW QUALITY services. 9 times out of 10, the social counts that were bought will eventually drop, and the buyer really just spent money for nothing since the social counts didn't retain their count. Not only that, there are a lot of services that claim the counts are real and usually, again, they are not.

Now, with marketplaces such as this social networks can contact the marketplaces and ask for them to remove such services because it creates spam, and fake inflation for counts. If you had a social website, and it was against your terms of service for anyone to falsely inflate services, and a website was selling such services wouldn't you contact them to get that service removed? Yes, you would. And a lot of social networks are doing this.

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I would discuss your specific case with Twitter and see if they have any reason why your site has been dropped. It may be a mistake or something that you did unintentionally. I hope it doesn't continue to be a problem for you.

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Twitter just decided enough is enough when it comes to fake accounts so they just deleted a bunch. All spam and fake accounts deleted, The same thing happened with Facebook and SEOclerks not too long ago, that's why you can't find many services to boost anything to do with your facebook page. And if you do find them, they won't be live for long.

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You are right that the services for social media have disappeared on the reason of being banned by this site. The crux of the matter arose from the complaints of buyers that the paid followers and likes were fine with the big numbers but were gone after they had paid the service provider. Those numbers were actually created by bots and you know the count will be reset after the cleansing by the social media.

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It's a problem because me no work with bots or program , me work just exchanging and my followers, retweets and likes no disappear....

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