
Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

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Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

When it comes to generating high-quality content, you might not have the skills to write it up yourself or you might just not have the time, so you'll want to open up your website or blog in order to bring on a lot of guest bloggers.  These bloggers will come to your website, write some amazing content and submit it for approval, then get some benefits in return after you approve the article they've written up.  You will likely get a lot of submissions after you get the ball rolling and word gets out that you're accepting guest posts, so you'll want to automate the vetting process as much as you can.  You can always link your posting process to Copyscape, and scan each article that is submitted to make sure it is unique, but even that won't be a sure fire way to keep getting great content.  You'll have to do a manual review of each article and make sure it's top-notch, then approve everything that passes your guidelines.

It will take some time to get a decent amount of guest bloggers into your website and submitting content, but that's actually a good thing.  You will want to iron out all of the kinks that come with having guest bloggers come in and post content for you, so you'll want to take it slow and work on it along the way.  With this discussion, you'll be able to begin the process of getting bloggers in who will generate content for you.  To do that, you'll need to work on the following:

Boost your domain authority to entice guest posters
A good domain authority is what the guest writers are going to be looking for because they'll want to get something out of their posts if you don't plan on paying them for their content.  Now, you'll need to do this by building up your reputation online, as well as your dofollow backlinks that are high quality, and eventually your DA will jump up to enticing guest poster levels Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

You'll want to focus on niche related backlinks, from websites that already have a decent DA, so be sure to build relationships with plenty of people and websites within your niche to eventually get a backlink from them later on when they don't mind you guest posting once or twice on their website.  Yes, you will need to build up your own DA by guest posting on other websites that already have authority within your niche.  You can always purchase backlinks from high authority websites, but you'll need to make sure the purchase can't be traced because Google and the other search engines don't like that very much.

Offer a dofollow backlink within profile pages
When you're trying to get guest posters to come in and submit top-notch content, you will need to give them something in return to even get their attention.  A dofollow backlink from their profiles is a great way to get them to start posting for you.  Since you're working on your domain authority now, you will only increase the benefits of them posting quality content, which is what they will notice and continue to write for you Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

A dofollow backlink from their profile, or signature, is a great way to boost a website's rankings and that is why the bloggers will want to submit content to your website Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers  Think about it, plenty of people submitted content to EzineArticles back in the day because they could get backlinks from it, and it worked well.  Obviously, you'll want to limit the number of links that are going out, so you'll want to avoid letting people place links within the post that isn't relevant to the content itself.  Only relevant links, to authority websites, will be allowed if you want to stay successful and keep your DA high.

Offer a revenue share
One way of generating a decent amount of guest posts is to offer a revenue share.  Now, a lot of bloggers will avoid this method because they want instant gratification for their content, not a promise to pay later on when the article eventually ranked in the search engines and brings in traffic and clicks on ads.

A revenue share is simple, you just offer the person a percentage of the income coming off of the profits of their posts, which means they will make more money if they submit more content.  If an article spikes in the rankings or goes viral, they will get a boost in profits due to all the traffic coming in.

Pay bloggers for their content
This method requires you to already have a decent revenue coming in so you can pay them for their content.  You'll be able to work with the best writers out there and offer them money for each post, which they will gladly work for.  You'll most likely get a few people trying to take advantage of the situation and submit duplicate content, but this will easily be found out with a Copyscape scan and then you just ban the blogger. 

You can find bloggers all over the place, especially here on SEOclerks (I'm one of them lol), and you can contact them all to see what their rates are if they don't publicly show them.  Take your time vetting bloggers, because a lot of them will take you up on your offer, but you'll only want the best of the best for your blog.  You'll want the bloggers that understand SEO and how to write up compelling content that increases engagement, so you'll likely want experienced bloggers that have been writing for a while Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

In conclusion
Guest blogging is nothing new and it's still a great way to build content for free or a commission to the writer.  You will also want to build up your domain authority in order to entice bloggers to want to gain a dofollow backlink from their signature and build up their own authority.  If you want to pay the guest bloggers, you'll want to vet them first and make sure you have the best writers possible before letting them submit work.  Obviously, you'll want to make sure you run everything through Copyscape to be sure everything is legitimate and will benefit both parties Generating quality content by utilizing guest bloggers

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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This is actually great post, but from my previous work i have some very good and very bad experience.

Good thing is that this really work, help blogs to generate more visitors, social shares, authority and all other benefits, plus to become popular around the world.

But bad thing is that once it attracts many visitors, spammers starting to bombarding your blog like crazy, specially if you offer high authority backlinks from posts or profiles. In many cases it was very time consuming for me, to review all guest posts and chose which ones are ok for publishing, even if they are paid posts. People sometime think that i will approve any crap because they paid for it, or even if i pay them to write... so it drive me nuts and i give up on this kind of business... Unfortunately

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You make an interesting point. having guest posts on your websites and providing high authority dofollow backlinks to the poster will improve traffic on your blog. However, having high traffic also means you are subject to spammers. More popular tour blog or website is more issues with the spammers.
Secondly, you might get people willing to contribute for free just for trading backlinks, however, you might have to spend money to have high-quality writer write for you.

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I have read several discussions about spammers in blogs. Now I am wondering if the blog platform has no way of blocking the IP address of a comment that the poster couldn’t make a post again. That was being done in one forum before which I had seen the discouragement of spammers that after a relentless campaign by the mod, the spamming had stopped. Maybe that can also be done in blogs.

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keep it up Thank you have a nice day,

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Many great and "big" websites utilize the method of hiring a guest blogger but the issue for me would be paying them. I feel like some of the better ones can be quite expensive so I try and avoid it. Besides that, I personally just prefer to write up the content myself.

It is still a very good option for those that struggle with content and you covered all the important aspects.

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Sometimes even well-known professional bloggers give guest posts for free. It helps that you give them a worthwhile reason or incentive. Like with some bloggers, I've seen them provide meaningful content for a simple promotion of their site or something to that effect.

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Guest blogging is by far the best way to get quality links with amazing metrics for DA, PA, TF, CF. Thanks for the insights.

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While it helps to be able to produce quality content by yourself, making use of guest bloggers is also a good idea to generate a good amount of articles to make your website always fresh and relevant. Paying bloggers is still the best way to go about this I think, but you can still get some new bloggers who would also want to jumpstart their blogging, and you can get a pretty good deal from them posting on your site.

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A good pay for a good job done is always a good motivation for one to do another better job when contacted. By paying the guest blogger contracted to create high-quality content for one's site would make such blogger to do his or her possible best not to disappoint because his or her reputation is at stake should a nonsense work be done.

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Agree, a compensated worker will always work harder compared to someone not paid to do the job. Additional motivation for the guest blogger is that his content will be posted publicly, so his reputation as a blogger is also on the line.

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Yes of course, the reputation of the guest blogger is another thing that pushes him or her to do a very good job because if his job is below standard, the negative effects would affect him or her more than it would affect the site owner that contracted him.

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Well, if your site is high authority site, you might find people willing to contribute for free for the sake of backlinks. However, if your website is not a high authority website, does not have a good search engine ranking, or domain authority and page authority, it is difficult to find good guest bloggers posting for free. If you are inviting a celebrated blogger, you will have to pay him to write on your website.

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Adding to this, you also don't necessarily want to accept free stuff in exchange for a backlink, because those sites could hurt your link profile. It can very well be a better idea to straight up pay for content instead of getting it for free and put your whole site in jeopardy.

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If you are not compensating guest blogger, it is very likely that you will receive a low quality post. No one will give you high quality post for free. Therefore, you should consider paying the guest blogger so that you can have quality contents. Well, you can have free content just for the sake of backlinks, however, these bloggers may not give you a good post because there is no cash payment.

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Yeah, but in some ways, the opposite is also true. Websites need to have a good reputation in order to attract the attention of the more popular bloggers to take the time to post on their site.

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I think these all sound like excellent ways to attract guest bloggers to your site. If your site is up and coming so to speak or has high domain authority you are probably likely going to be able to attract bloggers to your site. It is just something to keep an eye on and be able to utilize as time goes on.

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I agree that these are great ways to attract guest bloggers; however, for new guys like me, SEO, and to creating sites and blogs, it is a built difficult to facilitate some of these ideas, conceptually and financially. You are correct in that the guest bloggers would have to be attracted to what you are doing with your niche, which they share an interest in, in order to even desire to contribute to the blog. This takes time as you build your reputation and notoriety, and it also takes time to develop the revenue which could pay the guest bloggers in the first place, right? These are great ideas, but I think that it is harder to accomplish this approach in a quick amount of time. Still, I am determined to work on these types of moves to grow my business and online presence.

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Yes, well as you work on it, and exchange information with others you might find that guest bloggers want to exchange information with you. They might want to post on your blog and you on theres as well.

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I'm seriously advocating for the paying of bloggers for their contents especially when they are invited guest bloggers. The reason for this is that they are well skilled in the work and have quite a good reputation unlike just ordinary site visitors. Their content always differ from whet an ordinary poster made which means that the content done by known bloggers would generate more traffic.

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I think that this is a great idea, and it is one that I am also interested in, and pretty much already committed to, just as soon as I start brining in more funds with my online endeavors. I have a good niche, and I am knowledgeable professionally and creatively when it comes to my subject; however, I am just not generating enough revenue yet to pay guest bloggers with my current monetization attempts and strategies. Still, good content is worth acquiring, and good writers are worth rewarding--I know I love it when my writing gets rewarded financially!

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Pay bloggers for their content. Well, I really think that is a good way of getting quality content because when the writer is paid, it is imperative that he has to come up with an excellent article. I was once a co-blogger and I was always trying my best to come up with a high quality blog that sometimes would take me days to review and rewrite over and over. And the perks of a quality content for the writer is that he gets rewarded by the simple act of approval of his submitted blog.

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Guest blogging has been a way that most of the popular bloggers we know even get to make some money by writing on those blogs that are still coming up. Also, as a writer, you can also get invloved in guest blogging and become popular. The thing with doing that is that you get to have quality contents on your blog as a result of the fact that many of your readers will want to read every new thing that you offer on a weekly basis.

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I am thinking to start a user-generated content site. Since there is nothing such as free lunch, I will have to offer some sort of compensation to the people who develop contents fro my website. I think revenue sharing is a great option. However, it takes a lot of time to generate revenue from your website and if your website is new, you make not be able to generate enough revenue to make payments for the first six months. I think paying for the view will be a better option. If you are paying for views, the writers will also work hard to bring traffic.

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Great article, for me I am always looking for guest posters but can not seem to find them. As I do have a spiritual and paranormal niche also gaming. But thank you for sharing your insight great advice by the way.

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Right, Additional bloggers help the editors to spend less time in writing and more time to improve the interface, planning, curating, editing and promoting the blog. More bloggers also means more topics and writing styles.

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Yes, as long as you approve the content and can use it, I don't see anything wrong with having guest bloggers. They can hopefully cut down your workload and free you up to do more interesting and meaningful things.

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And getting more ideas about the other bloggers will help you to improve your blogs also. This guest bloggers will help you to make your life easier and all you have to do is to promote your website. I know there're a lot of bloggers with really has a talent in writing and the good thing is, you can use their talent.

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Guest posting is a good way in generating quality content and it's best if it's hard for you to write your own content to just order and buy blog content in this way you would eliminate the possibility of spamming and you would have total control of its quality although you still have to manually inspect and read the posts.

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Someone invited me to publish a guest post for them. This is a first for me. Hope it won't be a last. I was very nervous though. When it was accepted I did the happy dance in my chair. It is scheduled to post on April 26, 2018, There were other posts that were queued up ahead of mine. I'm thankful for the opportunity.

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In 2015, I did a series of guest posts on a blog owned by a Canadian blogger. The blog had over 1000 subscribers and was quite popular. In 2015, there was a series of earthquakes in my home country. The blogger asked me to write my earthquake stories. I wrote about 6 guest posts. I did not have my own website back then. I asked her to give backlinks to my Amazon books. I was able to drive sales to my books through the link shared in my article.
I also received monetary compensation for my articles.

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WOW! This is the kind of opportunity I hope will eventually come my way. I keep telling my husband there are "possibilities".

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Today is April 26, 2018. As promised, Janice Wald, publisher of and also the author of "An Insider's Guide to Building a Successful Blog: Tips and tricks from the creator of Mostly Blogging" published my guest post at her blog under the title "How to Make Money with AdSense".

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Guest bloggers can add value to your content. That's why it's important to choose them wisely. I've read great posts that included guest bloggers. Sometimes they're so good that they somewhat outshine the owner of the blog himself.

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