
4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

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4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

When you think of blogging, you probably see it as a bunch of people writing up content for their visitors to read, which it is in a very basic form.  If you were to start blogging yourself, you might go about it the wrong way and actually hurt what you planned on doing in the long run.  If you decide to start blogging, I would highly recommend studying other bloggers to see what they do in order to pull in traffic and profits.  Good bloggers write a lot of content, while great bloggers optimize their content for search engine rankings because they're targeting top trafficked keywords and they are increasing engagement on each post they make.  

You can learn a lot from blogging, so I would highly suggest you check out the bigger bloggers within your industry to figure out what they're doing.  You will see what they write and how they write it, then you can mimic those actions to start building your own authority.

In this discussion, I'll be going over 4 awesome things you can learn from studying other bloggers, such as:

You will see how top bloggers are writing
When you go through your list of top bloggers within your industry, you might notice a similar writing style between them, which is pretty common.  Some bloggers will stand out from others, and this is mainly due to the writers being a little more experienced and putting their own voice within the content itself.  The great thing is that you can watch some great bloggers who aren't in your industry since we're just studying how they write and what exactly they're doing to stand out and be the authority within their niche 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

Compare the top bloggers to people just starting out and you will see a huge difference in writing style, as well as the length of the articles.  Longer articles tend to come from the better writers because they want you to have all the information possible since that's what will bring you back time and time again to keep reading their posts 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

You will understand how to optimize your content
Optimizing content and making it readable isn't always the easiest thing to do.  It takes a long time before a writer can seamlessly optimize an article or blog post for a specific keyword and make everything still flow like the writer didn't mean to optimize for anything.  I've been writing for years, so a lot of the time you can't always figure out exactly what my keywords are.  Sure, you can narrow it down to a few most likely, but rarely will you be able to pinpoint my exact keyword for targeting 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

Even if you can't target the exact keyword, that's not a problem, mainly because you will still get an idea of how to write the content and optimize it overall.  You know you're supposed to have a keyword density of around 5% or lower, so figuring out someone's keywords won't really matter much if you're writing your own content because you're doing everything on your own and not copying and pasting content from another website to your own.

You begin to see how top bloggers target keywords
Over time you will begin to see the keywords popping out of the article, just like I do, and you will see how top bloggers are writing their great content.  You might not be able to figure out the main keyword a blogger is targeting like I mentioned above, but that's not a huge problem because you'll still be able to find a few keywords they could be writing about 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

Figuring out their keywords, and how they're using them, will boost your success in blogging and keep you writing up some amazing articles for a while down the road 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

You'll see how bloggers increase engagement on posts
A new blogger might not know what they're doing when it comes to boosting engagement, and that's why you need to watch pro bloggers and research what they do to increase their likes and comments.  Usually, a top blogger will encourage people to ask questions or comment, which will get everyone talking on the blog post and people tend to talk with each other when this happens 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

Increasing the engagement on your posts will boost everything across the board, from traffic to sales, and that's never a bad thing 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

In conclusion
Studying experienced bloggers will show you what to do, and you should be able to figure out what not to do based on that.  If you don't see them placing banners within their content, asking for sign-ups, pitching affiliate programs, etc. then you likely should avoid those tricks as well.  Post quality content that is optimized and boosts your engagement by asking questions or encouraging people to share their experiences 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers  Blogging isn't the easiest thing to do in the world, even if anyone can do it for free, so be sure to research top bloggers and see what they're doing to increase their own statistics so you can do it for yours as well 4 awesome things you can learn from studying top bloggers

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Nice article for worldwide blogging with any topics. All real and active keyword based article and by following the white hat SEO keywords based and by the white hat SEO rules- high volume and high value based keyword article - generate the huge traffic for any blog or website. Blog is a matter of fact- to earn from blog third party advertisement show is an important factor. More over there are huge and huge writers available who loves to write. So to follow any good and powerful blogger in this world regular- there are huge and huge things to learn and to get pay regular.


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And I thought I would simply write! Blogging was never simple though.

It seems that the advice to write high-quality content and the SEO will follow is not really correct. There is an art to getting seen by search engines you do not need in a paperback book. You need to know more and writing skills alone won't carry you through on the Internet. Then again, a book is sold by its cover and few people read the whole book. They buy it for its cover. I guess SEO is a bit like the cover. Get good SEO and get noticed and people read.

I wish someone would write SEO made simple for right now. Once upon a very long time ago on an infamous site beginning with B where people could blog if they wanted and earn money, I wrote this very thing. I think I called it "Teach myself SEO" or something like that. One way to learn is by teaching! The trouble is, the site went down and I cannot remember what I wrote as it was so long ago. I am glad to look at your post to remind me where to begin all over again.

Here, however, I am puzzled. I was told NOT to write the same word over and over as isn't that keyword stuffing? I notiiced hwo many times you have the word "blogging" in the first paragraph and am interested to know if that is really what to do.

Anyway, I will probably have a look at some top bloggers before I start to blog again. That is a very sensible idea.

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That B site did not have SEO. You just blogged a post with 100 characters. I was there. I have learnt SEO but I write for fun.

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I thought at first that blogging was an easy task to deal with but I was really wrong in thinking about it. Having a blog that would become more interesting and attractive was one of my problem because of I am having a hard time in monetizing them that is why I am earning less from my blogs. I am really thankful for having this article because it helps me to understand all about the blogging industry. Thanks for giving me an insight and it would be very helpful on my part as a neophyte in this journey.

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Blogging is definitely harder than a lot of us expected - there’s a lot that has to go on behind the scenes to make a blog successful. I find a lot of articles on this site very helpful in making my blog better!

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That's nice. It seems that many of us here is looking forward to joining others with having successful blogs. I probably won't be part of that. But I'm glad many of us here continue to aspire for hard earned success.

In a way, blogging is more than a potential means of income. It's your passion and determination transformed into something beautiful. That's why the best blogs reflect their owner's will to push beyond their previous limitations.

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When I read a blog, my main concern is the content. My interest is aroused with new information that is added knowledge for me. But if the style of writing is too complex for my simple mind then that is a turn off. At least I also get to know the effective writing styles of popular bloggers.

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As a visitor that is just there to read the blog posts, it is always going to be difficult for us to understand something things, but the truth is that it is like that because you have not taken time to study how some of the things in that place works. So, you need to use the tips Tommy just gave to understand things in some popular blogs.

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If ever you encounter complex and complicated words and terms while reading a blog, you can always turn to Google for help. Google is our best friend when it comes to these matters.

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I think personal style and the niche is matter of persona. Some people have it properly and some just can't get it done in the way it is supposed to be done. I have noticed that some of the time the top bloggers often have the voice which is easy to follow. So they tend to have some sort of the pattern for success with it.

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I'm with you on that. This is why I usually don't read stuff that's out of my league. I'm not that smart either. So having a bunch of jargon and high words is a quick way for readers like us to lose interest.

I've also noticed that good writers are able to translate their messages clearer than others. So difficult words don't stop them from delivering great content. What they do is take their time to explain complicated stuff in simple words.

You'd be surprised how putting in effort can make your writing easy to read.

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Figuring out the keywords in the articles of top bloggers is going to ensure that you don't miss out how you can be able to make such happen to you when we are talking about getting to read a lot about the way that some popular blogs dish out their contents. This is just like understanding how some things work and getting to use it in your blogs as well.

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Its really best to get ideas from great bloggers and learned from it. I've noticed that too that if they started to blog and you will see its really long story about what they were telling but that's kinda worth reading, its based to what they felt about it and experiences as well they had on that day. Like they're having fun too while everything flashback on them.

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Great content for aspiring bloggers. Top bloggers are the best inspiration to get the spot that you want. Their strategies can be also effective for your own blog. I know that their techniques can be effective for them but may not work for your blog, but I believe that there is nothing wrong if you will give it a try.

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Definitely. I also believe that those who have started the blogging journey but stuck at the middle can really use the information to evaluate a proper plan in getting rid of the problem at hand.

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Studying top bloggers is great for research purposes.

Assuming that you want to study how a market leader in your niche "made it" there is much you can learn when you visit their archives. Information obtained thusly collated with what you learn elsewhere will most certainly give you an edge over most of your competitors.

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Swipe is good business. Have look what other popular bloggers or affiliate marketers doing and do the same. We mostly trying to do some unique things, but it takes time to work out in long run, so doing what's already working is OK. I don't say we have to copy someone or his work and become copy, but with little twist you can do the same thing and look different. Many people doing this and becoming reach after some time and it's becoming popular way to do business because every one of us have our own audience, so swipe it and make money...

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I believe that even when you copy the habits of others you only copy the ideas and inplement as you may will. This then means that it will be easy for one to convert the ideas into a relatable content according to the audience targeted.

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You are definitely correct into what you are trying to say. We can learn a lot if we observe them intensively because if we want to learn something we must first gather some information that will help us doing better and to do that observing is essential. Watching isn't enough because even you watched it over and over if you don't perceived it in a right way nothing will happen.

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I also believe that when you get to know them they will explain things a bit further and answer any questions one may have. This is opposed to just reading their content.

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Another great article! Nothing beats the power of research. Numbers don't lie and do help businesses move forward. Concerning blogging, it does favor you to know who are the best bloggers out there, follow them, observe the things they embed on their sites, and try to realize why they implement those things.

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I consider myself as a budding blogger and I aspire to be a successful one. I use to "observe" other bloggers so that I could learn a thing or two in blogging. Also, I am now focusing on the "technicalities" of blogging so that I can use it in my blog site. It is true that observing other bloggers' writing style will help you a lot. For now I want to understand about keywords and optimization for more traffic and clicks.

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Welcome information. Keyword is we study top ranked writers. We can learn much from them.

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Keywords are everytging in todays world. I think it is important for one to extensively aplly then when writing and knowing how to get the better of search engines is always advantageous.

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I know a top blogger who has a special day of the week or month where she has something called a Link Up Party. Her blog enjoys good traffic and so she invites bloggers to visit and share their links. Are you familiar with using techniques like this?

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That’s a cool idea - and a great way to engage other bloggers! I love that she does that and wants to help lift other bloggers up, rather than trying to squash them down.

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This is a cool idea. I think this is his way to encourage and help other bloggers to reach their goals. I really like successful bloggers who still have open doors to help other bloggers. It is a great way to share his success and blessings with other people. Also it's a good thing that he sets a good example for amateur bloggers like me.

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You can know their strategies on blogging and akso their way of speaking on what terms you should and you shouldn't use on blogging.

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I think this is useful advice no matter the industry you work in. Studying other high performers helps you understand what they’re doing right, and gives you an idea of how to structure things so you can also get the most out of your business.

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I agree. You can learn from their strategies on how they reached their success right now and use it as your guide. High performers could set a goal for you to reach and be satisfied in the end. Learning from them is a big help also a strategy to get the best of your business out.

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What I have learned is that they did good networking and learned from that. And also that experience with networking helped out with many small things. I think many people over decade of experience on blogging. They have learned how to monetize. That seems to be the thing about the blogging that seems to be making things lot different in that case. I think on that note I can tell you that blogging is not easy, monetizing the blog is even harder.

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Sometimes I am having a hard time in writing great content for my blogs, it seems that I am just having a few visitors in my blogs. I think there must be something wrong or lacking in it and that is what I am going to find out so that I can monetize it as well. But, I am trying my best to have my blogs to be a better one and be the best as I can.

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I agree. I've been a writer for quite a long time, so a ton of the time you can't simply make sense of precisely what my watchwords are. Advancing substance and making it coherent isn't generally the most effortless activity. It requires a long investment before an author can flawlessly upgrade an article or blog entry for a particular watchword and make everything still stream like the essayist didn't intend to improve for anything.

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Blogging is a Social Art and it's not simply writing and Seo. It has a lot of factors. A blogger should be highly sociable, most of his time should be spent outdoors, experiencing things that is relevant to his niche, one can't be a good blogger if he didn't physically experienced what he's writing.

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That’s a very interesting way of phrasing it! It could be described as a social art for sure - it’s something that requires significant time
and passion to be successful. Sometimes people don’t even achieve success but just blog because they’re passionate about the content they’re creating.

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Successful bloggers can really set up as an inspiration for those bloggers who were just starting off their careers like me. I agree that we should study how they reached their current success and make it as a guide. We may not be as successful as them, what's important is that we have someone to set as an example that there is also success for bloggers. We should avoid doing what they avoid doing to. We can use the same staircase they used to climb their success, but our own success still depends on how we will work it out.

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Its very best to urge ideas from nice bloggers and learned from it. I've noticed that too that if they began to diary and you may see its very long story concerning what they were telling however that is sort of value reading, its primarily based to what they felt concerning it and experiences furthermore that they had thereon day. Like they are having fun too whereas everything flashback on them.

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“Some bloggers will stand out from others, and this is mainly due to the writers being a little more experienced and putting their own voice within the content itself.”

I think that this is a key point that separates the good bloggers from the mediocre ones.

It’s going to sound a bit harsh, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of bloggers write like they’re typing out an essay for their High School English teachers. There’s no emotion or flow to it; no charisma. The words in a post need to eb and flow and have a liveliness to them, not uniformity like some academic thesis.

This is why I read a lot of my posts out loud to myself before actually posting. If it sounds robotic as spoken word, then it’ll sound dull in someone’s mind.

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Studying those top bloggers has pushed me to be creative and uplift the standards of my writing. If you are just starting and you want your content to stand out from what I noticed from the top bloggers is that they just don't make their blog plain looking. Most of their blogs doesn't only have good content. Their web pages are elegant and nice to look at. By that, it pushes us not just to be a good writer but also to be a good designer as well.

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Yes, you are right. Looking at their works makes you think, "is my work enough?" It's not bad to compare, it will venue push you to work hard and learn the in the best way possible.

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You should study their way of communication, it's the best thing to have because if you are really good with communication skills, you can have more viewers from your blog.

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Studying from top bloggers really help you to become a great blogger also. You will learn their style of writing that attracts people to read their content and follow them. And by studying from different top bloggers, you could create your own unique style of blogging. Top bloggers could serve as your guide to become successful in blogging world.

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Indeed, top bloggers are perfect guide for new people who want to chase their own career in freelance business as bloggers. All the newbies need would be to pay attention to how these top bloggers have operated throughout their years on the job.

Learning might take time but it's worth the wait because the knowledge will definitely do the newbies great deeds in setting them on their path to success.

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I agree with you. It is always best to learn from people on the top because they can surely help you be in the place that you are dreaming of.

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Knowing those top bloggers is really a must since it give us additional motivation to work hard for it and know their past experiences before they become well known. It can give us some tips and advice on how to do well on our blogs so that we can monetize them without doing much work.

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Thanks for the tips. I'm new at blogging and trying to navigate my way around the landscape. When I first begun, the problem was coming up with content, but I figured that out. Now the problem is writing and writing in a way that is fresh and interesting. Anyone can replicate a topic, but to get and keep an audience, you need to keep it fresh. I had never though of this trick, and I intend to use it. If you think about it the only way you learn is from someone who does it better then you, in this case the top blogger in your niche.

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I launched by online writing career by writing on Hubpges. These days I am no longer writing on hubpages, however, my articles published in 2012 are still earning me money. When I was active on hubpages the writers of hubpages talked about the successful hubpages writers that generate more than 5k from hubpages articles (I was only earning $50-$100 per month). I have been studying successful online writers and bloggers since a long time. While I have failed to becom as much successful as them, however, studying the successful bloggers have definitely helped me master the trick of the trade.

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They are top bloggers for a reason. I must say that telling us to learn from top bloggers is so challenging and inspiring. Definitely, it is very helpful to understand how the world of blogging works from bloggers who have credible experiences. Given these, I am now motivated to improve myself and be open to constructive criticisms.

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Exactly! They are regarded as top bloggers for a good reason because they have already made a good name for themselves in the industry. They have acquired fame as well as the financial breakthrough.

So, following in their footsteps will definitely ensure that the newbies getting into the business attain the same level of success but it's never going to be a cake walk.

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Top bloggers have an interesting work experience and a great deal of work time stamps which would serve as a blueprint for new blog beginners to use and pursue greatness of their own.

Experience makes one very good at what they do, so with kind of experience top bloggers have, they are worth looking up to any day and anytime.

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I agree that keywording is one of the best things that you can learn from top bloggers. Once you got the idea of good keywords for your website, you can develop a strategy for applying your keywords on your site. I believe that top bloggers will not just give us tips or technique but they will also serve as an inspiration for writers. Especially if you know their history and what they went through before reaching the success.

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I agree with you. It could be the best training ground for those who are still starting and are struggling with the right keywords.

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I agree that keywording is one of the best things that you can learn from top bloggers. Once you got the idea of good keywords for your website, you can develop a strategy for applying your keywords on your site. I believe that top bloggers will not just give us tips or technique but they will also serve as an inspiration for writers. Especially if you know their history and what they went through before reaching the success.

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You can study the top bloggers and implement what they are doing to your own blog. Though it's important to do your own style of blogging, they are on top for the reason. Finding your own voice is important in this space that is cluttered with people wanting to be on top.

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You should study on how they talk, how they communicate and how to make a good blog. If you can mimick them you can be the best like them too, just have something unique also for yourself.

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This is an exercise I've learned in many top blogger as a rule. Quality dependably beats amount with regards to blog entries. Pushing out day by day or even week after week posts essentially isn't vital. In the event that you do things right, once multi month is bounty. That gives you the entire month to spend on advancement.

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Well thanks for this excellent post about blogging and how to learn from the best Bloggers. It definitely takes a lot of time and patience to create a Blog which runs successfully. I do agree completely that if you are able to come out with Quality Content in your Blog it's eventually going to become successful. You don't need any gimmicks to make your Blog successful.

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It depends on the kind of gimmick that you will employ because I think you will be needing a good and attractive gimmick when your blog is not getting a decent amount of traffic. Promoting your blog may not be enough because readers are looking for something interesting and not just any content which means uploading fresh content is not necessary a factor in getting readers.

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I agree with your article. However, there's a big possibility that you unconscious copy how they write and you won't have your own signature in your works.

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