
4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources

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4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources

Every website of yours will hopefully get some traffic, which will turn into sales, but if you're not tracking that traffic you won't know where the sale came from.  There are plenty of website owners out there who don't track their traffic and don't know exactly where their sales are coming from.  If you were to set up 10 ads on 10 different platforms, and not track anything, you could be getting 100 sales a day and have no clue where they're coming from.  Think about it, if you knew exactly where these sales were coming from, you could probably remove 5 to 9 of the ads that aren't performing, and you'll save a good amount of money each month 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources 

Tracking your traffic is actually a pretty standard thing to do now since we all can add google analytics in a few simple steps.  Google analytics is free and easy to use, you just have to set up your account and add the code to the pages you want to track.  If you're using WordPress, you can use a plugin that will put the code on every single page, and all you have to do is paste it into the input field on the plugin and save it 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources

When you're trying to figure out where your sales are coming from you'll need to think of a few things so you don't spend too much on ads, invest money in the wrong platforms, understand the best traffic sources, and figure out what is getting the best click-through rates.  That's why, in this discussion, I'll be going over 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources, and they are:

You could be spending too much on ads
When you're not tracking your traffic, you could actually be spending too much on your ads because your placements might be in the wrong places, or you might be targeting the wrong keywords.  Think about it, if you have 10 ads up and they're all targeting the wrong keywords, you will be wasting clicks and that means your money is going down the drain.

You could invest too much time in the wrong place
When you start advertising, you will quickly realize that some websites aren't worth investing a penny into and others should be thrown all of what you have lol.  I've purchased plenty of advertising spots on hundreds of websites, and they all claim to have great stats, but their traffic is sometimes really bad.  Two websites could be selling ad space for $100 a month, but one of the websites gets you 10,000 clicks and 500 sales where the other gets you 90 clicks and 0 sales.  You spent the same amount for each ad, but they could just be in completely different spots on the website, which will increase or decrease your sales.  If you're not tracking the traffic from these ads, you might think they're both performing the same way, and you'll keep them both for months or years.  One of the ads is bringing in more than enough to pay for itself, and your other ads, where the other $100 ad isn't making any sort of ROI and should be removed.  If you don't track this, you'll just waste money on ads that aren't converting at all.

You won't know the best traffic sources for your website
This is a simple way to track which websites or platforms are the best for your money.  If you're not tracking where the traffic is coming from, you'll just think all of your ads aren't performing well or you could have one that is doing well and you'll think all of your ads are bringing in a couple sales each.  By tracking the traffic sources, you'll know where you should keep your advertising, as long as those traffic sources are converting into sales.  Another beautiful thing about watching your traffic sources is that you could find new websites that could be gold mines for advertising, which weren't on your radar previously.  You could find just one website sending you a bunch of traffic and sales, or you could find a dozen, but you'll never really know until you start tracking 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources

You can easily track click-through rates yourself
Platforms like BuySellAds will allow you to purchase an ad and they will track your impressions as well as clicks.  The only problem with this is that you're not 100% sure if it's accurate, and there have even been rumors that their numbers are inflated to keep advertisers buying ad spots.  If you're tracking your own clicks and traffic, you will know exactly how much traffic you're getting from a specific advertising spot, and you'll be able to see how much of it is unique.  If you're not tracking your uniques, you'll never know how many different people are viewing your website.  You could have 1,000 clicks, but only 100 uniques, which would mean only 100 people are seeing your website even though you've had 1,000 clicks.

In conclusion
Tracking your traffic, clicks, uniques, etc. will increase your advertising efficiency since you will know exactly where all of your sales are coming from.  Not tracking your traffic is like going to a restaurant and paying $100 for a McDonald's double cheeseburger.  On the other hand, you could have something going just right and pay the $100 and get a wagyu beef handed to you as soon as you sit down for dinner lol 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources  Tracking all of your traffic will help you weed out bad advertising spots, increase your ROI, show you some websites that have potential to advertise on, and it will help you not waste your hard earned money 4 risks of not tracking your traffic sources  Be sure to track everything, then make a decision if you should keep advertising on that website or platform.

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Tommy Carey


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Thanks for the beautiful 4 techniques and tricks. Every ad set up on this world have tracking system. Some classified website or many other website provide the ad tracking system. Your website should need to have the tracking plug in also must. Every PPC campaign gives the tracking information. If you request you can get huge traffic and traffic tracking system from google search. If you set up any campaign for increase the sales of the website products- than you should need to track to avoid the rest of the PPC campaign. Some times specific keywords and specific Geo location based system provides the huge sales for the website product.


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What is exactly the purpose of tracking the source of your traffic? For example my site is an e-commerce that sells women’s clothing items and personal accessories. The tracking system said that majority of my traffic is coming from Uganda in Africa. So what do I do with that information? I don’t think it will be relevant to me since I have no African clients for the moment.

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Whether your website is just a blog or an ecommerce site, you should track your traffic. If you know the source of your traffic, you can market your website to the proper audience, to the people who are actually buying your products or visiting your websites. I use Google Analytics to track my traffic. Based on the traffic source, I not only build contents but also use ads that are performing better.

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I agree. We should always track our website and the hits. You can see that by tracking we learn what to do with our website and the analytics. Some of the time that helps out a lot in that case. Many people work around with the different traffic sources. And if handled properly you can see that traffic can be managed pretty smoothly. That's what I have learned from the experience so far.

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Good tips! It is true that not focusing on your traffic might be a reason for a failure of your business. You should know where your traffic is strong and where is weak so that you'll be able to control, not only your money and time invested on it, but also the traffic itself. Focusing on improving your ads in which you have a greater traffic can help your business to grow more. If you noticed where your traffic came the most, pay more attention into it and slowly consider on eliminating those sites who are not giving you much traffic.

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I am a budding blogger and this article is a great help for me. When I was just starting my website I had this mentality of just "letting" it by itself. Just do its thing. But that is so lazy of me. If a person wants to make it big in this industry, it takes a lot of commitment and being responsible. It is the same of having a business or family. In order for the website to flourish, it needs focus and attention. I like it how this article gave emphasize that you can be placing the wrong ads in the wrong places. This article does not just giving out the risks but it is giving vital information on how we much utilized our resource efficiently.

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So true. Everything takes a lot of commitment and determination if you start something that you want it also to become big and successful. Yes, being responsible is also one of the most factor in your self that you need to acquire in order for your work/job/business or whatever it is to be successful. You actually have a very good point there.

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I agree that you should have a commitment with this. Eventhough some people would think that it is just an unsustainable source of income, it could still be a profitable way to save money. Tha'ts why giving focus and attention to it could really help to make your business grow and be successful. You just have to be responsible with the all arounds and everything will follow. Goodluck with your business. ^_^

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Thinking that blogging is an unstable source of income was one of my first mistake and wrong mentality. But I have learned from it. Building a website to showcase your passion and help others is great. However, how nice would it be if you are able to do what makes you happy while you are earning from it right? If your site is informative or inspirational, you are able to helo others at the same time you are earning from it. This is one of the things. When I realized this, I said that not everyone is given a chance to do this, I must give my commitment so I will not ruin the chance.

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Tracking your traffic is a good thing to do to fully identify the source of the traffic and sales you've been getting. Meaning identifying the source can help you tweak your campaign to produce more traffic and conversions.

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Wow. Awesome stuff I learn a new thing on this platform each day. I know by applying this my content will be improved.

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Tracking your traffic is like knowing your customer base in a restaurant. You'd be more successful in running it if you cater specifically to the largest customers than doing a general generic menu that caters to a larger audience. With the first type, more people will be happy and satisfied and with the latter, it's a hit or miss.

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I think that the single biggest mistake you can make with an investment is not to keel everything checked out and more so the profits and their sources. If there is something that you have put your money to get some positive results then it is important to know the progress all along.

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I think getting positive result with traffic also takes some time. I have seen a lot of people experimenting on the traffic sources. And learned how they seem to be missing the buyer. So based on that note I'd say itd be better for many people to learn how to work with the traffic source that converts for them or the affiliate links.

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Each and every good thing takes time and using time wisley without forgeting to be patient is necessary. Conversion can not occur without effort.

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Yes being patient with traffic source is necessary. I have seen the blog and the forum traffic from others takes time. Like 6 months or more in some cases. And people need to understand it's not easy to get those traffic sources working at all.

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Patience patience patience is always needed in any undertaking. Too much hurry and you might just scare away the prospect.

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Often being in hurry is needed depending on how you choose to do things. I have personally found out that traffic sources can't be hurried. We have to work with what we have in that case. So that we don't end up making the wrong set of the choices for the traffic sources there.

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At times when you trust your gut and believe that something will work out, it may or it might fail. However, I believe that its failure presents one with an opportunity to make corrections especially on fatal and oblivious mistakes.

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Yes. And that's why I have not spent the money on PPC. The reason being I don't have that much consistent income to spend on PPC. But if I get regular hits to the website and get some conversion with the money. I may end up with better traffic source there.

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wise decision my friend. would love to know how it all plays out in the end. I really hope for the best nonetheless for yourself and your site.

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I think if you are tight on budget then it's better to stay away from PPC. You can use forum traffic and other blogs. You can also use guest posting. And that also works out properly. I have tried to check some social media traffic which worked out too.

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I have learned my mistake on this. i always wanted to track my efforts on forums. I didn't add the analytics code. And learned that I was spending too much on the forums. And it was not paying much. So it more or less was waste of time and money. I hope that analytics like this can solve problems on wasted efforts. And the wrong set of the keywords. People can learn from that.

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I wish I knew this the last time I had a blog! If you can't track your traffic sources how will you know where you should be spending more money on ads?

I'm thinking that in addition to increasing advertising efficiency, tracking one's traffic sources provide a website owner with information they could use when trying to find ways to increase traffic to their sites. If for example you are getting more traffic from Google than Social media sites then the practical thing would be to find out how you can get more traffic from Google. However if you aren't tracking your traffic sources then you'll probably waste a lot of time promoting your site in places where your hard work isn't fairly rewarded.

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I like what he was trying to advised here whether you are paying too much time with your websites of forum or not, best thing is to be neutral and balance everything. Its good too if your website are making traffic to people o everyone on it. Like good to communicate to everyone.

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The problems that you listed can really be curbed by tracking. I never knew that Google analytics comes in handy when it comes to tracking.

You have answered a question that was in my mind for long. I wondered where to put Google analytics and Google adsense.

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Tracking is better done in order to avoid messing up things for one's online business and Google makes it easier to carry out this tracking of one's traffic in order to avoid getting into a tight corner with Google rules and regulations.

Once a site is penalized by Google, it makes earning money with the site very difficult and your Google ranking will be terribly affected.

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This is actually some beneficial information to each and every person that works online. without having such systems in place then the online community would be very chaotic. I do appreciate the insight that you have presented.

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Tracking your traffic is something a site owner should always do if he wants to get more engagements, traffic and conversions. It's always best to know where traffic is coming from so that you could tweak it accordingly.

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That is just the truth. As a site owner, getting to see the need to handle everything the right way is one thing that will ensure that all our expenses on ads are actually giving us the desired results as well.

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You know when you ran an online website you are supposed to treat it like each and every other business. You ought to be keen not to make any losses which means that you have to minimize the expenses and ensure that you receive the most of profits.

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How would you all compare Google Analytics and it's Bing equivalent to other methods? What are the other methods? What methods besides the ones mentioned are the best? Myself, I have only used the ones mentioned to look at my stats, minus some program, I forgot the name, I used about 7 years ago.

OK, how would you compare the tools of Google and Bing against each other?

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Bing doesn't seem to be having it's own tracking like analytics. They have webmaster tool equivalent. And also they seem to be having adwords alternative. So the analytics tool is what is missing in the bing. In future I am guessing they may add up something like that. I know for sure they don't have the analytics program with them.

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I still have to learn the nuances regarding traffic , how to track and how to evaluate. I may not be paying for ads so my way to get traffic are the basic SEO methods. But knowing the right target can save me some time instead of marketing to a universal audience.

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If you have blog or website then register it on the Google analytics. Get the javscript code and put it into the footer which is common for all the pages. Once that happens the Google analytics starts tracking in 48 hours. And you'd be able to get the idea on the traffic sources. This is one way for you to get started with trackign the traffic.

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You learn something new everyday. This is amazing information is you have just started out in online marketing. I am new to all this and have just started to grow my site and my audience. I don't have a lot of traffic yet. I have never thought of tracking my traffic sources as a way to tweak my ad spend. I will be sure to implement this to my online marketing strategy. Most of us buy ads with the only indicator or parameter being the number of sales we get.

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When a site owner forgets that they may be spending too much on ads is the only way of losing more. I have come to understand that we should always endeavor to check the place that traffic to our site is coming from as this is one of the ways to keep everything in check about the websites as well.

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I see. This will be noted. I think we should check everything out and analyze every aspects and the circulation within the site. The article and your further clear explanation will help me a lot.

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Monitoring your traffic source allows you to track what users do on your website. It can also help you find out what will lead to conversions. Your information says the truth about not tracking the traffic source. By tracking your traffic source regularly, you will be able to determine if what you are doing is effective for your business.

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Following your activity resembles knowing your client base. You'd be more fruitful in running it on the off chance that you provide need particularly to the biggest clients than completing a general non specific menu that takes into account a bigger crowd. With the main kind, more individuals will be glad and fulfilled and with the last mentioned.

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In order to avoid the lose of big funds for just a traffic we must timely monitor the statistics of the visitors of you website and also the website that you were paying. You must take good care of your funds as much as your website in order to truly earn a profit.

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Ignoring just a small tiny detail in one's online business have the possibility of coming back to hunt you really bad in a negative manner which is something that could have easily been avoided. Traffic is very important in online business but it does not mean that one shouldn't be careful with how he or she generates the traffic. Make sure to use the right channels and avoid losing on the long run.

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You're right this is a straightforward method to track which sites or stages are the best for you in case you're not following where the movement is originating from you'll simply think about your advertisements aren't performing great or you could have one that is doing admirably and you'll think about your promotions are acquiring two or three deals each. By following the movement sources, you'll know where you should keep your promoting as long as those activity sources are changing over into deals.

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These are all excellent points. Whether selling or not, I like to know where traffic comes from. Is there any really good software out there that tells you. Free versions tend to show up a lot of junk that isn't really anyone reading at all, or at least, I think they do. While advertising might be great there are times you want to track traffic on a site without it.

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I am grateful for the tips. This is a great help for me and for everyone who's starting with their own websites. It was not really on my mind to focus on the source of traffic. With the great points that you've pointed out, I'm now more motivated to focus on even just a tiny bit of a detail.

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Another great article. As for me, it is all about data. Not only we need to monitor the traffic, but we also need to generate useful marketing insights from the traffic as much as we can so that we can serve our customers better.

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Hi there, You've done an incredible job. I will definitely digg it and in my view suggest to my friends.I am sure they will be benefited from this web site.

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