
Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

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Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

We all have been overworked and feel like the world is going to explode around us, and this is the simple sign that you need a mental break.  You need to go on a break every single day, and it's so you can eat lunch as well as rejuvenate your motivation, and this will get you through the day.  Having breaks will make you more productive during the day, or even during the entire week, so a break is appropriate if you want to become more productive.

Whenever you work 5, 6, or even 7 days in a row, you begin to get burnt out and need a mental break.  This could mean you just get a couple days off or you actually take a week-long vacation, either will help you regroup in order to be productive again Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive  It's proven that people become burned out each day, and that's probably why we don't always work 8 hour days.  Some people will work three 12 hour shifts a week instead of doing the 8 hours a day grind, which usually gives the person a few days to recoup and gets their head straight to work again, later on, that week.

In this discussion, I'll be going over a few reasons your brain needs a break from work to be more productive.  We all know our websites will make more money if we're productive, so hopefully, you learn something here today Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

Your brain needs a vacation
Like I mentioned above, your brain needs a mental vacation, and this means you just need to sit down and relax while not thinking about work and what needs to be done.  You don't want to have much stimulation, so staying at home would be best and just watching an easy going show could work.  If you're not the homebody, you can always go to the park and just sit on a bench and listen to the trees.  People actually do this all the time and strangers just look at them like they're crazy lol. 

When you have a little extra time on your hands, try going to a big park in your area where people frequently go and see how many people are just hanging out watching the birds or trees.  You'll be surprised at how many people there are because previously you just thought they were waiting for someone on that bench lol Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive 

Relaxing will put you at ease and you won't mind going back to work and that will always produce more successful work from yourself Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive  If you've never tried it, I would suggest you go and try resetting like this and see how productive you can get!

You'll avoid burning out
A mental break will help you prevent a burnout, which is much worse than taking a weekend off because it will make you have what you're doing and you won't want to go back.  I've been to the point of burning out many times, so many times that I've actually burnt out and had to take a week off because I just didn't have any motivation to work.  I was doing 16 hour days and nothing seemed to be working, and I saw myself crashing simply because of how much I was working.  I took a few days off and evaluated what I was doing, I weighed the pros and cons of working online for myself, and the pros always outweighed the cons so I kept at it. 

After I came back, I was working less but doing it smarter at the same time.  It felt like everything was falling into place and I was starting to see more money come in, even if it was the same amount I was making previously.  It felt like I was making more because I wasn't working smart, not hard, and that's always what you need to do if you work for yourself so you don't get burnt out.

You'll be a happier person
When you decide it's time to take a break, you're usually getting grumpy and overworked, so you need some time to yourself.  I know plenty of people who work 5 or 6 days in a row and are angry people at the end of the week.  After they get home and sleep, they usually turn back into those happy people I remembered, and it's because they took a mental break while they slept.  Now, you don't have to come home and sleep if you don't want to, but it's a great way to reset your internal happy scale.

Happy people tend to be more productive, so if you're encouraging your employees to take naps or take more breaks, they will tend to get more done for you and everyone will be happier Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

You'll be able to focus on your personal life
When you take a break, you can focus more on your personal life, mainly because you're taking one or two days off in a row.  You're resetting your internal love for the job you applied for or the business you run because you're not focusing on the work nonstop while you're there.  I try to take a couple days off so I can be with my family, and I think I'm a happier person because of it.  I'm also much more productive because I'm taking these day-long breaks and resetting everything.  I usually work 8 hour days, but even that can get overwhelming because I tend to work more than 5 days in a row lol.  Take some breaks and you'll be able to hang out with your kids, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, and/or friends more often and stay happier while at work Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

In conclusion
Some people are thinking "How is this relevant to SEO and Marketing?" and that's because if you just take a break, you can get more work done and that means more money coming to your accounts Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive  These little breaks are also great because you can get a bunch of work done, take a break and come back to the project you were working on, then you might notice some breaks in what you were doing and fix them so everything works better than it would have if you just worked on the project for dozens of hours in a row Why your brain needs a break from work to be more productive

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Every thing needs rest in this world. Rain is the rest for trees. Tress become happy by getting rain on leaves. Every machine of this world also takes a rest. Brain is a super ordinary machine by the great creator. Like you know enough about SEO but if you are on an under pressure of your brain works- than you will not be able to give your proper. Brain will not work perfectly.After getting any assignment if you take some rest first- than it will be easy for you to give proper from your brain.


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The brain is also a physical part of the body which means it gets tired and overused. The best way to avoid being overused is for the brain to rest and give it relaxation to relieve it of tension and stress brought about by the rigors of the daily routine. The 5-minute rest is a good habit to develop when you are working on the computer. You stand away from your computer for 5 minutes every hour of work to give your eyes some rest and to relieve your mind of the mental fatigue.

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I agree as humans we need to be able to unplug from work and be able to relax and unwind. Working 8+ hours a day puts a real strain on your brain and body and you may become agitated and take the attitude home with you. The best job that I ever had was working 4 10hr days and having 3 days off. My boss knew that if people had enough rest they would be happier and they would be more productive. And even though I no longer work I keep his basic principle. When I am feeling tired out, I take 3 days and do nothing and rest up and I always end up feeling much better.

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There is a difference between a human being and that of a robot. Humans gets stressed out as a result of too much commitment in tasks to take care of which is why rest is very essential for one's good health. Robots don't break down out of stress but humans do, so it's why the brain and the entire body needs a time out to recover and recuperate from work stress.

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I fully understand a burnout because I had experienced that many times before when I had a load of work in the office. It is like having a blank mind with no motivation to work as if your body just wanted to stay in bed. And no matter how you force yourself to do the task, there is an apparent resistance just like a wheel that needs oiling to move. That’s the reason why we have the weekend off, that is to give our body and mind the needed respite for recharging. And rest assured that after a good rest, the mind will be invigorated and be fertile again.

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I agree with this. I was very tired of working online towards the end of last year and lacked inspiration. It was getting painful and I can't afford this because It is my livelihood. What did I do? Simple. I just took a break during christmas for about three weeks. This really worked . I came back more focused and inspired. I find I'm more focused and doing more quality work. It's definitely my advise for anyone to take regular breaks. I don't work Saturday and Sunday and it makes me more productive on Monday.

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All work and no play makes jack a dull boy, being productive is different from you over working and burning yourself out, the amount of work you do don't prove your productive awareness and development. Am going to pause everything(my normal daily routine) and meditate on productivity.

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Ever since I began to work online, I have never taken a break from my work. I have stopped working when there
was no electricity, no internet, computer broke, I was getting married, my wife was in the hospital, my father had a heart attack and such more. However, I have never taken an intentional break. Even when I was on a vacation, I found time to spend a couple of hours every day. I don't consider my work burden and I feel happy when I am working. Working every day has never exhausted my brain, in fact has made me more creative and efficient.

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Well, that's good to hear giving that you are able to work at maximum capacity of your brain without taking an intentional rest. But still, this times when you had to stop working due to unforeseen circumstances like system crash or something, those times are still a good example of resting your brain from work. Resting the brain from work doesn't have to be done intentionally. If you work around computers all the time, anytime you're off the computer, it technically is taking a break, correct me if am wrong.

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That's true. Normally I work on my computer for 8-10 hours in a day. When I shut down my computer, I am also taking a mental break. When I say I have never taken a break, I mean I have never stopped working even a single day. I work even when I am on vacation. When I am not on my computer, I use my handheld device.

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We all go through this over burdening and how it affects our thinking process and when that happens everything goes haywire. Having said that certain jobs such as those who work in the IT Industry are forced to be in that situation and we hear of sudden deaths as a result there of. Unless Management forces a brake there seems no redressal there.

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I couldn't agree more on your points for a topic of this nature. It's unarguably true that everything needs rest, especially the human body - a part that works every nanoseconds of the time, the brain. Just as stated above, to get a better and refreshed reasoning coming out the brain, it needs rest, just like a system works better when reset. I don't think there's much to add to this post. Thanks for sharing.

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I've made it a point of duty to always take the mental break whenever it's possible and I don't always consider the losses that will come as a result of that. The thing that I always do is to take that sound sleep that I know that once I'm awake, I can get to offer better than what I currently offer at the particular moment. Also, taking out time to visit some friends and have a good time without thinking about work is another good way that I get those things worked out as well.

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Stress is like ones cache is full and the memory is depleted. Once in a while, one must rest and take some time off to release some stress doing this would give you more energy and clear thoughts afterwards.

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I agree. Resting our brain are the best way to be productive. A troubled mind can't decide effectively because it is not in a state wherein it can think the best way. Taking a break for our brain to relax is a must for us to function normally again.

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Because everyone needs a break, even our brain because it also feels tired, So in order for you to relax your brain, you need to stop doing anything and take a deep breath and peace your mind. Sleeping is the best way to relax your brain aswell.

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