
The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

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The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

When you think of starting a business, you might not think of bringing on freelancers to do the majority of work for you, which is a pretty common thing actually.  A lot of startups think they're just going to hire local people to do the majority of work, and only bring in specialists to do specific tasks, but that will cost a great deal of money that you might not be making just yet.  I want to have a brick and mortar type business eventually, and I know that I'll have to hire local people to do the work, and it scares me how much I'll have spent just on payroll lol The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

Freelancers should never be seen as someone that you bring in to do a remedial task and then you're done with them.  I actually have freelancers on standby to do work whenever I need them, and over the years we've built a pretty solid business relationship The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model  We have such a good relationship that I refer people to them and they refer people to me, which increases both of our revenues The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model  If I hadn't started working with these freelancers, I would have never saved money and also found great people to do the work for me. 

In this discussion, I'll be going over a few things that freelancers can do for you that play a big role in your overall business model, and they are:

Freelancers do work you can't do yourself
Whenever you think "I can't do this" you'll likely need to bring on an employee who can.  Well, you can save a massive amount of money if you just hire a freelancer to do the work, and then they leave to be called on again when you need them The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model  Freelancers will gladly sign up to fix one problem, or a few, and then wait for you to contact them again for more work because that's just what they do. 

Freelancers tend to be specialists at something and this is why they are selling their work to the masses.  They could get a full-time job with a company, but they sometimes choose to be their own boss and have you pay them for temporary work.  Over time you could build up a business relationship and hire them full time, but that's up to you The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

Freelancers do the work you don't want to do
I've actually hired freelancers to do work I had no interest in doing.  I write a massive amount of content each day for myself and clients, but that doesn't mean I want to write everything I need to finish.  I'll never outsource my clients work to a freelancer because they expect top notch work and that's what I do for them, but I will have these freelancers write up some content that I need done but don't want to do lol.  Of course, I'll go through all the content before it goes on my own websites because I want to make sure it's amazing, but that's a pretty common thing to do if you work with a freelancer, no matter what the job is The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

They will free you up so you can focus on other things
I see freelancers as short periods of vacation time The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model  I will sometimes bring on a few freelancers if I have a lot of work to do, but I need to leave town for some reason, and they'll gladly do the work I need to be done.  They do a great job while I'm gone on my weekend vacation, and I'm happy when I get back because something is finished and I didn't have to do it while I was gone The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

I will also be able to focus on other work priorities like talking with clients and managing my sales all while the freelancers are getting something else done that I would never have enough time to work on myself.

They are cheaper than a full-time employee
A full-time freelancer will cost you much cheaper because they work based on the jobs you have, not an hourly schedule like a standard full-time employee works off of.  A freelancer knows you're not going to pay them an hourly rate because they get paid a one lump sum or milestone payments for the job.  Since you can hire a freelancer from anywhere in the world, you can target freelancers in countries that convert your legal tender into much more money for the freelancer.  A good example of this is when I target freelancers in the Philippines for coding or programming work, they might charge me $300 for a month of work, whereas a freelancer here in the US might have charged me $1,000 to $1,500 to get the job done The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model 

You'll usually save a great deal of money when you hire a freelancer from the Philippines because of the currency conversion rate.  You can actually target your desired country, but you might not save as much.  I limit myself to the Philippines because they're cheap and they speak English, which is extremely convenient for me The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

You can tap into a vast pool of experience
Freelancers aren't just people that work within 10 miles of your office and need a quick job that pays some money.  They are people from all over the world with specific gifts that you can bring on to finish a job for you.  You can tap into a vast pool of experience and knowledge when you start to work with freelancers because you're not limited to the people that are within a certain mile radius.

In conclusion
Freelancers are an amazing thing to boost your productivity because you don't really have to manage them since they get paid when the job is done.  If they screw something up, they don't get paid, which is how it works when you hire a freelancer.  I've actually had freelancers majorly screw up, which means they didn't get paid, and they knew they weren't going to.  When you hire a freelancer, you're hiring the best of the best and also saving money because you can tap into all of the talents on this earth, not just the people near you The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model  If you haven't tried using freelancers yet, I would suggest getting your feet wet with some simple tasks and going up from there The critical role that freelancers play in your overall business model

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I've used freelancers and bought a lot of gigs here on SEOclerks. The best way to use freelancers is to buy fixed services they already offer. I never had any success in training any freelancer into doing highly specific parts of my work and what exactly I needed.

For doing very specific stuff and to take some of my workloads I usually hire a virtual assistant. These are highly skilled freelancers I worked with in the past that I may pay at the end of a project or hourly. The only problem with VAs is the fact that you need to manage them and by doing so you waste important parts of your time.

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I like that line that says freelancers do the work you can’t do yourself. Being a freelancer, I see myself as a worker who is willing to do the work assigned to me by people who don’t even know the work. Some writers look down at people who hire them when they discover that their boss doesn’t even know how to write. Anyway, having the skills, freelancers should showcase their best when given a job.

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I also think that freelancers do a great job showcasing their talent and earning money while doing so. I think that they should no t be undermined because of the benefits they give to different companies. Finishing task that the company can not do for themselves.

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"Some writers look down at people who hire them when they discover that their boss doesn’t even know how to write."

While I know this to be true, I still can't really understand why. I guess some people have a sort of mental complex where they want to feel that the person they're working for is better than them, and therefore worthy of receiving your service. I personally am okay with the idea that the person hiring me can't do what I can. I mean after all that is ultimately why I'm providing my service to the world.

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I think freelancers are fitting the role of the full time employee and the part time employee. Here they can get the work done in between the gap. And this way the business can save a lot of income. And they can be also making some serious earning on that note. You'd just have to understand how that can be done on the side. I'd say for that to work out we have to take risks.

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Whenever I hear about getting freelancer involved in some work by the blog or forum owners, the first thing that comes to mind is division of labor. This helps the site owner to focus on other things and allow the freelancers get a good amount of work done on his behalf. It's very correct mentioning that the use of freelancer is cost effective because it's definitely cheaper than having a full time employee who is on a constant payroll.

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These are very important facts. I hire freelancerss when I cannot do the work myself. For instance, when I want coding to be done for my website, I hire a freelancer. I also hire freelancers to do the work that I don't want to do. For example, I once wanted to build contents on lingerie niche, which I did not want to do myself therefore I hired freelancers. Freelances free up my time so that I can focus on more important things.

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Smart move there. That would really take a lot of load of your shoulder while still finishing the project. That is why free lancing is becoming popular all over the world nowadays.

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I am a freelance writer. I write articles and ebooks for the clients. I take orders even if I do not have time to complete. When I have a lot of orders but not enough time to complete, I hire freelancers to work on these projects. I cut my commission and pay to the freelancer. This way, I am able to earn from the projects even if I do not work.

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Thanks for that idea. You really are good at what you do. Hiring freelancers to do the job that you can't finish while at the same earning through them. But of course you have to proofread their content to be sure that what they write is well structured and grammatically correct.

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Youn should always consider the quality of your delivered work. Therefore, just forwarding whatever the freelancer has submitted to you might harm your reputation. When I hire freelancer to work for me, I always ask him for his portfolio. I will hire him only when I am satisfied with his work. After he submits the work, I do cross-checking, including plagiarism checking.

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That way you can also save yourself from all the trouble that might arise from not properly checking the content made by another freelancer. At the same time protecting your reputation and not letting a single mistake ruin what you had a hard time building.

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Yes, when I hire a freelancer to work on my projects I also need to consider the quality of the work they will be delivered to me. If I deliver the work without bothering to check it, I might be risking my reputation. I don't hire a freelancer unless I have to do. I will hire freelancer only when I do not have time to work or cannot do it myself.

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I have to agree with. I am working as developer VA. And I am getting things done slowly with other business. It may not be easier though. It may take a lot of time. I am guessing for each the developer types the prices can be different. And hiring me is lot cheaper than full time employee. So I think depending on how the business wants to save money. You can find the freelancers who are good at those jobs.

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I think hiring freelancers is better than having a regular paid staff. First of all, if you hire a freelancer, you only pay for the work done, whereas when you have a paid staff you have to pay them whether they have work to do or no work to do. Hiring freelancer saves a lot of money, furthermore, you also do not have to worry about the quality of work because you can refuse to pay if the freelancer does not deliver the best.

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Yes regular paid staff is more or less burden. And unless there is daily work. You should not be spending the time and money on the business such as that. I'd say you can see that working on those type of business can be good enough.

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If you do not have a lot of work to be done than you would be paying more if you have a regular staff. Therefore, hiring freelancers as needed is the right way. However, one of the drawbacks of having freelancers to work for you is the availability of freelancers. Hiring a freelancer is a tedious process.

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Yes I guess that's the reason freelancers are hired for. I like that they work short term and we can pay them for the same. I know one thing for sure that paying all the time to the employees is nothing but the burden. So it's hard to manage that part for sure.

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I am a freelancer myself. I decided to become a freelancer because I did not want to work 9-5 and earn a fixed salary. I wanted to work when I felt like working, I wanted unlimited earning opportunity. As a freelancer, I always respect other freelancers. When I hire a freelancer, I always try to be clear on what I can pay and what I expect.

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I think your points are very valid. I think the post might want to stress hiring the right freelancer to do the job. It is not difficult to hire a freelancer, but you want to hire somebody that can represent your business in the most postive way possible. It is just a important to get the freelancer you are looking for.

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Glad to see you posting content that supports the little guys! Okay maybe not all freelancers are exactly little, but I'm among those that are just scraping by, haha. Freelancing can be an amazing and rewarding career path, but it can be so very difficult sometimes to find work. A lot of business owners I know were actually on the fence about hiring freelancers, because they were under the assumption that they weren't going to receive content which meets their quality standards. While this is certainly possible, I've managed to turn around a few opinions through my own work as a freelancer.

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Free lancers are really helpful in getting things done. I also believe that hiring Filipino citizen would also be a great idea since the conversion to their currency is huge and that they really are good in spoken and written English. Although not that great, but they can really help make content and finish their job. But, most importantly it is very important to hire the right freelancer to get the job done.

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Hiring freelancers is always a good idea if you need something done that you don't have time to do, or need done in a time-frame you simply cannot meet. However, I also believe sticking to a certain group of freelancers is more beneficial than employing new ones. After you've chosen two or 3 freelancers to carry out certain tasks, maybe retain their services for the duration of the month or maybe even the year. This is a better business model than a revolving door of freelancers.

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You're right by suggesting that sticking to a group of freelancers is better than having to hire a new freelancer every time we need a job done. The reason is that the freelancers that you've got to know will always be keen to deliver the best work to you unliike when we try to hire new ones. This is a good move especially for those that are looking for how to get in a long term project.

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you have a very excelent writing technique man i like it

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Sometimes, I wonder how the world would have been without the people that are into freelancing. The thing with giving your work to freelancers is that they get to deliver the work in a time based and, in most cases, excellent work.

The reverse is the case when you get to employ someone for a whole month while the job to be done is just two or four in the whole. Giving the work to freelancers is a way we get to manage expsenses as well.

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The downside though is that freelancers are indeed like everything else in life, a hot commodity. If you don't scoop them up for long term or steady work someone else will. Then you lose an asset.

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Very nice article. Thanks for such helpful information.

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When running your own business you try to do everything yourself which is impossible. One of the strategies to make a successful business is to delegate. The internet has made delegation much easier. You don't have to hire someone permanent, you can delegate your tasks to a freelancer , for example like a virtual assistant , to do your office paper work. Considering the experience you get, this is is cheaper and more convenient for you.

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You are right with the delegation because that is what I’m doing in our office. I always sort out the work and delegate to my staff whatever they are capable of doing. In the freelancing industry, there are freelancers who can relieve you of the drudgery of routine work like the posting which takes time and also the replies to inquiries by potential customers and present customers as well.

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