
Don't let your pride get in the way of your profits

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Don't let your pride get in the way of your profits

When you start putting up websites to make money online, or you have some physical locations selling a product or service, you can't let your pride get in the way of your profits.  Usually, you're the type of person who thinks they're always right or you think your customers aren't the brightest, and your "pride" will actually hurt your business more than you think.  I quoted the word pride because it could actually be false pride, which is actually arrogance showing it's ugly face, and killing your company.

If you're selling a service online, and you reject a customer because you simply don't like their business, your pride is now hurting your profits.  You can post something like "We don't work with any porn or gambling businesses" which will pretty much filter out all the negative websites, but if you have a Cristian website hire you for something, you can't just turn them away because you don't believe in god.  You can tell them that you don't believe in god, but you'll do the best you can after researching everything possible, and your pride will actually be the thing that makes you money.  It's all about how you view your pride, which will make or break your business over time.  Your false pride could be hurting you, so instead of letting that take over, you'll need to push it aside in order to boost your profits. 

False pride will lose you sales
When you are arrogant, and you don't know it, you'll lose more sales than you know.  People will instantly know how arrogant you are based on your responses to them and how you act if you meet them in person.  You can say "I'm proud of what I do!" but if you're pushing away customers simply because of how they look, you're jerk and your pride isn't what's pushing the away from you.

Your sales will likely tank in a short amount of time because word will get out about how proud you are as a person, but in reality, you're just a jerk selling a service online lol Don

You might think you know everything
People who are proud of what they do are usually humble and understand they don't know everything.  Sometimes you will come across a person that thinks they know everything, which gets pretty annoying, and this will usually hurt your profits in a short amount of time.  I actually had some clients try to tell me how to optimize an article I was writing for them, but they didn't realize that I also ran an SEO company since 2003 lol Don  I told them what I was doing, why I was doing it, and they told me they still wanted their keyword density at 10% because that's what works best Don

Don't let your "pride" make you look like a "know it all" because that's never a good appearance to show off.  Instead, you need to understand that you're not the smartest or even the best at something and your customers will understand.  If you aren't 100% sure about something, let the client know, but you probably should know all the answers to the questions they ask because you're the professional lol.  Answer any of their questions with a good amount of information, but never belittle them along the way, because that will lose the sale quicker than you can finish your pitch lol.

People may see you as cocky
When you have too much pride in something, you might come off as cocky, which is usually a business killer.  Someone that is proud of what they do isn't usually cocky, unless they're pushed into a corner during a conversation and the troll starts to hammer them with insults.  This doesn't happen too often, so pride doesn't turn into a cocky personality too often, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

When you're cocky, and you don't even realize it, you will begin to lose sales fairly quick and your business could suffer.  Don't be cocky and you'll notice that your business will flourish Don

In conclusion
Your pride can actually lose you a lot of sales if you don't know what you're doing.  You will need to check your pride at the door and understand that you don't know everything.  You won't do well if you come off as cocky, so do everything possible to avoid this, even if it requires you to take some classes in order to learn how NOT to do things.  Your false pride, which is arrogance, will need to be stopped right away because no one wants a dumb person who thinks they're smart doing the work needed.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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I understand what false pride is and for sure it can get in the way when you are handling your business with bias. That’s the best reason for soliciting criticisms for at least you can have an idea on the honest opinion of people how they see your business. I know of people who insist that they are good even if so many customers are already criticizing him of his unfair business dealings. In those cases, one should open his eyes to see the truth that will be to his advantage.

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One of the things I have learned in my 10 years freelancing is sack off your pride. Pride will hurt you. I started with freelance writing. I have written a 500-word article for just 50 cents. I never let my pride to stop working on low paying assignments. If I did not work for 50 cents and built my freelancing career, I would have never made this far. Recently, I wrote a 1000 word article for $50. If I had not worked for 50 cents and built my portfolio, I would have never received such as high paying writing job.

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Wow, that is great! I just begun with freelance writing and reading your comment here inspires me. Pride will always get in the way if you don't control it. Being humble is much better because you can learn a lot and more people will appreciate you for taking time to listen and reflect on their suggestions for improvemenets.

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Pride goes on to everything in life. It wrecks relationships, friendships, acquaintances and in terms of business, like the one you mentioned. Your sales. When you start off yourself into selling or any business, you have to be a good friend to everybody. Being a good friend doesn't include being a know-it-all and an arrogant person. It involves respect and genuine concern to prospective clients even though some may become a pain as a customer or client.

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This is true on so many levels.

Work relationships can be difficult to separate with personal ones. We have to treat business communication as best as we possibly can. If we let pride get in the way, then we'll likely lose prospective clients. Trust your thoughts enough that they're going to work, but consider that not everyone will agree with you. Even if you're right.

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One of the main key to every relationship is respect especially to business relationships. In order to gain reciprocated respect, the client must first be nice and even though you earn a lot, one must always treat everybody with respect. Even though some clients will not agree with you. It's hard to do, but doable and very effective in harboring positive energy on your business and work.

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An important thing to remember when it comes to sales - and just about any professional, financial interaction - is that the basics of regular social interaction also apply to interactions in sales and marketing as well. A key factor in making successful deals is treating your client/customer like a person and not a paycheck. They both don't and won't want to feel like a paycheck, so it's important to not treat them that way. A humble, honest, respective demeanor will get you a lot farther in the long run.

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I believe the same thing, however do not let your clients basically run your life. Whenever I started my php marketplace (basically my online business) I let the customers essentially make me into their "go to" guy for all codes. If they needed something done on the website, I did it. If they needed a tweak done, I did it. However, this was selling me short, and I could have made more money from my time working on the website and decided not to do this any longer. Now, if any clients want a change in the script then I charge for it because I am devoting my time for it and they could easily hire someone else, but since I created the product I would probably be the best to do it. Some people also love to take advantage, and this is never good. My famous saying whenever anyone does any freelancing is to "know your worth".

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I agree with you here that one shouldn't allow your clients to run your life. I think there should also be a line drawn with this between a client and the owner. However, every transactions should be done in respectful manner so as not to be seen as an arrogant boss that seems to be know it all. On the other hand, you should also be aware of the limitations you should set in dealing with clients because chances are, if you are too giving or too kind, most people will take advantage of you too. There should always be balance in everything too.

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I absolutely agree with you on every point here. Some would say it is a cynical outlook, but I think it is only realistic to assume that there are people who will try to take advantage of you, if you let them. Heck, some people just lack standard inhibitions and they might not even think that what they're doing is wrong or manipulative. "Knowing your worth" - as you put it - is just good life advice in general, and can be applied to many situations. There is being kind and hospitable, and then there is letting people walk all over you. As with all things, there needs to be a limit/balance.

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If the product is salable and meets heavy competition easily there is no need for anyone to display any kind of emotion. It is only when the product is substandard then lying low till the product sells is the way to do. I have yet to see a buyer who will buy from an arrogant seller.

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You might think you know everything

With in the niche of my business, the thing is it's such a thing that people will always be better than you. Heck, even in Google interviews the interviewer will state that the programmers that are hired basically know more than you and could basically out code you. My business is in the niche of php code. Now, I do know a lot about PHP code but I do not know everything and never ever will I say I know everything. PHP programming is a large language and it is a very popular programming language on most websites. You may know all about PHP code but there is a lot you can do with the code. So for anyone to say "I know everything about PHP" is not really a good thing. You may know the code, but your coding knowledge of different algorithms etc may not be all up to par with everything.

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Business owners, offline or on, who display an attitude are massively shooting themselves in the foot. Anyway, how can such an attitude come about? There is probably a multitude of ways ranging from bad experiences with customers to an obsession with a certain type of politics. In fact, it's probably not advisable to even be openly political on the job at all - in many cases.

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Yes, even if you think you know it all, it is doubtful you do, in fact you may only know a fraction of what you think you know, and this could go for a number of things in life. I would simply learn as much as you can about the subject and always realize you could learn more.

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Online business or not, pride is one thing that could really hurt any form of business, or any person for that matter. You just drive other people away instead of having an approachable persona, leading to lower sales and income.

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But sometimes you know, at the other side of things, if one is too kind as a business owner, you'll end up being swallowed down too by the arrogant customer. I suppose in every situation, life is hard. You just have to have the right attitude, not all knowing, but not too trusting either.

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Yeah, it still depends on the situation. You can be kind at the start but if the customer does not behave properly, you should stand firm and let the customer know. At that point, it is no longer pride but just doing the right thing for what the situation calls for.

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Yes, I agree with this statement, because if you will let your pride go against your business, your business will probably fail, because you want to grow your business faster in a way you wanted to be. Well, we can't predict things so if you will let your pride in your business, I will tell you in advance it will fail.

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One lesson that I learned from the owner of the bank that employs me is humility. It’s not humility to mean do not brag but the humility of a business man to the clients. When you are in a business you should always be humble and do not show arrogance especially to your customers. If you know the meaning of the word “intimidation” you should avoid to intimidate people with your position or even with your looks.

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