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We all know that SEO takes time, so much time that we will go crazy waiting for it to start showing results. Instead of going crazy and watching your rankings go up and down, you can focus on other aspects of your business so your mind is off of your rankings. There are literally thousands of things you can do, online and offline, but I'll be talking about what you can do to make your entire system better so when your rankings do jump you'll be ready to rock
Keeping busy is sometimes difficult when you're trying to boost your rankings, then waiting for them to actually go up, because it's impossible to tell how long that will take. You could be idle for 1 week or 4 months, doing SEO the entire time and waiting for that flow of traffic to come in when you eventually start to crack the top 10 for your keywords. Instead of going insane from watching everything and waiting for it to yield results, you can work on the following 4 things each day to boost your business
Streamline your support system
A great support system can literally make your business sell more products or services. There have been plenty of times when I've paid a little more for an item solely because of how helpful the support system of the company was with all my questions.
If you can simply make your support system better, and more streamlined, you will be ready for when your SEO campaigns start showing results because you're ready for any questions or support tickets that start to come in
Contact niche related website owners
When you're waiting for your SEO to start stabilizing, you can contact niche related website owners to see if you can work out some sort of partnership. I've done this plenty of times and you'd be amazed at how many times they are interested in doing it. It's even better when they don't understand anything about web design, and ask me to add a link to their pages after I add theirs to mine, and I get a dofollow link from them while they get a nofollow link from me lololol Of course, when they know what they're talking about, we might both do nofollow links and work out a great business relationship
Look for new advertising spots
I seem to do this a lot, mainly when the meat of my SEO campaign is finished, because I love the fact that I can usually pay a flat fee and get an ad up for 1 month. If I were to do this with a PPC platform like Google, I would have to pay for every single click, which would be a ton of money compared to these smaller websites selling me an ad spot for pennies on the dollar
You'll want to look for websites similar to the ones you frequent within your niche. There are always competitors out there trying to build their own authority, and they need money usually, so if you offer them $XX per month for an above the fold banner ad, they will usually take you up on your offer and will save you money.
Add content to your website
When you're waiting for your traffic to start flowing in from the search engines, you can always add some great content to your website because that will actually help out your rankings more than you think Great content is what your visitors want to read, and what the search engines want to see before they boost your rankings. Backlinks can only get you so far in the rankings, your content is what will boost it even more and get you to the first page
So get to writing, or outsource the writing to a credible writer (maybe me, TommyCarey
) and you can get yourself some amazing content that is almost always going to help you out in the rankings
In conclusion
There are many things you can do when you're waiting for your SEO to boost your rankings. You don't have to follow this list above, but it's a good thing to take notes on because you can boost your sales before your SEO works, you can build partnerships, you can get some nice ad spots, and you can build plenty of amazing content in a short amount of time for your visitors to read and love
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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