
How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

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How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

Whenever you're in business for yourself, you're going to learn really quick that you need to convince complete strangers to open up their wallets or checkbooks and give you money in exchange for something.  It doesn't matter if you sell a service or a product, strangers will give you money for it, and you'll need to convince them to do it on your own website.  Think about it, how many times have you been on a random website or even Amazon, and purchased something without knowing the business owner or anyone that works there?  Probably every single time and you will do it more and more at time goes on lol.

When you convince someone to purchase from you, you're showing them you're an authority within the niche and industry and they will be in good hands when purchasing from you, and they will gladly open up their wallets.  Now, if you do this all wrong, you will make it so you don't show any sort of authority and you will definitely not be trusted lol.  Trust goes a long way in the world of online sales, so start building it from the beginning of your journey, and you will be happy that you did How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

In this discussion, I'll be going over a few ways you can convince strangers to purchase something from your website, and those ways are:

Show them why you're unique
If you're the same as all of your competitors, you will never stand out and that means you'll lose sales all over the internet.  If you can show how you're unique, you'll catch the eye of many clients, even some that are on the fence about purchasing a service, system, or product from a website like yours.

Showing them that you're unique can come in a few different variations, such as:

  • Your Pricing:  Your prices can actually be structured differently, where you give monthly payment options, and your competitors require full payment up front.
  • Your Products:  Your products can do the same thing as your competitors, but they can look 100x better, and people will usually buy your product if it looks more expensive but costs the same as the cheaper model.
  • Your Service:  If you're renowned for responding to your customers and strangers, extremely quick, you will get more people coming back time and time again to purchase from you.

Show why you're unique and people will show others why you are unique as well How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website  This will just boost your sales, even if you're only doing 1 or 2 things differently How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

Show them your competitors pricing and reviews
If you're really the best on the block, you will have no problem showing your potential clients your competitors pricing and reviews, because you will obviously have better stats and better prices for the same service or products How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

People like saving money, and they especially like saving when it comes to a quality product, so if you pair the two you will get plenty of sales over your competitors How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

Be extremely easy to contact
I can't stress this enough, I tell all of my clients to be very easy to contact through their websites so they never lose a sale.  On my own websites I have a phone number, email/contact form, and a chat box that people can contact me through.  I have all 3 of these on every website I launch, because it increases the chances of getting someone to contact me through they're preferred method of contact.  Not everyone will like a contact form, but they'll opt for a chat box or phone call, and you'll never know your true conversion rates if you're not giving people multiple contact methods.

People like quick answers, so you'll always need to respond ASAP and not wait until the next day to respond, because you'll lose a decent amount of customers that way.

Always respond on social media
I will never understand why people use social media profiles as an FAQ section or a Q&A section, in order to get answers to absolutely everything, but they do!  They will literally go to your Facebook business page, ask a question in the form of a comment, and complain if you don't respond immediately.  For this reason, you'll need to be on all the major social platforms, and respond ASAP to any comments that do come in.  You can simply download the platforms app to your phone so you'll be ready for anything that comes in, even if you're out of the office for the day... yes, you'll have to respond even if it's your "day off" lol.

If you can respond immediately, you'll always be able to convince strangers to purchase from you because they won't be able to think past your conversation and they will make a purchasing decision right then and there. 

In conclusion
If you can convince strangers to purchase from you, you'r already doing better than 99% of the websites out there How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website  You need to show that you're unique, show your competitors prices and reviews, be extremely easy to contact, and always be on social media platforms to talk when people ask comments.  If you can do those 4 things, you will almost always boost your conversions and make more money through your website How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

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Thank you for your help full post keep it up....

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I think that being EASY to contact and being constantly AVAILABLE to contact (within reason) will definitely encourage customer loyalty and satisfaction overall. I sell a lot of ebooks, so I also agree with your comment about making your products look better and stand out over the competition. I work with a small press in the UK as well, and the artists there are phenomenal when it comes to book covers and layouts. I also think that your points about communication, contacting, and using social media all go hand in hand, and these methods are fairly easy to employ with our customers as long as we stay diligent, organized, and manage our time well.

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Oh yeah! If you can always be contacted you will definitely boost your sales and sign-ups How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website I started using for my websites and have noticed that I get a lot of people contacting me through it each and every day. I've reduced the time between emails and support tickets since I can respond to them directly through my smartphone, which they love because I can respond no matter what I'm doing or where I'm at. On my end, I'm just texting someone back, but on their end, it shows up as a chat message and usually boosts their trust in me because it only takes me 10 seconds to answer any questions they might have How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

If you make your products or services look better than your competitors, you will almost always outsell them, and this is because people will see a higher quality product because of some high quality images or copywriting done right lol How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website This is one of the main reasons copywriters get paid a lot of money, the better they are at it, the more money the client will make with the words that are written in a way to boost sales. Pair that up with some great looking, high quality, images and you have a 1-2 combo that's hard to beat, even if your prices may be a little higher than your competitors How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

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When you have a store whether it is an online store or offline store, the most important tool is communication. There is a convenience store in our village that you can text anytime for inquiries is an item is available. It looks like it is having good business because it has quick replies to queries. Maybe that is a key that we should not forget in having a business because the open communication line is a pillar of the business.

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I think these are some great methods to get customers using your site and making you there go to purchase place. I think these are just some of the options that you might want to use when you are getting people to buy from you. Being someone that customers can easily contact is a great thing to do.

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Availability means a lot to new people who are yet to have any business relationship with you. Once they find it difficult to get a hold of you before they have initiated any business transaction, they are going to be skeptical in dealing with you because you don't respond easily. That's a huge turn off to most people in any business.

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Good point here--we need to BE THERE for our customers in order to establish healthy and lucrative business relationships with them. I also think that availabilty applies to our products and services too. In other words, if you get traffic to your site and people are interested in buying your product, and you are out of stock or the product is not under your control yet for distribution (in other words, it is "unavailable"), then you can definitely lose business there. I think the same thing goes for the availabilty of fast and reliable services for our clientele. I know that you are mainly referring to communication with clients, but you got me thinking about other "availability" issues as well.

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You have a very creative mind in explaining and widening the meaning of the term availability in more than one angle. It's good to be physically present to attend to prospective clients and it's also very paramount that the product and services you are likely to offer are readily available as well because one cannot go without the other.

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I would also add showing them your already completed transaction with your clients, this happens to be one of the greatest doubt remover from the minds of strangers in buying from your website. Reviews on your products by those who have already used it would convince them 100% in buying from you.

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I like this post and the comments,
This will help me a lot

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You could probably communicate more and state specifically what you like about it. We are nice here! Feel free to chip in and join the discussion! How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website How to convince strangers to purchase something from your website

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Haha, I think that you are just rubbing it in on him, if he wanted to add anything more than what he already, I believe in my opinion that he would have done that already. He is probably the shy take it simple kind of person. So, I would suggest freeing up on him a little bit.

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When selling anything from your official online space, you must be around or available to answer communications at all times. Even when you're asleep, you should have alerts on. So if someone contacts you, you can respond promptly. Also make it easy for potential clients to get in contact with you. They might not want to buy now, but being able to reach you with ease makes them feel comfortable about purchasing later.

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I have alerts on my phone, specifically from the Gmail app. I would have to say that numerous times I am disabling notifications because of how annoying they get. They could really hinder your sleep, and this can cause poor performance throughout the day. So my advice would be to just cut of notifications during the night (since it is a time of rest, and you really need rest to alert during the day) and just respond to them during the morning.

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Well you hope that people won't be buzzing you all times of night, but sometimes you get a client who's up late, or who resides in another country where it's morning or afternoon there. While it's night here in the states. Even in California where it's 12 AM when it's 2 AM on the East Coast. So in that regard, if a client buzzes you at 2 AM or 3 AM, best to at least be able to shoot them a short response, just to get the framework of what they're looking for. Then perhaps reconvene in the morning.

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"…people will usually buy your product if it looks more expensive but costs the same as the cheaper model."

While I certainly don't disagree with this point, I think that is way easier said than done. In my experience at least, the only way something is going to look more expensive is if you actually use better quality, more expensive materials. To put it colloquially, you typically aren't going to be able to polish a turd until it shines like a bar of gold. I'm sure some people who are masters of their craft are able to do so, but time/skill also equates to higher cost. Depending on the product, you can make an item look more expensive through better packaging design, but obviously you also don't want to be scamming your customers with good packaging but poor quality materials.

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That's right, and just be honest to the customers, just tell the truth about your items or what ever product do you have. This post is really reliable, It's helps me a lot. My plan to become a re seller online and I think I'm on the right topic. thanks a lot.

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One of the best things is to offer a discount or a special promotion. There's just something about a discount that entices people into making purchases on websites or even physical stores, sometimes even if they do not need the product. These impulse purchases can be great for you and can help you to increase your revenues by a lot. The profit you lose by offering a discount can be earned by the increase in sales.

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While discounts and special promotions are good, but I would not use that as my only vice to get new sales from new visitors (or strangers). I often believe that if a product is on sale many times then that product is not very good to begin with hince the reasoning to offer many discounts and promotions. Perhaps it is my experience with such bad services and/or products but this seems to be a general idea in my mind that products that are often offered as a special or discounted are in fact not very great to begin with.

Now, special promotions for the holidays are good, or for busy business 'holidays' such as Black Friday, or Cyber Monday. Cyber monday is very huge in the tech world, and online businesses so I would not if high end or of quality products when on sale then. But to constantly offer products on sale or promotion just to get sales just does not seem to fit well with me. I would actually deem the service and/or product as low quality to begin with and putting it on sale or promotion won't change that fact.

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Pricing plays a big role in sales. The first thing people will notice is the price of the product. Thus, you will have to price your product less than your competitor's price for the similar product. Second important point is quality. You need to deliver a quality product. If your products are of low quality, you will never have returning buyers, you will never have word of mouth from the buyers who bought from you. If your products are of high quality, you will not only have returning buyers but these buyers will also spread the news through the word of mouth.

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True. Pricing and also not being in loss while pricing the product. That is something many of us need to get things right. Many times we don't know how to properly work around those things and slowly that leads to more of chaos as well. I guess with competition our mindset properly adjusts as well.

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Part of being successful in any business is knowing your competitive advantage and using it effectively. Research your strongest competitors and find out what you are doing better than them, or make something in your website/promotions stand out that say that your business is different than the others. Even one advantage, when used effectively, will provide a massive difference in your website traffic.

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I don’t think it is a wise idea to show the pricing of your competitor. In fact, it is a bad idea to even mention your competitor. That is like giving the prospective buyer a choice. If I were the buyer and I would hear about a competitor, that will give me the volition to check the competitor next time. What if the buyer doesn’t know about the competitor then the buyer is safe with you. And the response in social media, that is a good advice. I recently purchased an oil for hair care. The requirement is for me to deposit the payment first. When I would reply, the seller replies back at once. I have a nice feeling when you get that attention from a seller.

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I agree. People will also naturally scrutinize more when the options are presented to them, and they would think why there is a difference in the prices and they might conclude that the competitor has better quality hence the higher price, which could hurt the sales.

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Selling Unique Items and Artisan Crafted Items is another way of attracting unknown buyers. Selling these kind of items will surely get visitors buying your products.

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Yeah, this is true in the sense that selling unique items will get those visitors want to buy from you and once they notice the high quality of what you sell, it will make them to even tell others about the product thereby doing an unpaid advertising for you.

Also, ensuring that we are always on social media is a good way to show pictures of what we sell for by doing that way, people will want to check out the site for the product shown on social media.

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Sometimes, even making your product names sound more rare or unique can really pique the interest of people online to check out your website where they might find something they want, so it really helps to sell something different to grab their attention and reel them in towards your site.

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Combining 3 and 4 by making it easy for people to contact you via social media is very effective. For all of my Facebook pages, people can check my About tab and send me a message.

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Being easy to reach out is one key factor that many of the visitors to the site where you are selling anything or services will want to have. They might want to get a personal talk with you about the product and once you are not readily available to give answers to their questions, it them becomes an issue since they won't feel comfortable buying anything from the site.

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Do Needs Profiling and Target Marketing because it is very hard to convince someone to buy a product that they don't need and even if you convince a person to buy it, it's a one time sale and what's worst, if the person really doesn't have any use for it, you'll get bad reviews. It's always better to offer and promote your products to the correct market.

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