
Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

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Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

No matter when someone starts doing SEO, they were a beginner at building backlinks, and they could have done one or all of the major 5 backlink mistakes.  Placing links isn't the most difficult thing to do, you just need a small line of HTML code that creates a hyperlink when placed on a website, which is what a backlink is.  It's not difficult to learn how to make this code and place it, but it is very easy to screw this up and not be in the good graces of Google and the other search engines. 

Placing backlinks isn't a difficult thing to do, but it is extremely easy to screw up your rankings if you do the following 5 mistakes as a beginner.

Quantity does not trump quality
It could be tempting to build a bunch of backlinks using software, but I urge you to avoid doing this for your website.  You're only going to create thousands of low quality backlinks aimed at your website, and that's never a good thing when it comes to rankings. 

A good backlink will take some time to acquire, because it will be more difficult to get than firing up some SEO software and inputting your criteria to get backlinks.  You will need to invest some time into finding the links, then building up your profile on those websites, and finally placing a link after you are not seen as a newbie on the website.  If you make an account and instantly place a link within content or just a basic hyperlink, you will get banned quicker than you can see the link go live.

SEO is a slow process, don't rush it
People all the time will begin to rush their SEO and backlinking because their rankings aren't moving as fast as they want them to.  If your rankings aren't jumping to the top of the search results, don't increase the amount of backlinks you're building, increase the quality of backlinks you build and get on various platforms to build your presence. 

SEO is more than just boosting your rankings through backlinking, you need to build up your brand and people will begin to help you build links naturally by sharing your pages Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

You're using too many anchors
Anchors are the words that are turned into links, which you'll be placing if you want to boost your rankings within Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.  If you build 1,000 links over the course of a year, and each link is using a different anchor, you're using too many anchors.  You'll need to focus on a dozen anchors, as well as use your basic URL as an anchor and even place your URL without a hyperlink.  Google and the other search engines see everything that's out there, and a more natural link campaign will use varied anchors.

Think about it, how many times do you think people will know how to build a hyperlink?  Only the ones placing them for their own websites and the people who have access to a text editor prior to posting lol.  So, if you place just common URLs, with and without html code to create a link, you will be building a more natural link profile and the search engines won't be able to tell you're doing it yourself Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

You're only getting dofollow backlinks
New website owners will quickly figure out that you need dofollow links in order to boost your rankings, then they will only place dofollow links.  This is extremely unnatural because not every website or platform allows dofollow, then in fact make their platforms nofollow to avoid spammers that are only there to boost their rankings through getting a backlink on their website.

Adding some nofollow backlinks into your link profile will make everything look more natural since strangers won't care if you get a nofollow or dofollow link, they will just share to let everyone know what your site is Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

You're only using software to build your links
Please don't do this, because you'll only hurt your rankings in a short amount of time.  You might boost your rankings for a short amount of time, but your rankings won't stay there for long after the search engines begin to find all the software created links.  I myself had used software a long time ago to build links for my own websites, and quickly stopped after I noticed they didn't do much, because I didn't want to damage my websites more than I already had.

Don't take shortcuts when it comes to SEO and backlinking, take your time and it will benefit you greatly.

In conclusion
New webmasters and people who just started placing links for their websites will usually do at least one of these mistakes I mentioned above.  If you are doing more than one of these, you need to stop immediately and fix your problems before they compile.  If you're doing all of these, well you might want to just start over completely with a new domain and hosting account, because it will be tough to back pedal after all this bad work Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks  Take your time when it comes to link building and you'll be glad you did Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

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Great post help full keep it up more update Thanks again,

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I agree that backlinks don’t work at once. Doing backlinks is like planting a tree that you don’t get instant results. If you work on the backlinks regularly then it is like building a farm or orchard that when you start harvesting, the harvest will be growing in time and you will be harvesting more and more. And not to forget, quality is always the winner over quantity so it does not matter if you have planted a lot because what matters more is if you have planted a good tree.

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When it comes to giving SEO advice, no one does better than Tommy. I appreciate you all SEO lessons. I am learning so many things from your posts.
Back to the topic.
SEO does not produce results overnight. You need to have patience. Putting too many anchor test is bad for SEO because Google will identify this as a spam.
Backlinks are important, however, many people resort to using software to build backlinks. This is an unhealthy practice.

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haha thanks Vinaya Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

I try to post quality content that people can enjoy and also learn from, so I'm glad you're doing both (I hope) lol Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

It's scary to see how many people think you will get instant rankings after placing a few links. I've had clients actually call me a scammer after I did their campaign and they weren't getting 1,000+ new sales a day haha Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks This is all after I explained to them they wouldn't see instant results, it would take 6+ months to see any sort of ROI at all, and they still signed up knowing all of this but still got angry and called me a scammer after they weren't instant millionaires Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

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I like the fact that you keep reminding people about the importance of quality over quantity, because it really is a key deciding factor. That advice also melds well with your point about not trying to rush things too quickly. We live in an age of instant gratification, and as a result of this, people are constantly trying to floor it when it comes to any creative or financial endeavors. As the old saying goes - or something like it at least - you have cheap, you have fast, and you have good, and now choose two. Cheap and fast won't be good, fast and good won't be cheap, good and cheap won't be fast. Patience is a virtue.

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Quality over quantity will always surpass low quality backlinks. The reasoning for stating this many times again and again is because people are still creating thousands of backlinks that are low quality, and the people doing this still do not realize that Google doesn't care if you build thousands of backlinks. What Google cares about is quality of the backlinks, your website trust and other ranking factors that are positive in search engine's eyes.

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I believe that with regards to most - if not all - things, quality is far more important than quantity. Let's look at the world of YouTube, for example. You have many content creators which just churn out video after video, day after day, simply trying to scrape up some AdSense revenue. Their fanbases are fickle and they usually are not respected by the general community, and therefore don't really ever make it anywhere. On the other hand, you have content creators which create one good video every week - or sometimes even less frequently - yet they have a dedicated following and are generally respected within the community. Quality trumps quantity, always.

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With money being involved, some people do not care about quality. For influencers (i hate to call youtubers 'influeners') some try to upload a video every day, especially if the video gets millions of views per day. So with this being said, some youtubers earn $1,000 per 1 million video views. So if a youtuber is uploading one video a day, and that video gets around 1 million views, that's $1,000 a day for these youtubers. This is where quality comes into play. If you had a VERY successful channel and you wanted to upload 1 video everyday you simply do not care about quality, but rather quantity and your bank account. 1,000 a day times 30 = 30000 a month. 30000 times 12 = 360000 a year. So given the math, you can clearly see why youtubers who upload a video everyday don't offer quality, it's all for the money for these influencers.

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Yeah, I understand exactly what you're talking about. Honestly I find it a little bit irritating. I personally feel that the system on YouTube is broken in that regard--on a moral level, that is. As a business method it is absolutely fine, considering YouTube operates as a business and is all about monetizing views. However, I find it to be a bit unfair when a YouTuber can be almost universally panned and disliked by the community yet earns as much--if not more--than someone well-liked and respectable. It might not be fair, but that's business I suppose. The system is very prone to abuse.

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I think backlinks need to be specific of the niche same as blog. Otherwise there does not seem to be any good value out of the backlink. And you don't earn much from the backlinks traffic. People just specifically check the blog and move away. So on that note you can see that it may not worthy of spending time in that case. I guess backlinks are useful for traffic whether google pays attention or not.

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Another great reason for ensuring that all links that point back to your site should be on sites in the same niche as yours is traffic.

When you link back to your site from another blog then you want to siphon some traffic from that site, to your blog.

Now if you have your backlinks on sites whose topics are different from yours even if you get traffic, it won't be quality traffic because it won't get you any conversions. Your time creating that backlink would have been wasted.

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I agree the niche matters a lot. Because non niche backlinks and the traffic often have conflict. And that type of traffic is nothing but waste of effort. I'd say people need to watch out from those type of the traffic if possible. That's something for sure one should consider if to be taken seriously in many ways.

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You're only using software to build your links
I stopped using seo software years ago.

Here are the reasons:

1. Bad backlinks
Most of the softwares contained basic lists of websites to spam backlinks. This creates very spammy backlinks that are very very low quality. I am sure Google already added that list to their disavow and badlists long ago.

2. Quality of content posted
Some programs only allowed you to post on blogs and forums that are basically made for.

Back in the good old days of backlink creation everyone did this, and because of that, and because of how quickly you could rank this is why Google really did a huge crack down on the way they rank websites.

I believe Google ranks upon trust of websites. If your website is new and you are trying to reach for the first page, good luck because without the google trust you won't rank that much. I also read about not only do I think google ranks upon trust, but other SEO experts are also saying the same thing! Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

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I stopped a long time ago as well. I had some offshore servers running full-time building backlinks for myself as well as my clients, and it actually worked then. Now it doesn't work and long ago I cut off the servers and haven't loaded the software lol.

I spent a bunch of money on a lifetime license for a piece of SEO software, then shortly after that I stopped using them altogether Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks It was a waste of a lot of money, and I was super pissed, but it was a good learning experience and taught me to never invest in anything that could be volatile Top 5 mistake beginners make when building backlinks

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Yes, I don't think the amount is nearly as important as the number of the backlinks. These are just some of the problems with some backlinks they are not ideal for the situation that you might want to use them for. I think paying attention to the backlinks you use will help your website excel.

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The best method is to have the backlinks come to you. That would happen by creating massively interesting content. Nonetheless, that might be too difficult for many people. In that case, they would need to focus on guest posting that isn't too obvious. Obvious in the sense the owner is trying to do SEO.

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Yeah, I see a lot of people rushing into building up their backlinks, and they seem to misunderstand that you can't rush your income even in this industry when it's seemingly instant because of how fast your internet is. This process still takes time and no matter how many you get, the better quality would still be the most influential for your site.

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Maybe it is not really rushing for the income that will result from the traffic that is brought about by the SEO work but just the excitement Isn’t it exciting to realize that you can do SEO work on your site for it to get more traffic? Sometimes it is hard to imagine that it’s that simple. Do the SEO methods that you know and the search engines will give traffic to your site.

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Thanks a lot for share your experience

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I think backlinks need to be specific of the niche same as blog. ivf hospital in mumbai

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Thank you, Sir, share your backlink idea but a lot of people thinking SEO backlink is one kind of product. When he purchase backlink gig he needs result immediately.

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