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When you think of lead generation you think about doing something in order to capture a potential customer who will pay you money for a service or product. This is what 99.9% of people think of when they hear someone talk about lead generation, but that's not always the case, leads are so much more than just potential customers. A lead can do many things, not just open up their wallets and pay you, they can actually help build your business from the ground up and not ask for a single penny in return
A lead is more than someone that likes your products or services so much that they will give you money, they can actually be your sales team and help you bring in more leads, who will then bring in more leads I'm not talking about an MLM scheme or anything like that, I'm talking about nurturing your leads so they are willing to tell their friends, family, and colleagues about you without asking for anything in return. Essentially, your leads can become your free online marketing team who will send you plenty of traffic, and high converting traffic at that
In this discussion I'll be going over a new way to think about lead generation, and a few of those ways are:
You need to build a relationship with your leads
Your leads aren't just a name on a piece of paper or in a database on your website, they are actually people and they should be treated like it, so get to know them. If you build up your relationship with a decent amount of your leads, you will see them coming back from time to time and purchasing from you. You can build up a relationship with them by simply asking them how they're doing in a customized email and not pitching them a single product. They will see this as you reaching out and just inquiring how they actually are, at first they will be hesitant because it will be the beginning of your relationship, but after a few emails like this they will be at ease and know it's normal for you to contact them with no intention of pitching them a product or service
You'll need to differentiate your newsletters and your random contact emails. In your reach out emails you'll want to let them know that this isn't part of your newsletters, you're just seeing how they are and what they've been up to because you're curious about your customers Over time they will begin to trust you more and that's never a bad thing
You can also do this through social media and just post on your pages "How is everyone doing today?" and then have a conversation with them on your Facebook page or whatever platform you chose to post on. People are active on social media, and if you're holding up conversations with them, they will remember you more often when they need something later on down the road
You can't see your leads as dollar signs
You need to see your leads as people, not check books, if you want to stay successful within any industry you're targeting. If you're building relationships with them, like we already discussed, you're well on your way to success but you can't do that just to make money off of them. You can't constantly pitch to them and think they will stick around for long, because that gets really annoying and I would even leave after just 1 or 2 random pitches.
I've ran into my fair share of companies that just saw me as a dollar sign, and you can pick them out of a crowd, because they'll ask how you're doing and immediately follow that up with a pitch. It will all be within the same email or chat, they won't even wait for you to respond before they pitch you something haha
See your leads as actual people and you will have a better experience online or offline with your business in any industry you're targeting
Your leads can be your sales team
I briefly touched on this above, but your leads can actually be your sales team, they can pitch for you and even convince people you're amazing. I've had plenty of my own leads do this for me, and they've sent me plenty of referrals, and they've never asked for a single commission. These leads are worth their weight in gold because they do the majority of the work, you just have to be there when the phone rings or the emails come in to seal the deal lol
If you're treating your leads like actual people and talking with them on social media, without pitching to them, they will usually become your own lead generation and sales team. They won't go out of their way to do this, but they will let people know you're amazing and they will talk about their own experiences with you, which will sell your services or products 9 out of 10 times before the new lead even gets to your website
In conclusion
Leads need to be seen as people, not just potential profit, if you want to be more successful than your competitors. If you can talk with all your leads via chat box, emails, or even in an open place like Facebook, you will notice them turning into your own sales team that will send you plenty of traffic Think about it, if you're happy with a website, you'll likely share it with anyone who is asking about something related to it, right? I know I recommend NameCheap all the time and I don't make a single commission from them
I have a great time talking with their support teams, because they treat me like an actual person and not a paycheck haha
You can do the same thing, just treat your leads with respect and know they are actual people on the other side of that email or chat box, and you'll be successful quicker than you expected
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