
5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan

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5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan

Everyone wants to be successful online, and that's why we always put together the best marketing plans we can think of, but sometimes that backfires and actually hurts our sales instead of increasing them.  You'll need to know what you're actually doing, prior to implementing anything in order to bring in sales and brand your company.  You can't just "wing it" if you want to be successful, because you'll usually hurt your website more than you'll help it, even though some companies have done this right without prior research.

If you want to avoid any negative things coming back to bite you in the butt, you'll need to remove a few things from your marketing plan.  This is because you'll be removing personal emotions from your campaigns, which can actually hurt your entire business, and we definitely don't want that happening.  You will also need to remove anything naive thoughts so that you can work on the best marketing plan possible.  Sure, some people will say their marketing strategy is the best because they used a PPC campaign, but that might not be the best route for you, so you need to figure out what works.  In order to figure out what works best, you'll need to do plenty of testing, but you'll definitely want to avoid some common hurdles that could hurt your business.  These hurdles are fairly easy to get around, because you won't be doing them in the first place, and these hurdles are:

Smear campaigns against your competitors
When you do some research about your competitors, you're going to see that they are usually do everything right, even if they aren't.  You might want to harm their rankings or image because you're now jealous of their success, so you decide to run a smear campaign.  I highly urge you to not do this, because it never works the way you imagine it will.  You're actually wasting your time on someone elses website, and your own will suffer because of the lack of concentration.

A smear campaign isn't a good thing to do, and if you're caught doing it, you'll actually kill your own business because now people will see you as petty.  Remove this strategy from your marketing campaign because you'll feel better when you beat your competition at their own game, not by hurting their business image like a shady business owner.

Over linking your homepage and sub pages
If you're running a legitimate marketing campaign, you'll likely be linking to your website from time to time.  You'll need to spread the love across all of your pages and not target just a single one.  If you target just your homepage, it won't look as good to the search engines, and your sub pages will suffer in the SERPS.  If you spread the love across all of your pages, or just link to relevant ones when you do place a link, you'll benefit much more than you would if all the links are aimed at your homepage.

Think about it, if someone is reading about a Poodle and you place a link within your content that talks about poodles, they will expect to click through and read more about poodles.  If they get directed right to your website, they will get annoyed because it's not what they expected.  Linking like this is also good for your rankings because it's what Google wants to see 5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan  Use relevant anchors aimed at relevant pages and you will see your rankings boost as well as your sales 5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan

Posting to websites that are already penalized
I'm sure that you've heard of bad neighbor backlinks and why they should be avoided.  Basically, you could be placing a link on a website that is penalized within the search engines or even removed from the search results, and that won't carry anything positive over to your website.  It doesn't matter how much money the company has, if they are a bad neighbor, you don't want to link to them.  This will just carry over a negative aspect, in the eyes of Google, and they will likely drop your rankings a little bit.

When you're out there commenting on blogs and forums, be sure to rotate 10 or 20 pages of your website when you do place a link.  This way you'll spread the love and everyone will be happier when they do get on your pages 5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan

Fighting with clients in the open or in secret
When you come across a grumpy client, or just someone that doesn't have some kind words for you, never argue with them.  It doesn't matter if you're on a forum, blog, or they're sending you hate mail.  You can't argue with them because there could be thousands of people watching and waiting for your next word.  Even if it's within an email, you don't want to argue with them because they could easily screenshot your conversation and post it wherever they wanted, which would hurt your businesses image.

Instead of arguing, you'll want to put out as many flames as possible, all while being professional and reasonable at the same time.  Sure, some people will stick to their guns and constantly say you're a horrible company, but you can't tell them to F off because that will hurt your image.  It doesn't matter what they're saying, they could threaten to kill your entire family, you need to stay professional and not get angry.  As soon as you get angry in an open website for everyone to see, you hurt your own image and they win.  Don't do it, no matter where it is, and understand that some people can't be reasoned with.

Using PPC campaigns as long term branding
Don't get me wrong, PPC campaigns are great to bring in clients and sales, but it's not a long term branding play unless you have millions to invest in the campaigns and never have the stop.  In reality, you're going to be using PPC campaigns to bring in quick sales and then use your email campaigns to brand yourself to everyone that signs up or makes a purchase.  PPC campaigns can help your branding, but it's not going to be anything long term, people will forget you if they browse over your ad and never click it, so don't think you're actually branding your business this way.

Sure, some banner campaigns can help with your branding, but it's not because of the banner itself.  The branding really comes into play when you catch the eye of people who have good ad space for a one time monthly or yearly fee.  Usually these cost a lot less, and are up 100% of the time to anyone that visits the site, so that's how you'll benefit from a branding sort of PPC campaign.

In conclusion
If you're doing any of the above, you should change up your marketing campaign since these points are not something you'll benefit from.  Never do a smear campaign because it will never work the way you plan it, even if you think it works, your website will suffer since you aren't focusing on your own stuff.  You can't fight people in public or within an email because it's not professional at all, just stay calm and answer everything while trying to put out flames.  Avoid penalized websites and don't link to just your homepage and you'll be happy with your linking campaign 5 strategies to ban from your marketing plan

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Smear campaigns against your competitors

Yes!!! Yes, would definitely agree with this strategy of things not to do! This definitely drives focus away from your own website, even if you are linking to your website (for instance if you created an advertising campaign with the title "[company name here] was hacked, don't use them - use us instead!"). I have seen a couple of advertisements like this in the past, and I always feel the need to just look over the advertisement because I feel it is in poor taste.

Now, instead of promoting smear campaigns about how better your website is compared to your competitor, or just creating advertisements with the intentions to bring about a negative image to your competitor you should really focus on your own website. This will in return help your own image, and you just may think to yourself "wow, all that time wasted creating smear campaigns and I could have been doing this all along". Don't be that one guy that is so jealous of another's success. I am sure they worked very hard for that success.

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I am not superstitious but maybe my religious training forbids me to do negative things. It is better to praise your competitors for it may even being good fruits. But if you will hit your competitors with a stone then that is tantamount to an immoral act. I have been seeing smear campaign against Coke and I don’t like it even if I am not a Coke drinker simply because a smear is negative.

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Thanks for putting together this sound article on what to root out in one's marketing strategy. All of them are very important to be observed and taken into good consideration. The tips I find interesting here in this article is trying not to talk bad about your competitors, because it would only make you look as bad as well. Also avoiding doing any work on sites that are already red flagged is something not to be joked with because it practically ruins the image and reputation of your business.

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The first one is definitely the truth. Nothing hurts your brand more and also makes you look pettier among your comrades and fellow competitors, than trying to ruin someones image so you can rise up from/through their ashes.

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Yeah, unless you are Donald Trump, I think bashing your competitors just makes you look bad. It makes you look petty, jealous and insecure and no one really needs that. Being positive is just one of the choices we need to make.

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Indeed. If your competitors come for you, you should certainly fight back and combat their attempts with truth and facts, pertaining to the situation. But lowering yourself to their level never works.

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Well it worked for is a case unto himself though. I will spare the anti Trump rant though. In general, it is good to be above board with all your dealings with your customers and competitors. I do believe that.

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As a person who is not a fan of the man at all, I can tell you Trump got votes from people who were very desperate for certain changes to be made to how government works for them. He's more of an outlier, an exception to the rule. A gamble that 9 times out of ten would never pay off. Basically, Trump isn't the norm of how things usually work out.

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This smear campaign is being done by big companies. No need to elaborate what is being done to Coke since the beginning. There’s a long list of issues against Coke, from small animals found in the bottle up to the recent smear in the internet that Coke can dissolve metal. How about the explosion when Mentos is put inside a Coke bottle? And who do you think creates those smear? Don’t look at me, okay? Don’t be naive, you already know and what the competitor gets is a lower reputation.

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I definitely agree that initiating a smear campaign would be an incredibly poor decision on anyone's part. It's one thing to unmask shady behavior or tactics which may be manipulating or abusing the public - that's simply called justice - but it is another to go out there and make claims which border on slander. I'm someone who believes in the law of karma, so if you go out there with the intention to make someone look bad, odds are that it's going to come back to you several times over and run your business into the ground.

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One of the reasons I shouldn't be banking on smear campaigns is that there are times some of them may not be giving me the type of results that I desire. I have always come to notice that some of the rivals may be smart to discover that you are the person running such bad plan on them and when they notice, it is not always ending that well.

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“…and when they notice, it is not always ending that well.”

And rightfully so. Smear campaigns are incredibly shady business tactics, and anyone with a shred of decency would do well to stay away from such behavior.

Like I said, it’s one thing to expose someone for their questionable methods, but it’s completely another to spread lies about them simply to tarnish their image. I know that it’s actually a somewhat common tactic in both the business sector and politics, but that doesn’t mean it’s a morally sound strategy.

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I think I remember a brand which is into doing the smear campaign against competitior. And they seem to be winning it. You can find that company in the automation of the text. You can see they are doing this to make the most money. And it is working out. You can see that such type of the smear campaign may work out when you want to do things better with the product. Because some people can pull out the negativity and do things in order.

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Thanks Razzy for the beautiful articles. The techniques was unknown to me. Over liking and over linking can makes a bad effect- this unknown strategy will help me at the future.

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I love that you pointed out the "fighting with your clients in public". That is such a bad and common mistakes that I see from the newer companies or business owners. Not long ago, I saw one of the companies that I planned to do business with, having a public fight on some forum with a client. Right away, I knew that I'd never want to be associated with them because they could potentially bring bad light onto my work as well. It's better to sort issues behind closed doors.

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If you want to excel, you need to outwit and outsmart your competitors. However, outwitting and outsmarting should not understand as smearing your competitors. You don't have to talk bad things about other companies if you want to say good things about your company. You can, of course, compare your business with other business and explain how your business is better than other business, however, this comparison should not come as a slander.

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thanks man this helped me out a lot i will do this next time

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Having a fight with your client and/or customer in the public is never going to show a good sign of how serious your firm is when we are talking about settling some disputes. What make love a company better than the rest is the ability to handle disputes in a mature way not many outside will get to understand what is really happening. So, when we learn how to handle conflicts in a unique way, it will make them business we do one that others will like to partner and buy from.

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