
Is it worth investing in an article spinning program?

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Is it worth investing in an article spinning program?

I recently discovered an article spinning tool called spin rewriter. The program claims to do Semantic Spinning, which means it does not just spin word like a machine instead understands what is being said and rewrites according. The tool knows when to use right or write. However, it is an expensive program. I have to pay $47 per month.


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I can't really say buy it or don't because I have never considered buying such software. I completely understand why it's attractive though - it would save you a lot of time and effort if it the tool is truly good at spinning articles.

However, I checked their website out and same as @kgord, I would suggest that you try out their free trial offer. This will show you what the tool can do and perhaps also do some research such as YouTube videos to see how happy are random strangers.

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Gee, that $47 a month is pretty expensive as rental for a spinning machine. I understand that a human cannot compete with a machine in terms of quantity but I dare say that the human’s output is of a higher quality than the output of that software. Do you think that amount you pay is commensurate to the output? Isn’t it better if you hire a writer to rehash the articles so it can have a better shape and figure in terms of rehashing and spinning? Just my thoughts.

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The subscription fee is really high. However, I am thinking to buy a one-month subscription and spin dozens of ebooks and hundreds of articles, which would cost me hundreds of dollars if I hire a freelancer. I am sure about churning quantity, however, I am doubtful about the quality.

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that wil be a good idea too but you need to look and correct yourself little bit after spining

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No, article spinners are usually garbage, even if they're the best out there.

People think that they can take shortcuts and rank on top for any keyword they want, but you will never get the same content from a spinner that you could if you were to just sit down and have someone write it up for you. Sure, you could always outsource your work to a great content writer, but you may not have the financial backing to do so.

If you can't write your own content, you probably shouldn't be putting up a website in the first place. There are even big name "gurus" out there that still write all their own content, and they know it's because they know they'll do it better than any other person out there as well as any spinner.

Spun content can be picked out of a crowd, and might convince the search engines that it's unique, but it won't always be readable. It doesn't matter if you pay $47 a month or $1,000 a year for a content spinner, it won't produce what you can write on your own in a short amount of time. Content isn't difficult to write if you're interested in what you're writing, so sit down and start typing Is it worth investing in an article spinning program?

If you're thinking about selling a content writing service, and using a spinner to mass generate articles, you'll begin to get bad reviews which will hurt your overall sales and profiles on the platform you're selling on. If you can't handle the work load, start increasing your prices and you'll make the same amount of profit while lessening your actual workload. You'll also have higher quality clients compared to if you sell your articles for a fraction of what good writers are selling them for. This is because the bigger clients will not worry about spending $15 on an article compared to the smaller clients that are pinching pennies and worry about spending $5 on an article. I started my own service for a 500 word article at $12, which is actually pretty low for what I do, and I haven't had a single client complain or ask for a rewrite. If I were to use content spinners, I would have a bunch of clients asking me for rewrites since the quality just won't be there.

Don't cut corners and your online profits will benefit because of it. Get caught cutting corners and you'll kill your profits.

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I appreciate your answer. My primary motive of using article spinning tool is too mass generate articles and ebooks. I have been writing since 2001 (when my article was published for the first time in a newspaper). I have written thousands of articles online and offline. I have also written numerous ebooks. I have half a dozen websites but I do not have enough contents on these websites. I want to spin my own articles and republish on my websites (so that google will not think that it is not a duplicate or stolen article). I also want to spin ebooks so that I can sell through my websites.
You have given me something to think seriously.

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I am not sure about this. Can you try it on a trial basis before having to make a commitment? ALmost 50 dollars a month is a lot of a program that you are not sure what the results are going to be. I would tell them you are interested but you need to try it out for a month before making a commitment.

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The thing is that most of these plans might not have a room for trial considering that the poster didn't say so. I'm just not interested in spending that much unless I'm making triple of what was mentioned.

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This tool offers a free trail. However, you have to sign up with a credit card. You can cancel your subscription anytime. I have not used the trial service yet, but the example provided on the site looks good to me. The only question that concerns me is the quality of spun articles. I have used many spin tools in the past and the spun articles have a poor readability score.

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It's well worth it. Spin the article and add your inputs and you'll get a new article. I'm also using that kind of service for my article writing.

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Thank you very much for sharing your experience. Using automated spinner and then doing some corrections manually surely can get you an original and well written article. By the way spinning an article that someone wrote is not very nice because you are basically stealing someone's work and packaging as a new product. I am interested in article spinner because I have a lot of newspaper articles that are already archived on the web. Since I do not make money from these archived articles, I was thinking to reuse them.

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A better option to me would be to employ content writers that will do my writing for me instead of paying such an amount on a software that one can't trust 100%. Also, we've got to put under consideration the fact that work might not be coming as we wish for every month.

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Most sites do not accept spun content and they have a way to identify spun content There is also a soft ware that writes for you. It is sad that writers who opt for such software are not aware of the fact they will soon forget the art of writing.

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Great point. Using a program to write for us will soon make us forget the art of writing. Writers should avoid using such programs so they can continue producing original content with their own skills.

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There is a site -I prefer not to mention its name - who have a system were those wanting articles pay the site a certain amount and the site pays those who write for them. This site has a writing software that helps writers write. The faster a project is completed faster will the site get their earnings . I feel sorry for those writers who have bought that software least realising they will soon forget how to write.

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Yes, this is the other side of it. Most sites probably would not accept the spun content, so that is a problem right there. I understand the allure of the program but you might just be wasting your money.

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I also heard about it. The spin program can rewrite a unique article for you just in case you don't know how to completely avoid plagiarism when rewriting someone's work. I like it but because of the high cost, I would rather do the rewriting myself.

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I am glad you are not going for it the reason being that it is costly. But have you for a moment thought what it would do to your writing capability if you depended on it? We are writers and we need to use our own ability to put our ideas into words and not depend on rewriting thoughts that were created by others by using this software.

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Thank you for this advice. You are right and it is something I never thought about before. I believe that is one of the cons of using the software. Most people who use it only focus on the benefits like finishing articles faster. Another con is people won't be proud of their work because a software is doing all of the writing for them.

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I hope other users who are planning on getting that software realise what a bad decision it will be. Writing is an art and how can one's art be killed? It surely will if they search for a suitable article written by someone else and then spin it giving their name as the author.

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I wouldn't trust article spinners, especially automated ones, because at the end of the day it would still require your time to double check the articles anyway and at that point you might as well should probably have just either written the article yourself or used the money to pay a human that would guarantee a well written piece. Granted, I've never tried this software before so for all I know it could work as advertised, but just generally speaking I personally wouldn't trust it especially when they ask for that much money. At most I'd probably just give it a try once maybe.

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It will certainly not be your style of writing. We writers have our own style that reflects our personality. I would urge one and all not to go for such short cut methods just for the sake of a few cents and throw the writing art into the gutters.

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That's quite an expensive monthly bill if you ask me. I've come across some of the free article spinners online and I tried it on my short articles. And I had a good laugh reading them. If the goal of content rewrites is to create another stand alone content that contains the same thought as your original work and it should look like it's not a copy of the original, then i don't suggest using these. In my opinion, a program that does this will never produce a good content no matter how good they claim their program is. It might end up you revising the content more than creating a new one yourself too.

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I am trying to dissuade everyone from relying on this software as it will only destroy the originality in a writer. What good is a writer if they realise they can no longer spin out their own thoughts into content that they can call their own.

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That's true even if your goal is the quantity of 'new' articles spun from the old ones. I believe a good rewrite of an article contains the main idea but transverses into another sub topic and building up from there. A rewrite from an original article made from software will never achieve this in my opinion.

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I don't do bulk writing. And I don't see much value in rewriting type of the projects. And considering the low earning from the article spinning type of the projects. I don't see much value of the article spinning program. And we have to check out what may or may not work out. So on that note it'd be reasonable to see how the spinning tools work around.

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The basic idea behind asking this question was to see whether anyone have experience with the spinning tool that delievers 100 percent unique result. When you spin article that you did not write and use it as your own, what you are actually doing is stealing other's work, rebranding it and then selling on the market. This is illegal. However, what if you want to rework on your own products that are long ago lost. I mean rewriting your old articles. Manual rewriting is good, however, it is a lot of work.

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I don't see myself spending money for an article spinning program. I don't even trust it to produce a grammatically accurate article. If ever I need one to handle tons of articles, I'll probably go for free versions and check the results for improperly used words and awkward sentences. It's suicide to trust spinning software to do the rewriting for you and not check the result. I used to do PTC for a well known site that pays for views on web pages and I know how badly spun articles look.

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Well stated,the spun articles are always awkward with inappropriate words and wrong expression.An article is not just about putting it out there it mostly for a better understanding of the reader and also being valuable.Traffic can only be consistent on a site or blog if the articles on the site or blog are valuable, useful and meaningful to users.Unless one is just writing for search engine optimization that is the blackhat marketing any thing more than that is a big failure.

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Let me quote that. "It's suicide to trust spinning software". This is true. It's like each word was just replaced by synonyms and over all looked and meant nothing anymore. I guess there's a reason why there are still paid writers to this day because bots/software at this moment cannot replace what humans can do in terms of writing a good article or editing one.

I have to ask you though, how do you determine a spun article?

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It seems scary to use the spinning program to produce a rehashed article. Maybe the most I would do is to get the gist of the article and write a new one that has the same thought and idea but a definitely different write up. Pardon me for saying this but I still prefer the manual way of producing articles although I have a prediction that sooner or later the spinning method will be the standard for site owners.

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I have never tried a premium spinning tool, however, based on my experience with free spinner, I can say that spinning article does not produce readable content. It is always better to write yourself or hire someone to write for you. If you do not have time or skills to write a better idea is to hire a writer. It is worth investing in content writer.

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Spun articles can't be unique and actually readable in any way.The would-be definitely hinderance to free flow of reading because the tool wouldn't really coordinate words and sentences together.I believe human writing and content creation can't be easily replaced with a bot or software tools.I think such money that would spend monthly on that tools can be paid a content writer to give a great SE optimised article instead of wasting it on a software that might not give one a readable and SEO articles

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This is my brutally honest opinion. To my mind, article spin software is plagiarism computerized. For that reason, I steer away from it. As I said it's an “opinion”.

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