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We all know that a business needs sales in order to keeps its doors open, digital or physical doors, and there are plenty of ways to bring these sales to you. Many of the standard lead generation methods work well, but there are a bunch of other methods that people don't usually tap into, and those are the ones we're going to be covering in this discussion!
When you start a business, or a website, you always think of how you're going to generate a lot of cash by bringing people into your business and opening up their wallets. It's an easy thing to think of, but it's incredibly difficult to execute since it's not actually that easy. You need to be dedicated to your business in order to grow it, and it will usually grow slow without funding, so you'll need to do everything right when you're attempting it for the first time so you're not taking any steps backward.
Thinking outside of the box has always been a good thing, it's how we advance as people on this earth and it's also how businesses generate a massive amount of leads in a short amount of time Below I'll be covering my top 10 favorite lead generation methods that not many people think of.
Using Q&A Sites
Using websites like Quora and Yahoo! Answers has always been a great way to generate traffic to your website. You basically register and account and then add top notch responses to any questions that are related to your website. If you're answering questions that are related to your website, you know you're talking to one person that is already interested in what you have. Another great reason this works so well to generate leads is because the people who search for the question, and see your answer, are also looking for something you have to offer.
When you answer someones question, you're solving their problem, and they will be so grateful that they might come to your website and purchase something. Of course, you'll need to have your website listed somewhere on your profile or even within the post (if you can) and that's how you'll get the traffic
Using Quizzes
Interactive content is on the rise and a lot of popular "news" website contribute their fame and fortune to all the social media traffic they're getting through the quizzes that go viral. I'm sure you've been on facebook and saw that someone was 98% elf or is most likely to die by eating pizza, right? Well, those are the quizzes I'm talking about, people see their friends sharing what their spirit animals are and they want to see what their own is. They go to the website, fill out the answers within the quiz, and see what their results are then share it on facebook and the entire cycle continues again. When people are filling out these quizzes, they will sometimes click on strategically placed ads that redirect them to the advertiser, and the website makes some money because of it Now, this isn't the lead how you will
Digital Signatures
Whenever you're combing through your emails you usually come across a bunch of them that are using signatures in order to show you their business. In reality, the links are there because they're trying to increase their click throughs and sign ups, which works very well.
Another way you can use signatures is when you're on any forums or blogs that allow you to use them. You can put a little snippet of information about yourself, along with a link to your website, and get traffic that way. Using signatures has been a well known way to generate leads, but not many people actually think about them when they're adding them to emails, blogs, or forum posts.
Retargeting with Ads
Whenever you're running an ad on Adwords or Facebook you have the option to set up retargeting. This is basically how you get website visitors to come back to your website and make a purchase. Retargeting isn't that new, but not as many companies are doing as you would think, since it's a great way to increase leads.
Think about it, when you're running an ad and someone clicks on your link to get to your website, you never know if they're going to make a purchase. The beauty of retargeting is that you can target just those people who clicked through to your website, or anyone that was already there, and get an ad on Facebook showing up for them. This creates a trigger and they think "Hey, I was thinking about this website and now it's showing up on my news feed! Let's go buy something!" Sometimes this can backfire, because paranoid people will think you've been spying on them somehow, even though you're just using a pixel to show them an ad when they go back on social media lol
Giving away free trials
Everyone wants a free hand out, so give it to them! There are plenty of times that people will get to a website and think "I want to test out this service, but I don't want to pay for the first month because I'm not sure if I'll like it". In order to get those people off the fence, and into your pool of clients, you can offer them a free trial in order to get the ball rolling. They will use your service, realize they love it, then continue on with a paid subscription
Public Speaking
Many people think that public speaking is a terrifying thing, me included, and I with we could get over it because public speaking events is one of the best way to create a massive amount of leads. You basically get up in front of a large crowd who is wanting what you have, then talking in a way that you're copy writing out loud lol. You'll be pitching and helping out anyone that is in the crowd, who will then turn into a client
Live Chat Systems
A ton of websites are now integrating live chat features, myself included, because it decreases the time it takes to get a response for the questions you need to ask. Think about it, if you have 10 people trying to get in touch with you but they hate emailing, they will use your live chat system. If they use that, they're already interested in what you have and need some questions answered. If you can answer all the questions, you just created another sale in real time
Incentivized downloads
When you're going through your blog and not adding anything for your readers to sign up to, you're doing it all wrong. You need to add in something at the end of every blog post, maybe even a newsletter sign up form, in order to get people to sign up with your services somehow. If you have something that will add value to what they just read, like coaching or consulting, be sure to add that in and watch the phone calls increase
Do some interviews
When you're trying to build some leads, you can interview the leading experts within your industry to show others that you have your finger on the pulse and these people are willing to talk to you. Just getting these peoples names on your website is a great step forward to building your own authority, and people will trust you more. The industry leaders you interview might even share the blog post you make about it, and that will generate you some additional leads
Doing some cold calling
Now, this isn't my favorite method, but genuine cold calling is rare and actually increases your sales a decent amount if you do it right. If you're paying a call center to do all your cold calling, you likely won't get a lot of leads. If you do it yourself, and call everyone from a local number, you can increase your local leads exponentially in a short amount of time. You'll need to get past the gate keepers who are secretaries or front desk people, but you can use LinkedIn to get direct numbers
In conclusion
There are plenty of ways to generate leads, and the above 10 aren't utilized as much as you would think, so try them out and see what your own results are. You might think that email signatures or cold calling won't generate any leads, but you either did it wrong the first time or haven't even tried it lol Get out there and experiment with lead generation methods to boost your sales and leads
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