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The internet is a vast openness of information for anyone to read and learn, but another thing it is great for is to build your own personal brand. You can reach a much bigger audience than if you were to just go to an event and be a public speaker. You can get known within a specific industry with much less effort than a regular job where you have to invest years of your life, and even then you might not be known. You can even position yourself as the main authority within your niche, and people will follow your every word. All of this because you are building your personal brand online.
Jump starting your personal brand by going online is a great thing to do. There have been plenty of companies who have done this successfully, and you can do the same. The beauty of the internet is that you are on a level playing field with the big million dollar corporations, you just have to put in the time and spread word of why you're the best in the industry. If you can get in front of enough eyes, you can start the ball rolling on your authority, which is what you'll be trying to do
In this discussion I've gone over a few ways you can help jump start your personal branding in order to be more successful online. You could be selling a product, teaching a course, building a list, or anything else that requires people to come see you. No matter what you're trying to do, building a personal brand around it will always be a great step forward towards success.
Targeting Facebook Groups
Facebook has billions of members, yes that's with a B, and building your personal brand is easier there than anywhere else. You can build up your following on the biggest social media platform and get people to transfer over to your newsletter, over time, with ease. Now, you can't just do anything on Facebook to build up your brand, you need to target Facebook groups. If you can get niche specific with Facebook groups, you can build your personal brand much quicker than if you were just targeting general brands.
What you can do is make your own group and then invite anyone you know, friends or random people, to come and like the group. You can do this on Facebook as well as put the new groups URL in your newsletter and even on your website so people can find it. If you make it a private group, which I recommend in the beginning, you will remove nearly 100% of the spam that would be coming in if you hadn't had the group private.
Fan pages are great and all, but they're pretty outdated in terms of Facebook marketing, and now your time is better spent within Facebook groups. Once you have a decent amount of people within the group, you will be able to have private discussions, broadcast yourself to the group, and even answer any questions that come through the group. Later on, you can open up the group since you now know who the devoted following is, and build even more.
Publish Education Videos
Everyone is looking through "How To" videos because they're trying to learn how to do something. If you publish something along those lines, you will likely build up your personal brand fairly quick. The great thing about these videos is that you can publish them to various video hosting platforms and siphon traffic from each one. YouTube is of course the traffic king, but you also have platforms like DailyMotion and Vimeo that are getting a massive amount of traffic that not as many people are tapping into. There are also dozens of smaller platforms that you can add your videos to, get traffic and SEO benefits, and watch your personal brand rise as the main authority within your niche over time
Creating and publishing your own content is a great way to build a side income that can help you build up other aspects of your personal branding. You can use the profits for more websites, content writers, infleuncer marketing, etc.
Hosting Webinars
Webinars aren't a new thing when it comes to marketing and building your own personal brand. Just like mentioned above, publishing content is a great thing because people love to watch over read.
You can pre-record your webinars as long as you aren't saying you're live and going to answer questions in real time. Pre-recorded webinars are still popular, even though people won't be able to talk to you, because they will still be learning something. As long as you have some sort of call to action within the description or in the comments area of your webinar, you will notice people clicking through to your website.
There are plenty of software out there that will allow you to run webinars, free and paid, so what you'll mainly need to worry about is having a good camera and microphone to record every second you want to publish. Low quality videos don't get as much attention, and social media shares, as high quality videos do. It doesn't matter what you're covering, if the video is low quality, people will leave almost as soon as the video starts playing.
If you can add some sort of personal touch to your webinars, you will notice people coming back time and time again to see what you're talking about. I've noticed that people will come to watch if you do some sort of giveaway to randomly selected people, who have to be viewing of course, as long as you actually give something away and you're not all talk lol.
Posting to Quora
I'm sure you remember Yahoo! Answers, right? Well Quora is a massively funded Q&A platform similar to Yahoo! Answers that is gaining a lot of group, and is probably the market share for the question and answer platforms. You can post questions, answer questions, up vote answers, visit profiles, and basically anything else you can think a Q&A platform would allow.
Building up your personal brand through Quora is pretty simple. All you have to do is answer a massive amount of questions and the people will start to notice you. Add some employment to your profile, and it will show up on every question you answer. I'm sure you're already catching on to what this little trick is in order to build your personal brand, right? If you add a job to your profile, along with a website, it will show up on every question you answer.
I just did a quick test and answered the first question that came across my profile. Within 1 hour it had already gotten 150 views, which means my link could have been seen by 150 different people. Imaging if you could answer just 10 questions an hour, that's 1,150 views on your domain name that could turn into clients. It's also great because it's visual branding that can't be blocked by ad blockers lol.
Your personal brand can skyrocket simply by answering a bunch of questions on Quora, so I advise you try it out
In Conclusion:
Building up your personal brand isn't a quick thing to achieve. It takes plenty of man hours to post great content around the internet, publish great videos that teach people something, and even helping out a lot of people on platforms like Quora. Over a few months, and putting in a lot of hours, you can notice your personal brand rising within your niche
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Funny this is, whenever I try to join facebook groups sometimes i am accepted, post some things and then i am removed from the group. Now, be aware that i am not spamming or anything but most of the time when i post things it is not like i am trying to sell something (usually i try to join "make money online" groups) and then find myself banned from group. It is funny how some groups allow people to post well known scams but if I post something that is not a scam, then I am blocked from the group. This gets on my nerves so much so that I decided to stay away from facebook groups.
Another thing that I come to understand, if people are on these "make money online" groups, they do not want to spend any money to make money online. So if you are selling a product or service to help people make money on the internet then stay away from such groups - they will expect you to give it to them for free.. [b] Targeting Facebook Groups [/b] Funny this is, whenever I try to join facebook groups sometimes i am accepted, post some things and then i am removed from the group. Now, be aware that i am not spamming or anything but most of the time when i post things it is not like i am trying to sell something (usually i try to join "make money online" groups) and then find myself banned from group. It is funny how some groups allow people to post well known scams but if I post something that is not a scam, then I am blocked from the group. This gets on my nerves so much so that I decided to stay away from facebook groups. Another thing that I come to understand, if people are on these "make money online" groups, they do not want to spend any money to make money online. So if you are selling a product or service to help people make money on the internet then stay away from such groups - they will expect you to give it to them for free..
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