
Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

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Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

We all know that offering discounted services or products is a great way to get people to sign up with you. What if I told you that you didn't have to discount anything and you could make just as many sales? You can do this pretty easily through offering people free advice along their journey. You'd basically be a consultant within you industry that helps people out for free in return for absolutely nothing. You won't pitch them anything, you won't show them any services on your website, you won't show them any products you sell, and basically you won't show them much besides the answers they need help with. Sure, you will always have your domain within all of your emails and support system, which is how the people you're helping will see what you do and eventually ask to pay for your services Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

You may get some people asking you a bunch of questions and then expect you to do some work for them, for free, but you have to avoid this at all costs because they will just ask for free hand outs all the time if you do. This is also a bad thing when offering discounts, if you give them a discount in the beginning, they will always expect it and not want to pay your regular price. If it really comes down to it, you can do a free month of work for them, but that will only be a good thing if you get them to sign a 1 year contract with you and you're giving them the first month for free, at regular price of course Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

People love free stuff, even if it's just you answering questions that they couldn't figure out themselves. You're providing value, and they will see you as an authority, so they will want to continue working with you rather than search for a different company to help them out.

Below are 4 reasons you will build your sales by giving out free advice to anyone who needs it.

People always need a question answered
There are entire websites, big websites, that dedicate their entire entire platform to Q&A. Think about it, how many times have you landed on Quora because you search up a question that you needed answered? If you're like me, you probably see it pop up in the search results fairly often lol.

If you dedicate your entire website to something like or just you will see a decent amount of people coming to you when they need something answered. Think about if you can have the questions answered in real time Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales You will be able to build a massive brand and take over any industry you can think of lol.

You're probably saying something like "I already have a website up and running, why can't I just do the free consulting there?" and that's because you'd probably be better off giving free advice through a website that is devoted to it so people will see you as an authority who is doing this for free, even though you'll have your links at the end of the answers you provide haha.

You will build trust
Trust is a big thing when it comes to closing a sale and keeping them signed up for a few months or even a few years. If you don't have trust between you and your new client, you won't see them signing up for your bigger services and sticking around for a while.

Google loves trusted websites and always ranks them higher within the SERPs, and that's basically how your visitors will see you. If you're a trusted source of information, people will constantly come back to ask questions because they know you're not going to steer them wrong. They will also share your website and your actual name to people they know and they will say something like "This guy (name here) helped me out a lot with my problems, he's a free consultant and you can find him here (URL)". This is one of the best ways you'll boost your sales exponentially Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

You will build up your content
Even if you're talking with people in real time, you can then archive everything and have it as it's own page on your website. It will basically be user generated content, and a Q&A at the same time Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales Google and the other search engines love question and answer sites as well as fresh content, and that's what you'll be providing them Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

Imagine if you talked with 10 people a day for a minimum of 10 minutes every time. That's 100 minutes of content that can go on your website and you didn't even have to write it all up yourself! Basically you'll be getting user generated content on a free consulting website where you will likely get a decent amount of sales because people will see your links Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

People will come to you since you've been helping them
This is where the money comes in. You've been helping people out for a day, week, month, or even a year without asking them to pay you a penny, and now they're ready to invest in something you offer Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales You could be selling a service or a product, it doesn't really matter, they will come to you first since you helped them with any problem they had Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

The best part of this is that you will have built up a relationship with these people, and that's one of the biggest things master marketers tell you to focus on in order to get big ticket contracts. Sure, you'll have to invest some time into writing up responses, but that's not a huge waste of time if they're going to likely work with you in the future Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

In Conclusion
Free information is what powers the internet and if you're offering a free consultation service, you'll have a decent amount of people coming to you when they can't figure something out. You won't want to do the work for them, for free, because they will always come to you when they need something done and expect to never pay. Sure, you can do some free work, but you should only be doing it if the person is singing a 1 year contract with you and you're just giving them the first month free Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales In the end, free consulting helps people build million dollar companies, and you should always try to help people out because you never know how big their own companies can get Why offering free advice is an amazing way to increase your sales

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Great information about sales, I appreciate the good works that you are doing as well.
Thank you

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Offering free advice and even doing small job for free is actually great thing to gain peoples trust in your work and it really pays off latter when they need serious job done, they would probably first look to hire you, before anyone else.
I am saying it from my own experience. I actually didn't offer free advice and help with intention to gain trust and potential customer, but i noticed it really work, and it's nice reward when you get hired by people you were helping

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I know of some freelancers who are very helpful with it comes to assistance needed by other freelancers. Perhaps that is due to their generosity but secondarily it can help them advertise their skills that can be needed for the job. If a freelancer would help me with my SEO work to my site then I would probably recommend him to potential clients who are in need of SEO work on their site.

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Yes, everyone likes to get something for nothing, and if they think you are a source to help them with something then they will tend to go back to you. It is just one of the things that you might be able to capitialize along the way. They will look to you for help.

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One thing about giving out free information that are needed by a particular set of audience is that it is going to make them trust you not to lead them astray and that is one way that a new business person can gain the market shares. You really have to be courageous not to be swayed by negative replies as not many will appreciate the good works that you are doing as well.

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Definitely, people love when you provide them with information that they don't know, and even better when it's offered for free. It's a great way to showcase your knowledge and promote interaction with your target market, so that people know that you don't only know what you're talking about, but is also reliable and knows how to care for your customers.

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I think this works really good on quora. And a lot of people make decent money in due process. I have learned that some of the time giving advice also brings new client to the service. And then you can sell to them on recurring basis. I can tell you that it'd be not that hard. I just have to work around with some of the lead and pitch system so that client retains. So I think free advice on some free platform definitely helps.

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People love the word FREE. If they hear "free" they will rush to grab it whether they actually need it not. The word FREE creates an amazing reactions in the mind of consumers. marketers have to cash on this consumer psychology. Blogging is a way to provide free information on something. if you continue to blog and reach consumer base, you are likely to increase sales. You might be a professional writer, however, if you write for free on forums, question answer sites, even blogs and websites, you will earn more than what you could have earned from a single post.

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Well offering advice for free is a good way of getting sales more so in online selling because anything that is free attracts traffic and this is a good come on to any site.

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I think the best thing about free advice is that it definitely benefits you in a lot of ways. And the biggest benefit is of course that the people that you help may return and purchase your services one day. Free advice is almost like a free sample that you sometimes get in a supermarket. If you like it, you end up purchasing that product because you want more and you know that it was good because you have already tried it.

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Because offering a free service means a lot of traffic, naturally everyone wants free stuff and by giving information, advice, answers freely then you might get something from it like traffic and following that you can convert easily.

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Whether free advice or free service, it is like establishing goodwill with people particularly to those potential clients. I had the experience of having an offline business when there was no internet yet. We provided free consultation for computer viruses and sometimes we even provide assistance that was free of charge. And although we were not selling service, we got more clients because of recommendations.

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It is actually a way for people to trust you. We, starters really felt doubtful whenever someone is offering a help or tutorials and asking for a fee. On my part, my first impression is maybe it is not legit.
I find a lot of successful bloggers and business owners online. Because of yes, based on some comments above, they gain more recommendations because people trust them with whatever tutorials and advice they are offering, knowing they are offering it for free. Another thing is that most scammers are offering it to you directly.
Being wise, you will go to the ones that are most trusted and successful. They are the ones who will not offer their help directly anymore, people will actually follow them and buy their sales because they trust them.

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Everyone is looking for information on the internet. If someone wants to learn something then there's a high likelihood that there are plenty more like him/her who seek the same or similar information.

The free advice you offer will get you traffic and positive recommendations from those who are satisfied with what the answers they find on your site. In addition to all this, you could repackage what you offer free (to your visitors) on your website as an ebook and either sell it or offer it as a freebie to further market your website.

If for example you are building an email list, you could use this ebook to get email addresses of those who'd like to get the ebook free.

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That's very true, people would always love to get their problems solved without paying a single penny to do it. Free and good advice will always be valued by everyone. a person who is offering free and genuine advice will surely become popular in a short span of time. people also tend to tell everyone they know about the free service you have provided. When people start trusting you then they will not even mind if they have to eventually pay for whatever advice you are providing them

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