
5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

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5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

When blogging started, it was mostly just people sharing what they did on a day to day basis and treated their blog as a sort of diary.  Others treated their blogs as places they could share information about their jobs and industry, which is what blogging primarily is today.  Blogging has turned into a big business compared to what it started out as, a journal for the everyday person, and I personally think it was a good change.

Blogging is more of a profession now and people get paid really well to do it for corporations or even themselves.  There are actually bloggers out there who are making millions each year because they just type up content for their followers, crazy right?  Most of the successful startups also have an extremely active blog, which isn't a coincidence, because blogging brings in plenty of potential clients who are eager to see what you have written about your industry or products.

This discussion will cover 5 things any business owner can learn from an experience blogger, so lets get to it 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

Understand your long term and short term success
When you begin to blog, you may have the goal of making millions of dollars each year through your content, but that simply won't happen right away without building a list.  This means, if you guessed it, you'll have to focus on list building from the beginning in order to have more success down the road. 

Every successful blogger will tell you that you need to be building a list and using it to keep people coming back to see what your blog has to offer.  No one will read every single post on your blog in one sitting, so be sure to show them new content when you eventually do send out some newsletters, so they can come in and read your posts 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

Your short term goals should be list building and your long term should be profits.  You need your lists first and money will follow eventually.  There haven't been many successful bloggers who haven't had lists to email out new and exciting information to, so get started on your lists now and stop waiting.

Your personality is your brand
A massive amount of bloggers actually get this wrong, they try to be 100% professional and never show their own personality.  They write in a way that makes them look robotic, which is something you should always avoid. 

Your blog should be an extension of yourself as well as your company, so make it look and feel like you are the one talking to your readers.  People want to feel like they can relate to the writer, and if you are writing in a way that makes if seem like you're talking to them, they will come back time and time again and even sign up to your newsletter.

Big brands are starting to do this and adding some fun into their posts, which is getting noticed by their following, and it's increasing their social media engagement through shares and comments.  So duplicate this and start putting your own personality into your posts 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

Respond to engagement every single time
No matter if the person commenting on your new blog post is pissed of or extremely happy, you need to respond to them every single time.  Think about it, if you have an angry person commenting on your blog posts, and you're not responding to them, you will essentially have a cancer that could spread across your blog.  What you'll need to do is publicly comment on the angry persons post, and try to solve the issue without angering them even more.  You'll need to understand that not everyone can be reasoned with, but you'll still need to be nice and professional with these people regardless of what they are saying.  If they get too vulgar, you can always ban their IP and be done with them all together, but that should be your last line of defense.

When you have a happy person commenting on your new blog post, you will also have to comment back.  They are happy with your content and want to see you respond to their comments, so be sure to reach out and publicly thank them for their contribution 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

When ready, sell yourself but be authentic along the way
If you've done all of the above work already, you're well on your way to success being a blogger (hopefully).  Now you'll need to sell yourself and be authentic about it along the way.  This means you need to be authentic when trying to sell a service or product so people trust you.  You're not trying to scam them, you're not trying to harass them, you're not even trying to get them to pay you for anything, but you are still trying to sell at the same time.  People don't want to feel like they're being forced to sign up to something, so don't force yourself on them.

Think of it this way, if you used a product and were referring it to a friend or family member, how would you recommend it?  You would talk about all the things you loved about it and not many of the things you hated, because you're recommending this product and not reviewing it. 

Many bigger blogs have mastered this part of selling, and it works extremely well when your following trusts you and also sees you as a real person.  They will see your comments as more of a recommendation and not a review, which is much better for you since people get recommendations from close friends and family 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

This could also be a great way to select business partners.  You will sell yourself to potential partners and they will see you instead of the business they are wanting to partner with.  Remember this, most investors will invest in the person more than they will the business idea or method because it's the person who is pulling the strings.  If you aren't authentic, people will see right through you, and they will walk away.

Increase your success through partnerships
Bloggers are always willing to help out other bloggers, just as long as they aren't competing with each other in the same niche and industry.  Of course, there are always exceptions to this because some blogs won't be selling anything at all and will help out others whenever they can, which is amazing if you think about it 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger  

You can also work with infleuncers to build up your own success, but that costs a few buck for reach post, and depending no your niche it could get fairly expensive.  Companies that are doing this best have a network of blogs and websites they work together with.  All of these websites and blogs may work with each other, spurring success across the board, making everyone happy at the end of the day 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

In Conclusion
Experienced bloggers have been honing their craft for many years, and if you don't take not on what they're doing, you're just going to fall behind your competitors.  Over the years marketing has changed and it's more focused on building relationships with others than going it on your own.  So get out there, post some great content, market it, and help others out as they help you as well along the way.  Be yourself and people will gravitate towards you eventually 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

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I like your point here about helping one another out and establishing partnerships--I have often wondered about this in the online world, because freelancers essentially ARE one another's competition, but if we are not necessarily working in the same niche, then we are more likely to help each other with general improvements and suggestions to help out each other's businesses. I can state for a fact that I have learned so much from these forums and from fellow bloggers since I have been freelancing, and people really do seem to be willing to assist you in your endeavors. This, in turn, makes me want to assist others as well in my own process.

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Responding to engagement all the time means you care for your readers. Any feedback you get should be treated as a treasure. As much as possible, respond to it at once with a positive comment. That should be the policy of a good blogger because a comment means the reader cares. For negative comments, try your best to respond with a positive remark and probably show a little appreciation for the effort despite that negative comment.

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I find the tips on responding to engagement very useful but caution must be taken not to over do or starting to get too familiar with your content visitors and posters. Responding to engagement would be a sign to those posters that you value their input and such would make them come back to post more on your blog which is a win-win for you.

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My famous blogging platform is Blog spot. I have been engaged with this blogging platform from the starting or from the beginning point. As far as I know when the blog had been started by google- there had 65 programming language combination. I have been trying to get success on this blogging platform but is not finding huge time to start. Finally has been thinking again to start. This article will help us enough to create quality content. But from my experience I can say SEO keyword based article will give more and more traffic.


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Yes, I think this is similar to the other discussions of reading all your content and feedback and engaging with your users and readers. I mean who better to connect with than the people who are going to buy your product? i think it would be short sighted not to listen to what they have to say.

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You should have a short term as well as long term goals. If you have a big goal, you should break into smaller goals. For instance, your short term goal might be publishing at least one post every week and your long-term goal could be something like generating 100 K views in a month. If your goal is to earn a living from your blog, you should break down it into something like earning $100 in the first month and $200 in the second month. You should always check the successful bloggers in order to become successful yourself.

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I think you have a lot of really good idea's but the sad simple fact is that probably 98%+ of the bloggers out there don't make a dime from blogging. There are a million bloggers out there now and there are thousands of established blogs out there that already have a huge following. The odd's of someone starting a new useful blog is slim to none and the same goes for getting paid for guest blogging. Unless you have some over the top blogging skills your not going to get paid and if you do get paid it's going to be for peanuts.

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Learning is a never ending process. The moment you stop learning, your growth will also stop. One of the easiest ways to learn is by understanding how the successful people are doing it. When I decided to start an affiliate website, I took a cue from the market leaders. However, understand something is not enough to become successful. You must also consider whether you have skills to do it. What works for some people may not work for you.

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When I started my blog I thought all I will do is to make that daily post and soon enough I will get that recognition, you know things that aren't followed with due processes don't turn out well, it just starts crumbling and turning sore and it don't get to be fun no more.

Blogging is about process you should follow not the usual in a hurry thing, If you also define that basis of your blog you won't run short of ideas and get frustrated.

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I totally relate. It does get hard as time passes by.

It's about writing and what your passion is about. The blog shows who you are as a person so it should accurately reflect your thoughts and ideas. It has to be real and grounded on truth and honesty.

It helps for bloggers to take their time to make new content. You can't rush success. It will come once you devote enough time, thought, and experience.

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"When you begin to blog, you may have the goal of making millions of dollars each year through your content, but that simply won't happen right away without building a list."

Oh don't worry, I'm currently in the position where I'll be happy if I manage to make $50-$100 a month from blogging, haha. But, once I do get the blog up and running I'll definitely be referring back to your posts for advice. All very good recommendations.

I like that you encourage adding a bit of personal flair into your content. I personally prefer reading content from people who joke around and add their own unique "spice" to the writing, as opposed to just robotically churning out content.

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nice amn i really like blogging accounts 5 things any business owner can learn from an experienced blogger

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My favorite is WordPress and I know many people use this as there alter so to speak. But other platforms are good but in my views WordPress is a lot easier and more ways to help your blog with themes and plugins.

i love blogging, I use it daily for business needs and Hobby's. I been using WordPress over 2 years now and love it.

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Nice words on the things that business owners should learn from the way bloggers setup their business mind. One of them is the need for partnership which is quite essential as long as I am concerned. The understanding that we can't do it alone without the help of others is very important for we need the potentials of others to survive in the business. This is one important thing I've learnt through my life as a business person.

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I agree with the adage that 2 heads are better than one and also the saying that no man is an island. However, it is not easy to have a partner when you are doing business. First is the compatibility that is the usual issue among business partners. One partner wants to venture into a daring move but the other partner wants to play it safe and easy. Which do you think should be followed?

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