
How to become a leading authority within your industry

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How to become a leading authority within your industry

We all want to be the leading authority within our industries, but saying that is easier than actually doing it at times. Not all niches are created equal, some are extremely easy to rise to the ranks of "authority figure" while others take years before you're even on the radar of people who want to hear what you have to say. You might never become an authority within your industry, but that's not a problem at all! It really depends on what others are saying about you which makes you an authority or not. You can publish massive amounts of quality content and engage with all your readers, but that alone isn't enough to make you an authority within your industry and niche.

Below I've gone over 5 main points on how you can become a leading authority within your niche, and they are:

Get interviewed by the media
When you start getting interviewed by the media, you're getting on the radar of plenty of people who didn't know who you were. After you are interviewed, you can usually find something on that medias website that will link to your interview, and then you can add that to your own website as a sort of medal that says "I've been given authority by this media company!".

Media companies want to hire the people, and companies, that are cutting edge. If you're one of these companies, you'll need to get on their radar before they ever think of interviewing you and picking your brain for a few minutes. It's a lot of work to get contacted by a media company, but the payoff is tremendous How to become a leading authority within your industry

Be controversial on specific topics
If you're being controversial, you're making waves within your industry and people will watch. Have you ever seen someone post the popcorn gif in a comments section? They are coming back to watch the firestorm between 2 heavyweights, which are you and the person or company you're starting a controversy with.

Now, you can't just start any sort of controversy. You have to know what you're doing and your facts actually have to be right. You can't just accuse someone of something with no evidence to back it up, because that will blow up in your face pretty quickly. If you call someone out and you don't have enough evidence to back up your claims, it will look bad on you and your readers will lose trust.

Help out others for free
This is one way to boost your authority quickly. If you're helping out others, for free, they will definitely trust you and praise your every word an action. Basically what you'll be doing is providing free information and little tasks that you can do quickly, in order to help people out. You can answer a bunch of questions or, if you were me, you could help someone install their WordPress theme.

It all depends on what you're doing online, it's up to you to determine what you want to do for free. If you're already an authority in your industry, you probably don't have to offer any sort of free services, but you'll still want to answer any questions and help out with free information as much as possible.

Don't screw up
If you want to be the authority within your niche and industry, you can't screw anything up. You have to be seen as the all knowing source of information that never messes anything up. People need to be able to follow you, and your examples, with complete trust.

If you screw up regularly, you most likely won't be the authority within your industry. If you do become the authority within your niche, and you start screwing up, you'll notice people starting to not trust you and moving over to your competitors.

In Conclusion
Becoming the authority within your niche isn't an easy thing to do, but it's definitely possible. It takes a bit of time and effort before you start to see people praising you for your work and help. You need to give away free information and help where you can, without wasting all of your time online, because you have to run a business and make money lol. Stick with it, become the authority, and don't screw up along the way How to become a leading authority within your industry

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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To become an authority or an influencer can take years and it all depends on your skills or expertise in a niche. But if you're not really an expert and you want to speedily build up authority, the best way to do that is to share facts, basic facts and or news that are relevant to the niche which one can easily get by googling it.

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Being an island isn't going to be helpful for you and your business no matter how hard you try to work alone. You need get involved with authority which are personel in the field that can offer you business advice to help build your business. We always need help and some trustworthy people who can help us get the best out of our business.

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Being an expert at something doesn't always mean you can be an influencer. Also, just being dedicated to something like makeup reviews or clothing can make you an influencer, but yes it does take time. The more of a following you have, the bigger you are as an influencer, so just get to work and boost your follower numbers if you really want to make money as an authority influencer lol How to become a leading authority within your industry

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Exactly! The more you work along the way, the more you get better on the job and it's how you get more followers and practically turn into an influencer. It's more about getting better at what you do and see yourself and your business grow simultaneously. There is nothing going to stand in your way of success as long as you keep doing well and improving your business on daily basis.

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Yes I agree. Becoming an authority on your chosen industry is a long way to go. You need to build your reputation well. You also need to make some noise, I mean you gotta have/do something extraordinary to be easily known by people but also be careful on doing so.

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That's a good advice. People will tend to subscribe, follow, or stay with us if we can continue to provide useful information that cannot be easily seen online. That way, people will be enticed.

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I agree that you can become an authority not in a short time because you have to establish your expertise. Maybe 1 year is even not enough unless you are very prolific and you are almost everywhere in forums and blogs. But being an influencer takes a short time only. If you don’t become an influencer in 6 months then you probably cannot be an influencer anymore because it is always a splash-in-the-pan for popularity.

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Media will definitely give you the publicity that you desire for your business and it's very important for the growth of your business. Find a way to organize press conference if you can and bring to light what you want your business to be seen in the public. Well on about screwing up, it can't be prevented but just try your best not to mess up.

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I agree with you that the media has grew enough weight when we talk of how they bring companies into the limelight. Just by ensuring you say the right things in the interview is one of the ways that you can start to be noticed by others in the particular industry.

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Exactly! When you seek popularity or fame or publicity, take to the media. Look at what is going on today with the social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. If you can't afford using the news media, turn to social media sites because they are equally capable of getting you the popularity in business that you are looking for.

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That's true as you can always get the attention of people as long as you are saying the things that will take up their interest. I have seen a whole lot of people that became popular as a result of getting necessary attention via social media.

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Being an authority in a particular niche is never something that comes that easily as we have seen overtime that there is that reason for us to continue to do things that will make us popular. One of them is getting to understand the need to help others for free as that show of kindness will definitely pay off in the long run which is amazing.

Also, granting interviews to the media is another awesome way that we can get things working, but the challenge comes when we fail to pick out the need to do such to a set of neutral journalists.

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When you offer free services like help, it always comes back to add an advantage to your business. Reasonable people never forgets who gave them help when they are in serious need and as such, you have already secured loyalty in such person who you offered free help without asking for anything.

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That's the thing as assisting people will always shos one in good light as a kind person and the truth is that the world are definitely in need of kind people which is something we can take advantage of.

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Thanks for the nice and beautiful topics about in here. I think its a matter of popularity. I follow some of the rules. I help the people free and encourage them to become a successful freelancer and outsourcing worker within this world marketplace. Its a method to earn from online by using your time and brain. Here time= Money. Here have no boss. Here have no bindings rules. Here every thing runs by own control. So become a successful freelancer is the most challenge in this world. You can make a successful career on freelancer industry or you can become an eCommerce shop owner.


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The media is a good way to shine a spotlight on yourself. The biggest advantage is that the media these days has become really shallow. You don't really need to know what you are talking about. All you need to do is know one subject really well, and talk about it like an expert. They are really easy to fool. In my Country one media house covered successful people and within one year we found out that the were fake.

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It is always wrong for media houses to go out of the ethics of the profession as they ate trying to make their sites a popular ones. One major function that they have got is to broadcast true stories and when they fail on that, the confidence that the masses have got on them is definitely going to drop.

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I find the point on helping others very essential. It is important to have networks and it also helps to build one's reputation. You will have people that you can depend on even without your knowledge since you came through for them at their hour of need.
Hence always focus on having great relationships with each and everyone. They can help you a lot when you are in a tight spot.

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I like the idea of helping others out for free but I do hope that eventually they realize that you can't always be providing free services/time!

I also think it's interesting these days who the media gravitate towards for things like interviews. I have friends who are academics who have been interviewed on TV simply because they have been tweeting about stuff! Crazy, the day and age we live in.

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Yeah obviously you cannot offer yourself forever it is important to keep yourself available that is what I meant. You ought to be someone that can be counted on and who readily avails their help.

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I agree with all the points and want to have my say on first two points.
If you are on the main stream media, you will gain a lot of popularity. I remember a site called Bubblews and the owner was called Arvind. The owner was interviewed by Bloomberg TV and he and his site became a talk of the town. However, the site scammed a lot of people later.
I think being controversial also help you if you want to get popular. Controversy creates confusion and confusion drives people on.

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I think appearing on the TV seems to be working. I have seen the bubblews TV news. And it seems to have worked out. Though it was paid discovery. You can see that industry such as this can be something harder to work around in that case. I can tell you that these days paid discovery often leads to lost type of the promotion. I have seen some of the people trying instagram for building authority and it works out.

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A similar thing has also happened in my country. Once there was a company called Unity. The owners were interviewed by the main stream media. The president, prime minister and ministers were invited to participate on their programs. The company became a talk of the town. Since popular figures talked good things about the company, it gained favor from the general people. In less than a year, the company scammed over a million people.

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What was the company about? As in it was in network marketing or something different? I think it'd be possible that network marketing and the MLM type stuff definitely make things a bit harder. So in that case I think its reasonable that they end up closing the money. Also using the high profile people when people have no funds goes to show it's that bad.

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It was an MLM company. I was avoiding MLM company for a long time, however, I could not refuse to join that company because everyone was in that company in my neighborhood. The company was also begin vouched by politicians and media. Even though no one was able to recover the funds, the owners are now behind the bars.

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MLM companies have their own set of the issues. And not all the time we can have profit out of them. Those who land into the offers early are the winners. Anyone who joins late are going to lose. That's how it works and the thing is MLM needs to be banned for sure.

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A couple of years ago, there was a scandal involving an American MLM company in my home country. After that, the government banned all the MLM companies based in other countries. This proved a fertile ground for the local MLM companies to sprout. While MLM may operate completely in legal environment and actually pay the users, MLM business is a way to make money by cheating people. I say cheating because you have to sell overpriced products and generate leads.

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Yes that is a good decision from the government. Many MLM companies try to act real and also have high cost products. But in reality you can see that those companies are nothing but a scam. Including the amway and other brands which are on the same line of work.

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I like your topic in being controversial by posting controversial or intriguing content. I think it could be really effective in boosting ones authority if done properly. Being a supporter of a certain faction of a controversial or provocative topic can catapult your authority by making waves in the niche you're in.

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They say, good or bad, still a publicity. Being a leading authority in a chosen field is not easy and it takes a long way to go however, it pays well in the long run.

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Yeah, the thing is that the efforts that we make may not be giving us the desired result at that particular moment, but that it is going to get better as time continue as well.

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I think helping others for free is such a good point. People who are in the lowest point of their lives will never forget those who helped them. This will establish trust and loyalty for the people you helped. Having networks and establishing good relationship are what a successful business has.

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Some good media exposure can make a difference in authority building. Being in print and on TV is a good way of influencing people as well as being seen by the public. This along with good content can help build your authority.

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If you gain exposure in the mainstream media, that will pull you up at once. When I started working online, I was already writing in the mainstream media in my home country. When I showed my portfolio to my clients, they immediately hired me. When you appear in the mainstream media, i.e the newspaper, television, radio, you will be trusted more.

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What about associating with celebrities. I mean if you get them to put in a good word for you it might help you out to advance your audience. Offering them something in return which is actually services can be of help and not necessarily bribing them. I am all about creating organic and concrete relationships.

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One can bank on popularity and you can start by posting a lot of relative content, this would benefit the new comments and helping them would later on help build your authority.

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When you're already interviewed by the media, you know that you've done something good in your industry, but it's not a done deal yet so don't let it get into your head. People will know more about you so you have to maintain a good image and continue doing what you're doing to get to that point and improve yourself.

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Remember, the interview can be manipulated. For instance, you can pay a media person to publish or broadcast your interview. You can sponsor a TV program and promote yourself. However, there is nothing wrong in doing this as long as you are doing ethical things.

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Yeah, this is common practice in some industries and while other businesses hate people who do this, it is a form of advertising yourself to the public and doesn't really hurt anyone in the process.

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Helping people by literally giving what they want for free like videos, visual media and information is a very effective way of gaining trust and authority for your site. Doing this consistently people would start to follow you and all you have to do is to convert this traffic into money.

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Being controversial I think is the best way to notice by others. It doesn't matter if its bad controversy or not, but as long as you got the attention of the people, the situation is still favors on your side.

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This reminds me of a has-been singer who turned to be a popular blogger. Her blogging is simple current events but the intriguing issue are the items that are considered fake news. In other words, her blogs became controversial because of the regular posting of fake news such as no more visa to the US or some other items like citizen benefits but that are not true. But I guess I wouldn’t be doing that kind of controversial posts just to be noticed.

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In order to become a successful influencer or leading authority in your industry, you must have to trust yourself first that you can do it. You should also love what you are doing so that if ever that you'll be questioned about your doings, you'll have that confidence to answer them all. Also, if ever someone approaches you for some helpful tips, help him. It could be a great step because he might also share this with his friends saying that you're such a good influencer for him making your image positive.

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I rushed into thinking this old cliche of good or bad publicity is still publicity when you mentioned about being controversial. But of course when it comes to being an authority it doesn't mean to put your reputation on the line, I think, but just to get the attention or name recall. Being excellent in any field is hard enough but being an authority is even a greater task.

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Best way to become an authority is to write a book

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If you want to leas the industry you need to prove yourself thay you are the best among the rest. Launch conferences involving your product in the industry, have commercials, face the public in mainstream media and it is not bad to give them something for free an advice ot product isn't that bad.

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Making a controversies for you to get attention from a lot of people is kind of a little odd to me, but I guess it is already a good weapon for that. But I don't really more into making yourself a controversy out of nowhere just to gain people to watch or to know you. Though I'm also guilty that I'm one of the people who is interested with controversy between two companies or people or whoever they is, but of course not all controversies are destructive. Well, controversy is inevitable afterall, no matter how try you do good and sometimes people are getting popular with it.

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