
Writing the perfect blog post isn't as easy as you think

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Writing the perfect blog post isn't as easy as you think

When we think about adding content to our websites, we know that a blog is one of the best ways to do this. What a lot of newbie marketers or website owners don't know is that the perfect blog post isn't as easy as you would think it would be to write up and publish. Sure, you could write for a little while and click "publish" but that doesn't mean the content you're putting on your website is going to be any good. You will have to do various things in order to have the best blog post possible, and this is necessary if you want the biggest effect from your posts.

Blogging will help bring in traffic to your website and that traffic will hopefully turn into a sale. The beauty of blogging is that you can target specific keywords or phrases within your posts that will hopefully rank within the search engines. Once the post is ranked, you will be sent super targeted traffic from the search engines when people look up a specific keyword or phrase. This traffic tends to convert into a sale much better than any other traffic source you may have. This is because people are already looking for what you're writing about, and they already have their wallets open before they get to your website Writing the perfect blog post isn

There are two main things that will separate your blog posts into the good or bad sections, but hopefully, you'll have more on the good side. Below are three questions you should ask yourself before writing, and publishing, your posts.

How will this help someone?
If you're not writing for your readers and trying to help them out along the way, why are you posting content in the first place... Your content has to help someone with a problem or just answering a simple question of theirs. You'll need to have a unique approach to your post in order to stand out from the dozens or thousands of people writing about the same topics. You can add your own experiences or viewpoints into your writings, just make sure they're unique and helping out others in order to create value for the reader Writing the perfect blog post isn

What will people think after they read your content?
There's a little trick to writing, and not many people are doing it from what I've seen, so you'll need to train this skill over time in order to have some of the best content out there. What you'll need to do is alter how someone thinks, and use your writing to do this. You will basically be putting suggestive thoughts into their head in order to make them think a specific way in order to purchase from you, sign up to your newsletter, or simply remember you for a later date when they need more content to read Writing the perfect blog post isn You'll want to be subtle when doing this, you don't want to tell them how to think because that's a great way to get them to leave your blog or website. If you can put in little subtle hints on why you're the best, why your service is second to none, why you have the best support, etc. You will get people thinking you're the best of the best and they will come back for more.

Who are you targeting exactly?
Many people write for their own blogs but they don't really know who they are targeting. They know they are targeting someone that likes the industry they're writing about, but that's about it lol. You'll need to think of who you're writing for, because that could alter your writing dramatically, in a good way. If you're writing for men over 45, you're going to be more straightforward with no fluff in your writing. If you're writing for women under 25, you're going to be more casual and fun because they want to smile when reading.

If you can figure out who you're writing for, you'll be able to publish much better content Writing the perfect blog post isn

Your content must "Woo" the reader
If you can get your reader to fall in love with your articles, you have a much better chance of getting them to come back time and time again. It's definitely possible to create a steady stream of traffic that will convert into sales and sign-ups, but you need to "Woo" them before they make any sort of decision to work with you. Below I've gone over a few things that will help you increase your sign-ups, sales, clicks, shares, etc.

Be Focused:
You can't expect to have many conversions if your content is all over the place. You need to be focused and stick to a single topic when you're trying to write high-quality content. You need to have a clear point of view and make your content enjoyable to read. Write your content in a way that your readers will take notice and then sign up to your newsletter or make a purchase from you.

Carry On A Conversation:
You don't always need to write like you're talking to a bunch of people in an auditorium. You can let your guard down and write like you're talking to a friend, and your readers will be able to bond with you easier because of this. You should usually avoid using any sort of technical jargon so you don't push people away.

Optimize Your Content:
You need to remember that you're not only writing for your readers, but you're also writing for the search engines as well. Sure, everyone will tell you to not write for the search engines, but if you're not optimizing your content properly, you won't see much traffic coming in from the search results. You'll need to do proper keyword research so you know what to write about, optimize your titles, optimize your descriptions, optimize the body of your text, and optimize your header tags. If you don't do this, you'll fall behind your competition that is doing it.

Write Engaging Titles:
The first thing people see when they see your article is your title. If your title isn't seductive, you won't see many people coming in to read your content. You can write up an emotional title, a title with numbers in it, a title with "How To" in it for people to learn something, and various other ways. You'll need to play around with all the titles to see what works best with your viewers.

Put Some Inspiration At The End:
You could add in a conclusion, as I do with the majority of my discussions, in order to have a sort of "final thought" added to your posts. This will close out the article or post nicely and show people you thought out what you were writing for them. You can add some inspiration into this and say how someone can use your post in order to make themselves, or their website, better at what they want it to do. As long as you can be uplifting in your closing words, you can increase your authority within the eyes of your readers Writing the perfect blog post isn

In Conclusion
There's no perfect way to write up a blog post, but there are plenty of ways to write it in a way that will encourage people to be better at what they do or make a purchase from you. Most people don't want to see a long sales pitch, so you'll have to learn how to write in a way that convinces them to make a purchase from you without telling them why they need to make a purchase. It sounds a little odd, but if you can master this way of writing, you can turn your blog into a cash machine that is a reliable source of income Writing the perfect blog post isn

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Tommy Carey


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I think you make some excellent points as usual. Some blogs are just fluff though, and if readers are entertained by it, they will go back to the blog. I think there are all different sorts of blogs, but in general, I think your points are great and something to keep in mind.

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It is good to get first-time readers, however, what actually matter for your blogging success is the returning readers. If the reader liked what you have published and come back to read your article again, you will have a regular traffic. If you are writing interesting and useful contents, people might even subscribe to your blog. The regular readers might even interact with your ads.

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You are right with the importance of returning readers because that is what we experienced with our videos. We get more than a hundred views from a newly uploaded video when we promote it but for the next upload we get just about 10 views. That means the viewers were not returning even if they were notified of a new video when they subscribed to our channel. The blog can also be like that. You can get a good traffic when you promote but you need to promote the next upload otherwise it might not get a good number of readers.

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If you want your readers to return to your blog, you should publish valuable posts. If your post contains information that is already available online, the readers will not find substance. They will never come back to your blog. If you are publishing too many posts, there will also be absence of returning readers as people do not have time to read your each and every posts even if they like your blog.

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I love it when he says that your blogs should woo readers. It made me think of a lady who tries to woo a man. She grooms herself, clothes to kill and walks with s certain gait.

Your content should show and have all these.

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Very well said. I totally agreed on that. People think writing a blogs is easy but its not. Writers are having hard time also to make their composition do better and people would love it. It takes time for them to finish their blogs and takes time also to make money from it.

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It definitely does take time to get to learn and understand your audience. In many instances you will have to make mistakes that you can learn from and know how to make better posts in the future.

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Yeah I agree on you that. Audience are being picky to the blogs nowadays. You need to write a blogs which most of the people nowadays are interested to.

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It is due to the fact that many people have started their own blogs and websites. This has led to a lot of information overload and as such people want to get only that content which is beneficial to them. I also tend to pick out and not believe in what is posted in just any blog without doing a verification first.

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Yeah that is one point that the reader should do,to verify what the bloggers saying. We should also not believe as easy as that because some blogs are misleading. I chose a blogger with credibility and authenticity.

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We don't have to rely on all the information we see online in general, I agree. We also have to check the validity of the information as well. Checking the source is one. And if it is too good to be true or a little controversial, then we have to double check. Writing a good blog then means that you have to provide unique or additional information and not just write down what everybody else knows. Providing insight is one thing that we can add on.

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Yes that is right and I really agree on this because it is really very hard to learn things in an instant. All of us would experience hardship especially if we are new to a certain fields. There is no such thing as a very one in this world and most of us do commits mistakes which is really normal.

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Yeeah mistakes are quite normal and more so when you are doing something that you are not quite used to. You will fumble at first before you can know your way properly.

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Just thinking about the topic will take you an hour to decide or maybe more than an hour. What more if you will start to write and think about the best word to use just to get the attention of your readers. You're right, we really need to take time and patience.

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Yeah I totally agree with you on that. We are just commenting here and sometimed it took time for us from what and how we are going to start out comments what more on writing a blogs,it is definitely harder.

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LOL. Right. You really need to focus your time to become blogger, it's hard to make it your extra income, because you need eight hours to write, edit and finalize your content before post it.

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Time is an essential asset that each and every one of us has. We all reach success depending on how well we use our 24.hours.

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That is right. We need to exert effort and time as well to be a good blogger. Skills in writing is talent that we have to share it to others. And that talents can be a source of income or fame someday if we take it seriously.

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Yeah, and if you have an offline job and do some writing job online at the same time, 24 hours is not enough time for you to manage all the task. You have to give up one of them.

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I tend to generate content with bullet points. I might not get all that I need to write about but with points I first capture the main points and the rest will easily come as I write.

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You have good strategies for that and you're right, by doing that, it's easy to follow and give some supportive ideas from your main point instead of burning your time explaining a lot of things without any idea what are you writing about.

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Exactly. Non-writers think that writing an article and binding words to become phrases and then transform them in to a juicy paragraph is as easy as 1, 2, 3 or talking with someone. It's not unfortunately. You have to be a good researcher and an observant. Writing something that will tickle the interest of your readers and make them want to come back is very hard it's like cooking something for the first time. You have to be particular with all the elements you have to add on your blog post. Words, sentence structure, your topic, and etc., putting them all in one article is hard but very rewarding when you earn from them afterwards.

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I agree with you on the essentiality of research. A lot of writers ignore this crucial step which leads to their content becomimg too vague and uninteresting.

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Exactly. Research makes everything easy because you won't be having a hard time defending your point because you have facts in your hand that is very important to make your readers believe in your content.

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Hahahaha. Binding words to one another. Woow that is such an underrating of all the efforts that go into putting out content. You need to appeal to the audience day in day out.

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Writers di not lack what to write, they lack what makes people come back for more. They need good SEO too and it is nor child's play. It is hard work,research and determination.

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I also agree with you sir. An SEO is a very important element to reach success in this business. Without that, you will just be a blogger/site owner without an audience or if you do, they'll just be few. I've only found out about this a couple of months ago and I was so astounded about it because in the past, I am not aware about it.

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Nice advice my friend. All these are strategies that have worked for me in the past as I used to do guest blogging. you will never succeed in the blogging industry when you are not keen on how you put out your content. everything needs to be catchy.

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Writing articles, blogs, vlogs, that helps people or answers a specific question and solves problems are the ones you need published regularly on your site because this will bring you traffic.

People nowadays doesn't want to read long articles, they are more visual so use a video it's more effective rather than a long article.

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It is also easier if you know and relate with your target audience well. Like for instance you cannot target doctors or lawyers properly if you have never been one and are not familiarized well with the industry jargon.

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That's true long articles are sometime boring except if it is interesting to read. Video are also a nice way to portray something.

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That is right. Either we admit or not thats the reality. Long and not direct to the point kind of blogs looses your interest to read and finish it. The story should be direct and not long so that the people will not get bored while reading it.

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To enhance readability I prefer taking advantage of nice capturing but yet simple vocabulary. In such a manner the audience is never repulsed.

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I love it when bloggers use a journalistic format to deliver their content. The most weighty of ideas go first then the rest is explained later on. They juice up the content along the way so you never get bored.

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Totally agree. When an article or post is way too long, and besides that is really boring, I just can't stand it and drop it. The idea of a video to increase reader's interest, seems really nice to me, however, you have to be careful, many people tends to explain too much, and the video gets annoyingly boring.

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Yes totally infact sometimes you dont know abf mislead the real meaning of the blogs. I personal chose a short blog but full of direct information.

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I agree, if the writer writes long article they should make it sure that it's all relevant and need in the article, and you need to entertain somehow the readers and not too much serious by giving informative articles.

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The good thing about blogs is if you want to know a particular information, you can easily skim through it and find the information I'm looking for especially if it is written with subheadings. Unlike with vlogs, you have to watch the entire vlog. I think it depends on the topic and the type of learner. For me, there are topics that I find suitable and efficiently discussed in blogs buth there are some that are effective in vlogs.

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Bloggers may not think so but online writing communities such as HubPages can help you a lot. For one thing, they can help improve your writing and expose your writing to a large reading audience. For another thing, they try to help bloggers promote their blogs. That's just my two cents for whatever they're worth.

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I was on gather, helium, bubblews, squidoo, hubpages and few of the writing communities. You can see that these days lot of such communities are not there. And they are going down over a period of time. I must say that such places definitely help. But then again profit and keeping such places needs to be handled for sure.

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HUBPages was the 2nd online writing community I joined, about 10 years ago. (The first community was Suite101, which is now defunct.) HP is still standing, is under new management, and is now making changes to partner with bloggers. That was the last report that I heard.

If you are “the perfect blogger” this may be the “perfect opportunity”. By HP's, standards the perfect blogger is a niche blog with 25K unique monthly visitors that has its own domain name. If your blog meets these criteria then they want to partner with you. Visit their blog for more details. My blogs don't qualify right now but the site owners say this is just Phase 1. They have more plans for more bloggers who have a passion or expertise for a particular niche. Stay tuned.

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I may have to try back the hubpages for some niche. I mean they do pay enough to get the money out for the written articles. So the efforts are often worth it. And it's possible to land some gigs for external work too. So it's not that bad. I'd be looking out for some of their niche sites.

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I rather like some of the niche sites that HubPages has created. I'm not trying to be nit-picky or complain over trifling things but my main complaint with HubPages is that their templates are so visually dull and boring. They look so drab!

I used to write for Squidoo and I made more money via affiliate marketing with that site and I honestly think the reason was that the templates were so pretty! I'm sure it's because they were attractive and drew people in. They had templates for holidays and other templates that were bright and colorful, and very pleasing to the eye. But no matter how many niche sites HubPages create, the templates they use to display content are still like the “ugly ducklings” of templates. Don't they know how to create swans? LOL. Writing the perfect blog post isn

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I think dull templates are to increase clicks on ads. They have ads embeded all over. And their recent buyout to another company. That goes to show that they are working harder to maintain the site. And they may create more new things but I am not sure if they would be able to sustain the network this time around.

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I don't get 25 K visitors therefore I don't ft as a perfect blogger. However, I truly believe that hubpages have been a wonderful platform for writers. Hubpages not only provided a platform to write articles and make money but also trained writers (HP Apprenticeship program was truly amazing).

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Yes they survived some of the google attacks. And those SEO attacks were strong. Yet they are making money. I hope to see that in near future they may allow more users to contribute directly instead of checking their every article through moderator. So that way things can be improved.

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So, these days every submitted article goes through a moderator and is published only when approved? I was not aware of this thing. When I was publishing, publishing was instant.However, if you did not follow standards, a moderater would unpublish your hub and ask you to make corrections.
Squidoo was older than hubpages, yet hubpages acquired suqidoo. How hupbapes has partnered with another company.
Hubpages has become bigger than when I used to publish

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Yes that is how they are adding the articles to new domains. By default articles are published to But if you want your content to be published on their other domains then you have to get moderator and the authors properly editing it. They run editor drive on quarterly basis for this to work out.

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Yes. The process is slow. You have to request that your article be approved for the niche sites. Although one of my articles was picked by the HP Team and published at a niche site. Then they sent me an eMail saying if I didn't want the HUB there I could request that they remove it. That only happened once. When I tried to submit my own HUBs that I thought were “worthy” to a niche site, they didn't accept them. Since my HUBs are generating income just the same, I'm not all that worked up about the niche sites.

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Yes and also they are doing the paid editing service too. That means they can add content, images and make your hubs better. So that can be a good start and good investment of time if you are planning to earn something from there. I'd say it's worth giving a try if you are serious into the blogging.

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I began writing online by writing on gather dot com and helium dot com, however, it was hubpages that helped to understand the nuances of online writing. I have been writing on hubpage since 2010. In 2012, I was chosen to participate in Hubpages apprenticeship program. By participating on this program I not only learned about SEO and digital marketing but also earned upfront for the article I published. I have stopped writing on hubpages since 2015, yet I still earn from my hubpages articles.

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OK! You're living proof that online writing communities really do help freelance writers. I also have stopped publishing at HUBPages. But like you my articles are still earning income. Two thumbs up! Thanks for your response.

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I think the 2018 lot of things are changed. I don't think the things we used to make in 2012 are going to work now. SEO is changed. The content consumption ways are changed. And also the way with which people judge our content also changed. And that means we have to understand things not always going to work on that note.

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A lot of things have changed. However, these are something that still are relevant today. On hubpages some of the articles that I published in 2012 are still earning 200-300 views every day through search engines. A lot of articles I published before I was introduced to SEO are also earning revenue.

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Yes I had those 200 or 300 words article. Though I don't get much daily traffic. But I do get some traffic and some good earning from them overall in year. I have to write serious articles now. And I hope to add like 2000 words content. I hope HP moderators be easy on me for new content.

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Most of my hubpages articles that are doing good are around 2000 words. If you have long contents, you have a greater chances of ranking high on search engines. When you rank high, you also have chances of getting visitors. On my blogs. am focusing on around 1000 words articles.

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I agree. Most of the high ranked and high approved content is around 2500 words on hubpages. And people seem to be earning good. THough not a lot of manage to break 500$ dollar a day. But yeah anything around 50$ a day is also good enough in my opinion. It's just that having that amount is a bit harder on our own blogs.

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When I was active on hubpages, I was like making around 300 a month. I was publishing 3-4 articles in a month, doing a lot of commenting on other hubs (I was reciprocated well), promoting hubs on social media. I was also very active on facebook groups built around hubpages community. Because of my activities, I pulled a lot of social media traffic and direct traffic. I am not active anymore. yet I receive payment from hubpages every month (HP payment threshold is at least $50).

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I think I did pretty much same but the thing is that stopped working fro me after 2013. And now I hardly reach 50$. Now a days I have moved a lot of my content to other places. And that has reduced my will to write. And also have more places to manage for the content too. So hopefully I can get back there and write something.

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I have a lot of unfeatured hubs (the hubs that do not pull search traffic are unfeatured), I moved a lot of non performing hubs to my blogs or published on newspapers. I had published mover 300 articles and now I have only 130 articles. Only a dozen pull traffic.

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Yes that seems to be the case with me too. I have to write something long and something that brings the traffic. Not sure if I can do that. but I have to do some keyword research and also have to work on some of the skills there. I hope to come back to the Hubpages stronger now.

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It is very important that you put in mind what your readers want you to walk away with after spending their time reading your blog post. In return to their valuable time, you have to make sure that they've got the information they needed every time they are hooked into your blog so they will keep on coming back.

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Some people make the grave mistakes of trying to rush their content probably to meet up with time and deadline but this is so wrong because once you start being in a haste to finish your article, it's definitely going to have negative impacts on all aspects of the writing. Take your time and make sure that you have all grounds covered, and then you will produce a great write up.

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I've definitely had moments of being guilty of that, feeling like I needed to just crank out content to get paid - but not being 100% happy with what I was putting out. I've tried to realize that it's always better to feel happy with what you're putting out rather than just submitting stuff that isn't your best work.

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Instead of being in a haste to complete a write up, it's better never to being such article in the first place because there is no way of getting the best out of the writing when you are looking at speeding up the writing. Such a writing never ends well on a high note. My mentor told me that instead of rushing a write up, it's better to leave it and wait for the right time to relax and get it written well.

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It's definitely something I've come to realize too! When I'm in the right frame of mind, writing comes effortlessly and it's truly something I enjoy. If I'm not in the right headspace it feels like a chore and my words don't seem to come out the way I want them to! It's definitely easier to just wait for the moments of inspiration to strike, rather than to force it.

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If you are a professional and do a lot of writing, it may not be possible to let your article get old. You might have to publish it as soon as you complete your writing. Since they say haste is waste, you may not produce a great article. In that case, you can use language improvement tools like Grammarly so that your writing looks polished.

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You can keep them comimg back if you have quality content that is regular. They will learn to depend on your blogs for the information it relays to them. Such people will then become your dedicated audience and customers.

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I am new in terms of writing an article or a blog that is why I am having a hard time in making the best blog that I can used for my target audience whenever I have something to make. Reading this article helps me to fully understand on what should be the best way to make blogs or article so that it would be attractive and familiar to everyone. I am spending much time on this because I am just being dependent on the knowledge that I learned from my friends or in any social media platforms. I am interested to enhance more my knowledge so that I can make the best out of it.

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I am also here to learn mainly and I can perfectly say that this is one of the best platforms for writers like us. I have been engaged in freelancing for quite some time and this platform has given me quality insights on blogging which I do as a guest in numerous blogs.

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Razzy, it's been a while since I saw your article. It's been all Tommy for a long time now. Anyways, I'm happy to see you back and still offering the best when it comes to publishing a high quality content. Some people do think that writing is just as easy as it appears but before one can actually produce a content that can marvel its readers, it requires a great skill set for writing.

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These days every Tom, Dick, and Harry who can write consider himself to be a writer. However, in order to become a writer, writing skills are not just enough, you need to have substance in your writing. The world wide web has made easier for people who want to publish your work. You can not only create a free blog but also publish books for free. However, if your writing does not offer substance, you will never succeed as a writer.

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I agree that great writers know how to capture their audience. They are relaxed in their writting and only write to tell their stories. Money is just but a motivation that comes later on.

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The common notion these days it "if you can write correctly, you can become a writer." Since the internet has made easier to publish, many people are trying to be a writer. However, language skill is not enough, you also need to have the craft of writing, you must have substance in your work, you must have the ability to present prosaic things interestingly. If you cannot captivate readers with your words, you can never succeed as a writer.

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I totally agreed. Finding a great niche and have a glood plan is good way to start before building a content. and another tip is to take your time, many people tend to rush things and as the result they failed. Reading is also a big help for building a content which gives you more ideas. A great skill and mindful creativity is a great key to succesfully deliver a good content. Yes Its not easy to write a good quality content but when you delivered it right the reward will come.

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I love the idea of having that "final thought" at the end of a post. It's a nice way to wrap things up as well as give the reader a bit of a summary of the content of the entire piece. I'm going to have to do that more when I write my own blog posts, I think it's a good habit to get into!

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As a reader I like it too when the author put a conclusion or final thought about the post. Some articles maybe very informative that after reading the whole post the ideas are mixed up in your head. "Final thought" is a nice way to end the article.

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When you are doing marketing blogs that final piece is majorly a call to action. It entails summarizing the ideas and referring the client to the product or service and doing some real advertising. Depending on your choice of words, it may be appealing or very horrible.

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Great pointers. This takes me back to the days when I was still new to the freelancing world and I would take up jobs as a guest blogger. A lot of times the bloggers who hired me turned down the content due to poor client relations. Like I had a quality post but they would feel as if it did not resonate well with what they intended to pass to their audience.

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My first newspaper article was published in 2001 and my first online article was published in 2005. Until now I have published thousands of online and print articles. However, I am still learning the writing craft. based on my experience, I can say writing online is very different from writing offline. While writing online you have to think about making your article search friendly, you have to use search terms in your article. Even though your artucles must gain visibility in search engines you should never write for search engines. You have to write for specific readers.

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So much truth to this - it's two very different ball games when you compare writing for a print publication compared to an online publication. SEO is still something I'm learning and trying to craft to have the best impact for what I write, and that's certainly been quite the learning experience.

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Whether you are writing for print or online, the most important thing to consider is your audience. You need to have a distinct audience while writing. Since the primary motive of writing is getting people to read your work, you should have a specific audience in mind. For print writing you need a polished language, however, for online publication, you need to think about search engines picking up your content. In order to that you have to optimize your writing for search engines.

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What elese can we live to do if we do not learn ha! I am glad for you that you get to experience such positive growth and the immense benefits that it will bring you.

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Writing came to me easily because my father worked as a journalist, he not only write news and articles for print publication but also edited books and journals. I learned from my father. However, writing in English was quite difficult for me because it was a foreign language. It was not easy to express my thoughts easily in a foreign language. In the early days, I used to first write in my first language and then translate into English. These days I have almost stopped writing n my first language.

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Very helpful tips. Bloggers communicate to the readers by using their blogs, you should know how to get their attention and impress them and somehow encourages them to keep coming back and read more articles. The perfect blog is when you amazed your readers and not how you write the blog.

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Thanks for those helpful points. Those tips you have given are really helpful to those people who wants to earn a living from creating blogs. What I really like the most is that you should also consider what people will think after reading your blog. If your reader still have a lot of questions left in their mind then you did not succeed on relying that information that you set as your goal, but if your reader is contented and happy with they have learned from you, then congratulations, you helped a person. Bloggers play an important role on giving realistic ideas on things that people want to hear from other people, that's why you should know your target on what information you think will be helpful to use as your content.

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Your article is such a great motivation and a perfect guide for those who are starting to blog. I agree that your readers should fall in love with your content. You can share your personal perspective that will capture your reader's attention. Interacting with your readers by reading and responding to their comments will also go a long way. As a reader, I like a blog with an enticing title. If you have an enticing title, more likely your content is enticing too.

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If you're having some problems writing a perfect article for your blog then I would suggest that you should try to outsource it. You can tap SEO Clerks pool of writers and services found at the marketplace and outsource your articles there.

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That's a good point! Sometimes it's easier to outsource it to someone who is an expert on the topic matter and there are a lot of people in the SEO clerks marketplace. Some topics are hard to write about when you don't have personal knowledge or experience of it, so outsourcing can be incredibly helpful (and stress relieving!) in those circumstances.

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You expect a graphic designer to design a logo by himself, similarly, you also expect a blogger to write his blog post by himself. If you are a blogger, or claim to be a blogger, you should have ability to write your own blog post. You can outsource once in a while, especially if you do not have time to write, however, as a blogger you should write your own post.

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Outsourcing is an option one considers when they have the money to spend on quality content. A 1000 word article for example could cost more than $25 for a relatively well written blog post, depending on the freelancing platform where you hire the writer.

Webmasters who don't want that extra expense or can't afford to (spend that money) because their blogs aren't making money yet should focus on learning how to write good blog posts.

Where there is a will, there's a way. If you visit sites such as these and put the knowledge you acquire into practice consistently, there's no reason why you won't be able to create great blog posts after some time.

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I totally agree with you that there is no perfect way to write a blog post. Your article or blog post do not need to be perfect for you to sell your service or product. It is all about how can you attract your reader. And, writing an engaging title will be the start to get the attention of your readers.

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Yeah. It looks like there's always room for improvement. What's important is how to make it work for the readers and for you. It has to be effective and this will make us consider our target audience instead of writing aimlessly. It also says in the article that you make them purchase without telling them directly why they need to purchase. That's strategy.

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To top it all, you got to love what you so that eventhough it will be not easy, at least you are happy. For me one of my problem is language barrier. I agree that perfect blog post is not that easy but I am willing to improve.

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The language barrier is not that a barrier as I have come to notice that there are a series of things that you will always see when we are talking about writing for a larger number of people. One of them is trying o do it in a great way.

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Writing a perfect blog needs you to:

. Know your target audience.
. Know what search engines want.
. Know your content.

It is not an easy task.

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Knowing your target market is really a striking point. It will narrow down the article that you should write. Be more direct to the articles that you will be writing.

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Understanding the fact that writing is like talking to a friend is better than doing it in a way that it looks as if you are talking to a bunch of people. I have tried as much as I can to focus on writing with the simplest language as this is a great way to connect with the audience.

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I always try and go for that "friendly" approach when I can too. I feel like it's such a natural way of writing that is really quite engaging and draws people in.

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Yeah, better to think about that. Just focus on one person, so you know how to get a single person attention, and you're right because you can't please the people to read and connect with them using your article, and by doing that, you will feel less pressure even the reality is you're writing for large readers.

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Sometimes it's not always about the reader but also the writer as well. A blog post is something that you should write on your own volition. You are in-charge of the content and not the viewers. Sometimes we are so obsessed with "views" that we tend to write what appeals to readers more than writing something you want to write. And that affects the quality of the blog post.

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Love this, and it's something I've noticed too. If I feel like I'm writing something that's forced/not really something I'm in the mood to write, it really shows. It's so much easier when I'm in the right head space and it truly does impact how well the post sounds.

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I got this from reading an article about the writing direction of Marvel movies being influenced by Disney. Marvel is known for their "engineered" story writing where it's almost predictably funny that you can guess the plot of the movie from the get go. This is because Marvel is tied with Disney and they have to follow Disney's guidelines in what they can and can't do.

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This one happens most of the time, the writer doesn't even know their character by keep chasing the readers, their Identity of writing gone's and become variety like the others.

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I am still not sure whether there is such a thing as a perfect blog post though. It's always very subjective and I think that you should focus on your audience (like you've pointed out) rather than just people in "general".

You can't really please everyone but if you keep your readers in mind you can make your posts interesting, fun and fresh!

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I think that's one of the biggest things to take note of with any kind of online business - it's inevitable that you won't be able to please everyone. Especially with the case of blog posts, some people will just be trolls for the sake of it...and you'll never be able to avoid that if your blog is in the public realm!

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You're writing for the search engines as well and not only for the readers. This is one of the things that I learned about blogging. which separates it from other article-writing. So aside from writing in such a fashion which will make it useful and interesting to the readers, we also have to learn about how to optimize. These are all determining factors for the success of blogging.

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I think the perfect posts are often the misguided assumption. I don't think they exist for sure. Because most of the time we write content and we dont get the traffic. And things just go on and on. And we have no idea in that case for seeing how it may end up. You can see that in order to call it perfect we have to see ROI for time spent and the earning from that content. Often that is how we are supposed to judge a blog post.

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I agree with your point. I have writen articles for hubpages that were considered perfect by the hubpages editor, yet these articles are not bringing good search traffic. These articles were not only unique but also were properly optimized for search engines. Contrarily, some of my not so perfect articles are bringing a lot of traffic. These articles were on the heavily saturated topics, yet they still manage to get search traffic. It is hard to define what is a perfect online article.

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It is kind of hit and miss too. Some of the time hubpages gets blocked by google. And then the things just change slowly. I hope that in near future they can make things a bit better for the people who are making use of the platform. I am learning now to write better articles. So far not much success for 2500 word articles. I hope to get atleast one posted there this year.

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Most of my successful articles on hubpages are around 2000 words. However, when I began publishing on my blogs, I focused on 1000 words. Even though search engines like long articles and in your long articles you also have an option to have more ad units, I think medium length articles are better because you will have people actually read your article.

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When I was co-blogging, the advice that I always remember is to write for the readers. At first, I was writing for myself because I enjoy reading my blogs when I am reviewing it. But it was not the right attitude. It was fortunate that I learned the trick early in my blogging years that I was able to satisfy the readers with my blogs. Now I am ready to be blogging again if only I will have the time to spare

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Well, it is very true that writing is a medium to please your self. If what you write pleases you, then it surely can please other people. When I say pleasing yourself, I am not talking about narcissism. I am talking about the satisfaction. If your written work satisfies you, it will surely satisfy other. One of the basic motives about writing is satisfaction, you a writer should be left satisfied and the people who read your work should be left satisfied.

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I agree with everyone. It's like more on how you can make the reader not to stop reading from your blog. We cannot make it perfect - critic readers are always around the corner but they still read your blogs up to the end right? It's not about how you put your deep words on your story, its about on how you express the blog you have in mind because it comes with the heart. And for me, its' better if you write it naturally.

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That is so true. I agree with on that. As a reader a pick the blogs that more on I could relate into. I want a blog the is not as just a blog but it should have something that we must need to learn from it. I can tell that a good writer could let their reader feel what the essence of the story they are reading to.

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Me too. I've stopped reading blogs because they didn't have quality content. And most are just not my cup of tea. So I make sure to choose the ones that interest and benefit me the most.

Because our reading time is precious. So we should also value the time of others who will read our work.

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I like how you said that. It's true. Readers only want authentic content. Sometimes they don't even mind if your spelling is wrong or grammar incorrect. Some will probably point it out. But they often do it in good nature.

Being honest with your audience helps to establish a sense of trust. And that is something you cannot fake no matter how hard you try.

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It can never be perfect but it can be right if you put yourself in the story of what you are writing about. Its more on knowing what exactly the feeling because you've been already there on that situation and you know who are the right readers that will undertand and can relate on that. I suggest to target teenager readers because its the stage they are more questions in life, love, family, rebels and some of them are not that opened with their parents. So I guess blog about them can somehow help them to understand that they are not alone and we are willing to listen too.

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I strongly agree into the ideas that you have been presented into us especially nowadays when people think that making a blog is that easiy which is not. Before writing we must find a valuable topic that will surely help the people who are we addressing and at the same time try to visualize their feedback in order to construct your blog in a convincing manner, I just summarize the idea that's been talk about above into these comment section. For me, we need a critical thinking in creating a blog and just creating it with a credible content isn't enough because it is useless if the reader will get bored and stop reading it that's why we need to be creative into the approach that we will make in writing blogs to ensure that "start to finish our blogs are been read".

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I agree with you. I just posted how hard it is for me to create a blog post. A lot of people think they will become bloggers, and make a lot of money because writing is very easy. In fact, it is not really easy. You have to constantly write posts that are relevant, and relevancy is constantly changing. A post from even like 2 weeks ago could become irrelevant. It's a fast changing world, and if you can actually find relevance in all your blog postings than good for you. However, newbies will have a very hard time, especially with SEO of the blog post, but that's another topic for another day.. lol

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I totally agree and thank you for posting article like this. It's easy to make a blog if you write for your own self but that's the other way around. If I'm a reader, the title should be eye catching. The topic and content should also be interesting to many people. I'm not a blogger and don't have any website yet but this is a very good article if I will make a blog. As far as I know, in writing a blog, you should know your readers and know what kind of people to target and how to adjust or make the content of your post. I'm just a beginner but I find many good articles in this site.

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Writing great articles for your blog is not easy. A successful blog is the combination of skills, patience, and luck. You won't be able to get the success just by writing a few contents. You need to write more to entertain people and gain their trust. Readers make your blog successful. And Just remember that even successful bloggers started with failure before they achieved the victory.

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Apart from writing on writing sites and my blogs and website, I also write for print publication. As a writer for print, your job is done once your article is published. However, for online writer, you will have to constantly work on your article. For a print writer, language and writing skills are enough, but for online writer he needs SEO skills, digital marketing skills, as well as editing skills.

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I'm trying to start a blog myself, and it is a blog in the niche of youtube, because the blog can get a lot of traffic. However, I am always presented with a problem: I do not know what to write about! I do fine when I am writing for a platform, or another blog sorta like guest posting but for my own blog I do not know what to write about. Does anyone else have this issue like me? It is not even really writers block, it is literally I do not know what I want to create for this blog. The niche is good (im not going to list because there is already enough competition) but for the life of me, i can not bring myself to write for the blog.

I look for inspiration on other similar blogs, not to steal their content but to get the drive to write something, and nothing happens.. lol. I hope I am not the only one with this problem.

However, i do believe this may also be from my stubbornness because i strive for quality with everything and I sometimes fear that the post isn't of quality, but who knows! Any suggestions for me?

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Yes, making a blog is not so easy because you have to think on something that is unique, and its hard to do that because there are a lot of blogs around there that has same contents.

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