
4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

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4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

Everyone is trying to set up passive income streams, if you aren't, you're not doing what will make you money while you sleep.  Think of it this way, would you like it if I gave you $100 every night while you were asleep?  Sure You Would!  Not all of the methods that can make you money while you sleep are passive, so you'll likely have to invest some time into creating a service or a product if you want to actually make some good money online.

When we all get into online marketing, we just want to make money, we don't think about passive income streams or methods that can make us money while we are dreaming of making money lol.  There are thousands of entrepreneurs in the online marketing field that make a great amount of money while they sleep.  They wake up to check a balance that was much higher than before they went to sleep 4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

In this discussion I'll be going over a few ways you can make some extra cash while getting your beauty sleep

Write an Ebook
Many writers will get into posting quality articles to their blogs and other peoples websites, which will bring in visitors and eventually some profits.  But did you know you could write up your own eBook on a specific niche and make money from each sale?  Your eBook can't be something short and sweet, it's not an ad or a pitch, it's something that has to be well thought out and written in order to convince people to purchase it.  Of course, you won't get any initial sales from people reading your book, they would have had to purchase it in order to get through all the content, duh!  You can of course give out a few review copies and that will get your initial reviews coming in.  Remember, it's a digital product so it doesn't cost you anything to give it away for free.

After you write up your eBook, you can then publish it around the internet and begin to bring in sales.  You can put it on big eBook marketplaces.  You can even put it on Amazon and format it for the kindle in order to target a bigger demographic.

Over time, you will start getting sales while you sleep, which is an amazing feeling 4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

Now we all know what drop-shipping is and how lucrative it can be, but what a lot of people don't think about is you can make plenty of money through drop-shipping while you're sleeping.  You can set up your website and after it's fine tuned, you can set up PPC ads that will bring in sales while you're sleeping. 

PPC ads need to be configured over time since you'll have to do plenty of split testing, so don't think your sales will come in right away.

What I like to do when drop-shipping is source my products from aliexpress and add them to my website with their own titles and descriptions.  I add my own descriptions in order to have the best SEO effect and then I build a good amount of high quality backlinks.  After my website is up and running, and working fine, I will set up PPC campaigns on Adwords, BingAds, and Facebook ads in order to bring in sales.  I will also set up my re-targeting campaigns using pixels and send different ads to people on Facebook, which will help bring people back in and purchase.

Another big thing to think about when drop-shipping is abandoned cart emails.  You will get a decent amount of abandoned carts, and by sending out emails to those who abandon their carts will help bring them back in to finish their checkout.

Building a Blog
Many people want to make money online and I always tell them to start off blogging.  I tell them this because it's one of the easier ways to make some cash online.  You can make money from advertising spots, people clicking on your ads, partnering, etc. 

What you'll need to do is create a massive amount of high quality content that will eventually pull in plenty of traffic from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.  Of course, you'll need to learn a bit about optimization in order to gain favor from the search engines, but that's a small task to do when it comes to making money online.

You'll need to blog about something you're familiar with in order to hammer out as much content as possible without having to do much research.  You should also choose a niche that is easier to rank in than others, which means niches that don't have as much competition.  Over time, you'll be getting plenty of traffic coming in and you'll make money while you sleep 4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

Become and Affiliate Marketer
A ton of online marketers start getting into affiliate marketing because they see others making hundreds of thousands of dollars each month.  This is possible, but likely won't happen because the stories you hear are from the 1% of the 1% who are making money through affiliate marketing.

What you can expect is a few sales here and there, while you sleep, but not enough to retire on lol.  You can put up a few websites that are reviewing products or services, then linking to the specific product or service with your affiliate link.  After you do your optimization and backlinking, you will likely rank for long tailed keywords and begin to get a few people each day.

Your goal is to build up enough traffic sources from long tailed keywords to generate enough sales so you can consider yourself a successful affiliate marketer.  You'll likely make money while you sleep, and that's one of the reasons like getting into affiliate marketing.

In Conclusion
There are plenty of ways to make money while you sleep, these are just the top 4 that a lot of people prefer to target.  If you do want to make a decent passive income while you sleep, you'll need to dedicate yourself to a specific method and stick with it.  You can't slack off after a few days of attempting to make money because you'll never be successful.  A lot of methods take months, sometimes a year, before they are very profitable.  So stick with it and make that money 4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

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OMG... The topic i really really LOVE = "Make money while you sleep"
For me it worked good with affiliate marketing really and selling downloadable products. These two made me solid amount of income on autopilot or as we say even when i sleep. So i would suggest everyone to try it. Most of the time you set these sales, posts or campaigns once and enjoy earning for long time, how good is that... I LOVE I LOVEEEEEE

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How do you do exactly the affiliate marketing? Can you explain to me about it? is not due to the fact of making money while sleeping (which must be great of course hahaha), but to make more money than average, or at least what I'm making right now. Honestly, I consider myself a newbie when it comes to freelance, but it's what's giving me a monthly income, for sure it will be great to have a better one, so I can help my family even more. Thanks in advance.

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I know that it is only figurative but it sounds very attractive to hear that you can earn money while sleeping. I have big plans for affiliate marketing that maybe I could embark on it early next year. But the pending issue is that I need to have my own website as a venue for showcasing the products. I know of the expenses involved with the domain name and the hosting service that’s why I am putting everything on hold for the moment.

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Hi there,

yes these 4 method is the #1 make money methods , Basically I love freelancing , because that is my passion work to freelancing

Thank you

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Thanks for the beautiful tips. You are right. These 4 method all will work with me. Affiliate marketing section is one of the awesome section where we can get unlimited sales commission if I am on sleep but also. There are huge and huge section- you will get pay if you sleep also.


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Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can make money while sleeping and in as much as it is not instant, it is something that is meant to pay off in the long run and that is the reason I feel this is something anyone can go into.

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Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the good methods for making money. Though it takes more effort. And the earning is also inconsistent. But if one persists with it. I am sure you can find some really good output in that case. I have had some of my opinion about this. I am currently trying AM in my free time. So far not bad. But have to work a bit harder on earning.

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Starting up any business both online and offline business projects are never easy, it requires a lot of commitment and dedication, even some sort of financial investment to get the business rolling. But one thing that is peculiar with online business such as affiliate marketing is that even when you have invested a reasonable amount of money on the project, it doesn't mean you would start earning immediately. It's still going to require your efforts in sharing your affiliate marketing link to reach out to one's who would make purchases with it before you start making money.

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I completely agree. The only thing I am suffering right now is random sales. For example my affiliate income is like I get one sale this month and then 5 months later. So this type of approach has led me to go on odd set of income spending and generation. And on that point I'd say that it's not easy. It's kind of juggling more or less.

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I can attest to how beneficial being an affiliate marketer is when it comes to making money online for the affiliate marketer without breaking any sweat. Once you have already done all the necessary work needed to be done and have your affiliate marketing link spread across all anywhere people can come in contact with it, as you sleep and someone uses your affiliate link to purchase a product, your commission is coming in for you.

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In your experience, for someone running a website, would you say that programs such as Google's AdSense program or Amazon's Affiliate Marketing program are better? I eventually want to get my own website up and running, with the intention of monetizing it someday (if I'm fortunate enough to gain a decent amount of traffic) but I'd like to know which form of passive income people generally prefer. I've read that more people are turning towards Affiliate Marketing programs as Google's AdSense has been troublesome for many people as of late.

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I'm currently working as a freelance writer, since writing is one of my best skills. I've been looking into different ways which I could use my skill set, and I'm currently really interested in both starting a blog and writing an ebook. I was thinking about combining the two in some way, such as starting my own website to write blog posts/articles, and also using it as a format to promote my future ebook. I know that passive income is one of the more difficult goals to work towards, but if I were able to combine a side project with passive income along with my active income from freelancing, I'd be pretty much set.

Truth be told, I should probably get to actually doing rather than just planning, haha.

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Starting your own blog and creating your ebook is a good idea. You'll gain all the profits of your work rather than just being a freelance writer. Other people hire ghostwriter to create ebook for them and earn many times bigger than the amount they paid for it. If you have the skills already, that will help you to have a passive income.

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Well I'm glad that at least someone else thinks it's a good idea. Yeah, I heard that a lot of people hire writers on their behalf and then sell it as their own work. While I don't think it's a bad idea if you're looking to make money, I feel like that method lacks passion. I'm a freelance writer because I'm not only skilled at writing but enjoy it as well. If I were to write a book I'd want every word to be typed out myself. Thankfully I have enough spare time to contribute to such a project.

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Thank you very much! This will really help us, especially freelancers who wanted to have an extra money or to earn money faster. I wanted also to be a freelance writer but I have to practice a lot first. I have not tried to publish my blog yet as I needed to make it more appealing to the audience. I still have to work on it first for me to be a marketing affiliate.

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I think you have to just start with one project at a time. And then take the efforts ahead. Because not putting the effort into the writing won't give gigs. If you do low cost gigs, you can get the confidence. And then you can apply for the higher cost gigs in that case.

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Okay, thank you, I will take note of that and I will really put an effort for this. A lot of business owners online need good writers and I am willing to be a writer soon. I will make some effort for this. Thank you!

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Yes that is true that online writers are in demand. And there seems to be more people in need into some sort of the services. I have learned that some of the time if you start with the right client that should give you an idea about the services.

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Yes you are totally right. Online writers are in demand now adays because of our modern technology. A writer really requires research and observe other's work for you to get some ideas about how will you write your blog or article or whatever project you are working but not copying others work. Ow I see I'll take note of that.

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Earning while you're just resting is certainly the dream, and these are good ways to do so but it's important to remember that before you start earning while sleeping, you also have to work hard and actually put in work on these to be able to get significant returns.

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I have published two books on Amazon, however, I did not make money while sleeping. Perhaps, I did not write books on sellable topics (one is an anthology of poetry and flash fictions and another is a children book). IN order to make money from ebooks, you need to write and publish ebooks on the topics with commercial values. In order to see what sells, you will have to check high selling ebooks.
I think health has commercial value. I am thinking to write ebooks on dieting.

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I think demand for the niche also matters. I have one book on wordpress. My sales are like once every year. So it depends on the demand of the public. And also reviews on the book. So that is what often decides what type of the books may make money. And what type of the books may not make a decent income. So it's kind of like hit and run in that case. Some ebooks work and some just doesn't.

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That's true. I published a children books because I saw many people profiting from children books. However, I did not profit from the book. In order to profit from ebooks, you should choose a niche that makes money. I had hired a professional illustrator, designer and editor, yet the book did not work for me.
I am planning another book. based on my research, I think health is a lucrative niche, I will be publishing a health niche book soon. I hope it works.

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Affiliate marketing is one good example for this passive income. Here in the Philippines, Lazada has an affiliate marketing. Youtubers use it and posts to the descriptions of every videos and if someone will buy something to Lazada using their affiliate link, they can have a commission. There are also some sites like Clixsense that when your affiliates earn money from the site, you can also have a commission from it without doing anything.

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You're right. A lot of my friends using this affiliating program from Lazada, and they said this one is good source of income. I just don't know how much the commission per product. They using their social media account to advertise the products of Lazada. I did the same thing but I'm still don't have consumers. 4 methods that can make you money while you sleep

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I think those are all great ways to make money. Some of them are better as second incomes as though. As you pointed out, it sometimes takes a long time to make money, and alot of people don't have the luxury of waiting for that. I think as a secondary income source they are probably all good though.

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That's right. I think earnings from online is just an additional income and we can't make it as our primary source of income. It's hard to quit your offline job and focus to this.

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Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest yet hardest things to get into really. Whilst it is hard at the beginning, if you do it correctly, then you can definitely make a lot of money from it whilst sleeping which makes it easy and a great money maker for you. I think before you do go into it, make sure to gain some knowledge about it and learn some tips from those that already do affiliate marketing.

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I agree that drop shipping is the most easiest way to earn money even while you are sleeping. Customers just click and order, you just have to buy and send the products even without having the stock in your hand.

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actually great methods and great explanation, yes it's true ...

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$100 every night while I'm asleep? In my dreams.

Write an Ebook
This is something to consider but not yet.

My drop-shipping were unsuccessful. But I'm sure this works for others.

Building a Blog
My blogging monetization efforts are uncertain but I won't stop them. I earn but nowhere close to $100 a day. I just have to distribute my content better and improve my social media marketing strategy. Frankly, I am having better success with forums.

Become an Affiliate Marketer
~ The bad thing about affiliate marketing is that you have to remember to check your links. Sometimes vendors discontinue their programs and you get no warning. You happen to check your link and see that's it's broken.
~ The good thing is you can join most affiliate programs for free. Some think you have to have a website to share the affiliate links but if you have a social media accounts like Twitter or Facebook you don't need to have a blog or a website.

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I think Affiliate marketing is proven to be the best method out of these 3 methods as its somewhat guaranteed to make you a lot of money if you are a successful affiliate marketer.I know some of my friends are earning +4000 USD/per month.That is a lot of money for working online and get paid every month.

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Your friends are so lucky to earn from that affiliate. I wonder what strategies they have to earn that $4000 a month. Maybe I don't have luck in affiliating program. LOL, I tried this before but still not get any single customer.

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I have many friends who are earning from drop shipping but I don't think it is appropriate for me since I have lost the enthusiasm in selling. Blogging is more interesting to me especially at the thought of having thousands of regular readers. The earning, I guess, will be substantial for my needs and although writing a blog is not that easy, the return is great when your blog gets lucky.

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I have no luck in affiliating. LoL, maybe this is not for me, and the next three, I don't have any experience yet not enough knowledge about that. Maybe I need to learn and study more about this if I want to earn something online. Thanks for the info.

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Affiliate Marketing like Dropshipping are one sided scams, noone earns a good amount from it. It is used by companies and sites to con online workers and freelancers to believe that they could earn thousands of dollars a month from it, what they are really after is for people to market their products for free. And there's no way affiliates can trace the number of people who bought from their link. Their system is full of pro site loopholes.

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I wonder how much the commission or earning from selling and advertising their products, because I think most of the consumers will go directly to the sites, instead of buying from affiliate or in Drop shipping.

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These are good ideas to earn passive income but it doesn't work out for many. You can earn vast amount in freelancing when you had stable clients.

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I heard that many people are making lots of money through affiliate marketing, although I haven't totally experienced such way but I think it is really feasible way to make money online while you are sleeping because I already have a friend who had made a hundred of dollars just because of that technique which I am planning to give a try next time and I hope that I would be successful about it..

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A lot of people are claiming that they're making lots of money in affiliate marketing but the problem is it seems that all those people have their own YouTube channel which promotes online income and what they do is put their number 1 recommendation which has an investment involved so that's the con. When you invest they would then earn, they're masquerading it as affiliate income but in truth it's a networking, ponzi scheme type of raket.

In reality big companies like Amazon do give out affiliate income but it's not worth the time and effort. I and my friends tried it last year for 2 months doing everything we can to promote our Amazon link but on our first month we earned $10 and on our second month we earned $8. So it's not worth dedicating your time in it. We also know someone who has been working with Amazon as an affiliate for 2 years and he's only getting $35 per month. That's way to low and can easily be earned in other sites.

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I would have to agree with #1 which is selling e-books but it's not that easy to do because you have to spend a lot of time promoting and marketing your book.

With #2,#3,#4 which is Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing and Blogging those 3 are Dreams, I mean Nightmares. It's Fools Gold, good luck if you could earn a sizeable income in those 3, and please don't believe those YouTube channels that are showing they're earning every minute real-time on Affiliate Marketing and Dropshipping they're fake.

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I would love to have a blog since many people are making a great money out of it, but the problem is that I really don't know much about having a great blog that would make other people come to it regularly. Maybe I should make first a deep study on how to have an attractive blog so that I can use it very well.

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I want to try dropshipping. I always had a chance to see it on facebook, an ad about dropshipping. I have search for the meaning and what to do about it and I also read your article here so I got interested in building or creating it either in amazon or lazada.

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I love this kind of topic, but these things are not really sure money. It still depends on how good your skills are, without skills the all of your work will be vain.

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A great post with all the basic tips required to start earning passive income for all the newcomers in this field. I am trying my hand some of these methods right now and hoping to achieve some success in the near future. About writing an Ebook I will definitely try it in the near future. Having a blog of my own definitely is a long-term goal and it will require a lot of time and patience. I think that affiliate marketing is something that one can do relatively quickly and without investing any money in the process.

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Earning while asleep is my dream. As Warren Buffet says "If you cannot find a means of earning while asleep, you will work until you die." I am not ready to work as an employee until I die. Thus:
Affiliate Marketing
  • I have already chosen a niche and planning to start a niche website and be an affiliate marketer.
  • Needs patience and hard work.
Start a blog
  • I am already in it.

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