
Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

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Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

If you think about it, how many millenials do you hear talking on the phone?  Not many, because they're constantly texting their friends and family, which means a chat system will likely be better for the masses.  A few years ago it was common practice to have a business number on your website so people could contact you when they needed to, but today that's not the case.  Many websites are switching over to live chat systems because it's much more convenient than answering a phone call.  Since the majority of people use smartphones, is more easier today to talk with someone through a chat system, which is a big reason why you should be switching over if you still answer the phone when it rings.  People are so use to texting, so typing out a message on their phone in order to contact you won't be much different than sending their friend a text.

Have you ever gone on a your hosting companies website or your banks website and tried to contact them?  More than likely you've used their chat systems because a lot of bigger companies like that are switching over due to the ease of use.  People can actually multitask while chatting with a support team online because they are not stuck on the phone.  Hell, you could actually be on the phone while chatting with a support system and get 2 things done if you really wanted to lol.

There are actually a bunch of reason why a person would opt for a chat system over calling you directly, and those reason are:

People who chat are more likely to purchase
There have been plenty of studies that show people who contact you through a chat system are almost 5 times more likely to purchase from you than if you were to talk to them over the phone.  What this means is you can focus more on your chat requests than your phone calls and increase your profits 5 times more.  Sure, you shouldn't avoid any phone calls or emails that come in, but you should try to push those users towards your chat system in order to increase your conversions.

Chatty visitors usually leave your website happier than if they called
When someone is chatting with you, through your chat system, they tend to leave more satisfied than if they were to call you.  This is because in a chat system you can add emotion and you won't leave it to chance that they person on the other side isn't understanding your emotions.  You can talk with someone on the phone and they might think you're not dedicated to their case, and that creates an aggressive customer.  If you're working with them through a chat system, you can strategically type everything up and add a smiley in there randomly to show the person on the other side that you're happy to help and you'll do everything you can Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

Your staff will usually have more free time (sort of)
A support system that is primary a chat system is much easier to manage than a line of phones and email addresses.  This is because everything can be routed into one chat system and handled from one or two computers.  Let's say you have 10 people calling in every minute, that means you need to have 10 people, or more, to answer phones in order to not miss anything.  A chat system can handle all 10 of those because you can usually type up a better response for each inquiry than you could if you were talking to the people over the phones.  You'll free up a lot of your support team to work on other things your business needs to finish in order to hit deadlines or make more money.  You'll be freeing up your staff from talking to customers, but they will be supplementing that time with other tasks that need to be done Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

Your responses can be higher quality through a chat system
Since you see exactly what the person is asking, before you have to respond, you can type up a detailed response and cover every little thing they needed to know.  If you were to talk to someone over the phone, you need to know everything right then and there after the person asks the question.  If you stutter or pause, it usually means you don't know the answer to their questions, and you should in their eyes.  Through a chat system, you don't need to know everything immediately because you can research it as they ask and come back with the right response Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

Most live chat software lets you add in canned responses for your most frequent questions.  One of the questions I get the most is "How long will it take before I'm #1 on Google?" and I have a canned response that is a few paragraphs long, that I edit every few weeks to make even better, and it's just a click away.  I literally answer their question with a click of a button and they are extremely happy with what I said Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites  Canned responses are extreme time savers, so I would suggest looking into the chat software that has it included.

Not everyone can call you, give them more contact options
In todays technologically advanced world, we can get wifi almost anywhere we go.  This means that someone will never really have a problem when they try to contact you through a chat system.  A lot of people browse online in their free time, which means they could stumble upon your website and if they don't want to call, they will use your chat system.  Some people may be at a coffee shop, and on their phones or laptops, and want to use your chat system because it's too loud to have a conversation over the phone.  If you don't have a chat system, you just lost that potential customer. 

In short, people don't like talking on the phone as much anymore because there are other, quicker, ways to get a message out there to a random business or their friends and family lol.

In Conclusion
You don't have to add a chat system to your website, but it's a great idea if you want to capture more customers and increase your profits.  Remember, people who use a chat system are almost 5 times more likely to turn into a customer than someone who were to call you over the phone.  You will be able to get much more work done because your employees will be able to focus on other tasks instead of sitting by the phones and answering calls.  Chat systems are a great advancement when it comes to contacting someone, so get to it and start using them, you can thank me later lol Why you should ditch your phone and use live chat systems on your sites

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I definitely agree with this. For me, it's better to have a live-chat support system instead of making clients call or e-mail. Although some people still prefer calls and email support, for me I don't like them anymore because I hate talking on the phone especially if the signal reception is bad and I can't clearly hear the customer service personnel, I also hate emails because they sometimes take forever to respond. I like live chat because you can instantly message and get replies faster.

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I agree that a live chat support is better than a support that is not interactive. That is especially good when the client has too many questions to ask that he will get instant answers. But the problem with live chat is that there should always be someone handling the communication otherwise the prospective client who will inquire will be at a loss because live chat means there is a person on the other end.

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This is something I was recently looking into doing. You can also set up auto bots with programmed in messages, to which when a member asks certain questions then the auto get responses. Thanks for sharing this as I do like your idea and live chat on websites even shoutout boxes are excellent and can help with conversations as well.

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Most websites now, particularly hosting sites - are using live chat systems to help customers. If not, they're using email or contact forms where they have someone respond to your query in 24 hours or less. Some still have the phone contact option available, although I'm not sure how many actually use it.

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I much prefer chat to enquire rather than phone calls (from a personal perspective!)

It's an easier way for me to outline my thoughts when I am enquiring, and just simpler to make sure I've asked all the questions I need to. I also think it's easier to then keep a track of anything that has been discussed. I would absolutely implement chat over phone calls for customer enquiries - it's also helpful if you're a parent (like me!) who can write a chat request but can't always chat on the phone because of children making noise (as children do!)

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Yeah, most people are more comfortable just chatting rather than calling directly if a live chat is an available option, and it's also much easier to maintain compared to a phone line.

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I personally like chat features better than a telephone most of the time. I don't like automated systems though. I prefer to talk to a real person not an automated script that just has canned answeres for everything, and can only answer the most basic of questions.

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This is very true. I think live chat adds a sense of personalization to your site because your visitors feel like they are getting 24 hours customer service.However isn't this a bit expensive? How do you make sure that there is someone there 24 hours to answer specific questions? It sounds like a good option in terms of customer support, but in terms of human resource it sounds a bit expensive

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Yes, it's very true that nowadays millennials do like more chatting than talking and it's cheaper it won't consume lots of data. I also prefer chatting to avoid having a boring conversation, dead air and if I'm busy or avoiding to answer a message I can reply anytime I want. In terms of customer service, I can easily remember instructions from chatting and back read again the conversations compared to talking which I wouldn't be able to remember all instructions. I can ask questions immensely until I get the answer what I want.

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I think this is effective for the freelancers the most. The reason being we want clients to get answers quickly. Instead of email. You can make use of the clients data and then make the post. You can see that some of the time it can be really good in many ways for learning on how to get their service properly and also should not keep them waiting. So on that context you can see that chat is lot better.

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It is very important to have a live chat when it comes to online or even offline business, because people nowadays is busy and having short time to inquire or to call just for any concerns on business and other matter. I think Artificial Intelligent bot or chatbot is a good idea also, so that business owners can also save time to entertain costumers and answer numerous question about business concern because there is an automatic answers in every basic questions if you install a chatbot on your website. Opening or sending an email is also waste of time, and not all people is active everyday and it will cause delay on information you sent to that certain person.

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I just thought of one potential problem - people who are around the age of my grandmother, who literally wouldn't know where to start when it comes to a live chat on the internet option. She would still prefer to call and chat to a real person over the phone rather than do anything on the internet. So I think depending on the company and the products/services they provide, still having phone contact options can be really important.

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I do really think that incorporating a chat system in your site to answer queries and other concerns is far more effective and faster than doing calls or via phone based customer support.

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I think live chat is really important in a website. Specially if you want the immediately response. This is much more better and effective way to talk to the seller about your concerns. Emails is also good but sometimes you need to wait for a few days to answer your queries.

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I have an ecommerce site, I have not used my phone number in the support. In fact I have not used live support system. The only support available on my site is through email or sending ticket. Since my site does not receive a lot of sales order or queries, I have not been serious about improving my support. However, I believe having a live chat system is in the best interest of the site. With live support, you can attract user engagements, your sales will also increase. People like to get support live, however, they are also nor very comfortable using their phone (because they believe their number can be abused), this patch hole can be mended by having a live chat support.

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Live chat is so much better than offering a phone option for your users to contact you and your business. There are so many benefits to offering it that I really can't see a benefit of offering a phone option unless you have a massive company and multiple employees to handle just the phones. The fact that your live chat option gives your users an instant answer (if it can be resolved of course) means it is great for both the company and the users/customers.

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The instant answer part is so critical - sometimes the information a client needs can be found on the site itself, and it's helpful with live chat options because a lot of the time they point out where to find the relevant answers without even needing to connect to a person to talk about an issue.

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I have been in some many sites that makes use of this live chat system and I must confess that it's quite impressive how it works in getting members on the site to get interactive which fastens the bond and trust in the site projects. I don't have any site yet but I'm definitely going to install a live chat system in mine anytime I have a functional site.

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I agree that the chat is now more preferred than phone calls especially for the younger generation. However, there should be limitations because I have encountered some young chatters whose main intention was not really to talk about business but to get personal. Not with me but with a friend who is into drop shipping. She says that most chat messages that she gets were about friendship. You know what I mean.

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There are certainly cases like this with chatting, but it's so much more inconvenient when people use you number for the same purpose or for prank calls so this happens to any form of messaging. You can easily block people from the system if they message you with nonsense.

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I do agree a live chat support system is the norm nowadays. People don't like to wait when they're looking for answers and a live chat support is the best solution to that problem. Call supports are not really useful anymore because it's inconvenient unlike live chat which is very favorable and quick.

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