
Creating a Multi-user wordpress site

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Creating a Multi-user wordpress site

I am thinking to launch a multi-user website, where a user can register to the site and a registered user is able to publish a post. Which plugins help me to customize my wordpress site as multi-user wordpress site.


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As long you install WordPress CMS on your hosting, you just need to allow everyone to register and it will be multiuser website. For your members to be able to submit new posts, i would suggest to give them all "Contributor" role, so they will be able to submit post but it will wait for your approval. You also can give "Author" role to some trusted members if you want their articles to be autopublished.
They can write articles from admin panel same as you, or you can search plugins repository for "front end post submitting" so they can write articles on the page you create. There is different plugins for it, depend what else you want to achieve with it, but all in all it's not big deal to create such website as you wish

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When I was installing wordpress, I selected multi-site option. This option will allow me to create more wordpress sites within my network site (primary site). If I want to create sites, I can do it easily. However, I don't know how to let the users register to the network site and create other sites. I can see add user option, however, this option will make me add users manually. I need something to automate the process. I will have to check where I can find "contributor option."

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Well creating multisite network is different story Creating a Multi-user wordpress site In that case every member would have it's own blog under your domain (if you allow it) and i was writing about it here: Turn WordPress into multisite network

If you need more help, just ask, no problem ;)

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Seems like great minds think a like. Believe it or not, I was thinking about creating a Wordpress site where more than one author can submit posts using Easy Digital Downloads plugin via a CMS. However, I am a little inexperienced with Wordpress, and not sure exactly how it would work for the EDD plugin, or if it was even compatible.

Apparently, some people accomplish this by using a CMS that is compatible with wordpress such as BuddyPress, which some plugins are compatible with BuddyPress. Now I have never used BuddyPress before so I have no idea what its functionality is, however it seems to function in a way that you would want if you had a multi-user wordpress site with profiles, notifications, and all that good stuff.

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Not sure why would you use EDD plugin, it's for different purposes! And also buddypress plugin is used to create kind of social network on WordPress platform, but again you would need to apply same things as i answered in my last answer here Creating a Multi-user wordpress site

More about buddypress > Use BuddyPress to create your own social network

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Haha. I just realized my post made it seem like I was using EDD for a CMS type of wordpress plugin (even tho wp is a CMS). Let me clarify that it is used solely to sell digital products, but is capable of being compatible with other plugins as well. Now, with that being said, BuddyPress seems like a great plugin nonetheless and your discussion write up is great. However, even though BuddyPress seems like a knock off of a social network, it still provides great functions that a multi-user site would need.

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I have never used buddy press, however, I know what id does. Well, I am not planning to launch a social media like site, therefore, I am not using buddy press. I am thinking to launch an article writing site where users will be able to publish articles. I have found certain plugins that let people register. However, these plugins do not allow to post. I am looking for a plugin that not only takes registration but also allows the registered users to publish articles.

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As i said there is many plugins. One i know is good and i was using it is

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Thanks for the tips.I will check this plugin and see if actually fulfills my demand.
You can also make your wordpress site user generate site by allowing the users to register and submit. However, I don't want the users to use wordpress registration and submission form.

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It's extremely easy. You can set up your Wordpress site so that your users can post and publish their articles from the moment they register without any extra plugins or anything. It just requires a few changes to be made to your settings. Of course, it would be better if you use a plugin like the WP frontend one suggested by another user because it will make the user experience a lot nicer when they are posting an article.

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Take care on creating multi WP sites because you can have holes for security and if you configure incorrectly, your site can have problems.

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You have to lock things down tight and have a good security plugin.

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Great tip. If you'll take the time to try to put into practice an idea like this (a very good one by the way, at least in my poin of view), you have to pay attention to these aspects because they're extremely important.

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You can definitely do this from existing wordpress setup. Just go to settings and allow "anyone can register". Make sure to add captcha and the requires approval condition. This way you can avoid the spam users signing up to the service. And it can also prevent the massive DDOS attacks on your server. That's something you have to really think about. If you can find that sort of the service then surely handling multi user wordpress won't be that hard.

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Oh I totally forgot about those basic settings, lol. The more you know! haha Creating a Multi-user wordpress site

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That's a great idea. However, I am still confused whether I can achieve this by letting users create their own site through my main site (multi-site option), or just allowing the users to post the article as a contributor. can I do this with shared hosting. I have shared hosting. Or do I need to upgrade my hosting plan?

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Your hosting needs really depend on the amount of posting, and media files you have.. basically if there is going to be a lot of resources that will attribute to more disk space than you're allowed. What are your current hosting details?

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I agree. But most of the shared hosting plans are generous with the space usage. So if he has around 5GB of hosting space. I think he can handle around 20 users just fine on setup. But higher number of users would require higher space. we need to know about the space requirements for sure.

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Letting user create their own site through the account means you have to either go for folder structure or subdomain structure. There is a wordpress article on this. You can check out how to create network in wordpress. It's in codex. You can check out the link below.

You don't have to upgrade hosting plan.

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Of course, you can do that but as said, you need to configure it carefully because users can upload files to your hosting and no except there are many files can be harmful for your site/hosting.

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Creating a multi-user site through WordPress is an excellent idea and can achieved with the WordPress version 4.8; the latest version of the WordPress theme. The WordPress theme is the best SEO technology in the world. It's the only way to run a website with the best of plugins and all-in-one SEO that would make your website search engine friendly. WordPress is the best blogging platform and a platform through which you can get ranked in google and the rest of search engines like Bing, Yahoo and so on.

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I believe that launching a multi-user website/community using the Wordpress is very doable. I can name several sites that I know of because I am one of the users: BlogJob, Daily Two Cents, LiteracyBase, and Writedge. If they can do it you can too. WIsh you success!

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One way to have multiple users on the site is by letting users register and submit a post through the frontend. Another way is by creating multi site. If you have a multi-site, users can create subdomains within your site and use it as an independent site.

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You can do it through Wordpress now without having to get any extra plugins. I'm not extremely great with this topic but I did find this article for you. I had a quick read and it seems to answer almost every question you could possibly have about using Wordpress multi-site:

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If you looking to build something like article directory like ezinearticles you may need to search for "article directory theme" which is also another great way to engage more contributors and readers too

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It sounds like a really interesting idea but as users have pointed out security may be a problem. I don't see why it needs to be however, as long as you make sure that the site is properly protected and you have dotted all your i.s and crossed your t's as we like to say in this country.

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Wordpress is giving the users a great advantage over other platforms. This multi-user feature is like having your own customized website that you can do business in your site like the writing sites that I joined before where you submit an article and it gets published when approved. Maybe this versatility of Wordpress is what’s making it a favorite of users over Blogger.

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