Alexa Raking doesn't matter for google traffic nowadays. It may or may not help you to get traffic from google or other sites.Alexa Raking doesn't matter for google traffic nowadays. It may or may not help you to get traffic from google or other sites.
Alexa ranking does not matter when it comes to getting traffic from Google. Google has its own criteria of indexing and ranking websites. First criteria is the quality of content, second is the amount of content, then uniqueness and originality of contents. Google also consider domain age and site age when it ranks websites.
While alexa ranking represents the value of the site, it never affects Google. You get high alexa ranking based on the traffic and backlinking.Alexa ranking does not matter when it comes to getting traffic from Google. Google has its own criteria of indexing and ranking websites. First criteria is the quality of content, second is the amount of content, then uniqueness and originality of contents. Google also consider domain age and site age when it ranks websites.
While alexa ranking represents the value of the site, it never affects Google. You get high alexa ranking based on the traffic and backlinking.
In another discussion, I had read that Alexa ranking is just about the traffic of website. Google is number 1 in the Alexa list which means Google is getting the most traffic among all the websites. Now this question – how can the ranking in traffic help in getting more traffic? I think it has no relation to each other because the Alexa ranking is just a list and nothing more.In another discussion, I had read that Alexa ranking is just about the traffic of website. Google is number 1 in the Alexa list which means Google is getting the most traffic among all the websites. Now this question – how can the ranking in traffic help in getting more traffic? I think it has no relation to each other because the Alexa ranking is just a list and nothing more.
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