
What do you do when you encounter writer’s block?

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What do you do when you encounter writer’s block?

As a beginner in blogging, most often I encounter writer’s block. I have a list of topics that I want to write. Some of the topics I listed have already short content that I have written. I was excited as I begin putting my thoughts on a particular topic but after writing couple of sentences or paragraph, I’m stuck. I could hardly think the continuation of what I am writing. And if I force myself to continue writing, some of the thoughts do not give a clear and complete meaning. Inability to continue writing and coming up ideas that will enable to produce good content is what is called “Writer’s block”. As I research the internet how to overcome writer’s block, I found out that most writers, even successful writers, do encounter this problem. I have also learned some of the reasons why writers experiences writer’s block and in this discussion I will site some of them that could also be my
personal reason why I suffer this problem.

  • Fear of criticism – I have fear that my thoughts would be criticized by the readers. I fear about wrong grammar. I fear that my ideas are too shallow or confusing. I even fear of misusing words in my writings.

  • Lack of ideas – because of lack of ideas in a particular topic, I was not able to finish what I have started to write.

  • Not my passion – In blogging, to attract more readers, writing on the topic that you are not really passionate about could not be avoided.

  • Language barrier – I’m not a native English speaker that's why I encounter problems in using the appropriate words.

Those are only few of the reasons of writer’sblock that I believe is hindering me to create my blog regularly.

If you experienced or still experiencing writer’sblock as you create your blog, what are the solution that you recommend to
overcome it? Or what are your writing strategies to finish your blog faster?


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My advice for you, do not rush it.

Experiencing a writer's block is normal. There have been time when I had a great idea for an article and during writing, I just stuck. In fact, I get blank and I don't know the next letter to hit on my keyboard.

What do I do when I find myself in such situation? I take a break!

I simply put that article aside and move on to something else. Here's the secret to that. The ideas will come rushing through just the same way they came initially if you just relax. You can get inspired anytime.

It might take a while to get these ideas but it's worth the wait if you want your contents to be authentic.

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I appreciate you reminding us that this feeling is "normal". I tend to be pretty hard on myself when it comes to writer's block, so this kind of forum reminds us all that we are not alone in this experience. We all seem to agree that taking a break is the way to go. I also like to read people who inspire me in order to get revitalized in my thinking and feeling about writing. I like your reminder to us all that the idea will most likely come back if we just take the pressure off and shift our gears for a moment.

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Yeah, putting a lot of pressure on ourselves kills our productivity. It's always best to calm and strategize. Coordination is key.

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I was thinking after reading and re-reading these comments that this is a tough thing for freelancers and all writers who are on deadline. There are plenty of times when we do not feel like writing at all, but we must in order to finish a job or task that is expected of us. That being said, I know that I write better when I am in the mood or truly inspired, but I have to do a lot of writing that is not under those most ideal of circumstances in order to my jobs. So, that pressure you are talking about is sometimes necessary for the productivity, but that does not necessarily mean we are always writing with quality.

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Not able to finish a writing job for a client is what holds me back for trying to apply online. I’m worried that I might not be able to create a good content and the client would give a negative feedback which could affect my online reputation.

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I agree completely. Whenever I feel like I am forcing myself it seems like the ideas are evading me while if I am relaxed and just maybe focused on something else for a while then random thoughts move more freely in my mind and I am more able to be creative. The problem is, I guess, when you have to finish before a deadline and you have no choice, so this is why I try to finish my work days before so I can use a few days to look it over and edit.

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Am really pushing myself to write because when I stopped I could hardly be motivated again to finish what I have started that's why I have so many unfinished writings. And I really suffer from pushing hard myself.

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Whenever I encounter writer's block, I try shutting down and closing my laptop at the moment. I always see writing as one of the most challenging jobs you can ever find online and getting a profitable one is not even easy to come by. Sometimes, you would want to consider grammatical effectiveness, relevance, and many other parameters that Google and other search engines would check in ranking all the pages of your website.

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Writer's block occurs all the time even to the most passionate writer.But there's always a way out.I do the following

I take a walk to refresh myself
Take a break to ease stress
Go for leisure
play games or do some sport
Shut out totally from Reading and writing to do that later.

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Good idea, when I am stressed out or lack of the mood to write, I stop. No point forcing myself into doing it. So, I eat a lot, I could gobble up a turkey if I want to! Then watch movies and prayers. Then, I could get some ideas what to write later.

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I think that the best thing to do if you encounter writer's block is to just take a break and do something else that helps to take your mind off writing. The most common cause of writer's block is just working too hard and your brain is just too tired. If you can just get some fresh air then it may help you to get rid of writer's block. It's also good for your health because it's not good to just always sit down in one place.

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Take time to relax is always the best way out (basically doing something to get us out of the front of the laptop): but the question would be, how to do it?

I'm questioning this because for some people the meaning of relaxing can mean very different things, haha.

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Getting out of the front of the laptop is the first thing I do, haha (because forcing some idea to just fulfill some obligation is always a bad option).

What I always do to solve this problem is to put my favorite hobbies in practice: watch some movie (preferably at the movie theater), go to the beach or listen to music.

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I have answered a similar forum about this in the past, and through experience since the last time I posted about this topic, I can say that my answer is still the same--it always helps me to just back away from the keyboard, stop putting pressure on the act of writing, and then just get out for a walk. Of course, winter is coming to where I reside, so this might start to be a bit more difficult depending on the severity of the weather, but a good long walk always seems to, for me anyway, to get my creative juices flowing again. I think that, as writers, we really need to remember to get away from our projects sometimes in order to get perspective and objectivity on them, and plus, walking is very healthy for you, and so it is a win-win situation. I agree with wiseagent's statement above me here--get away from that computer screen for a minute if you can!

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These days I am making use of the social media argument. When you get into argument it tempts you to write a lot. When I have that urge to write a lot. I just write the story instead. And that helps with the writers block. You can see that most of the time this helps with the writers block. And it can solve most of the writers block issues. And it can take you on most of the things properly sorted as well. I am not sure how and what else needs proper changing.

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It really helps a lot to engage different people in social media because you could learn different ideas. Just like this forum, I’m learning a lot and I’m acquiring more ideas that I could write and share to other people that are also new in blogging.

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I am on a website named steemit. And there are lot of writers who are into writing. And they seem to be doing a lot of writing. You can write and get paid in terms of blockchain over there. I guess that is what getting me out of the bitcoin. So such issues need to be handled as well. That's for sure these days.

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I also signed up on steemit a month ago but haven't posted anything yet. Don't have an idea yet what topic I should write to get upvotes. I could see many bloggers there who earned $200+ for every post the made. It is really a good community because you'll get paid big money for your posts. Have you got paid already for your posts in steemit?

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This is an interesting approach, but you obviously have a better control over your temper than I do, lol. I tend to get frustrated with religious and political arguments on social media and some of the reactionary and under-educated things that are said there. That being said, though, I can see how this might get the ol' writing juices flowing, so if it works for you, that's awesome! Argument does make you learn, hopefully, how to use critical thinking to prove your points.

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I don't really ever suffer from writer's block. My problem is typically motivation. Sometimes I sit here staring at the screen and just can't get myself to start typing.

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Wow! This is weird though. I'm wondering why you'd be sitting in front of your screen to start typing when you weren't motivated in the first place. Is what you do pleasurable or is somewhat like a chore?

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No, it is not a chore at all. Once I start writing, it is easy to get into the zone and I will work for hours without even thinking about taking a break. I have no way of explaining my initial lack of motivation. However, the same issue exists with other things, like going to the gym. It is hard for me to go, but once I start working out, I have no problem. By the end of my workout, I am kicking myself for not wanting to get started.

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I have the same problem sometimes. I can literally waste hours on end sometimes just staring at my screen or just doing some useless things on the internet because I just cannot be motivated to do something.

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It is weird, right? I literally have a long list of projects and writing ideas, but there are times when I just can't get myself moving. When the end of the day rolls around, I'm mad at myself for wasting so much time on nothing.

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I also experienced that in my past projects in programming, I would just let the days pass by doing nothing and just become motivated to start working when the due is very near.

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Writing a good content becomes easier and faster when you have been writing for so many years. The ideas are just keep on popping out from your brain and you have a good flow in writing. There are really much to read and learn for me to reach the level of your skill in writing.

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When or If I encounter a writer's block I go away from my laptop and relax a little. Sometimes I will start reading a book and things will come to me I often make notes as this helps. Soon as I go back to the laptop I can start writing again. Also listening to music can be relaxing and inspiration just comes.

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I do get the writer's block every now and then. Whenever this happens I take a break. I normally go outside for a walk or I listen to some meditating music. Meditating music really helps. They make me feel more relaxed and re-energized. I also feel more motivated. The good thing is that nowadays there are so many meditating pieces of music available for free online.

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I guess there is a common theme. Everyone takes a break. And that helps out with the writers block. You can see that people who are taking the writers block. It'd be reasonable to understand that some of the time we just have to write to get out of it. I guess also the financial constrains force us to write some of the time. So that's also possible.

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A writer should never allow themselves to get into a contract where they're writing about a topic they are 'cool' on or couldn't care less about - or even despise. I would understand if it's a cautionary piece, warning people of future danger. But if someone asks you to pen an article about car engines and you aren't passionate about such a writing assignment, just tell the buyer it's not in your topic niche, you hope they understand - and move on.

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I experience writer's block when I am forcing myself to come up with something. Often when I'm relaxed or concentrating on something else, I come up with ideas much faster and easier. Whenever I feel like I am forcing myself too much, I'll do something else like watch TV or go for a drive, so that way I can have my brain focus on something else and not feel like I am forcing myself to come up with something, and usually while I am focusing on those other tasks, ideas come up fairly quickly.

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Ah, that's completely true. Forcing yourself is usually really bad because the best content we produce tends to come completely randomly and spontaneously.

Forcing also means putting a ton of pressure on you and not everybody operates well under those circumstances. So just trying to relax and let your brain flow is far better.

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Yeah, maybe for some people the pressure actually helps, but I think in general, most people will find a lot more creativity when their minds are relaxed. I have heard many people speak of this and I have actually gotten great advice on how to get over these road blocks because of it. I heard a songwriter say that she goes out for a drive if she wants to write and I do the same now because when I'm focused on driving and not hitting anything, my mind isn't being stressed about writing something, and that's usually when the ideas come. I just make sure I write those ideas down once I park.

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Well, it's completely natural to experience the so-called writer's block every once in a while. Especially if you write every single day and produce a lot of new content. It is just bound to happen due to several different factors such as getting burned out, running out of unique ideas and more.

I had to deal with it before. What worked the best for me was to simply take a break from writing - that will allow you to clear your mind. Make sure to focus on other things for a day or two. But do note that we all work differently and what worked for me might not work for everybody What do you do when you encounter writer’s block?

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What we tend to forget is that writing is a creative process.Like every creative process, its success is built on inspiration.It's common to hear stories about authors that can't write because of writer's block or artists that can't draw or paint because of lack of inspiration.

It's a bit hard to get writer's block when you have committed to writing a blog piece or an article in a few hours and when writing that piece is the difference between you earning for that day and paying your bills. When I have no ideas for my content, I simply go to a different environment to get my writing done. I have found going to a park or a restaurant or a cafe is very inspiring and get's my creative juices flowing.

@Tronia you're also right.Taking a break is the best way of dealing with writer's block. We tend to forget that our brains are not machines and they benefit from rest.

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Typically, when I encounter writer's block, I find the key to unblocking it is simply to relax. It can be a bit difficult sometimes, but you have to keep reminding yourself that stressing about something and maintaining a negative outlook, no matter how mild it may seem, is not conducive to creativity.

I know it is easier said than done, especially when you have deadlines to meet, but there are certain methods of keeping your mind in control.

In my personal experience, I've found that meditating does wonders for curing writer's block. Typically, if I catch myself stressing out about being low on creative ideas, I find that my mind feels "closed." I then sit down for a session of meditation, relax my mind, and when I come out of it I find that my mind feels much more "open" and "spacey", allowing room for creative ideas to flow as well.

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Thanks to your post I have understood the meaning of writer's block fully. I have also encountered this problem many times. Lack of ideas and fearing criticism are my main reasons. I have learned that not everyone will like what you write and critics will always be there. About the ideas, I have found posts on seoclerks that explain many ways on how to generate ideas.

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Yup no matter how good your content was, there are readers that will still oppose to your thoughts because every person have different point of view. But criticism will just make us better if we take it positively and use it as a driving force to strive more and improve ourselves.

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a simple meditation will work. Or just watch something- a funny movie or read a good book also works well. Or just close the door, and be with your self. That will help you a lot. Just take a break and chill!!

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Agreed. Writer's block is basically just your mind taking awhile to catch up with your desire to write. You have the inspiration to write - but your brain just needs a few more minutes or an hour to fire up into 'idea mode.'

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basically that was the idea!
Just Re-boot your brain, and you will get more from it..
Marry Christmas.

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A writer’s block is a condition that you are experiencing mental fatigue maybe from doing too much work on the computer. It is not an easy chore to write because you are giving your mind an exercise that when it gets tired then it will simply leave you with a blank stare that you cannot think of anything more to write. Stand up, get away from the location and do some other things for 5 to 10 minutes. That will refresh your mind

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