
What motivates you to work as a Freelancer?

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What motivates you to work as a Freelancer?

From the time you decided to work as a freelancer - whether full-time or just alternate days - did you have any major motivation for that? What was the point that led you to this? Did you make the decision on your own or get inspired by something or someone?

If you are part of this world... Is it worth it to you?


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I earn more as a freelancer and this is the main reason which pushed me to start working as one. Moreover, as a freelancer, I get to do different types of work. This eliminates boredom. There is also flexibility associated with freelancing. I decide when I want to start working and when to stop. If you have good time management and organizational skills then you will for sure succeed as a freelancer.

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This is very true. When you are employed, you are pretty much stuck just doing the same thing over and over again, whereas if you are working from home as a freelancer, you could decide the next day that you want to do something else and it wouldn't really take all that much to achieve it. This really is one of the big benefits to just working freelance.

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I like the flexibility of being able to work when I want, and do the type of work I want. Of course, you may not always have your pick of projects but if you work for yourself, you may be able to do what you like to do.

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I like that line where you said time management and organizational skill that will make one succeed as a freelancer. It is very encouraging not only to the newcomers but also to the oldtimers like me who are not earning so much. This makes me realize that I have to venture in some other kind of work as a freelancer in order to earn more. Freelancing will replace my livelihood when I retire from my office job in a few years.

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This is a good question--is it worth it? There are some days when I do pretty well and I am pretty happy with the financial results in that way. There are other days when I do not make much money, but i might be very proud of the posts I have made or the things which I have learned by frequenting forums and networking. My motivation, at first, I must admit, was just basic curiosity; however, I soon became somewhat addicted to posting and to participating in online communities and discussions, so I kept on coming back. I have not made a ton of money, but the supplemental income I ma making most definitely helps with my daily expenses and pocket change. That being said, the point is that I totally enjoy freelancing, blogging, and posting, so it's does not always feel just like work for me.

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The world of freelancers is always a daily balance, isn't it? Is it Worth it or is it not worth continuing? Well... I think above the question of how financially feasible this can be, the pleasure in doing has always to come first.

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I will say the urge to get busy.I just left my 9-5 job because of my growing family and I used to feel bored sometimes.So I checked up online to see what I can do to get me busy and I came across some writing jobs and I enjoy doing it.So here I am today making money off it.

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It's a very interesting way to get into that environment (having more work is something that many people, even if bored, would probably refuse... haha).

How have you been so far? More good things or regrets?

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I think my current focus is being independent with the freelancing income. And that should give me some level of the income and the saving. That should keep me going for few more years. And that's something I am trying to do with it these days. I wish to increase my daily income. And I want to reach the phase where I don't have to worry about the earning. So that's the phase I wish to reach soon enough. I guess that is something many freelancers are aiming for.

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What motivates you to work as a freelancer is the thought of working for other people. I have had too many bosses who were morons. Technically, I still work for other people. But, it is a completely different dynamic.

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I understood what you meant and I agree with you: The dynamics may be similar (you end up having to work for other "bosses"... something that can't be avoided unless you have your own business), but it's a completely different situation (in a better way).

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Well I have many skills so I figured might as well put them to use. Instead of letting them get rusty or out of practice. I have skills I don't use or that don't fit the template of my day job. So as a freelancer, I can use them and profit at the same time.

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Having skills is one basic quality of a freelancer and it's great that you're putting them into use. I believe that it's good you put them into use at the end.

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I'm just motivated by the fact I don't have to sit in the car and waste my life away for hours each day everyday. Whenever I think of my family members and friends living life that way, I often ask myself if I would choose that if I were promised better pay for doing it. I think I would rather just have my free time though as I have spent a lot of my young life riding hours in school buses and that experience has made me stay away from daily travel especially now that it's possible.

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I think daily commute is definitely draining. And not something people would want to do forever. Most of the people get tired and start their own business for the same reason. I have done a lot of efforts to minimize those daily commute. And people who are working hard on this type of the stuff it'd be reasonable to work along with the freelancer and learn the skills from them.

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There are a lot of factors that motivates me to become a Freelancer, one of these is wanting an extra income due to very low earnings in my current job. I want to find a job where I can make extra income to support my daily needs and to help my family. Another thing is due to many superiors that we follows in my current work. I want some work which is I'm free to do on my own , I am the boss that I can do a task anytime and anywhere I want. We cannot deny the fact that having an extra job which is a Freelancer is already a big help and one of the popular job in our country. Becoming a Freelancer needs patience and dedication. It is considered now as one of the in demand job worldwide due to ts flexibility and reliability in the field of industry.

I would surely support and recommend this type of job because of its benefits and the complexity of the work to be done. Becoming a Freelancer is pleasure and a gift since not all are given a chance to become a Freelancer or not all of us want to be a Freelancer. I really love this job more that anything else.

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I was motivated by extra income as well in the sense that I had a monthly paying job, but needs the opportunity to be earning to augment what I make from working on the internet. That's where freelancing came into play.

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Freelancing is worth it. Good payment is motivating since it is currently my own source of income. Freelancing is flexible since I can choose to work on my own schedule. I also love writing and so I never see it as another difficult task. Freelancing helps me improve my writing skills and be able to write better. I am now looking forward to write a book.

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Planning your schedule is one key element of freelancing in the sense that you can decide when to work and when not to work.

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Yes it's worth every time you spend on it. As long as you get a good client, you are going to benefit from that experience. But for all this to properly convert. You have to work harder. And that seems to be taking time for many people.

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The chance to control my own destiny. With freelancing, you can set your own hours and earn money without some of the compromises that you have to make when you're in employment. In freelancing the potential for earning is unlimited. You earn according to the effort that you are willing to put in.You can earn from multiple sources, some of which are passive. E.g blogging, affiliate marketing, transcription, translation, and writing.

Has freelancing been worth it? I have only been doing this for a few months so I can't strictly answer that question. In the few months I have earned a bit of money. I aim to earn more by developing my skills further, there is hope!

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I agree with you that as a freelancer, the earning is not fixed unlike what we have with the paid employment where you already know what you will earn at the end of every month.

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What motivate me to work as freelancer is really freedom on many things. Work when i feel like working. Mostly it's long long hours, but i enjoying it. Enjoying that i can do what i like to work and not what i was said to work. Earning as much efforts i invest etc...

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The joy that comes with freelancing is one that is hard to get with any other type of work in the sense that you get to do what you like while you earn on it.

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I like to be a freelancer because it really gives me a kind of training to become an expert in writing website contents. Freelance helps a lot in getting used to writing and content is king as far as getting your website search engine optimized is concerned. I did freelancing for more than ten years and created my own website after this whole period.

As a website owner, you must consistently provide contents to your website in order to rank high in google and other search engines. Search engines love keyword rich contents and you can start making these to your website in order to succeed online. Your online success lies in these.

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It is true that becoming a freelancer can afford one the chance to master the art of making contents. However, we need to ensure we improve on a daily basis to avoid being left behind.

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My goals keep me motivated as a freelancer/entrepreneur. My goal right now is to use what I earn from freelancing to cover my monthly expenses so I can have my business income untouched. I plan to use the income I earn from my business for a fine dining in a Japanese restaurant here. I want it for a celebration this coming Christmas. I will also use it to buy my family Christmas gifts. Lastly, I want to give myself a treat. I will shop for the clothes I really love. Freelancing is my way of earning extra income so I can have my business income untouched and do all of these goals. This keeps me motivated and very excited!

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Such an amazing goal of using what you earn from freelancing to cover the cost of what you spend on a monthly basis. That's a good way to stay ahead in the business you decide to do.

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I would be retiring from my full time office job in a few years time and it is scary to think that I would be idle. Having no occupation is new to me and I don’t think enjoying the free time will not last long as I had seen in colleagues who had retired. They needed occupation otherwise they get so bored in their life. Freelancing is one good occupation. Even if the earnings is not that substantial, as long as I enjoy my work then it’s fine. Right now I am comfortable in providing content for forums so the earnings doesn’t matter much.

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It's great to read about your plans for the future. Freelancing just needs one to be able to cope and not being afraid whether the work will be there for us or not as long as we are available.

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OK. To be completely honest. The first best motivation is

But to be frank with you, I don't think any motivation is quiet needed to do something you really love. Am a writer and I work on a lot of freelance writing sites. Writting is something i've always and will always love doing. I don't think I need much motivation to get it going anytime am working on a site in line with writing.

Aside s all said above, my main personal motivation when it comes to writing is thoughts and experiences. I like to write from my past experiences, that way I go really deep and have a lot to say.

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Money motivates everyone and they'd be lying if they said the opposite. But it shouldn't be your only, sole motivation. That's where people get tripped up.

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I agree with you@judas 2018. You can have all the money in the world and still be miserable. The best motivation for anything is purpose. Freelancing doesn't necessarily have to be your purpose but you can use it to pay your bills and make investments that will help you achieve your purpose. With the money mentality you will not make it as a freelancer, because freelancing is tedious and hard and you need a reason for you to keep on trying, especially when you fail.

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I am still studying and earning through freelancing has helped me be more independent with my finances and have something extra to spend for myself each month, without relying on my parents' help. It also provides me an avenue for my thoughts and I have a platform to share my articles easily and freely.

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Glad to hear that. At young age you re able to find job and make money. Freelancing is a good choice. You have your own time and no bosses will pressure you.

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Well actually my time is just limited, because of my work, I'm not yet consider my self as freelancer although I'm doing some things as the freelancers do. But some stories from different forum motivate me to keep going during my free time. They earn a lot by doing this or working in their favorite spot in their home.

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I am not a freelancer yet, but based on some other people say... freelancing is a good profitable work. That is why when I already finish my studies, I'll try to be a freelancer first using my skills from what I am graduated to. I will test which is good for me to earn more money, to improve my skill, and to manage my time efficiently. This might not answer the topic but I am really interested to be freelancer and I'm looking forward to what will be my motivation as a freelancer when I choose this path in the future.

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I love the fact that i manage my time and do what i think is applicable for my skills. Freelancing has its advantages, the most significant one for me is the freedom to decide, strategist, and work when you like.

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I can do what I really wanted to do unlike my regular job. It's not that I hate my job. I've been working in my company for 10 years now because there's work-life balance. But I have passion for writing that I want to enhance further. I'm fully aware that I will not earn that easily. It takes time. I'm considering to work home based in the future. So I want to know the ins and outs of freelancing.

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What's good to be a freelancers is I own my time, I am my boss and I can work whenever I want. It's a lot more fun working as a freelancer. I can earn more also and that's one thing I like the most. Maybe this kind of job really suit me.

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What motivates me to work as a freelancer are the needs of my family. We have a lot of needs. We have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly needs. I also have my personal needs. The world too has bigger needs.

For my family needs, I need to pay for the schooling of my two daughters. My eldest for example needs to pay 35,000 pesos in one semester alone. How about her food and transportation needs? That is just for my one daughter. How about the other one?

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One of my motivations in being a Freelancer is not having any time constraints. I can do my work anytime and anywhere I like it. So I get to enjoy a very low stress factor and less stress always motivates me.

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